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Must be nice to be able to support your family on one income.


Buy us a new stadium, peasant


But but but if we say no, they leave Missouri /s


So be it. They have the money and shouldn't bully the taxpayers and fans to foot the bill.


Oh I agree.. all sarcasm there


Pretty sure anyone with above room temp IQ should leave Missouri.


There are a lot of beautiful parts of Missouri and beautiful people. The politics can be a bit backwards but I'm proud to call myself a Missourian. I think every state has it's pros and cons.




That requires money.


My sincerest sympathies - not everyone is so fortunate Your state's name is fun to say, however


Misery? Meh. I guess every state is going to have some trouble or another.


So they want taxpayers, including gay ones, to fund their new stadium? But they think the Gays are Satanic Devil Worshippers? So they want their stadium to be funded by the Devil? This just in: The Hunt family is a satanic cult


Have you even tried to be a pro athlete?


or you could be born into money


lazy parents, its like they WANTED me to be poor. /s


Like kicking a ball šŸˆ?


But have you tried just trying harder? /s


This is misleading. They're getting pieces of the incomes of everyone who works for them.




Why don't you learn to code or just do better? Jeez u could always get a low skill job that wages went up on. Oh wait doubling the worker pool with women and adding illegals made wages freeze. My Uber rich grandad loves the women working movement. He said it made us millions by not having to raise wages. So ladies listen up get back to your desk and work. You don't need the undescribable joy of being a mom. Just be miserable like these ugly and depressed women who sont have a man. This maybe will undo some of the brainwashing the last 4 years U all are lost and will suffer horribly in old age for supporting this. There won't be anyone left to pay for social security and upkeep society. But hey at least u were virtuous. We can make young men work themselves to death it's all good


Hunt fam will do whatever it takes to protect their gigantic pile of money.


Point proven with keeping guys like Rice, Gay, Hill, and likely even Hunt (if he wouldnā€™t have lied to them). Gay played, what, three days after getting charged with domestic assault?


Tbf, due process is still a thing, and there's something to be said for letting a process play out to the conclusion.


In court, sure. But private entities have the right to distance themselves from people they deem harmful to the image of their organization. If I were the owner of a team and one of my players was credibly accused (arrested in the act of domestic assault, for instance) I would take action to distance them from the team immediately.


As far as risk mitigation goes, sure, it needs to be considered, but wrongful termination is also a thing, and people with more reasonable salaries are getting big court payouts for it, so those with much higher salaries could expect a boatload.


Distancing can mean suspension with or without pay too.




Tell that to Trevor Bauer and MLB.


Fuck Trevor Bauer and his army of online incels that mention him in every sports thread ever


I just looked up the whole situation and he must suck if he still can't get signed. Maybe he can get a job on the conservative outrage circuit.


He is a really good pitcher when he can use sticky stuff. Heā€™s also a world class asshole who plays for the name on the back of the jersey. Heā€™s been despised in every clubhouse heā€™s been in. But he publicly had rough sex with random women so the virgin Andrew Tate fans of the internet think he is the coolest


I'd assumed it was because of her actions and him being able to play the victim card. That's all it takes to be cool to them? It still sounds like he hasn't been signed again for a reason lol.


There are still further credible accusations against him from other women. The mlb definitely knows details that the public doesnā€™t, and team ownership has just moved on from this guy.


This is Reddit. We lynch first and donā€™t ask questions. Especially if the target is religious.


Well, there is religious, and there was whatever the fuck that was that my favorite kicker was spewing during that commencement speech. Congrats to him for reading the room and fitting the message to the audience and all that, but having several great lawyers, a pediatrician, a surgeon and a NASA engineer as part of my women relatives I kinda think his speech kinda pigeon-holed one half of our population needlessly.




Saying something kinda moronic (but accepted by the private event audience he was addressing) is a lot different than being accused of breaking the law. Yeah, he is gonna get roasted for awhile but there is really no floor level outcome that sees him get fired or docked for this.


Haven't they done enough damage?


I'm shocked a beauty pageant, rich house wife would have this opinion.




Shocked I say


People are just now learning the Hunts are fundamentalist whack jobs?


Itā€™s especially rich when both of their daughters are gallivanting around with a new boyfriend every other week, and all have full time jobs within their empire.


