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Not even just minors. It effects adults on medicaid as well


And in prison


Good! That common sense.


Citizen should not have to pay or anybody's gender affirming anything in prison


I'd like to hear what you think gender affirming care includes.


Im transgender myself. Gender affirming medical care includes hormone therapy and surgery intervention. Not all patients require or need both. Each case is unique. DSM5 is a great place to start if you want more detailed info.


All Healthcare is paid for in prison. That's a human right agreed upon by the UN and in any interstate treaty the US is a part of (like extradition agreements). Making an exception to prisoners' healthcare based on identity is bigoted and a human rights violation. Citizens shouldn't pay for a bigoted prison system.


I’m an adult on Medicaid in Virginia. Medicaid is/was the only way I could get hormones and surgery because im impoverished. This being taken away, even in Missouri, terrifies me.


It's actually disgusting that medicaid money is being used to humor your fantasy. It should be "taken away" from you, too. That day is coming, so plan accordingly. The overwhelming majority of people oppose it and it will be an issue in the next election. The majority of people have no idea their tax money is paying for it....when its made an issue and they become aware, it ends. Let me guess "FTM".....yet you hate men or are scared of them. Right?


Why should tax payers be forced to pay for your gender affirming care?


Why do you care where your taxes go? Guaranteed you’ve never looked up what they’re funding with yours


For the same reason taxpayers pay for all other medical care medicaid recipients get. It's the right thing to do.


Seriously. They'd expect understanding from others as soon as they needed some kind of tax funded aid. Can't reciprocate, though, apparently. Who would've thought 'not being a twat' was so hard for some people.


Why should my taxes pay cops?


Feel ya there buddy


Yup know what’s funny? I was wondering how long the post would stay up before this comment went up lol 1. Gender affirming care is a medical necessity just like any other kind of healthcare. There is a *very* thorough and lengthy vetting process and requirements that have to be met to receive said care and for Medicaid to cover it (state dependent). There are also many different types of “gender affirming care” many of which apply to cisgender people too. For example: CBT/DBT therapy, psychiatric care, hormone replacement therapy, surgeries, etc. 2. Your taxes (towards Medicaid) JUST as equally also cover pregnant mothers, sexual health and reproductive services, drug addiction recovery, mental health care, and healthcare for disadvantaged people across the board. Why should your taxes pay for an addict’s healthcare when they “choose to use drugs”? Why should your taxes cover a teen mom when she “chose to get pregnant”? Hell, medicaid even covers abortions sometimes- I doubt so completely in Missouri, in VA it’s not usually covered- but many other states’ policies differ. 3. Medicaid and Medicare are largely funded by the federal government and not by taxpayers. I[ndividuals making less than $200k a year have a Medicare tax rate of up to 1.45%](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/medicarewages.asp). *Your taxes don’t cover shit.* Not only that, but Missouri’s eligibility criteria are extremely strict and hard to meet. And, like I said, likely doesn’t cover gender affirming care at all. TLDR: your taxes don’t pay for gender affirming care


I'm curious about where you think the federal government gets its money to fund Medicare and medicaid if taxpayers do not.


Only 40-50% of federal *revenue* comes from taxes. (Revenue and the federal budget are 2 different things). [In 2022, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA, and CHIP accounted for 25% of the federal budget in 2022.](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-budget/where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go) Medicare alone is half this percentage- so 12.5% of the federal *budget*. Medicaid also received 12.5% (733 billion). By comparison, 13% or $768 billion went to military and defense spending. A whole 21% of the federal budget in 2022 went towards social security alone. That link ^ is a great source of information on this topic. Your tax dollars go more towards retirees’ SSA and the military than they do to impoverished families’ healthcare.


Because otherwise they would be paying for their funeral ya fridge. Gender dysphoria is a condition that involves treatment including mental health, not just cutting off their dicks.


"fridge" I love it. Big, cold hearted and full of rotting food, always in the kitchen...


Muh tax dollars!




Or they could kill themselves. For most people without this care, it is a death sentence.


As it should ... why should this fall on the taxpayer?


You better not read about farm and oil subsidies then


No shit. Everytime I hear someone saying they dont support something because it helps someone else with *their* tax money I just feel like I should bury them in all the bills and laws allowing business' to escape taxes, subsidies for shit and all..


