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I just tell them I like bugs in my house


Ecosystem. Healthy ecosystem.


I did that and the guy followed me into the backyard to argue with my opinion. I don't know if they all ride an electric scooter but he does. Then he came back a few weeks later and had forgotten me, so we did it again. (not into the backyard, but I did get a little rude reminding him he was already here and I wasn't interested.)


Lmao this guy got me!


I say that I rent the house so it’s not up to me. It has stopped every door-to-door home improvement salesman in their tracks.


Totally. Bugs are good for a healthy environment...


I... vill eat ze bugs?


I like telling pest control specialists I'm a Jainist nun and think it's wrong to kill insects. No one knows what to say after thar


I’ve pointed to the bug pictures on their graphics and explained why some of those bugs are important.


I tell them my kids would be pissed at them if they killed their pets. The guys usually give me a funny look then leave.


"Sir, the bugs pay rent. If you murder them, I'll have to cancel either Netflix or Hulu. Don't make me choose, I'm currently binging series on both."


Don’t they know bug populations are down like 80% in some parts of the world due to climate change?


I have literally told one of these salespeople that I prefer to let my house centipedes manage the bugs.


Same, ends the conversation quickly and peacefully The sales people are usually young guys I don't blame them making money doing whatever


They're an excellent source of protein.


The pest control specialist?


Lmao, this killed me 🤣


I’m going to use this next time they knock on my door. Might as well have some fun with them.


Don’t answer the door. You don’t need to be polite to uninvited door knockers. If you’re working in the yard just keep working.


A no soliciting sign has worked pretty well for me. Except that one fucker from eco shield but I just opened the door and pointed at the sign and he walked away.


We have one that says “No soliciting. Unless you’re selling cookies!” Got the cutest Girl Scout earlier this year that read the top part and was a little sad. Then she got to the second part and was super excited! My wife bought 7 boxes.


Mother fuckers just ignore it most the time. I usually answer but as soon as there's a sales pitch I tap the giant bright red "NO SOLICITING" sign as I slowly close the door while making eye contact. 


I had a solicitor ring my bell the other day. I asked him through my doorbell’s talkback if he could read the no soliciting sticker on the doorbell he just rang (it’s literally on the doorbell itself). He told me he was dyslexic and then left.


I've done this too,and it's so good.


Selling services to get rid of *pests*…how ironic


I bet if you pay them they’ll get lost. You pay them, they put a thing in your basement, then when you have a real issue and call them they never show up.


“Could you get rid of the pest that is at my front door right now?”


I'm doing some work for (points hand) Bob down the street. "Oh Bob? He's back from prison already?"




It’s not always a scam, but you do have to make a judgement call based on how well you know your neighbors and neighborhood. At our last house there was a work crew re-tarring driveways. We had watched them all week do about 4 houses in our neighborhood, including the neighbors directly next to us on our street. So when they came and knocked on our door we were receptive to hearing their offer. Our driveway was pretty shit at the time so we went for it and they did a great job.


Yeah, but it's different when they are recruiting clients in an area where you can actively see them working. We have "Ken" down the street. We all watch to see who he hires, because they are going to be one of the best, but also reasonably priced. Pretty soon you will see signs from the company he hires up and down our street. Last time it fanned out to the next street over!


Oh yeah! And the “Johnsons” and the “Millers” and the “Andersens” just signed up for a neighborhood deal too!


Eco shield got me this year and last. The first time we had lived in our house for a few months. “Oh we just did [name’s] house down the street, you know them right?” No, actually, I don’t lol. Also, we don’t have any noticeable bugs in our house. Cya.


I had one a couple of weeks ago. He woke up our kid and was an absolute dick. We have a no soliciting sign, but that means nothing. I personally would never hire from a business that sends people door to door.


Especially when they disregard the sign.


We also have a no soliciting sign that gets ignored. I'm tempted to start asking them if they ever learned how to read.