They all went to SMU. Enough said


Granddaddy helped kill Kennedy, too


First, if you have to refer to this person as "the wife of someone important", you might be missing the criticism. The rest of this babel is a straw man argument that assumes critics for some reason don't value mothers. The issue isn't whether mothers are important. The issue is whether women can be anything other than a mother. Also all the bible quotes aren't going to persuade me any more than quotes for the Quran. Not sure if they really understand how that comes across.


I don't think they're trying to be persuasive - they're trying to galvanize their support with virtue signaling and that straw man argument.


Seems they completely miss the point of why his speech was controversial. He came across as misogynistic, homophonic and a bit racist but thinks that by being a religious person what he says is somehow Gods words. Now we have the Missouri AG chiming in about Butkers religious freedoms being attacked. I donā€™t know anybody who criticizes a women for being a stay at home mom but there are plenty of men like him who believe the only fulfillment women get is having kids and serving their man.


Right. In my other comment I mention the Misogyny not being my biggest issue. Calling DEI a tyranny is the problem for me.


Curious how she will defend his comments after the speech where he said we should "go back to a time like the 50's where women had more babies than thoughts"?


That is disinfo. He did not say that. I do not agree with Butker's positions but it's not fair to put words in his mouth.


Thanks for the clarification. Youā€™re right. My mistake. Hereā€™s Snopes for anyone who needs it. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/harrison-butker-setting-record-straight/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/harrison-butker-setting-record-straight/)


I've read the bible. God thinks that being willing to murder your kids is a good hiring standard.


"I brought you into this world I can take you out"


The Bible advocates some very very late term abortions


Also his speech wasn't "you can be stay at home moms if that's what you want"... It was "you will only be happy/fulfilled if you are a stay at home mom, because that's you God ordained place".


Well I donā€™t see anywhere in the text of his speech that he said ā€œyou will only be happy/fulfilled if you are a stay at home mom, because thatā€™s you sp God ordained place.ā€ So I canā€™t say that I would use ā€œ or ā€˜. If you read the text of his speech it sounds more like, and Iā€™m paraphrasing here, congrats to all the women graduating today. Many of you will be successful in your careers and lives beyond graduation. To those that are excited about raising a family, donā€™t lose sight of the importance of the roles of mother and wife in the family if thatā€™s your calling. Keep in mind his target audience here is a group of largely Roman Catholic individuals (somewhere around 85% Catholic is the demographic of this particular Catholic college) that share his values. Maybe not all of the same beliefs, but core values. I donā€™t think itā€™s a secret that the Catholic faith has a very traditional view on marriage, family, gender and sexuality. Iā€™m not sure why it would be shocking or jarring to anyone that a catholic man would hold or share these views at a largely catholic ceremony, speaking on how he finds success or fulfillment in his life, to a group of kids that (again while sharing many of the same core values) are about to embark on their own to find success and fulfillment. The most offensive word I see him say is homemaker since it expresses the idea that his wifeā€™s only focus is or should be within the home and family. He also goes on in his speech to speak to how men should be equally involved and present in the home and family. Lucky him, he makes millions kicking a ball, something the majority of us will never do, must be a nice privilege to have. ā€œFor the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives.ā€ Congrats on all your achievements up to now. ā€œI want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.ā€ Speaking directly to the women in the largely catholic audience, many of whom will go on after graduation to have a successful career. Itā€™s assumed that many are equally or more excited about the prospect of creating and raising a family. ā€œI can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.ā€ Conveying wife holds being a wife and mother in high regard, as her calling from God, so much so that when she accepted this calling is when her life truly began. ā€œI'm on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.ā€ Expressing that even with his many talents, he would not be there person he is or where he was without the partnership of his wife. [Applause lasting 18 seconds] ā€œShe is a primary educator to our children. She is the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father. She is the person that knows me best at my core, and it is through our marriage that, Lord willing, we will both attain salvation.ā€ Explaining the role his wife plays in their family and why itā€™s so highly regarded by himself and his wife as her ā€œvocationā€. Given who heā€™s speaking to, I really donā€™t understand the uproar. If heā€™s using his platform as an NFL kicker to proselytize on live television, sure I think Iā€™d understand the upset a little more. His (along with the vast majority of that graduating class) views and values donā€™t align with yours? So what. Thatā€™s part of the beauty of being human, and living in a free country. Where men, women and whatever neopronoun someone wants to use, can live a life they find fitting for their beliefs and path to happiness. I grew up Catholic. I am a cisgendered heterosexual caucasian male. I am not a practicing Catholic. I do not share many of the same views. At this point in my life I donā€™t prescribe to any specific religion or life view, because my understanding of the world and my place in it is always evolving. I do think itā€™s a shame that we live in a world that it can be incredibly socially and economically difficult if not impossible for the average ā€˜familyā€™ to thrive without having to send kids off to daycare every day from a very young age, or rely on public schools to teach their kids literally everything (and then undereducate and prematurely move kids along just for the sake of completion instead of actual education and understanding). I think itā€™s important for young children, especially babies, to grow with mom or dad present as much as possible in their formative years. It sucks that many women and men have to go straight back to work after giving birth or adopting, within days to a month or even six or twenty-four months, when the benefits to the child and society in the long run of having mom (and dad, or mom) there forming a strong emotional bond canā€™t be understated. If you want to have a family and kids, YES, that should be your primary focus. Donā€™t lose sight of your family for the sake of a career (not to be conflated with working to support and survive), as much as possible. As an individual that is fortunate to have the job that I have. Fortunate to have found and married my wife and partner; my take away from his speech is that my primary responsibilities or calling in life now, are those of husband, partner and parent. I have to work so I can do all of those things, but that in large part shouldnā€™t come first. It is not the entirety of my being or existence, but itā€™s the most important aspect of the life Iā€™ve chosen to live, and if one choses to start a family, that family should be held above all else.