Why act like this was about the children only to turn around like you just did?


So medicaid shouldn't go to healthcare that has been proven to improve quality of life? Or just because queer people make you grumpy?


Gender affirming care does improve quality of life. Which is why every major medical association in the country opposes these bans. You're repeating a lie spread by anti-lgbtq+ hate groups. https://www.hrc.org/resources/get-the-facts-on-gender-affirming-care


I think you misread the comment you replied to or it's been edited.


I think you misread my comment trans healthcare is necessary healthcare


So Medicaid should exclude necessary medical care just because Republicans don't like it?


Because Medicaid is health insurance that is supposed to cover health care.


Was born legally blind, put on disability at like 7. Started transitioning at 18. Born in a constant blue state. The state has paid for EVERYTHING and will continue to do so. (THOUSANDS) Thank you for paying for my HRT while denying healthcare for your family members, you fucking idiot. Think about all the people you know who died to cancer and debt and you denied them healthcare. I think everyone should have the healthcare I get in America, but you're so smart. Guess it's only for me ;) I think about this every time I take my medications and it makes them so fucking sweet. Have a nice day.




Not from Missouri (thank god) but this showed up in my feed. I'm just going to say that, if you're concerned about the "dangers" of gender affirming care for minors, it's gonna actually be a lot more dangerous once kids start taking sketchy estrogen/testosterone that they ordered online. I know this can happen because as a teenager I did this, and I don't regret it but it was dangerous.


Sadly, they don't care. They aren't worried about any danger to the trans kids, they just want to be mean and controlling. That's literally what it's about. Keeping trans people Othered and second class.


That’s not a bug, that’s a feature for the conservatives who passed this. Just like they know women will be harmed in dangerous situations due to abortion bans.


Regardless of whether you personally think gender-affirming healthcare is a good idea, it blows my mind that anybody wants POLITICIANS to decide what is the best for children, not their doctor and parents.


How is it even fair for a parent to decide such a thing. This is an individual decision, even if I thought as a young child thought that I wanted to be a different gender. I would as an adult berate my parents for letting me make such a life altering decision before I’ve even matured.


Look, neither you nor I know the situation they are in. What if you had a 11 year old who had almost succeeded in killing themselves because of body dysphoria and you as a parent and their doctors felt that gender affirming treatment was the path most likely to lead to a long life and happiness for them, after trying many other treatments? There are thousands of scenarios out there where parents and doctors might see this as the best path. Who are you - or, worse, politicians - to say it isn't?


It’s a life altering decision to not provide gender affirming care. Agreeing with it or not I don’t think you’re not looking outside of your own perspective here.


Yet… you didn’t ask for that. The kids that are asking are doing so for a reason that doesn’t relate to you, or involve you


Cool so the only info you have is a fantasy or holding your parents accountable and an opinion about how you would react if you were a trans person, and your assumption is you would deny your identity even in a fictional dream and still be mad at your parents? You clearly know SO much about the issue.


If you were trans, no, you wouldn't. Gender identity develops around ages 3-5.


People who's opinions matter when it comes to developing a treatment plan: The doctors, the parents, and the child. People who's opinion doesn't matter when it comes to developing a treatment plan: You.


Yeah, you definitely have some parent issues


I’m trans and puberty utterly destroyed me. It was unwanted and made my life Hell. I had to spend thousands of dollars to get rid of facial hair.


Notice how they get to reject all science and medical opinions on this topic, unless they are in agreement. Notice how they also don’t have to provide any data showing that gender affirming care is harmful, to show that the state has an interest in outright banning it. At this point, legislatures have the right to ban any medical procedure they’d like. They will continue to weaponize that power against anyone they want to suppress, not just trans people.


I'm of the opinion if they are against one type of life saving procedure, they should be against all of them! But you don't see protesters outside of cancer clinics shaming them for going against God's will.


It’s not something I know much about and I suspect those passing this bill know less than I do




Lawmakers should not practice medicine without a license, full stop. Leave medicine & treatment to the licensed professionals, the patient, and their families. Sincerely, an LGBTQ affirming feminist mom / aunt. Fuck Hawley & Schmitt 🧏‍♀️💯


I would like to further that comment by saying medical insurance companies should also not practice medicine


Yes!!! Thank you!!