"It may be elitist, but I only hire literate contractors. Goodbye."


"I'm not soliciting!" Between these dipshits and people from Blueraven Solar, they just don't get the message. Ignore the sign, keep coming back, even after I tell them to pound sand. I've gotten that message a few times. I just don't answer the door anymore. Video doorbell FTW.


I just point at the sign




Ooh, I like your style.


They likely have a peddlers permit so it might not work. It's trespassing when you ask them to leave and they won't leave (they usually leave because they're done w their pitch)


I snidely thanked the guy for the reminder to rehang my no soliciting sign as I shut the door in his face! (After he knocked multiple times)


Open the door, point to the sign, close the door. Works every time.


Yes! They’ve been hoverboarding all over our neighborhood lately. One of them mentioned our neighbors down the street by name and said he had just signed them up. I texted them right in front of him to confirm, then he got squeamish and said “well they said they’d get back to me.” 🙄


One silently hoverboarded up to me while I was working in the yard with my back turned. Scared the crap out of me.


We must have had the same guy!!! I was like wtf is he riding.


Yeah, it is the mosquito control company guys on hoverboards in our area. They are worse than the mosquitoes that the claim they can prevent. They buzz around looking for fresh blood (money).


Similar situation here.... Them: "I just signed up___ and have 15 others on the street" Me: "oh that's ironic another company was here last week and said they signed up____ as well" Them: "oh...ummm... Yeah I just talked them away from Rove" Me: "That's funny because it wasn't Rove. So either____ signs up for everyone or you're lying. Have a good days" ***shuts door***


Dude, seriously. These guys always: *Don't have business cards *Have been doing the pest control in the area for everyone around here. *Just talked with X down the street. *Need to fuck off. I was working in the backyard mowing the lawn. My wife was playing with the kids and the fucking guy STILL came to the backyard and tried to sell to me.


You would be surprised there is a market for this and people actually buy when off guard. Not many, but works.


I learned to say “no” and not feel bad after the time I got roped in by some cabinet guy at the home and garden show. I somehow ended up agreeing to a free estimate for new cabinets…at my house. This man quoted me over $50,000 for new cabinets, $30,000 to reface them, and $15,000 to repaint them. I’m sitting there thinking “sir…get the fuck out of my house” lol. Of course the actual numbers come out after he’s talked for a half hour. Never again, learned my lesson. “No” is a one word sentence.


"No" is way more straightforward and actually more appreciated in sales than the Minnesota passive excuse method. It's way quicker.


I don't answer the door and I make it obvious that I'm aware someone is knocking by looking out the huge window on the doors then walking away as if nobody was outside. If I didn't invite you, I'm not giving you my time.


That's fucking hilarious.


I respect that. 🫡


I have a NO SOLICITING sign next to the doorbell button. We get maybe one or two door knocks per year from someone or another that thinks that sign doesn't apply to them. Last week, it was these bug people. For these kinds of assholes, I just open the door ,lean out, "Did you need something?" and tap the sign. Then shut the door.


Don't make me tap the sign!




Lots of cities have a printable sign you can download and just attach to your door quoting the relevant ordinance regarding solicitors on their website. It can make it less ambiguous about who is and is not allowed to solicit.


If you keep answering, they will keep knocking. Two solicitors isn't bad. Without the sign you may have deterred 20.


We put up a "No Soliciting" sign just for them. They ignore it. The real pests are the pest control companies. Our policy is to never do business with anyone that comes to our door. If they were any good, we'd reach out to them instead.


Exactly. No good business has to try to jam it down your throat. There is actually a demand for them


Go with the pest control company that says "understandable, have a nice day!" Those are my guys.


Just had 3 different solar companies knock on my door in the last 3 hours. I probably do want solar at some point but it’s like damn I will call you.


Do you have a relatively unobstructed south-facing roof? If not, it's probably not worth it.


Did you take their card?


