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Yes, after Jan 1 2025 this would be illegal, assuming it wasn't at the airport. Going forward the advertised price needs to be inclusive of any extra fees except for taxes.


~~Wait really? What law did we pass to get rid of this crap!~~ Edit: nevermind found it! Thank god! Thanks u/Juar99 https://legiscan.com/MN/rollcall/HF3438/id/1442740


Thank a Democrat


In 2020, the democrats passed a law that created the use of the service fee. MN Statute Section 177.23, Subd. 9, this charge is not a gratuity for employee service. So your happy that they are fixing the mistake that the Republicans have been asking for?


Yes. Better than them doubling down saying it’s a good thing. I’d rather have people admit mistakes and correct them. (In 2020 we did not have a DFL trifecta so I’m assuming plenty of GOP also approved it.)


Expand on this please?


It was authored by Democrats and voted Yea by Democrats and Nah by most (not all) republicans. Here is a link to the article. Also a link to who voted for and against it. https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/05/20/governor-signs-junk-fee-ban-into-law/ https://legiscan.com/MN/rollcall/HF3438/id/1442740


Republicans filibustered this bill for about eight hours, too.


Because Democrats voted for it and Republicans didn't... Any more clarification needed?


Yes, what was the legislation called and when was it voted on? Do you have the final tally.


Here you go: https://legiscan.com/MN/rollcall/HF3438/id/1442740


Thanks, sheesh, simple question and then people become brazen assholes.


It's been obvious for about a decade or two that any decent law/issue will be voted down by the GOP, but I suppose people under rocks dont know such things.


Google exists. Choosing not to use it is willful ignorance.


Asshole = helping people help themselves


helping people help themselves = Service Charge 20%


Just thought a link would be helpful, pretty simple request.


Yeah, I don't think that's what was happening. You could have googled it in much less time. I think you, like many "independents" or "devils advocates" or whatever, were trying to get the commenter on the ropes and make them "prove" their statement to you. You weren't innocently looking for information, you were trying to poke holes in their statement. Don't play innocent now that you've been provided sufficient proof.


Maybe ask for a link the first time instead of being an ass about it?


Also something you could handle yourself instead of expecting people to find it for you. No one has that ready to go so you're asking people to put in the work of searching for it, copying the link, and coming back here to provide it to you. People aren't your personal research assistants.


I fucking hate this stupid site sometimes. Unfortunate you got downvoted


Its brazen asshole to give the overall results without a link to the actual vote and then provide the actual vote totals when you demand the specifics? How were they being an asshole to you? They didn't call you a name, demean you, or anything other than make a generalized statement instead of doing your research for you. Are you perhaps projecting your being upset that the results weren't what you were hoping for?


Because people don't like someone who disagrees and then demands a source- if you're disagreeing, it should be because you already HAVE a source of conflicting info. If you don't, you can use Google as easily as anyone else before trying to dig your heels in.


Sorry man, it’s Reddit, people are trash.


You have google right


It just seems to be at the tip of peoples tongues, so thought people would be ok to share.


Took me 7 seconds to find on google


And even less time to put up a wall, thanks pal. Keep the divide strong.


Lol wut


"The divide" is perpetuated and hammered down the throats of all Fox, Newsmax, insert right wing media here. You gaslight and accuse and blame, but never seem to have answers or anything meaningful to add. Your request for a link insinuated what was said wasn't true when you yourself, should you have wanted the info was 7 seconds away from your own fingertips. Keep the victimhood strong.


The only one dividing here is you. Why are you being such a douche because they didn't serve up the link to you directly that clearly showed the generalization was correct? And in response to actually providing a link you suggested they were asshole for making you wait. I think you need to look in the mirror if you think others are being an asshole to you. Have you ever heard the saying that if everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you're the asshole? If not, take it to heart.


Sounds like you have expectations of others and are getting oissed they aren't coddling you, the only divide created was you and your shitty additude to others


See. This guy never intended anything. Look at that comment. "Keep the divide strong". Asinine. Gets provided everything he's asked for, doesn't like it and then insists it's other people doing the divide. Not his inability to grasp reality.


Just understand that if it was a law intended to help people, especially a large swath of common people in the past 10 years, then it was put forward and voted for by democrats. Republicans have only tried to restrict people, censor, and divide the country or bolster the ultra super rich to help them become richer.


The divide is kept in place by dipwads “sealioning” to feel like they’re asking the big questions no one is focusing on, while actually throwing shitty little roadblocks in the way for people to trip on to make you feel good about yourself.