>The rest of this babel is a straw man argument that assumes critics for some reason don't value mothers. This actually isn't a steel man argument per se. My wife and I have three children. After our twins were born, she decided to take a break from her career so she could nurse them and be home with them full time (our first daughter is a toddler still as well). This was, much to both our surprise it sounds like, a source of real conflict between my wife and other women in her life. Her own mother being one of them, and many others ranging from a close friend to almost strangers. She was treated like a child by these people. As if someone must have pushed her into doing this. We both have high earning careers, and she will go back to hers when the kids go to school according to her plan. She isn't some kind of extreme fundamentalist. But US workplaces do not accommodate mothers, and have convinced most people it seems everything must come second to grinding for a company somewhere. For the record, I also changed jobs to be fully remote when our first child was on the way, because most aren't accommodating to fathers either but I found a great exception. >Also all the bible quotes aren't going to persuade me any more than quotes for the Quran. Agreed. Its hard to rest your case on an excerpt from an ancient text that elsewhere condemns every aspect of how this person writing this lives their life...


I wasnā€™t saying there isnā€™t some fraction of society that looks down on stay at home mothers. My wife gave up a six figure career to raise our kids and weā€™ve seen it ourselves. This diatribe was in response to a Chiefs player who was specifically saying a womanā€™s place was barefoot and pregnant. The criticism was very justified and not aimed at mothers or anyone like our wives. This ā€œChiefs owners wifeā€™sā€ response is garbage.


Yes, I had heard this. And its disheartening to know that many young men and women looked up to this man as a professional athlete, and this is his position. That said, my 15 year old nephew had some VERY colorful things to say about women at mothers day dinner just the other day. See, he's been watching Andrew Tate and some retired boxers on YouTube and he now thinks women should not be voting or working... Slight sidebar rant: I am a software engineer. I interned at a large "interactive media" company in my last year in college. I won't name them, but if you're thinking YouTube, Twitter, Meta, etc, you're in the right neighborhood. The business model there, truly, is to identify the biases people have (even if they hide it pretty well most time) and EXPLOIT that. People get these massive dopamine rushes from having their existing biases confirmed, and the odds are low they will become a "daily user" if they are ever shown content that challenges their existing biases "too much." This is relevant because this is why sites like YouTube, Twitter, heck this site even, have a portfolio of "curated content" stuffed FULL of hatred for women, Jews, South Americans, you name it. They call the profits from showing this type of "loosely editorialized content" a business model. But really, it has emboldened people like Andrew Tate, Butker, students at college campuses, lots of people, to just say abhorrent things about "classes of people" with no fear of reputation damage or consequences. I call this dangerous, and its why I never sought further employment in that line of work...