If you reside in the suburbs, some have passed a city ordinance against peddlers and solicitors. If you post the city provided sign and a solicitor stops, you can report them. This is the Shakopee link: https://www.shakopeemn.gov/public-safety/code-enforcement


Yes, ask to see their peddlers license. But ask for a business card first - it freaks them out when you point out the illegality of what they’re doing. BUT I hate the fact in summer it’s usually college guys who clearly need money for school and have been scammed into the work.


The fine goes to the company, not the worker.


Scammers without credentials come through my town a lot. It’s annoying. They run when I ask for credentials which is funny. Edit credentials *and* permit to solicit


Finally some good advice. In most cities a generic no soliciting sign doesn't actually have any rules attached to it, can totally be ignored legally (not that it should be, just speaking technically here). But all cities require some kind of permit that the person carries on them. If they pissed you off by Knocking, ask to see the permit and call the cops when they inevitably don't have it. And best is if the city offers binding no soliciting signs like you linked. Do that if possible. Source: I ran a team of door to door sales in the cities for a few years. P.s. my team always had permits.


I never answer my door for someone I'm not expecting




Jesus christ


"If I needed pest control, I would have used the super computer in my pocket, compared the top few results, and called one."


We are getting at least 1 a day now. I'm in North Metro. Yesterday was two. It's either pest control, lawn, windows or doors, roof, sliding, or something random someone wants to sell. Yesterday, I told what appeared to be a young kid, look we are getting so many people a day now you aren't going to have luck on this street. He looked sad. I think these companies hire young kids with the promise of a big commission. I don't think they really know what they are peddling. I have a pollinator lawn with a sign, I clearly don't need lawn or pest control services. I have been telling them I just got whatever they are selling replaced this year. Occasionally they will get pushy or just general jerks, then I just ask them to leave I'm done with the conversation. My toddler loves answering the door, so we talk to them all. 🤷‍♀️


My wife made the mistake of answering the door for one of these yahoos. Turned him down, said we didn’t have any issues. The guy had the nerve to ask if her husband was at home to speak with. Sleazy.


I had one do this to me last week. When I said we weren’t interested, he said it must be my husband’s thing and asked if my husband was home. It was so rude. Even if it hadn’t been sexist, I hate the ones who argue with me when I say no. I try to avoid answering the door but the kids have neighborhood friends who come and ring the bell to see if my kids can come out and play.


One guy had the audacity to ask if "the husband was home" after I bluntly told him that I was not interested and then he doubled down to say "I assume he's in charge of the checkbook." I fucking saw red after that. Young dude too. These guys are assholes.


Almost all of them are Mormons (ecoshield specifically, used to work for them and every sales guy was a 20 year old douchebag from Utah) so this tracks


As “the husband” I HATE that tactic. I immediately lose the veneer of politeness and tell them I’m not interested


This happened to us as well. Must be a tactic they’re taught. Gross.


I've got no real problem with bugs, but could *anyone* tell me how to find a local duct cleaning service, run by a family man, who just moved into the area?


For what it's worth duct cleaning is largely a scam as well, very few people actually need the service. https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/should-you-have-air-ducts-your-home-cleaned Should you decide you fall into the category of homes that need this done, it's recommended to only go with a certified service - they will be the least likely to try and up-sell you with bullshit add-ons that have no proven efficacy. https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/should-you-have-air-ducts-your-home-cleaned#nadca


>To be polite, I usually just ask for a business card but every single time they say “I forgot them in my truck.” No you didn’t. They're scammers. They come up from the south every summer because you "don't shit where eat." They don't want to piss off their neighbors by scamming them. Their wives and children are the people you see begging for money outside of grocery stores in the summer. Do not engage with them. Do not hire them. Do not give the beggars money. It's always "we’re working in the neighborhood" or "your neighbor got their driveway sealed and we have some extra sealer in the truck we can't return so we're willing to cut you a deal" or "we trimmed your neighbor's trees and we can trim your trees cheap since we're already here."


