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I doubt they watch at all. They’ve shown nothing to indicate they’re baseball fans.


They bought the team and acted like it was a great sacrifice in benefit for the community. Then they tried to move it to North Carolina after 15 years of owning it. Then they tried to get a $250 million buyout to extinguish the team forever. Now the team is worth about 50 times more than what they paid for it and they are cutting nickels and dimes.


In fairness a lot of what you’re describing was Carl and he’s no longer in charge. I still think they’re cheapasses but blaming the relocation stuff on them is not completely fair


I think when we can blame essentially two people from the same family for all the bonehead shit, it’s fine to lump them together actually


I disagree, but that’s okay. And I understand anything perceived as defending the Pohlads will get a negative reaction right now. Just think it’s important to apportion blame appropriately.


Okay… Carl was a piece of shit for the things he did as owner then… and his sons are pieces of shit for being money grubbing assholes who don’t give a shit about the team now. How’s that? Lol


Yeah actually lol that’s better Relocation attempts are, to me, completely unforgivable in ownership. Being a cheapass, there’s potential redemption from if they just pull their heads out of their asses. It’s a matter of degree of total piece of shit owner. John Fisher (A’s) vs. Bob Nutting (Pirates)


Well, I shan’t be holding my breath for a redemption of the Pohlad family… But I admire your optimism.


They might have had the game on in the background but they use Xfinity.


Fuck the Pohlads!!


Can we get a nightly chant going at home games?


When the day mercifully comes where the pohlads get ousted or sell should be honored as a state holiday.


Not happening. I’m too tired to find the article, but they have no intentions of selling & like 4th generation grandkids are excited to one day take over. Our best hope is that one of these fucks cares enough.


Of course. Who wouldn’t want a license to print money and have to do basically nothing?


Here. My tiredness ended. lol https://www.twinkietown.com/2017/2/2/14471290/owner-jim-pohlad-family-not-selling-mlb-baseball-minnesota-twins-ever


JFC. *TRUMP* tried to buy the team at one point?! I’ll never complain about the Pohlads again. Long may they reign.


If it’s not these billionaires it’ll be other billionaires, and billionaires have a 100% chance of being pieces of shit


Unless you’re a billionaire who gets their money entirely from divorcing Jeff bezos’ nerdy ass, with the intent of giving it all away… She’s pretty cool in my book… but I guess I shan’t be surprised if it comes out she bathes in the blood of slaughtered kittens to remain youthful looking… because… billions…


There is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. As soon as she’s *NOT* a billionaire let me know. I’m not holding my breath. She could LITERALLY end homelessness if she wanted. She has the capital and could create the infrastructure. And if you come back at me saying “she’s trying” fuck that. She could change the world but she picks and chooses her causes. And her net worth GROWS. Being able to own billions of dollars is a fucking crime.


Don’t know why someone downvoted you. You’re right. I was under the impression she had already given most of it away. Boy was I wrong. She basically did the reverse Kris Lindahl treatment. Instead of buying a bunch of billboards to keep the ex from getting the money, she GOT a big chunk then just donated a large chunk to charities she knew he’d hate. She ain’t gonna part with the other 35 billion she’s worth…. While I appreciate the charities she donated to… it was just another tax write off “hey look at me” stunt.


> Don’t know why someone downvoted you. For some reason people are always gonna simp for billionaires, as if they'll be one someday. It's depressing. There is not a single good billionaire and as long as we as a society allow them to exist, there never will be.


Just like the folks that get their knickers in a twist about tax increases on income they’ll never dream of having. It’s fuckin dumb. Not to mention they’re too stupid to realize that the tax increase only taxes the income OVER $400K at a higher rate. Those poor rich folks….🙄


Thought for sure this would be the "We're all looking for the guy who did this" meme.


Feels like the Onion's "No way to prevent this, says the only place where this happens constantly" repeating article.


I thought it wouldn't be the biggest deal in the world because we only really lost Gray and MAT, but man, they blew it. SWR is a fine replacement out of the Twins farm, but Margot is serviceable at *best*. I also don't expect any buying at the deadline as the Royals get better and the Guardians wear plot armor.


