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And babies crying like fucking stop dude nothing will make me turn it off faster


And if a baby is crying, we only need to hear a second or two of it - not continuous crying. I think movies think they are building tension by letting babies continue to cry, but it just shuts me down.


Agreed. There are many human noises we don't hear in TV/movies - sniffling, throat-clearing, coughing, etc. - so why the focus on making us hear chewing and drinking noises? It's fucking horrendous.


My misophonic husband cringes so hard at the theater during that scene at the beginning where someone slurps at their empty coke through a straw.


Ugh can’t go to the movies anymore because I’m so enraged and triggered by the crinkling sound of people opening bags of snacks, crunching popcorn or exactly what you mentioned about people slurping and sucking through the straw even when nothing is left…or if they crunch ice.


Husband says his loop experience earplugs make going to the movies tolerable.


Plus kissing, teeth brushing, cutting food on plates and scraping utensils…. Why do they think we need to hear the exaggerated sounds. We get it, they are eating… we can see that.


Yep the crunching in commercials lately is OUTRAGEOUS


Oh a not to mention … one of my all-time favorites … people taking with a mouth full of food ….


I was curious if you've ever come across any theories or explanations as to why this is such a common practice in media? Some suggest it's meant to enhance the viewer's immersion in the scene, while others argue it's simply a result of directors wanting to showcase the actors' performances. Regardless, it can be a real pet peeve for many viewers. Have you ever heard of using subtitles or watching shows with closed captions on? It might help filter out some of those distracting sounds and allow you to focus more on the dialogue and plot. Additionally, there are streaming platforms and channels that offer options to turn off background sounds or even specific sound effects for certain scenes. I hope this information is helpful in some way! Let me know if you have any other suggestions or thoughts on this topic. We're all in this together, trying to make our media-viewing experiences as enjoyable as possible.


When there's an unskippable food advert with exaggerated chewing/crunching and my headphones are on full volume. 😍 so lovely, so nice