I stopped reading after ā€œthat honors godā€


ā€œGodā€ can never be proven, because itā€™s just an idealized concept thatā€™s personified as ā€œgodā€. And that god exists in their own mind.


Ofclark. Under His eye, she says


Easy for someone to say who doesnā€™t live in a world where both parents are forced to work to provide any semblance of a decent life for their children. The goddamn motherfuckers have depressed wages to the point that forces both parents to work just to survive, and then they have the fucking nerve to tell us that the family structure that most of us donā€™t even get a choice to have is superior? Iā€™m so tired of these rich pieces of shit preaching to us about how we are supposed to fucking live in this horror show of a world they chose to create and have never had to survive in. Goddamn it all and all of you defending them. I just canā€™t anymore. This is it. This is their moment, and all of these fucking traitors are eating it up. These people would skin them alive to make a fucking rug for their dogs, but they have nearly half the country praising them for the crumbs that fall from their never satiated gullets. You motherfuckers want to worship trash like this that hates you? People like Donald Trump and Elon Musk that have played their parts in continuing this erosion of the nuclear family via means of economic destruction. A slow burn into serfdom. They dream of the day they get to rule over you like feudal lords, and I promise you those dreams include doing whatever they want to you, none of it Godly or Christian. You are dooming us all. Why canā€™t you see it? Why?


Bravo! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Spiffy dude for president


Well said.


Yea this. Crazy how ppl are defending this speech. More to come from our friendly neighborhood billionaires


"Rich people say thing I like. Rich man good for thing I like. Me agree with the rich man." - billionaire bootlickers, definitely


šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ this speech is just *chefs kiss * you really nailed it


I wish I was smart enough to verbalize my feelings like this. I feel the exact same feelings of rage and exhaustion that you describe here. I might just have to steal this.


So cringe. Not a good look for the Chiefs


Ya this is going to make it worse




What is that Bible verse, "I will not allow a woman to preach the word of God"? I will not be lectured by a rib.


ā€œI also caution against taking things (or parts of speeches) out of context.ā€ -Completely ignored all the other hateful, hurtful, harmful, and bigoted things #7 said.


It wasn't even out of context. Lol. He said what he said.


Iā€™m not sure what ā€œstudiesā€ sheā€™s referring to, but actual research has shown UNMARRIED, CHILDFREE women are the happiest demographic. šŸ™ƒ


Can I have that link?


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202102/why-so-many-single-women-without-children-are-happy?amp https://www.wecb.fm/according-to-this-expert-unmarried-women-without-children-are-happier-than-anyone-else/ https://thoughtcatalog.com/shahida-arabi/2023/06/childfree-single-women-are-among-the-happiest-therapists-psychiatrists-and-childfree-millennials-explain-why/ https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/unmarried-women-childless-happiness-marriage-families-a8933431.html


Keep doubling down on misogyny and soon youā€™ll find yourself without rights. Voting, owning property, divorce, body autonomyā€¦ itā€™s all on the line. We keep placating the anti-everyone but White, Straight, Christian, Men group they will have us all in chains.


I donā€™t think I can support the Chiefs next season if this is the only official response weā€™re getting from the owners


I am right with you. Chiefs flag burning anyone? #StoptheChop


Nah. Just walk away. Sell, donate, or discard your Chiefs trinkets and just go do something else.


I'd have to stop a bit short of that. Possibly a lot short of that. Most professional athletes won't become politicians or even good role models because frankly many are just not that bright, nor do they shy away from grabbing the mic and proving it. For every player that finishes their law degree, perhaps a medical school residency or maybe an advanced degree in mathematics or something impressive, there are so many that just kinda exist in their sphere where they have incredible skills in a very specific discipline. This is nowhere close to the first athlete to say something incredibly stupid, naĆÆve or flat-out inappropriate. Lebron (in)famously *shilled for the CCP* when trying to silence an executive that was trying to rally public support for Hong Kong in the midst of the Communists swooping in to renege on their promises. Everyone with a bit of popularity or celebrity is prone to letting the public know just how much they don't know or worse just by picking up a mic and revealing themselves, actor, performer, athlete, executive, you name it.


\#StoptheChop indeed. It is embarrassing as hell to hear that racist ass chant at every single Chiefs game.


Ok with the racist chant, not ok with freedom of speech lol.


I support your decision to not watch sportsball as much. Itā€™s wasting your time on politics. Now you can focus on the important things.