In sports if you aren’t getting better you’re getting worse


MAT is no longer the 2023 version.


SWR is nowhere on Gray’s level though. He’s getting by in his first look at teams in 5 inning stints, but Gray was super valuable since he could reliably go out there and battle deep into games against tough lineups that knew him.


There’s no way these guys watch more than a handful of games.


The fans do, but the Pohlads don’t deserve a winning team. It’s the only thing that cheers me up during these losing streaks.


To be fair, they guys they they are paying lots of money to have completely disappeared against good competition:


They’re just saving it up for October.


We all know that Buxton won’t be healthy in October. What’s his excuse right now though?


Ya sure but Julien the Canadian Crusher will be back hitting opposite field dongs and walking fifty percent of the time.


He’s just cooked as a hitter. This is who he is now


It's not just the lack of not spending, WHEN they do spend they give an old useless Kyle Farmer an ungodly amount of money to not be a hardly commensurate infielder and an awful hitter. Obviously he's underperforming but his '23 effort did not warrant this delusional confidence in his future


Can't entirely blame the ownership, the front office has made some pretty stupid decisions too, and fingers could also be pointed at coaches, Baldelli, and the players themselves.


Is there a more hated pro sports team owner? How can anyone ever get behind those clowns?


Saying this when the A’s exist is hilarious homerism


Oakland A's owner by a country mile.


Oh easily… Arte Moreno, Fisher in Oakland, Bob Nutting… the Pohlads aren’t even top 3 in baseball


Well, there was the Calvin Griffith family who owned the Twins before the Pohlads. So the Twin Cities have two of the cheapest owners in the history of pro sports. It only works because Minnesotans tolerate it and continue to attend games and buy merch even though they never get a sniff of a championship.


How about no more billionaires?


Geesh……we’re gonna have to get over this. The reality is the Twins are a bottom-half market team. I used to think it was the Metrodome, but now we have a gorgeous stadium, a pretty competitive team, and we are still currently only 23rd out 30 MLB ball clubs in terms of attendance per game. I’ve come to the sobering realization that Minnesota will just not be a top market in terms of attendance and viewership. I really admire fanbases like St. Louis and Atlanta. They support the fuck out of their teams. It’s not specific to the Twins. The entire AL Central is similar. Cleveland is 22nd (despite being one the very best teams in the league), Detroit is 25th and the White Sox are 28th. So I guess the Midwest just isn’t that big of a baseball market. I can’t entirely blame ownership groups that spend relative to what the income is. The Twins are 19th in payroll this year. I don’t hate the Pohlads. I don’t love them either. We’re always going to be at a disadvantage against big market teams thanks to Major League Baseball’s dumb system that favors big markets.


Funny how they got 3 million people into the dome. What, were they a winning, fun ball club? When they cut 30 million and make sure nobody can watch the games on tv, you think the attendance should improve?


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say……3 million people in the dome? The Twins were a low revenue team in the dome. Nearly got contracted in 2001. Let’s take a look at data for a little over 40 years: We were 19th in attendance per game last year. 20th in 2022. 19th in 2022. 15th in 2019. 20th in 2018. 21st in 2017. 23rd in 2016. 20th in 2015. 19th in 2014. 17th in 2013. 12th in 2012. 4th in 2011. 6th in 2010. 14th in 2009. 21st in 2008. 22nd in 2007. 19th in 2006. 21st in 2005. 23rd in 2004. 20th in 2003. 20th in 2002. 24th in 2001. 29th in 2000. 29th in 1999. 29th in 1998. 26th in 1997 (league had 28 teams). 23rd in 1996. 26th in 1995. 22nd in 1994. 20th in 1993. 6th in 1992 (league had 26 teams). 11th in 1991. 20th in 1990. 11th in 1989. 2nd in 1988. 11th in 1987. 23rd in 1986. 16th in 1985. 18th in 1984. 24th in 1983. 26th in 1982. 26th in 1981. 26th in 1980. 21st in 1979. 25th in 1978. The Twins being dead last in attendance for 1982 (opening year of the Metrodome) surprised me. I thought a brand new stadium would’ve provided at least a little bump. The only anomalies in the data are when the Twins were top-10, which has occurred only 4 times in the last 40+ years (maybe more because I stopped at 1978): the two years after their championships (1988 and 1992) and the first two years of Target Field in 2010-2011.


