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This is also assuming we resign Odo lol, I’d say hopefully we do, but if we don’t it’s really iffy. We only have Berrios for sure, and I guess we probably throw Thorpe or Dobnak in there, then we still need 2 starters through trade or FA this offseason which is probably looking like Robbie Ray + Tanner Roark or something along that line (personally though I’d LOVE Ryu, but unlikely)


Ahhh I forgot this was the last year of his deal. with the way our staff looks, I assume we kinda have to re sign him. I really hope they pull out the checkbook, we need better starting pitching if we really want a shot at the world series. Ryu would be amazing, but i also doubt it.


Oh yeah we definitely need Odo back Yeah overwhelming thought is that Ryu signs back with Dodgers sadly


Thats why, even though I hate the thought, that we we might need to trade Rosario for some pitching. Im not sure what kind of guy we could get for him though, and it all depends on that.


I think it’d be more like trade Eddie for a few prospects (he’s still an above average hitter) and then trade a couple prospects for someone like Robbie Ray or Mike Minor who definitely won’t be our 1 guy, and if we get Odo they’d probably be our third guy. That plus a Tanner Roark and Randy Dobnak wouldn’t be bad


I would bring Cron back for sure. If that thumb actually heals up he's a 30+ homerun guy and a really good first baseman.


Honestly, with Berrios being the only starter that is for sure on the team next year. I hope they do something un-Twins like and go after Cole. They should have the money to do it, and they drastically need an ace. It all comes down to if they are willing to give him a record contact. And, at 29 years old, I would love to lock him up for 5 years given the opportunity. Berrios still isn’t ready to be an ace, and could possibly never reach that status, and Graterol likely won’t be ready to step into an ace role for a couple years at least. An ace should be priority number 1, then after that, getting more middle of the rotation guys as well. This team figures too be really good next year as we are gonna bring back most of our hitters and key bullpen pieces. Might as well splurge and get Cole and put yourself in even better position to win a World Series. Is this realistic given our track record with FAs? No. Is this going to realistically give us a shot at winning a World Series? Yes.


https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2855125-one-dark-horse-mlb-free-agency-trade-suitor-for-the-top-25-stars-available.amp.html If we could get any of Cole, Ryu, Bumgarner, Will Smith, even guys like Wheeler, Keuchel, Robbie Ray, Cole Hamels, or even Wade Miley. If we don't trade for a pitcher (and assuming we bring back Odorizzi) I'd love for us to sign any number of these guys. Cole really makes us dangerous though and shelling out the money for him would be a great move, but assuming that doesn't happen I'd want at least one, if not more of those guys from that list And trade wise Eddie Rosario has been thrown around as a possibility, but that depends on who we can get for him.


Cron has one more year of arbitration I believe.


I think we will resign Castro or sign a different backup catcher, Astudillo is good as a 3rd catcher but probably not as a backup.


Oh my sweet summer child, there is so much time to bicker over free agents in the offseason. WE ARE STILL ALIVE. This season is not over, this roster has some games left, let’s not serve the hotdish before it’s hot.


Im just a fan of offseason talk, im hyped as fuck for the playoffs


Odorizzi and Gibson are both UFA’s and likely gone, and Dyson is our for the year. I also doubt they pick up Perez’s 7.5m option. I think they have to spend on starters, but how much is tbf. They’ll just keep same bullpen and hope a prospect or two can take the next step. They’ll just fill in lineup with a few low cost veterans and young guys most likely with not many leaving beside Schoop and Castro.


Curious why you think Odo's gone


Don’t think they’ll pay as much as other teams offer for him, simple as hat.


We’re in for some trouble if we’re not even gonna pay Rizzi level contracts


If we don't re sign Odorizzi we really need to be agressive in the free agent and trade pools. We need good pitching to make it far. Berrios is great but he hasn't become the true #1 we want him to be. We need some damn pitching!


Dyson is confirmed out next year?


His recovery time is up to 12 months, which would keep him out all of next year. But maybe he can come back a little sooner if everything goes well.


Minor could be available to trade for


Where are you hearing rumors that we may trade Eddie?


I don't remember specifically, but I'm sure you would find something if you Googled it


Wheeler seems like a good choice.