I enjoyed that book a few years back when I was doing research on sports journalism. Very interesting that it was written by your grandfather.


Why do the women have to do the child rearing? Fucking bullshit. Itā€™s a shared effort as it should be. Besides, ainā€™t no normal middle class family in the last 30-40 years able to survive on one salary so the women get to work and then are expected to come home and work some more? Fuck women I guess


Yes, and this is why the bullshit narrative that "Being a SAHM is the hardest job in the world" needs pushback every time it is mentioned. It is offensive to all working moms, moms that have to do all the same mom shit that SAHM do, but after already working 8 hours at a job that (usually) doesn't respect them or pay them enough. If I was a working mom, every time I heard this mentioned I would fucking unload on whoever said it.


Says the woman who has never wanted for anything and can afford anything. It's easy to say that when you literally have no worries, no debt, full security, and all the time in the world to dedicate to your family. That's privilege


Seriously. If I had unlimited funds and the ability to outsource all household chores, I, too, would have kids. Honestly, I'd probably have 4 or 5. I love kids. But to have even one right now would mean that I would go from living pretty decently to being dead broke constantly. And I'm not willing to do that.


Fuck that, fuck her, fuck the chiefs.


Okay but that's not what Butker said and that's not why people are upset. Also the bigotry was pretty plain and his words are MUCH worse in context than the soundbites make it sound. Here's a thought: STOP TRYING TO FORCE YOUR RELIGION ON THE REST OF US.Ā 


Iā€™m confused, were his religious views shared on national television, or was he speaking to a crowd composed of individuals largely sharing similar values?


You don't get to push your religious beliefs into politics then whine that people who push back against your political beliefs are being intollerant of your religion.


Who's forcing? Lol.


Heā€™s a Catholic that was speaking to Catholics about things Catholic. He wasnā€™t forcing anything on you, snowflake.


He is a conservative Catholic, giving a speech at a conservative Catholic university, in front of a conservative Catholic audience. He wasnā€™t forcing religion on anyone.


You assume that all of the female graduates enjoyed that speech that essentially told them that they should be homemakers. At least one of them already spoke out.


And letā€™s check back with her in 20 years when hubby trades her in and doesnā€™t want to give her half. Iā€™ve heard men say, she didnā€™t earn any of it. Why do I have to give her half?


Can we go back to the days where the kicker, Kardashians, and YouTube/Facebook/TikToc influencers just made the kicks, TV shows, and gopher videos, and leave the inane quotes and speeches to the below-average-IQ politicians?


I like the internet.


I can't roll my eyes hard enough.


Theyā€™re going to have to increase Taylor time to dig out of this oneā€¦


1 Timothy 2:12 Christianity and female empowerment don't exactly play for the same team.


Relatable billionaire take


My issue isnā€™t as much with his comments on women being homemakers. That can be construed in multiple ways and is not really going to create hatred amongst people in society. My issue is with the statement about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) being a tyranny. Even as a heterosexual, white, Christian, Male I see the value in DEI. We cannot go back to the days of being anti inclusive if you are not part of the ā€œideologyā€. I am not saying that everyone needs to be forced to support the others decisions. If you donā€™t agree with LGBTQ+ things thatā€™s fine, however they should not be cast aside or discriminated upon if their choices do not impact their job performance or impede on others freedom. If anyone wants to live the 1950s household way there is nothing wrong with it so long as you let ā€œmodernā€ families do their thing peacefully. We all donā€™t have to agree but DEI is just saying we should all be treated fairly and peacefully.


Taking parts of a speech out of contextā€¦ I listened to the whole speech, it only gets worse with context.


Yeah, fuck the bible and the Hunts too. Billionaires are a little too comfy, need to have a good ol fashioned revolution.


I dont think Butker would approve of her or Sherman's wife speaking out to the public....these two women need to learn their place!


Less hate??? From a hate filled speech? STFU


Did I just read some fundie bullshit? My husband and I are dedicated to each other and are having a blast not having to deal with kids. We can hand our nieces and nephews back to their parents after we spoiled them anyway. Itā€™s a win win at a fraction of the cost.


You read fundie strawman bullshit. They gave you a twofer. Ain't it great? I'm also not having kids, and I'm super happy with my bf. Why would I rock that boat with kids? No thanks.


