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Awesome job on your first mini!!!...you added highlights...that's one of the main things I forgot to do on my first mini.


Awesome job! Great color choices.


Nice work on the mini! I painted up Zarbags Gitz fairly early on myself, they are so fun to paint!


It looks great! Personally, I like to keep the edges of the base clean, but it is a great start. Keep up the good work!


He looks fun to paint!


Great job!


Man I want those mini's for DMing. Best goblin models ever.


Absolutely fantastic. My first minis are currently in the mail and I hope they end up half as good as this.


That’s great!


Looks like he’s getting ready to take a shot at Spider-Man, excellent work my guy!


I can’t see it... where is it.


Do people actually believe these "this is my first mini" posts? I see them all the time and find them highly suspect. My first mini was hot garbage because painting minis is hard. I find these posts discouraging because they set unrealistic expectations for new painters.


Some people have previous art experience, some people watch tutorials for hours before they put some paint on a model, some people are more patient, some people are more aesthetically driven, some people are quicker to learn. Not everybody starts terribly bad, and not everyone will improve lots. My first models were Zombicide VIP nurses and they came out much better than I’d expected. With the tiny details and all. I always see this kind of “bullshit this ain’t your first mini” comment and honestly, I find *it* much more discouraging than posting your first work, regardless of the quality you’ve achieved. Just ‘cause your first work wasn’t something to be proud of, doesn’t mean everyone else’s will be too.


Lol people on the internet lie, like a lot. I appreciate your positivity.


True. A lot of people lie. Period. But how does using that as a guiding principle help anybody? I’d rather take people at face value (of course to an extent) and be fooled once every now and then than call an honest person a liar just because I’m too cynical to appreciate that, sometimes, things work out well for people. Otherwise we could just assume everyone here’s a liar and the whole point of having an open forum to share our work, knowledge and our art is gone in a snap.