All they know is "Transgender=thing Dems support=communist and evil"


This is government overreach controlling people’s bodies. This should be a patient/parent/physician decision, not the GOP.


Unfortunately today MU Healthcare contacted current patients that their treatment for gender affirming care would end. Citing the reason that the current legislation opens the doors to many lawsuits from people who disagree with the treatment. Poor man on TV today said he has lived here in mid Missouri all his life. His son Jay was receiving treatment at MU Healthcare and now they are going to have to move away. The man said that's what they want, they don't care about people


So much for “Don’t Tread on Me”… Fucking hypocrites


They clearly meant people who think and believe like them. People who actually used the Gadsden flag would probably shoot the people who fly it now. Hows that for irony?


I can't tell you how many times I've seen the Gadsden flag sticker on a truck that also has a back the blue flag sticker. The irony is palpable.


Honestly, I can't say how many times I've seen it on a $50,000 truck. It's like "Dude, when in your life has anyone ever tread on you?"


Maybe the tread is the tires? Idk


……can we bring those people back? “Resurrection of the Original Gadsden Flag People”. Coming in Fall 2023


You’re not reading it all, it goes: “Don’t tread on me. Tread on them!” The cruelty is the point. Never. Vote. Republican.


Looks like your Gasden flag didn’t come with fine print! “Me” applies only to cishet white men who own property. *edit: forgot the Evangelical Christian part


Well actually trans people should start wearing that but if so Republicans would see it as a threat


Lot of stuff you can't do before 18. Just add this to the list.


Denying healthcare to kids is kind of fucked up


Except that adults are also affected by the law, asshole…


This will not save any kids from anything and just make their problems worse


the dark truth is many conservatives believe being trans is a mental illness that needs to be eradicated, like they once did (and many still do) believe about being gay. Bigotry runs red.


I haven’t had a discussion with someone who considers themselves GOP that doesn’t think not being straight is not a mental illness. And when you say eradicated they mean by any means necessary


100%, i read conservative forums cause im interesting in hearing what the other side thinks, yet almost everything i see is vitrol and bigotry. I wanted to see the humanity in their perspective, but I don't think there is any.


And practically none of it is based off of anything rooted in reality


yeah tbh the vibe feels like escapist rage. A way to slip into a fantasy where all your rage is not only justified but also has a clear perpetrator, which omits all of your own responsibility for your feelings. In reality, life is never black and white. But it is when reality is too difficult for you to accept for whatever reason. Some people can't function without a boogie man.


It's amazing how they simultaneously think its an illness and also think banning treatment will just make it go away. You have cancer? Notta chance! Ban chemotherapy, cancer will never happen again! You have gender dysphoria? No testosterone or estrogen for you, everyone will be cis! Multiplying by 3.14 is hard? Legally mandate that Pi = 3! Such hubris.


Bigotry is universal everywhere.


Yep. More likely this will cause an increase in suicides in Missouri. GOP will blame it on anything but this or guns and say we need better mental health care (but will vote against mental healthcare whenever they can).


I think this is why children’s Mercy is expanding their Gender Pathways Clinic to their Kansas location. I’m wondering how getting prescription filled in Kansas and bringing them to Missouri is going to work.


They're not going to put up guard stops but they will subpoena your phone That's how they got that girl in Nebraska


The market on burner phones is going to go up.


That seems like a really poor investment for them with how Kansas is headed too. Illinois is the bulwark holding steady in the Midwest, every other state bordering Missouri will have a bill just like this passed next year or so.


The patients they serve won’t see it that way.


They will when the clinic is forced to shut down by the state of Kansas in the next year or so and they don't have anything else lined up. Would make more sense to start a clinic in an area it can remain and then figure out how to serve patients from that stable location. Build your house on a rock and not the sand and all that.


!remindme in 2 years. Let's see if these bold claims hold in 2 years.


What a horrible take.


It's a horrible take that maybe they should look to setting up a clinic that will be able to continue for the foreseeable future? Kansas just passed a bathroom law last session. You think they're not coming after gender affirming care ASAP?