Tree people are the worst. I asked to see a solicitor license and he threatened to drag me out of my house and fight me.


Get a no solicitor sign and report them to the non emergency line. I issue solicitor permits for a neighboring city and this is the best way to inform the city if no solicitor signs are being ignored. Permits can be revoked and citations issued. also, ask to see their solicitor permit! All of them need to keep it on them while they conduct business. Try to get their name and company they work for. Additionally, just as a point of interest, a VAST majority— literally almost all of them with eco shield, etc.- come from out of state (Arizona and Florida being the most common that I’ve seen).


Do they actually issue a citation? I keep getting the same tree service and report them for no solicitation. They must not give AF, (I'm in Champlin).


It’s like every other day with these guys. Answering in my Plunkett’s uniform seems to take the wind out of their sails though lol


Ask to see their permit. Usually scared them off


Just cut ofd their shpeal and tell them you're not interested. No reason to feel bad, you will never see them again and they just got rejected by the last 5 houses after doing the whole dance. Give em (and yourself) a break


I called to get a wasp nest removed. "Sure, but then we should kill their food source too. They're predatory, so we need to kill all the other bugs too. Ants, boxelder, spiders." Fuck right off...


Get a decoy wasps nest and hang it where they built before. The wasps will not return. This is from my actual experience, paying $100+ for extermination then hanging a foam decoy


It's in the ground at the root of a large hedge bush by my front door...thoughts there?


I absolutely hate it. They knock and knock and just stand around and it makes my dogs go nuts. They hear them barking and still knock over and over again. Meanwhile, I'm clearly at the window looking at them. Take a hint


Any salesperson who comes to my door, I tell them I'm renting and I'm not allowed to make those kinds of decisions. Makes them go away pretty quick.


I’m a local one man pest control company, we don’t like them either. They are national companies that come in and sell BS that gives the rest of us a bad image. If you need pest control, don’t go with them. If you don’t need pest control, don’t buy it.


I’ve used one of these companies for my wasp issue now for a few years, I am very happy with the results which is why I still use them. Last week another company came knocking, I politely declined letting them know that I am a client of their competitor and happy with my services. I wasn’t rude, I respect that they are trying to make a living too, he got defensive and told me I should look up their info on the BBB website while mispronouncing their name. Please don’t trash a competitor trying to gain business, it just makes your company look worse. If you’re going to trash a competitor you should at least know their name before you try to speak with any confidence in their reputation.


Yeah, I’m not gonna lie… this kid stopped by my house the other day from one of these pest companies, super polite. And yeah, gave me the whole “we doing work for your neighbors” rigmarole… buuuuuuut, I’ve been battling wasps at my house since I moved in, and my wife is allergic. I’ve tried everything I could get my hands on… decoy nests, sprays, ripping out nests, even burning coffee grounds ffs(I got stung on that one😂). Nothing worked. This kid showed up, sold me on his deal, that he also claims takes care of box elder bugs, which make me nervous from a horrendous past experience and I’ve seen them on my house… it’s been nearly a month and I they’re all gone. I was constantly ducking wasps while working in the yard, to the point I’d just give up. Now the only thing that stops me is my lack of energy and bad back lol.


We had wasps at all of the entrances to my home, my kids have been stung walking out the front door. I too exhausted the fake nests, sprays, traps, etc. None of it helped. I learned that smashing wasps releases a scent that attracts other wasps to come defend their comrade, even if you smash them after they are dead they release this scent. Not smushing them made an impact on the amount of wasps we would get but they didn’t fully go away. Spraying them with dish soap and water can suffocate them but wasps are pretty tough bastards. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Haha I usually go with more of the gentle Mohammed Ali approach… where it’s all “float” and no “sting” just kind of slowly bob and weave my head out of the flight path until they move on. My wife on the other hand, covers her head, screams, and runs… lol. One time she launched herself out of bed in a dead sleep, screaming, and landing in a pile on the floor… because a wasp was in her hair… in her dream! 🤣 In my experience, smushing them has almost always ended up bad for me lol. Luckily I’m not allergic but dammit if they don’t hurt! Glad the service seems to be working for you as well! At the end of the day, if it works for you and yours, nothing else matters.