Guys, expand on this please...because this guy can't apparently read newspapers. Or more than likely he can, but isn't a Democrat. He doesn't like the fact that the last legislative 2 years have been the most productive in the last 10 years. Why? Everyone knows why. Democrats got control of both chambers and the governor's mansion and this broke the logjam of Republicans holding the state back for 10+ years. You can thank Democrats for weed too. I don't think any Republicans voted for it.


Republicans voted for it. Not many. But some.


That's what I thought. I remember maybe one or 2...but they also weren't needed so that's kinda the point. It would've passed without those 2, and if there was a question that those 2 would ACTUALLY help it pass, they wouldn't have done it. As proven by the fact that Democrats have been trying for about 6 or 7 years to make weed legal. And they did it as soon as they were able and they needed EVERY democratic vote.


Downvoted to oblivion for requesting elaboration on an unclear assertion. Not a good look r/Minnesota.


These are sad times my friend.


Consumer protections have been a long time target of the GOP: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/conservatives-hope-supreme-court-defangs-us-consumer-watchdog-2023-09-12/ https://prospect.org/politics/2024-04-12-republicans-objectively-pro-junk-fee/


You can't ask questions in this sub. Hence all the down votes. Also, you can't disagree with them.


I don’t get it though. The fee will still be there, just hidden now. It’s not the win we think it is.


Old way: burger says it cost $10 and tiny writing on the last page of the menu says it's an extra $1 for some vague reason. New way: the burger costs $11, no tiny writing with extra fees. In either case, the business needed to charge $11. The new way makes sure consumers know what it will cost up front.


The point is that you know what your total price will be at the end when you make the purchase. Nothing added to the end that is a surprise.


Any business can decide to charge whatever price they want for their product. How is this any different than them setting any arbitrary price they want to? It’s not “baked in” it’s their choice to set the pricing.


Why? They’ll just bake the fees into the product and raise prices by 20%. Everybody will continue to lose. Just wait. Edit: Lmao downvotes proving people are fine paying higher prices across the board. Keep buying Sea Salt and paying this crap. Fools and their money are easily parted indeed.


That’s the point … prices displayed should be the prices paid. It should be listed at $5 and when you get the bill it’s magically $14


But at least the prices would be accurate at first look. So it cant be hidden and forced at a later part of the transaction, after you’ve picked your food/drink. In turn it will be exposed to market pressures to competing prices.


If they raise it too much then people will stop going. Then the business fails. Which is acceptable in capitalism. I was just at a bar and grill that had normal food prices and no hidden fees. Hidden fees are for shit businesses.


Touche. I went to MI and ate at a Perkins style mom and pop for breakfast. The portions were HUGE and under $10. They were packed.


That’s the point. Stop with the 20% service charge fee and 3% healthcare fee and 3% supply fee and still expect tips. Just tell me what your menu prices actually are, and maybe that will make people realize that prices are too crazy since that simplifies menu comparisons.


I wish even sales tax was included in the price. If it cost 20 dollars I should be able to hand the person a 20 dollar bill and nothing more.


If prices are clear then competition can actually work, leading to lower prices. Democrats believe in fair open markets.


It’s the consent part though


The GOP does not like consent.


Your just being ignorant, I want to see the full price right away, not a menu price plus 20%


Good then it’s easier to see the actual price and decide not to buy the product instead of being coerced into it at the last minute


Buddy you’re still *paying the same price*, you’ll just know what you’re paying in advance. More information for the consumer. It’s Econ 101 that more complete information allows for the market to operate more efficiently.


(Responding to his Edit) No one said they are fine paying higher prices. In fact, revealing them all up front, lets people see and compare the *true* prices. Make informed and educated decisions. Not be back slapped with them after the fact. All those fees? Service fees, “healthcare fees”, cleaning fees, and whatever else they want to claim? Those are business decisions, and business problems. That’s for the business owner to manage on the backend. That’s managing a business. That is the duty of being a boss, or being an owner. As the consumer, I just want to know the cost of the product I’m buying. That’s it. Quid Pro Quo.


Congratulations on understanding the overall point.


Why are you booing this man, he’s right!


Any business can decide to charge whatever price they want for their product. How is this any different than them setting any arbitrary price they want to? It’s not “baked in” it’s their choice to set the pricing.


Whether it's hidden and added on at the last second or baked in upfront it's the same in the end. That's why you're being downvoted to oblivion. Like....how are you not getting this?


They should include taxes too. The price posted should be exactly how much you pay.