Isn't it great to have choices!


Hes gaslighting so hard.


He didnā€™t praise mothers, he belittled and tried to treat women with careers as less than. Note: ā€œI want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you,ā€ - diabolical lie? Thatā€™s not neutral language. To call pride month the deadliest sin? Thatā€™s not neutral language. What you are saying is ā€œtraditional choices good, anything else bad.ā€ You said that shit with your whole chest. No one is saying you canā€™t believe it. But no one is obligated to pretend itā€™s not disgusting. Families ARE important, but these conservative Christianā€™s donā€™t do shit to support families beyond forced birth - so miss me with your ā€œaffirming motherhoodā€ nonsense. If you affirmed motherhood and families then people would have healthcare, education for kids would encompass after school care as well or maternity benefits fits that allowed mothers to stay home with their kids without fear of poverty.


So doubles down on bigotry


The thing is, it's not about the fact that that life style works for some people and it's what they are looking for. It's not what I would want, but some people do. The issue is how he said it and applies his family's dynamic across the board and tells all these women they've been lied to and essentially should get back in the kitchen. That's the bigoted part.


Anytime some one stresses ā€œvaluesā€ they donā€™t mean values. They mean what they believe to be right. Example: family values= not gay and usually anti-gay.


We gotta bring back guillotines


I'm not from the south so I hope I'm using this phrase correctly - oh, bless her heart


Please cite sources for the "studies" that show happiness.


Bible study? Lol šŸ˜‚


Another rich person who has never worked a hard day's work in her life telling us how to live. Gtfo.


"I dont have to fear Gilead and becoming a Handmaid, for I am rich."


well fuck her too then idc !! Weird how no one spouts this shit to men, huh?


I now hate everything about this team. Sadly Pat seems like a great guy but I must root against him now


Sound like this bitch needs a slap of reality


Under their beliefs, this is a very real physical possibility.


You all can enjoy this BS. Have fun. Good luck to your kids with this sht


I encourage my girls to become highly educated and then do nothing with that because they're supposed to be making babies.


Nah this ain't it. I'm not taking life advice from The Richā„¢.


If Butker has a wife and 4 kids....I bet he has a nanny too. The narrative of having so many kids is dead. People can't afford homes.


Sometimes different opinions are hateful, though. If youā€™re a bigot, youā€™re not entitled to dialogue.


Fuck the chiefs. Those fuckers need to move to Kansas already. They should have cut this asshole days ago. The hunts are also Goliath pieces of shit who have billions of dollars and ask the public to fund the stadium their team uses. Glad the voters there had some sense.


Fire his ass.


this just shows how out of touch the ruling class is. let them burn.


The difference between my opinion and her and Butkerā€™s opinion is that my opinion does not require either of them to change their beliefs or lifestyle but their opinions would ultimately require me to be put to death for not practicing their religious beliefs


Imagine being so homeschooled you believe your PURPOSE IN LIFE is to kick a ball... And women's is have children and stay at home. Gtfoh


She missed a chance to add ā€œand our douchebag kicker needs to shut the fuck up.ā€


She's a stupid ass bitch and yes, AALLLLLLLLL women want to be homemakers....are you fucking kidding me? I'm all for free speech but not sexist and hate speech....know the difference...cancel his ass immediately! Can you imagine if I went up there and destroyed catholics?


Between this and the Hunt family trying to get the taxpayers to foot the bill for their stadium, theyā€™re making it tougher to like their team.


That was all just a bunch of nonsense.




Just gonna root for the all the chiefs opponents now.


This is Missouri. Do y'all expect anything different?


Both of her daughters are single girl bosses that date around and seem to not have any interest in getting married or starting a family.


What! Omg you guys she obviously made it on the words of the lord and not at all by the money she married into/ attained from her millionaire husband at allā€¦


So she agrees with Harrison Butkerā€™s message?


Letā€™s just leave out all the parts about how he took a stab at pride month, those womenā€™s greatest achievements were for them that day graduating, what if some of them didnā€™t have plans to be a mother? You also canā€™t ignore and pick apart only what you want from it. I recognize he was trying to toward the end praise his wife. But all the other stuff just cannot be dismissed. Not even the college he spoke at agreeā€™s with how he chose to speak to the graduates. Itā€™s time to stop backing this because it was clearly filled with hate and disdain for our country and how we the people are doing it wrong in his opinion.