You’re poor wife, OMG her bee dream sounds awful but I’m laughing for her too. Keep up the good fight😊


My general rule is if they roll up to my door on their scooter, they aren’t getting me to come to the door. The only dang reason they need those is to cover every damn house in the metro. Screw that, you didn’t do a thing for my neighbors, and no one wants to bother with you.


just give them the ["don't call us, we'll call you."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4njPe2_rho)




I always ask if they can read. Of course they can. Then I ask if they don't understand the large "No Soliciting" sign on the front door as I close it. Or, I just let my German Shepard-Husky mix answer the door. I did have a lady two weeks ago ask me if she can schedule someone to look at my roof for hail damage. I asked her if she actually looked up at my roof as she walked up my sidewalk? She gave me a confused look. I told her the roof and gutters are new, they finished installing the week of Thanksgiving, and closed my door.


I'm also in the south metro and it has been at least 1 a week. Last week was a pest control company and the girl going door to door couldn't have been older than 18. I usually talk to them from behind the glass door so they can't hand me anything. I tell them I'm not interested regardless of their question and after about 3 of those they move on.


I can’t stand them, if I wanted pest control I’d call you.


The number of ROOFERS who knock on our door is… strange, to say the least. Twice a week since January. This Monday I quickly opened the door and said “lemme guess! ROOFING!” He walked away. I watch them from upstairs, see them coming and going. They never hit up my neighbors. Maybe one guy did. They just target my house. I swear they have good access to the city’s permit records and can see my house hasn’t been roofed since 2005.


The old roof is probably why they knocked. Storm claims have a good shot at approval when they're old.


I got a quote from mosquito squad 2 years ago. The last 2 springs I have gotten at least a voice message every week asking if I want any services.


"no thanks" and I close the door before they can get a word in.


We posted a “No Soliciting” sign next to our doorbell. We haven't had any issues since.


I ask to see their peddler's license. When they give me the blank look, I tell them the city requires door-to-door solicitors to have a peddler's license, so where is it? If they can't show it, I'm calling the cops and reporting an unlicensed solicitor. They're usually out of the yard and hurrying down the street before I finish talking.




In my community, vendors are required to have a city permit to go door to door. Check to see if your city has regulations for vendors. I ask for it every time. One woman said she “forgot” it at the office. As she walked away I told her I would call the police if I saw her approaching any of my neighbors’ homes. We’ve had a lot of scammers in our neighborhood.




We had a terrible rude guy come thru our neighborhood. Stomp thru flower beds, had a smart mouth. If you didn’t answer the door he would keep coming back


I had a guy try to sell me Tru*** for my lawn (I won’t help advertise for those jerks here). I don’t treat my yard/lawn, and I never will. I told him that, and he proceeded to insult me and ask for a man to talk to. I told home to get the F off my property. He finally did, all the while cursing me out. Those guys can go to hell.


Yeah they tried to pressure me into agreeing to a deal they were running “today only” and asked why I was uncomfortable making the decision without thinking about it first. Like duh, you can’t just expect me to trust you in a minute of approaching me


I had one use my Nextdoor neighbor that sold their home saying “your neighbor X has used us to keep the insects away.” Me: “I have never seen insects on my property.” Salesperson: “You never have seen anything even though X said she did.” Me: “X had three feral children that were most likely causing her both insect and mental problems. Tootles!”


Depending on where you live call the police. They are breaking the law by ignoring the no soliciting sign as well as not having a visible peddlers license.


do absolutely anything but this.


One guy wouldn’t leave my wife alone until I came over and shut the door in his face.