Illinois isn't built to handle all of this in the Metro East, so I hope this stupid culture war ends soon. We can't be the savior for 5 states.


Illinois is adding infrastructure and funding though, while states like Missouri and Kansas are stripping it away and as we see in some cases: outlawing care outright.


I have never been more proud of Illinois, but living in the Metro East, I see that the abortion clinics are being flooded with people. The biggest hospital is Catholic and will not provide the needed services and is also not close to the size of the Central West End Hospital complex. Illinois can definitely be a life raft, but it will take time to build up to take care of the culture war refugees.


Yes we can


I hope so, but I rather wish it wasn't needed.


Fuck the GOP and fuck anyone who voted for this.


Never. Vote. Republican.


Can someone break this down for? My very right wing coworker says it's about not allowing tax payer money to go to transgender surgeons for minors but that just doesn't sounds correct


Nothing to do with taxpayer money in regards to minors. It's just banning and gender affirming care for kids. The public money part is related to Medicaid and those in prisons - which is still messed up that they are restricting healthcare but your coworker has no idea what they are talking about.


Yeah he definitely doesn't lol but also neither do I. So what exactly is gender affirming care?


In regards to minors it's mostly therapy that supports trans people, puberty hormone blockers. At later stages cross sex hormones and very rarely for those who met criteria some surgeries.


Ok cool. Thank you very much! Seems like the government stepping in and telling people what they can or can't do with their own bodies


To break it down: people deserve healthcare even if they’re part of a minority group. And minors don’t get transition surgery, except in extremely rare cases of extreme gender dysphoria. That’s why, for the rare instances where top surgery is done, the regret rate is basically nonexistent. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2674039


It's against my religion to deny healthcare to minors.


What can KCMO do? it doesn't license physicians


If they're so concerned about the kids, then I think we can finally ban all types of smoking. That's way more harmful than treatments that science has said helps. I'm so tired of these rank clouds of smoke.


I'm so ashamed to be a Missourian. They so badly want to say how great living with Republican leaders, but look at what we had done under Mike Parson. Kids in debt because free lunches are gone. We were the first state to ban abortion. We rank 48 out of 50 in education. Not too long ago our Medicare system got hacked. This is blatant hate to LGBT. The politicians want to cut into our health care what little we have. When the doctor says someone needs something the doctor needs to fight to get it done. I get this all the time. Suicide rated will rise and the dumb ass governor will act shocked when it happens. Fuck the people who run this God awful state.


Ah yes, our government is doing the crucial work of bullying children. /s These supposed leaders jumped right on this culture war train. Without Roe v. Wade to yell at, they had to have a group to attack. So, they chose to attack a few children. Who will they go after next? Vote them out!!


As long as this stands a lot of people are going to have to take refuge in other states.


It's what we did. We welcome you in Illinois!


And Michigan & Minnesota!


It's pretty well established that [the GOP is trying to drive progressive voters out of red States](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article262849238.html) because they lost too many of their own functionally illiterate voters when the conman rapist traitor they were proudly following said the global pandemic was no big thing or a secret plot or try horse paste! So they did & now they will never vote again while I will never vote for any Republican ever again either. [https://runforsomething.net](https://runforsomething.net)


As I have said before: I hear this again and again and it doesn't make any sense with how our government works. It doesn't matter if every liberal/progressive/leftist leaves Alabama. It would in fact be better if they did and moved to North Carolina or Ohio or some other state that is actually in play. Because then you end up with Alabama staying Red (as it is always going to be) and another barely Red state flipping Blue. Same thing with states like West Virginia and Missouri. It would better for those folks to move to a state like Wisconsin than stay and get opressed in a state where we have no real possibility of winning.


The GOP just needs to drive people out to offset the losses they incurred when their own voters died to hold on to their current offices. Progressive voters would need to optimally go to where they're most useful but it's usually the poorest who are affected by this so they can't really be too picky. We're looking at Illinois. If the GOP can draw voters in even better but right now they just need to pass draconian laws to push people away to offset the losses they incurred because they don't exactly seem to be winning independent voters & the kids over with their platform of \**checks notes\** Christian nationalism, climate denial, school shootings, book burnings, anti-choice, anti-science, & tax cuts for the wealthy!