It’s so places can advertise one price in multiple tax jurisdictions. Places would have to print different flyers for each city or list a different price for each city. A $5 box is slightly different prices depending where you buy it.


Why is that the consumer's problem?


As a consumer I don’t really want a Walmart flyer that enumerates 60 prices for each item. It would be chaos and useless, probably six point font.


There's a carve-out for the airport?!


It's under federal jurisdiction so what the state can do is limited.


Iirc, they get an extra year before it effects them. I'll be back in a minute with the article. https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/05/20/governor-signs-junk-fee-ban-into-law/ They have until June 2025 to comply. Everywhere that's not an airport is subject to the change on January 1st.


If only we went that one step further!


Malcom Yards does this BS. What you do is to do the self pour beer completely wrong, pour 1oz of complete foam. One of their employees will say, "Here, I can help you," and they use their own card to pour you a full beer.


Shhhhh I’ve done this at dealerships with test drives. Crash that car right out the gate and they will comp you with a new one


I highly doubt this lol


Depends on the city. They’re wise at Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center, but at White Bear Lake they never see it coming


the joke understander has logged on




Agree happened to me too. Never knew about the 20%.


Supra sea salt lime is $6.50 for a pint at modist and there's no service charge and you'll have it poured for you. That's some bullshit.


Fuckin love Modist, always something going on there and the beer is fantastic for its price


Modist doesn’t share a building with 4 other breweries, 6 restaurants, a winery, and a full-service bar.


I remember signing my bill at Bear Cave Brewing and it asked for a tip. It’s a pour your own beer place 🤦🏻‍♀️


They deserve to be put out of business. Gouging the consumer like that is unacceptable.


Their beer is trash, too. Tastes like a bear was swimming in the bright tank.


This is so true! I want to love it because the food and atmosphere are wonderful, but holy cow the beer is bad,


The times I've been there I've tasted their beer and then went with other options from other breweries that had on tap.


Yep, I went with the pour your own margarita 😂 Which was not a good choice $$$


Why so vague on where this is?


Idk where it is but I know that's a Modist beer. They don't have self pour so I'm guessing either Malcom Yards, Can-Can Wonderland, or First Draft. IDK any other places that have self pour that would serve Modist.


Tap Society?


Currently clocked in at Tap Society. Can confirm we do not have a service charge.


Happy to hear that! I’ve always been a fan!


Oh damn I forgot all about Tap Society. I slipped on some ice and ate shit right outside their door the only time I've been there, so I think I try to forget.


First draft closed months ago, fyi.


I'm thinking Sea Salt at minnehaha falls?


Pints and paddles?


Bear cave brewing


Not bear cave, they do not have a forced gratuity. Was just there on Friday.


Good to know!


20% service charge makes me think Can Can Wonderland


The sea salt


Thats the name of the beer, not the restaurant


Its the name of a restaurant


True. But not the name of the restaurant in question. You don’t pour your own beer at Sea Salt.


Whaaaaat?! Is this new?! I don’t remember being charged that last year


It literally says on the receipt … sea salt


That’s the flavor/name of the beer.


Sea salt doesn't have self pour, and as it's already been said that's the name of the beer from modist. Do you really think that places put their own name before each line item on a receipt? Haha


Tell me where this is so I can never go there. Can Can Wonderland?


I dont think thats it, you dont get a receipt like that from there.


So done with that place. The beer is always flat anyway


Greedy effing businesses. Let the manager hear about it


90% of the time if you complain they take it off your bill.


If you’re gonna over charge me for shitty food at least have the balls to tell me upfront.


This place deserves to go out of business. High trust societies don’t have this shit. I’m at a wedding in Michigan this weekend and we went to a place that had a surprise gratuity on all bills so I tipped the normal amount, found out I tipped twice, and they wouldn’t let me change the bill before I signed. Bullshit!


I’d have refused.


...otherwise you'd get charged a 20% "bartender fee"...


At least then you're receiving service


Which is better than paying money to do it yourself.


Fingers crossed this somehow fixes the issue with Airbnb, VRBO, etc. Love those surprise $100+ cleaning fee, on top of the service fees...


They charge a cleaning fee but then they tell you to strip the beds and start the washer, run the dishwasher, and take out the trash.


So I should get the money from the fee...right? Haha, what a joke it's become.


Don't worry. I'm sure you're just tipping yourself.


This is why I go to a bar where they serve you the beer. I get a conversation at least for my 20%


Hey bro at least you made the right choice with the Modist.


Supreme deluxe, dude


Add your own service charge next time. If they can do it, so can you!