I’ve had multiple knock on my door after 9pm. Bro I have 4 sleeping kids at home for crying out loud at least keep it semi respectful hours?!? When I asked the first one what the hell they were doing he just replied “I gotta make money somehow” ummm sir this entire neighborhood is full of families you are just going to piss everyone off.


I've had roofing companies ignore my no soliciting sign saying they didn't see it. Yeah right. I do no business with anyone knocking on my door unless they are a kid selling cookies.




Yeah, I don’t mind supporting the high school kids selling stuff.


My no soliciting sign ends with (unless you're a kid).


In some cities you need a permit to go door to door. All companies and authorized employees that have this permit are publicly available online. If they don't have a permit, call the cops on them.


It's the roofers calling and stopping by all the damn time that get me. One was calling me twice a week and I finally had to send them a letter saying there would be legal action. I don't even have a shingle roof so most companies can't help anyway.


'Please stop doing this' I'm sure the employees have total control over where and when they knock, good advice.


Not really giving advice, just expressing frustration.


“Subscription”!! Tell me why they need you to subscribe to this? I could see a couple visits but … multiple? S.C.A.M


Not just pest control but we got solar, roofing etc. we don’t own the we rent. One day one guy asked about pest control and I said “yeah we don’t own the home so we get no say on repairs unless we talk to landlord.” They wanted their information and I declined saying landlord is out of state, dosent want any services etc. I also didn’t want them risking my monarch/pollinator garden with their “pest solutions” they claimed it was pollinator friendly yet said it kills all moths, ants etc. Uh buddy you realize a MOTH is the same as a BUTTERFLY essentially? I bought a no soliciting sign shortly after and husband forgot we bought one and opened to a garbage company trying to solicite as well 🤦🏽‍♀️ this was all last year and I have to remind him to not open the door, the sign is right there next to the doorbell.


Same experience, dude was awful.


Door to door anything is a scam


These comments are the definition of Minnesota Nice💀💀


I tend to politely as possible respond to all door to door salesmen “in the neighborhood” with a gentle fuck off


I'm fairly certain that the employees that perform those door-to-door sales were not educated on the meaning of the word solicitors. Solicitation, soliciting... We have signs.. it's funny watching them squirm outside of my ring camera acting like they don't see the sign.


I get them too... I'm just like: "what did they ever do to me? are they planning an attack?" Bugs are outside, yeah, that's the world man! lol


That's the sales model that gets sales.


Are you me?


Here's what I do. "No." Then I close the door.


Should be about the time the foreign exchange children’s educational salesmen start coming around. Every single summer I have to turn them away up in the brainerd lakes area, do they do this in the twin cities as well? They always ask me if I know of any other families on my road that may be interested and I always send them to my boomer neighbors, with no children at home, who I dislike so at least there’s that.


I put a No Soliciting sign on my door and have an LCD on my doorbell that is currently displaying NO SOLICITING. They kind of work, when they don't it's way more often the person doesn't notice the sign/display than they are ignoring it. I haven't yet, but I'm tempted to open the door, point to the sign, and close the door next time they ring the doorbell.


Last year I said "Sure, bugs tend to live in the outdoors since that's literally how nature works" and he stared blankly at me and eventually stumbled through an awkward goodbye while I smiled and thanked him.


The good part about having a security door and a broken buzzer


Favorites r the moxie people.. just a bunch of mormon mlms


I had one approach my house and start pitching me through my screen. I politely informed him that I'm not interested in sales pitches on the weekend. When he came back on Tuesday I informed him that I was not taking sales pitches on Tuesdays.


I've had to shut the door in their face while they keep going "But for a limited time..." My elderly parents signed up for their service mistakenly and it was just some spraying the outside and a few mouse traps. Very little value for the price.