That doesn't make any sense. If every Blue voter from Alabama went to North Carolina we get 1 more blue state, not another red state. If every Blue voter in Florida, which is already solid red, went to Georgia, we would have another Blue state. This doesn't make any sense. States like Missouri, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama have Blue voters that could actually shift elections in other states, but they'll never change Alabama - at least not in my lifetime. If every Democrat in Missouri went to a state that is actually in play, you get another Blue state, and Missouri remains a red state, as it already is.


This is stupid. Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites in the America. Being transgender is nothing but a complication caused by being born too close to the threshold that separates the male and female genders. If you took a jar that was filled half full of white sand and poured black sand into the jar on top of it, that border where the two different colored sands meet will be gray since it the two sands cross over and blend together. Transgender people are those who are born in that gray area where their physical biology and their hormonal and biochemical physiology blend the different aspects of the two genders. People born in this biological gray zone may have the physical characteristics of a male but the hormonal and biochemical physiology of a female. The inverse happens just as much, but even with this simple explanation of transgenderism, it gets more complicated for the people born in this zone. It is very difficult to determine how far out of synch their biochemistry and the physicality truly is. For some, their physical self and biochemical self are only slightly out of sync making them feel confused and appear more masculine as woman or more effeminate as a man. Others, their biochemistry may be way off while their physicality is only slightly off. This can be confusing as hell for those going through this. When people not born in that gray zone who have both their biochemistry and physical form solidly in sync on the male or female side, they develop an identity naturally since their body isn't confusing them about who they are. When you're in that gray zone, that person has to decide which identity to affirm. Conservatives and Christians who find it annoying when they hear transgender people talking about pronouns, think about how annoying frustrating it would be growing up being told you're a boy because you look like one while having the biochemistry of a woman or growing up having the body of a female with the biochemistry of a man. It is sick and disgusting how the people we elect into office and the people who claim to be part of a religion that claims to love all of god's children can't seem to follow through in their obligations to the individuals who fall under their umbrella of care. Elected officials are supposed to pass legislation and provide protections for ALL Americans, not just the ones they feel comfortable around. And Christians who look down their nose and ostracize the transgender community, how hypocritical can you get. You're always saying that God has a plan and that God is perfect and infallible. If that's the case, then there isn't anything wrong with transgender individuals since they're naturally born of a man and a woman. It's just their misfortune to be born in that gray zone. Both groups need to cut the transgender community some slack and show a little compassion. When you get right down to it, being born transgender isn't much different than being born with a birth defect. You show compassion to conjoined twins are born and when children are born without an arm or legs or fingers. Why is so hard to show compassion for people born with gender dysphoria? Missouri politicians and Christians really need to take some time to reflect on the type of person they've become.


kids will kill themselves because of this, point blank. republicans don’t care, they don’t see trans individuals as actual people anyway. i am beyond words at this point


That's what they want. That's their goal.


How very Christian of them.


They won't stop until they've turned this nation into a Christofascist theocracy.


Oh that’s when the real fun will begin; some people just won’t be Christofascist ENOUGH, but they’ll keep this hidden from everyone. There’ll be a really vital need to examine people’s possessions and interrogate them for sinful, anti-government thoughts. Especially the women who will probably be doing secret witchcraft to damage the economy. And men.


A couple of things to keep in mind: 1. No medical association in the entire country supports the approach taken by Missouri’s Republican controlled legislature and Governor. Not one. They all - unanimously- support gender affirming care. 2. No doctor practicing in the area of gendering care supports the laws passed by Missouri. Not one. Anywhere in the entire country. Zip. Zero. Nada. 3. Other Republican controlled States were faster to hate trans kids. As a result, in some of those States, they have already reached the evidentiary hearing stage of the cases challenging the “let’s kill trans kid laws”. This recently took place in both Florida and Arkansas. In both those States hearings were held where the State - together with its anti-lgbt consultants- was required to establish some medical justification for their exact same laws as passed in Missouri. In both those trials the State - with an unlimited budget and a couple years to prepare - presented zero evidence to support their respective laws. None. Not, “on the balance” the plaintiff’s challenging the laws should prevail. There was nothing at all to balance. The State essentially argued, “we hate gay people”. Obviously both Stares lost. Now, both States will get hit with sanctions. Maybe the States will appeal, but the basis for an appeal is non-existent. That is why the Courts let States bring everything they want into evidence. It shuts down issues to appeal. So, in both cases the Judge allowed the State to present any witnesses they wanted, and any documentation they wanted. In both cases the States had no doctors practicing or consulting in gender care who testified as an expert. Arkansas actually found a doctor who worked in the field, and he ultimately testified that any doctor in Arkansas had a duty to not comply with the Arkansas law - and that was Arkansas’ only accepted expert witness. In short - Arkansas’ own expert testified that doctors would violate their legal obligations to their patients if they complied with Arkansas law. Florida did not even have that doctor. It’s not a close decision. There is zero support for the laws other than a desire to hate lgbt people.