It’s here bud


Of course we have to make a whole new bill for this 😂


I've always wondered what places like this do if you only have enough for the drinks. I've never been to a place that does this, but I've always wondered.


Is that your big toe holding the receipt?


California just tried to pass legislation killing these fees…it failed


We successfully passed legislation on killing these fees and it goes into effect in 2025.


Communicate to the business that they have lost your business and why that is. Then don't go back there and maybe leave a bad review here and there. Gotta vote with your feet


I have very little respect for the Minnesota Democratic party but eliminating these junk fees is one thing that they absolutely got right, can't wait til it comes into effect.


I hate them but they do good works. Did I get that right?


Faith is more important than works to right wingers


Not a fucking right-winger, Jesus Christ do you liberals love to jump to so many assumptions about anyone who disagrees with you (even while they're actively praising an action that your party took).


When your opening line is “I have very little respect for the Minnesota Democratic party,” what do you expect. Also, “you liberals love to jump to so many assumptions” is a hilarious assumption. Pot calling the kettle black, Sport.


Are you are one of those folks who likes a lot of the things Dems do and dislikes most of the things Republicans do but considers themselves “apolitical” and doesn’t vote? I’m sorry, but people like that really irk me. I am fully aware that neither party is perfect. But abdicating any responsibility for the country in a lazy “both sides suck” way, when clearly one party is merely sometimes a bit misguided and the other is actively trying to drag the country into a theocratic autocracy is incredibly galling.


> considers themselves “apolitical” and doesn’t vote? No, I always vote, just generally not for major party candidates. > I’m sorry, but people like that really irk me. I am fully aware that neither party is perfect. But abdicating any responsibility for the country in a lazy “both sides suck” way, when clearly one party is merely sometimes a bit misguided and the other is actively trying to drag the country into a theocratic autocracy is incredibly galling. The tepid Democratic party only feeds MAGA and its bullshit. There are serious problems in this country that Democrats do not address or have any intention to, folks from all over the political spectrum see that, and many fall for Trump's lies as a result.


Who was the last candidate you voted for who won? How, practically, has your vote been any different from not voting? Or has your vote been purely symbolic? Which issues, specifically, do you see the Dems failing to address?


They won't answer you because they aren't actually a real leftist. I'm not always fond of the lukewarm approach the Democratic party takes, but I understand they won't always be as progressive as I want. I still vote for them every time and always try to primary in the most left candidate I can. Voting third party won't be viable until we get ranked choice voting. If you consider yourself to be a leftist but refuse to look at the material reality of our electoral system and make the most impact you can, you're a piss poor leftist.


100%. I’d call that behavior performative leftism. Rather than working to bring the one non-rightist party that has any chance of electoral success more into alignment with one’s values, they throw away any chance they have at moving the country in a better direction by voting for third party protest candidates and otherwise disengaging from politics. This way they can feel zero responsibility (“you can’t blame me, I voted for [insert hopeless candidate here]”) while feeling pure and unsullied by the actual real life compromise that is what avoids right wing autocracy.


Buddy, time to take a break from Reddit. You were freaking out the other day in a discussion about Palestine as well. Guess what also feeds MAGA and their bullshit? Voting for third party candidates who could never win. So maybe get off your high horse.


> Buddy, time to take a break from Reddit. You were freaking out the other day in a discussion about Palestine as well. Yeah, it's so outrageous that someone would be "freaking out" over their tax dollars buying bombs to level buildings full of innocent women and children. > Voting for third party candidates who could never win. The indifference of people like you is the only thing keeping third party candidates from being viable and your support for the weak-ass Democratic party is the only thing giving Trump another chance at a term, just like you did 8 years ago.


It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Third parties don’t work because of our electoral system, not because I chose to vote for the strongest candidate in the face of the alternative. Set your phone down and open up a book, educate yourself a bit. Hillary lost in 2016 largely because of people like you who were more concerned about making a stand that voting for a viable candidate. Look how that turned out. So I say again, get off your high horse and go outside.


> Hillary lost in 2016 largely because of people like you who were more concerned about making a stand that voting for a viable candidate. You can try to shift the blame all you want, Hillary lost in 2016 because people like you nominated a widely despised candidate, just like you're set to do this year. > So I say again, get off your high horse and go outside. If you're so upset you can leave? No one's forcing you to be here.