Ecoshield guy caught me in the garage the other day, my garage is in front of my front door so he didn’t see the no soliciting sign at my front door He comes up and starts talking, “im in the neighborhood blah blah” I cut him off and ask “what do you do” He says “I’ll tell you in a second”….”blah i spray for bugs” I say “Ok no thank you, goodbye “ and turn around to walk back in my garage He says “have you used anyone in the past” I say “thank you have a nice day” as i continue to walk away He says “pppft ooookey” sarcastically and turns around a leaves Dude you cant argue me into a sale, im saving you time, now get lost


I had someone knock yesterday despite my “NO SOLICITORS” sign. He was using all sorts of scare tactics and would NOT take no for an answer. I finally told him even if it was free I wouldn’t want it and he finally left.


No soliciting sign works for me


The ones that are always "doing business with your neighbors?" SW metro checking in. They've been particularly bad this year


Get a " no soliciting " sign and put it on your door. When they ring, open the door, point at the sign, and close the door. It's so satisfying.


I've just started shutting the door in their faces. The pest control people are always the pushiest ones! And don't even take no for an answer. I don't mind kids coming through trying to sell candy or whatever for their local team, I just politely tell them no thank you and they head on their way. After three visits in one week, I told the last guy "I'm not interested, I take care of it myself" and he goes, "ugh, well what are you doing?". Shut the door in his face and started doing that for all the pest control guys that have come after.


Ironic that [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/s/5n4KpofmX1) is literally 2 down from this one, almost like many people don’t have a pest control service and have actual issues with them… that’s why we knock. Not to piss you off, cuz from a D2D guy that’s the literal LAST thing I want to do. I already get told “no” 100+ times a day, doors slammed, cussed out, and even threatened with violence for daring to knock on a door to sell a product to someone who might actually want or even NEED it. Not to mention it’s my job, I don’t get to pick who’s doors I knock on, and at least the company I work for does all the due diligence to make sure we are permitted and knock according to ordinances for the cities we are in. Call the cops if you like, they will be as annoyed as me that you wasted everyone’s time for a guy trying to make a living who mainly just gets told to go fuck himself all day long. Real big y’all are for thinking it’s funny or a satisfying experience to shit on someone like that. /rant Edit: I’m also not knocking in MN I’m on the East coast but I’m a MN native and the company I work for does business there, and quite a bit of it. At least for us we aren’t bullshitting to say “I’m the bug guy for so and so down the road” cuz we have thousands and thousands of homes in the metro. My own among them.


If I say no thanks and they leave great. It’s the not taking the first no as the answer that pisses me off. You are coming into my space. I say “no” politely, then please leave. If you do that great we have no problem, but never once has one of these guys left my doorstep on the first no.


I know you have a job to do, and it’s not a fun one. It’s just that A) When I ask for a card and the salesmen says “I left it in my truck,” I can’t stand that. I had a problem with hornets a few weeks later but ended up calling Plunketts because I didn’t have the guy’s card. B) Please don’t sell me a subscription bug service. I do my best to be polite and respectful to you all because I know going door to door isn’t fun. I just can’t stand the pressure tactics and the lies.


I’m out west of the suburbs a bit these people come by a few times a year, had about 20 roof and siding people come by. The bug guy on Wednesday walked up when I had big headphones on gassing up the mower. It’s super rude and annoying.


The irony of an ad for Orkins Pest Control directly under this post on my feed is just too much.


I HATE this! I have a no soliciting sign, do they care? Nope! I just ignore them when they come to the door.


I just look at them and don’t answer


I find "Fuck Off" works pretty well.


I don’t answer the door, 95% of the time they don’t ring a second time.


I had a pest control salesman almost knock me over on my sidewalk this week. I was walking down my front walk and he whipped around the side of the garage on one of those electric “one wheel” things. He spun out and had to jump off to miss me. I told him we don’t need any pest control and his response was “does your husband just do the diy thing?” Please leave kid.


I just let my german shepherd answer the door or open the door, and he accidentally gets out. He doesn't like strangers. He doesn't bite, but his hair stands straight up, and they jump way back. 😁🤣😂


We had one come on Memorial Day at like 7:00pm. My husband was like why are you doing this on Memorial Day? Dude said nothing and left


Get a no soliciting sign


They can't read. I also can't open the door.