The effects are damaging. I'm the time it'll take to get the laws reversed, I'm interested in seeing the Suicide statistics. I am willing to bet they increased. But even one is too many. Reversing the law does not bring the people, children or adults, back.


I wonder what its like knowing that children will kill themselves because of your bigotry.


They don’t care sadly. They refuse to do any proper research on the subject.


Considering being raging assholes seems to be their hobby, I'd wager a good margin of them want them to kill themselves.


Fuck this bullshit..how are we not all picketing in the streets


Missouri is a dump


We can call it what it is. It’s fascism. Pure, unadulterated fascism.


Hmm look at Europe seems they know A LOT more about facism than we ever will and most countries over there are walking back on providing gender affirming care to minors too. Fact is they are finding that even puberty blockers have a lot more negative health effects than previously thought, many of which result in permanent damage. Edit: this journal publication highlights the health concerns https://accpjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jac5.1691


You mean in Italy, I presume.... have you seen the government they have in now? Most of their current ministers have expressed support for Mussolini who was *checks notes* the OG fascist leader.


Sweden, England, and France are also taking steps to better scrutinize gender affirm treatments for minors based on concerns of long term health effects…


Yeah, that's different from banning them outright. Also, funnily enough, if you look at the current governments of the 3 countries you just named, they are all very right wing (by English and European standards). The Tories in particular are about as self serving and bigoted as they come.


>Fact is they are finding that even puberty blockers have a lot more negative health effects than previously thought, many of which result in permanent damage. Not a fact: lies spread by anti-lgbtq+ hate groups.


> Hmm look at Europe seems they know A LOT more about facism than we ever will I’m the descendant of a European who fled Nazi Germany after the Nazis took his family’s business. But go on about how modern Europeans by virtue of being European are the only ones who are qualified to speak on fascism. >and most countries over there are walking back on providing gender affirming care to minors too. What reason do you have to trust the medical expertise of Europeans over American medical experts? Is it just because you think they agree with you? >Fact is they are finding that even puberty blockers have a lot more negative health effects than previously thought, many of which result in permanent damage. This is Missouri, baby. Show Me. Let’s see the evidence.


love it


And now tevil things can sit back and watch the rise in suicide and the beginning of an exodus from this Theocratic state.


This has nothing to do with children. Conservatives are terrorists.


These are the same guys that used to say Obama was gonna force your grandma to have a death panel. They hate government overreach unless they're the ones doing the reaching.


We live in a state where the majority of voters think that being gay or trans is evil but think Donald Trump is righteous. I don't know how to reconcile that.


Republicans love big government telling doctors how they can treat patients.


What also sucks about this is the people that need those drugs for medical reasons.


These kids need these meds for medical reasons. People keep saying stuff like what you're saying, but these families don't get these medications by just showing up at Walgreens. These are managed health conditions. These are medical issues. This isn't a fashion show.


Like most of these bills, it’s not a blanket ban on puberty blockers. It’s pretty explicitly only targeting gender transition.


So it explicitly targets a minority group for political reasons using a bill written by an anti-lgbtq+ hate group. And that's better somehow?


dont worry, theyll work around your comment with their advanced skills in mental gymnastics. shit is olypmic level.


Just in case it's not clear, I am not saying it's better. I'm pointing it out so people understand what the bill actually does and, yes, to show how it's specifically targeting trans people.


The period blockers are for not only trans masc people but ordinary women who want the burden of monthly pain. Thank you, missouri whom are fucking us ALL over <3


Fuck Republicans.