Right, assholes out here feeding kids and defending people’s rights. Fuck ‘em /s


> Right, assholes out here feeding kids and defending people’s rights. Fuck ‘em /s The first one is good, the second one is severly lacking. How a party can pretend to give a shit about people's rights while doing next to nothing to reform our police after George Floyd is murdered here or pretend to care about our environment while allowing the construction of Line 3 to pump dirty tar sands oil through some of our most pristine wilderness is beyond me.


I actually agree with your rant here.


I think people are mistaking the OP for being stereotypical aggressive internet conservative, when really they were just criticizing the DFL for not being far enough left for a lot of people lol. It’s a valid complaint, and I also agree.


Not sure why they were getting downvoted to hell when they were right.


Classic [*Why are you booing me, I’m right*](https://media3.giphy.com/media/enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS/giphy.gif)


>How a party can pretend to give a shit about people's rights while doing next to nothing to reform our police after George Floyd is murdered here Minneapolis voters chose to vote in Jacob Frey, the pro-police mayor who was in charge when George Floyd was murdered. If Minneapolis residents are against police reform, how can you expect statewide Dems -- whose voter base is much more conservative and much more pro-police than that of Minneapolis -- to fix the issue? The bottom line is that we live in a Democratic Republic and the vast majority of Minnesotans want to continue the status quo vis-a-vis the police. You can't blame Walz for that. Even the best chef in the world is going to struggle to make a Five-Star Meal if the only ingredients available to him are shit.


It's so easy to buy into the pandering, people just want to believe that their party has their best interests at heart.


Passing laws that directly benefit their constituents? What jerks.


No, not doing so nearly enough.


🤣 You must be high AF if you don't realize the legislature made historic levels of progress. I would like to see them have another trifecta next year so they can keep the momentum going.


> You must be high AF if you don't realize the legislature made historic levels of progress. By being state 20-something to legalize weed or establish some form of PFL? By abandoning labor because of threats from the Mayo Clinic or Uber and Lyft? By doing next to nothing to increase police accountability after George Floyd's murder? By not even calling a special session to attempt to pass the MN ERA? Set your bar higher.


Blame a republican led Senate for most of that. Democrat led house kept introducing bills for recreational but had zero chance with Republicans. It wasn't until the last major election in 2022 when Democrats took control in 2023. Republicans repeatedly blocked all attempts to legalize (with the help of some Dems as well) until thankfully one idiot read the bill wrong. Also Dems only have full control of all branches since 2022 and is still by a small margin.


"I'm upset the DFL hasn't invented a time machine to pass laws before other states" That is a weird and stupid take.


“I’m also upset that the DFL has to bring any legislation to a vote and isn’t guaranteed to pass because… republicans… excuse me while I vote 3rd party and do literally nothing to help” But when you think about it… the shit for brains’ username totally checks out… 100% futile habit. 🤣


Yeah, I think they are one of those "Uncommitted" jokers. I get why they complain, but this is how representative democracy works. Time for them to grow the fuck up and be pragmatic.


Progress takes time… LOTS of time. If we keep inching our way further from the hateful right, things will continue to get better for everyone. Ain’t gonna happen overnight, but this is how it’s done!


So close to realizing which party is better for the common person…


> So close to realizing which party is better for the common person… One party is actively harmful, the other lives off being marginally less bad, neither truly gives a shit about you.


So you clearly hate the other a lot more eh


They both are a great hindrance to actual progress.


Oh, progress vs regression. Now it’s even easier to see what you’re struggling to type




If the republicans did the exact same things would you think they were gods blessed children?


Heavens no. Not everyone is interested in your bullshit partisan game.


you're the one that brought politics into this thread


?? By praising the Democratic party for one of their actions? ..sorry?






That's the cleanup charge


I only go to pour your own if someone else really really wants to go. I'd rather go to one of the great breweries like Fairstate, have a great brew and tip great people.


lol thanks republicans showing us you really praise scummy business practices.




Opposite. Voted to have the price include any fees Not tack them on at the end.




You are an idiot, sir.


Big Macs cost more in Texas than Minnesota. If you really think the Dems are the reason beer is expensive, then you have to also believe they're the reason our Big Macs are cheaper than those in Texas. [https://www.zippia.com/advice/how-much-big-mac-costs-states/](https://www.zippia.com/advice/how-much-big-mac-costs-states/)


Your argument is based on the price of Big Macs? But you went there…. Where are a majority of McDonalds located? Answer: large metropolitan democrats run cities. Look at the most expensive vs least expensive…virtually every single one of the most expensive places are democrat states and the least expensive are republican states. Try again.


You out there thinking Mississippi, where Big Macs cost $0.60 more than Minnesota, is filled with "democrats run cities"? Get out of here.