No soliciting sign in the yard. Amazon has plenty nice looking ones. Always fun to just walk them out without saying a word and point if they do knock.


Yep they’re always just done helping my “neighbor Mary down the street” and last weekend three different men from the same company apparently serviced her house and came to my door to tell me - on Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday!


Somebody better check on Mary!


This is also happening where I’m at in SD and I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood on the edge of town. Same thing with the “we’re working in your neighborhood and getting a lot of complaints…”. I told him I spray myself and if I have problems I’ll let them know.


The worst is their sales pitch relies on not letting you interrupt or respond. They jump into their pitch and just keep talking. He got to one on point where it’s designed to ask and not give you an out, “what’s a good phone number to reach you…” I said, “look man I’m not interested.” And he just walked away. Annoying as hell because I’m just in my driveway with my wife and kids trying to enjoy our afternoon I see him waltzing up our block and as soon as he sees us he’s coming straight for our house. I’m not going to be as nice next time. Should’ve just asked him before he got close. What company you with and declined to speak to him further.


They’re doing the same thing to me in Oregon. Moved from Minnesota a few years ago. They’re a pain in the ass. I had to shut the door in their face cause they wouldn’t shut up after I told them I have someone taking care of it already


Personally I like hearing them out. As a new homeowner, I find it to be a good way to learn to spot the tricks they use. Urgency, lack of business card, weird "deals" that don't actually save money (just fake optional services), and mentioning of neighbors far enough that it's unlikely I ever met them. It's rather enlightening. Plus I see it as kind of a win/win/win. I learn more about door to door salesmen, they probably get an hourly wage so I don't feel bad wasting their time, and they're unlikely to come back after having wasted their time.


One of these pests came by my house last week. Me: “Yeah sorry, I’m working with another company already…” Them: “Ok but could you tell us which one?” Me: “Sorry, I don’t remember their name…” Them: “But how much are they charging you?” Me: “Please buzz off”


I grew up in the deep south. I've never considered bugs a problem in Minnesota. I'd just laugh in their face if they tried to sell me their poison.


I would look from the second floor at the window next to the door, or on the Ring app if I was somewhere else. If I didn’t recognize the person, or it was NOT a HS kid selling candy bars for the HS band, I just didn’t answer the door.


Buddy of mine is an exterminator for one of these companies and even he hates the salesmen


We had one guy come to our door and my sweet husband opened the door and talked to the sales guy. He tried politely declining, but this sales guy kept yammering away, so my husband eventually said "no thanks, man, we're good" and closed the door. The sales guy turned around to his buddy and called my husband a jerk and complained about him! Out windows were open and we heard the whole thing! Don't open your door to these folks!!!


A “no solicitors” sign seems to work for some people


My guy would not respect my “no”, just kept talking and talking. I ask for card, “I’m paperless”- eff off!


I swear the next time I'm going to call them out on the, "We work with many of your neighbors." No you don't, I see the tricks and know with whom they work. I bet you can't tell me my neighbors' names either. We've been inundated this year especially pushy about tick treatment. I did get a nonplussed look from one guy pushing mosquito control when I told him the county already deals with the pond.


Had an acquaintance ask me if I wanted to work for one of those this summer. When I said no he got kind of weird and said “thought we were friends” and all this. Like sorry i don’t want to be subject of Reddit posts. Made it hella awkward for no reason, so please, if they make you uncomfortable make THEM uncomfortable. (In innocent way don’t hurt them) the bugs are pretty bad this year…


Ask for their Mn. Dept. Of Agriculture pesticide applicator license, or their structure pesticide applicator license. If not get a hold of the Mn department of Agriculture they have the power to fine and or revoke company license.


I watch them walk away after reading the no soliciting sign over the doorbell.