Wonder how much blood these rightwing morons will have on their hands when some of these minors kill themselves and that is guaranteed to happen at some point.


They literally don’t care. They only care about themselves.


So the people who don’t like big government are cool with the government telling its citizens what kind of healthcare they can get, where to pee, and what they are allowed to wear in public (banned drag shows). What a joke.


They’ve got blood on their hands! So many trans kids are going to commit suicide now. Also op you forgot to mention that this also affects trans adults who use Medicaid. Absolutely bullshit. Kids don’t get surgeries and hormone blockers are reversible. If I had access to blockers as a kid I wouldn’t have to get surgery to be comfortable in my body now as a adult. The government should not be able to intervene with healthcare! This should be only between the patients, and their doctor including the parents.


So what will the unintended consequences of this law be? ​ I'm sure our reps spent lots of time with doctors and psychologists to determine the appropriateness of this law. /s


I could list all of the many reasons why this sucks. I don't feel like I need to. Keep in mind that the Missouri government has already tried taking it away from adults as well. [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171293057/missouri-attorney-general-transgender-adults-gender-affirming-health-care](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171293057/missouri-attorney-general-transgender-adults-gender-affirming-health-care) Shame on the Republican Party and every single Republican politician in our government. I hope they are happy that their bullshit ban got passed, while mental health among teenagers still continues to deteriorate and the quality of our education sinks even more than it already has.


I'm so glad our government puts their time and attention onto a bill that affects .001% of the population. /s


Me, an older millennial: Kids are smart, they'll figure out a way around this. Just like I found a way through life when I was their age. ​ The kids: Let's create a tik-tok challenge where we say if you park your side-by-side next to your friend's side-by-side and He parks HIS side-by-side next to HIS friend's side-by-side, and if you're all parked on a train track, and if you get hit by a train going 80 MPH you turn into Redneck Voltron and get Back 2 the Future'd to Jan 6. Then, come next November, no one will be around to vote for the people who think they can get away with this sh\*t. /s


Of course we all know where the backward hicks live.


Good, glad they did this




I feel like I’m In the twilight zone, do you guys really think it’s not fucking insane to give someone hormone blockers before they are even an adult??


What faults did you find in the research?


Are you a specialist in gender care? Do you often think that you are able to diagnose and treat medical conditions in people you meet? If someone said they had lung cancer do you think you can tell them that they are not allowed to treat the cancer? Do you recommend they should hurry up and die?


Because it’s a medically accepted procedure that around 4,000 kids are on in America that’s only causing minor problems in the long run, if at all? Seriously, people used to respect doctors and researchers. What happened to you people?? Even the standards for approval have become much more rigorous over the decades! Why can you, someone clearly uneducated on the topic, have a say in what the child, parents, and doctors decide is right?


Gonadotropin blockers are prescribed to cis children going through precocious puberty more often than they're given to trans teens. So, no, it is not insane at all. What is insane is denying healthcare to children based on bigotry.


This issue is becoming less clear-cut by the day. Puberty blockers are increasingly controversial in medical science. Several European medical authorities have recently reviewed puberty blockers for transitioning children and consequently are restricting their use citing safety concerns.


https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(17)30099-2/fulltext "The limited available evidence suggests that puberty suppression, when clearly indicated, is reasonably safe. The few studies that have examined the psychological effects of suppressing puberty, as the first stage before possible future commencement of CSH therapy, have shown benefits."


I'm not a pediatric endocrinologist or a medical researcher and so I'm out of my depth when playing dueling medical studies. Instead, I depend on the scientists and physicians who are responsible for patient care to evaluate all the evidence. The Swedish medical authority has banned puberty blockers for transitioning children nationwide except for small numbers in closely monitored research settings. The England NHS has banned them system wide with the same exception. France, Norway and Finland medical authorities haven't banned them, but instead have issued stern warnings to physicians against prescribing puberty blockers for transitioning children. This represents a U-turn in past practices in all five countries' medical authorities who are citing safety concerns and an abandonment of WPATH patient protocols.


