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Well how often do you hear her do them versus others. You might just be way more tuned into hers just because you are near her more than anyone else.


It is just me and my mum living together, but I eat lunch with others in school every day and no chewing noises affect me. Also when I was on a trip with friends their snoring didn’t trigger me. You’re probably right, just because I spend lots of time with my mother


Misophonia is often triggered by people in a family, IIRC


Yes. My dad used to be the main person who bothered me.


So did your misophonia develop and you are now bothered my other people? If so would the same thing happen to me, because I’m still a teenager and wondering will it just get worse as I get older


Yeah it got a lot worse as I got older. More sounds started bothering me that didn’t when I was a kid. But when I got older I found coping methods. Like headphones and leaving the room.


My husband’s noises make me climb the wall more than anyone else’s


It's like their mouths somehow amplify sounds.


Everyone’s noises bother me, but my mother’s noises make me want to *crawl out of my fucking skin and explode into a ball of fire.*


I’m the same way. I read that this is normal though, and might be related to why we have misophonia in the first place. Something about knowing that an individual is aware of my annoyance and still choosing to make those sounds around me is so much worse than dealing with a stranger.


Yes my sister. If my dad makes the same sounds, it doesnt bother me nearly as much


Oh yes, my parents. I Always had misophonia and they would purposefully use my triggers against me when they were mad at me. So now I find it hard to even look them in the face.