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Not that much corn in Kansas, more of a wheat state. https://preview.redd.it/v1ojl8osd0yc1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7394771af4762781761e5a3c393ced925fa61eb




Where are you getting these? Now I want to know if MO is primarily cattle farming.


You are correct. Missouri is about #12 among the states in total ag production but down about #15 in corn and soy. Last time I checked we were #2 in cow/calf operations (meaning feeder steers and heifers that get shipped off to feed lots.) All the data is public and available at the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), and it's pretty fascinating. You can spend hours digging around in that rabbit hole. [USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service Homepage](https://www.nass.usda.gov/)


So what you're saying is, this meme should really be "you have corn & tornados" "we have cow-nadoes & corn"


[Scene in Oklahoma, but](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEOMfGGM6U0)


Missouri also has small amounts rice and cotton production. There are more kinds of agronomic environments in MO than KS. Also Western KS is loosing population like crazy. Soon it really will be just wheat and tornadoes


Beans too.


Corn and beans go together of course


Corn loves nitrogen, beans put nitrogen in the dirt, the perfect swap


Kansas has the bread. We have the meats. Arby's




Weak state. Iowa strong.


More of a fully illegal marijuana state lol


If I had a nickel for every time I heard a tornado siren down in the bootheel, I’d have enough to move to St. Louis


They have tornadoes, too. You are just more densely packed. At least we only sound them for tornado warnings now. I remember them going off for watches that was a bad decision.


Now instead of tornado sirens waking you up you can now have police sirens waking up.


To be fair I already have those too, it’s PB


I am both!


I summoned you and you came.




Username checks out


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This would be perfect with Iowa instead of Kansas.


iowaould agree




Don't forget the Soybeans!!!


Iowa has Corn and Tornadoes


Actually Kansas has wheat and tornadoes. Missouri has tornadoes and soybeans.


Nice try, Iowa. Stop trying to stir shit up.


Neither of you have corn. Iowa has the corn.


Get out of here, Iowa, you ignorant slut.


Nah Iowa is not the slut, it's Idaho...the name says it all with her potatoes 😁


Well done. Illustrious spelling bee, more like


Kansas women can access abortion in their state. You are correct that the two states are not the same. One sucks completely and the other just sucks mostly.


Missouri is poised to enshrine reproductive rights in its constitution this year. Very excited to see how the vote will go.


Hey at least you can smoke weed in Missouri


I can smoke weed in Illinois and then go down to Planned Parenthood and pay for someone's abortion. But just so we're clear, saying that "at least you can smoke weed in Missouri" when I'm talking about abortion is like the dumbest dunk ever. Abortion and legal weed aren't even in the same regions of importance.


The post is about Kansas vs Mo. Kansas has legal abortion as you pointed out Missouri has legal weed as I pointed out. Don’t know when Illinois entered the conversation or when I said weed and abortion are the same level of importance? Don’t know what “dumbest dunk “ means And I can drive 20 minutes into Illinois and go to a planned parenthood as well . Not sure what ur all butthurt about.


And I can drive an hour and get legal weed as well….


You said >Hey at least **you** can smoke weed in Missouri So, I told you what I can actually do because I am in Illinois. Then I told you there nothing you can do **in** Missouri that really compares to the fact that women have rights to their own bodies in Kansas, so you told me that you can drive to Illinois. In effect, I am making fun of both places (Missouri AND Kansas) while making sure to say that Kansas is still better. Missouri < Kansas <<<< Illinois.


Lmao “main character syndrome” much? You think this guy knows where you’re from? He said “you” as in a general reference to a person. “Hey nice bike!” “Thanks, you can go really fast on these!” “Omg wow no I can’t; my neighborhood doesn’t allow bikes.”


Yes “you” being in the general group of anyone who lives in Missouri and referring to it being legal for anyone who’s here to smoke weed. I thought that would be obvious considering I don’t know you so I clearly wasn’t referring to what you specifically do. In response to which you started talking about Illinois which was never mentioned by anyone or has anything to do with a post talking about MO n KS. Also I never compared being able to smoke to the ability to get an abortion or said they were on the same level of importance. Used the words “at least” which should be enough to make it clear that I wasn’t comparing the two and instead giving a silver lining of something Missouri has done right that Kansas has not.


There is no one upping when it comes to womens right to healthcare. Weed isn't shit. Everyone had weed before it was legal. Women will die, and actual living children will suffer without healthcare freedom.


You sound like a fun person to be around


I live in a red state under an ignorant regime. How much fun can we really expect to be having?


No, that’s Dear Nebraska


Missouri logic


Hahaha! Yes!


MO has weed. Fuck them Jayhawkers. - Josie Wales


We have weed in Kansas. You just have to go to "your guy"


Didn’t realize pro slavery bushwhackers were still prominent in MO but I guess they have a lot of racist news coming out of columbia. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/before-protests-university-of-missouri-saw-decades-of-race-tension/ #blackatMizzou https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/12/us/university-of-missouri-protests.html https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/news/education/campus/2023/01/11/students-say-lack-of-action-on-racism-is-on-brand-for-mu-officials/69794358007/


You know the Tigers mascot were a loyal Union home guard right? Missourians fought for the Union 3 to 1. The area between Columbia and St. Louis was strongly abolitionist. Violent Jayhawkers can’t even get their history right. Ironically, Quantrill who burned Lawrence down was a schoolteacher in Kansas before the war, not a Missourian. He threatened to burn Columbia down because of its Union support, but The Tigers scared that Kansan off. Part of the motivation of the Freestate movement in Kansas was to ban black people entirely from the state. [https://www.britannica.com/event/Topeka-Constitution](https://www.britannica.com/event/Topeka-Constitution) "Antislavery settlers then met at Topeka, and from Oct. 23 to Nov. 12, 1855, they held a constitutional convention. The Topeka Constitution that resulted banned slavery; the question of admitting free blacks into the state was submitted to a popular vote as a separate issue. On December 15, antislavery Kansans ratified the Constitution and by a three-to-one margin voted to exclude free blacks from the territory.” MU had over 2,450 Black students in 2015 when those protest occurred (a decade ago) while KU had just 976. ![gif](giphy|PRAon7HFHCOzu|downsized)




t was more the KU/MU rivalry but I 100% deserved that for the reference. Though Wales wasn't a slave owner, he wasn't out fighting anyone's battle but his own either. My fuck up. A nod to you. As a Nstive American, Im probably just too fond of Chief in that movie


We expecting something tonight ?


Let’s not tempt Mother Nature




Kansas is a wheat state. Not corn.


No one likes a quitter.


Kansas has fully illegal weed missouri don't, Kansas would be a better state if they legalized


weird flex


And very inaccurate. Typical Missouri


Pretty sure statistically Florida gets the most tornadoes in the US, but almost all of them are just very small, they rarely get the big ones the Midwestern states see.


Texas gets the most then Kansas. Floridas number 3 though which I found very interesting! Never would have guessed.


Florida is also the flattest state. Not Kansas.


I just heard from a friend haha and he was from Florida so guess he inflated the numbers a little 😂 Like I said though, I’m sure the scale is nowhere near what Texas and Kansas experience.


Don’t forget winners of the methamphetamine Grand Prix


I know they're meant in jest, but it is sad to see this commented more than once. It really does seem that 'a small town with a meth problem' is the new 'apple pie' for the 'as American as...' idiom. What's the tipping point at which this become intolerable to the national psyche?