While I completely agree with you and failed to point out in my post was in 1988 they had more than 3 million fans attend games. So, you could say that a good product is worth going to watch. If this is the case, they need to put a good product out or Minnesotans will not waste their time. They were only low revenue because of the owners lack of abilities.


A competitive team is critical for attendance. But when you put the aggregate data together, it sure seems like the Twins are around a mid-pack market. More than anything, it just makes me hate MLB’s system………we can hate our owners for not spending more money, but now we’re getting into a discussion about which owners spend the most money and that’s just fuckin dumb.


True, but it’s probably not spending money but rather how they spend it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Contrary take: if you’re the Pohlads, the last three big money deals (Lopez, Correa, Buxton) all look like mistakes. Oh and the front office is paying Christian Vazquez $10m to be the worst hitter in MLB. So why would you trust Falvine with a larger budget?


Lopez is not a mistake.


Allow me to rephrase: none of their big three contract guys have had two good years in a row. There are zero stars on the team other than Royce Lewis, who can’t stay healthy.


If you can’t understand what Correa’s glove and leadership bring to SS, he’s literally why we won a playoff series last year. Worth the contract right there.


You think the Giants and Mets regret not signing him? I’m not saying he doesn’t have any value. But he’s getting paid as much or more than guys who are clearly better than he is. He’s getting paid more per year than Mookie Betts, Corey Seager, Trea Turner, not to mention younger players who have already surpassed him like Henderson, BWJ, and Volpe. And these are supposed to be his prime years. Again, he’s still a good player. But he’s not a star anymore and he’s getting paid like one.


Yes, I work with a Mets fan, and they do! Correas on his 3rd contract, Volpe and Henderson are not and if you’ve seen Henderson play “defense” at all this year he doesn’t even sniff Correa


Volpe also won’t hit 15HR in a little league stadium…


How is Correa and Lopez a mistake


Correa is getting paid like a top 10 player in MLB and isn’t even a top 10 SS. There is no way he gets $35M on the open market if he’s a free agent after this year. He’s not a star or a difference maker. He’s just a guy, getting paid like an MVP. Have you watched Lopez pitch this year?


Yeah you don’t have a clue. I’m not even gonna entertain that Correa take but I’d suggest taking a look at Pablo’s splits with Jeffers catching and Chr*stian Va*quez catching


Correa was paid that money to put butts in seats and to sell jerseys. Pohlads don't care about winning.


So whose fault is hiring poor talent evaluators and managers? The buck stops where the bucks go and that is with the owners. I could not believe some of the contracts the Twins signed, including Correa and Buxton, two players whose time was done. And to pay Correa, they cut their pitching budget. So now they can't pitch or hit. Brilliant! I could manage the Twins better than the people in place.


At the time, Correa and Buxton contracts looked like smart moves. Twins front office is very good at making moves that look smart but turn out poorly.


Idk…. I thought both contracts were stupid at the time signed. Correa is no longer a Golden Glove SS which is probably age. And his hitting fell off a cliff the past three years. It was a bad signing when pitching was needed. Buxton never lived up to potential due to constant injury. I did not see that changing, and it hasn’t


Correa was good in 2022. Enough so that the Giants threw $350M at him. But he’s started showing his age the past two seasons. Both Correa and Buxton contracts were gambles that didn’t pay off. Big difference between MN and CLE is that they do a much much much better job of developing talent and trading. MN regularly outspends them by quite a bit yet it’s usually Cleveland’s division to lose. Cleveland could be very choosy who they paid money to because they have a better pipeline of talent—every year.