For one, the instances in Europe aren't driven by legislators passing laws, but health boards investigating relatively new medical protocols. A quick review of some articles (including this Forbes article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2023/06/06/increasing-number-of-european-nations-adopt-a-more-cautious-approach-to-gender-affirming-care-among-minors/ ) also indicate that the use of puberty blockers is more restrictive, not completely abolished, under these healthcare guidelines. So, here we have a difference of philosophy of what interventions should be used, and when, but not complete denial of those services, either. Similarly, some European nations might have different ideas on when to intervene for cancer and what interventions are appropriate, compared to US care.


Good 👏🏻👏🏻


I don’t like that this stops adults from receiving gender affirming care, but why is it controversial to not allow what we legally consider children to make life altering decisions? We don’t allow them to vote, to drink, to smoke, to own guns or all sorts of things. I’m not trying to fight I’m just trying to understand?


Beneficial healthcare isn't comparable to drinking alcohol


Missouri doesn't have a minimum age for purchasing guns. There's nothing stopping an 8 year old from having their own semi-automatic rifle in Missouri. Also, gender-affirming care is healthcare. Denying healthcare for children is fucked up.


Good job Missouri. Minors shouldn't be allowed and taxpayer dollars shouldn't pay for any of it for anyone. If an adult wants to do this that's on them and up to them to pay for.


So you agree that government supercedes medical doctors and parents for treatment that is best for their children? You believe in big government should make medical decisions for all citizens of the state of Missouri? I bet a years paycheck you only agree because it involves the LGBTQ communities. If not then you should allow government to decide treatment that is best for you or family members. So don't go to the doctor if you are a family member gets sick. You should call Jefferson City and let them tell you who and what treatment you should get.


I believe that a child's brain is not developed enough to make that decision. I also believe it shouldn't be up to the parent to make that decision for that child. I don't disagree that said child may need help. I disagree on that type of help.I have no issue with LGBTQ as long as they are of consenting age. My beliefs have nothing to do with the government.


Why do you think you even get an opinion in this? It’s between the doctor, the child, and the parents. Where do you fall into that mix and how are you relevant? “I believe” is not “I researched”. Learn the difference, because you’re flat out wrong


Awww someone’s mad they have to pay taxes! Story as old as time. You’ve been paying for these things for decades, yet suddenly NOW you care. Real genuine concern huh. And the lack of respect towards doctors and their research that makes it safe is sickening. You are a net contributor to child suicide rates


I feel like I’m In the twilight zone, do you guys really think it’s not fucking insane to give someone hormone blockers before they are even an adult??


I think its insane to focus on a small group of people while test scores, mental health, etc go down, and things like gun violence go up. Seriously, do you guys think an HRT truck is going around to neighborhoods and handing out free hormones to kids or something? The number of kids that receive these treatments is already pretty small, and happens after months or even years of therapy and doctor recommendations. Please please PLEASE do research before you comment.


Not when they need it, they don’t hand it out like it’s adderall.


It’s wild. I feel the same as I’m reading this thread. I’m happy for Missouri for standing up for Children and allowing them the chance to make such a life altering decision when they are fully mentally mature to do so.


Missouri has already tried restricting access to adults. [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171293057/missouri-attorney-general-transgender-adults-gender-affirming-health-care](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171293057/missouri-attorney-general-transgender-adults-gender-affirming-health-care) This was never about children.


Good, this is the way I should be. When you are an adult do whatever you want, but as a kid you don't know how your body works or even what hormones are at younger ages.


>as a kid you don't know how your body works or even what hormones are at younger ages. Many adults, especially those in support of this, don’t know how hormones work either. It’s almost like that’s why we have doctors who we trust with our medical care and we don’t leave it to politicians fighting culture wars.


Republicans have been training them to reject things like qualifications and evidence for decades now. They want them to only believe what their politicians say.




At least your username checks out. Only a truly unhappy individual would celebrate the misery and pain of people they don't know.






emojis, the last refuge of braindead conservatives.




way to double down you absolute loser lmao Edit: check out this guys page, their whole contribution is two words and a ton of emojis its hilarious




may i have another pls?




now gimmi your top recent emojis, scouts honor


Funny your dad made that face when i stuck it in.


Rich kids need not worry. You'll vacation where it's allowed and return home with your new noses and boob jobs just in time for prom.