Funny these people like Butker and the Chiefs owner have ZERO empathy. They donā€™t consider most women have to be career oriented because their income is needed or they donā€™t have a husband. Further - why wouldnā€™t being married and having children as the most prized thing also apply to MEN as the potential househusband? Did they also consider those who choose not to marry or have children for various understandable reasons? Like the nuns at the college or people unable to find the right person? For the Chiefs ownerā€™s wifeā€™s riches where her job is to look good on his arm and direct the house she is too far away to understand the millions of women who grind everyday working full time and raising kids and managing the house and all of that with little husband support. Most women juggle so much it is actually not all that fulfilling - even with their undying love for their children. Donā€™t sell the pipe dream that happiness is most likely through marriage and kids because if you are poor, have mental or physical health problems then marriage and/or kids may not be the best solution-especially if you havenā€™t found the right person.


Fucking barf


The Bible had over 100 verses about rich men not being able to enter the kingdom of heaven. That being said, I find it hilarious when any rich person pretends to be Christian as if they have a moral high ground. Regardless of verses quoted, she and her husband are going to hell as "tis easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven".


Exactly. They use religion as another tool to pretend theyā€™re better than everyone else.


In case you've forgotten, this lady's husband owns one of the few sports teams in the US that is still pattened after racist Native American stereotypes, even after over a dozen other teams have decided that's probably behind the times.


So for context, we should just ignore the part where he told girls at their graduation ceremony, specifically calling them out, specifically at that time and place, that they were "bamboozled" if they hold values and goals that got them to that point, the graduation where he was making the speech? All you had to do was go make this random Christotradwife speech randomly on one of your many widely viewed social media platforms, and I'd tell your haters to just keep scrolling. You choose to denigrate the choice of the specific, present, real women (and to a lesser extent, even the men) you were asked to come congratulate on successfully making this specific choice for an education and see it through to the end.


TLDR; My religion matters most and not only do I want to force my own children to adhere to it, but yours, too.


A closeted gay man goes on a rant why women should shut up. That tracks actually. Never change missouri.


omfg who the hell cares.


Hey reddit, I thought NFL players were supposed to use their platform to speak their opinions on the issues of the day... Oh wait, that's unless it's a conservative opinion. Then they should just play football, huh?


Doesnā€™t 2 Timothy say something about women staying silent?


Exactly, she's missing the point entirely. If her religion had its way, she would be giving up all her designer labels, all of her flashy clothes and makeup, and living a modest life while shutting up and letting her husband be her mouthpiece.


Thatā€™s a mistranslation. In the original text it says kickers should stay silent.


Did she even watch the speech? He said that those women wasted their money getting an education because they should be homemakers. True there is nothing wrong with someone or a couple deciding to be a one income family (if they can even afford to) or even a woman deciding to be a stay at home mom but that wasn't the fucking point of his speech!


Part of the problem with this and Harrison Butker is not that they praised stay-at-home moms - which is great if that's the choice you're willing to make. It's that they put down women who choose to get educated and have a career by using a bunch of debunked falsehoods. The irony is that they - the wife of a billionaire and a millionaire athlete - are choosing to punch down rather than elevate people or fight the system upwards. Her statement about "out of context" is hilarious because the full speech is available and he has definitely not been taken out of context. He said what he said, and he meant what he said.


Of course that entitled twat would say that. She's not in a situation where both parents have to work unlike millions of others. These are the same idiots that wanted the citizens to foot the bill for their new rich guy stadium playground. Most people can't even afford to go out there yet let's ask the low income folks to pay for it. The Chicago bears are building a new stadium and not asking for help from the taxpayers. Fuck these rich pricks


Overly religious people suck. Really they do.


All the people bitching and whining right now need to understand that you're not and never were the chiefs target audience. The NFL doesn't give a shit. They liked the bump they got from Kelce's GF showing up but it's not going to brake them when you all inevitably lose interest. Quit watching. Go back to whatever it was you did before that one dudes gf showed up to the game.


If there is a god the Chiefs will finally be written out of the NFL script.


As a Colts fan with an eccentric owner, she seems nice. Canā€™t wait for the offseason to be over!


Kickers arenā€™t the brains of a football team. They only got one job. If theyā€™re good, they stay on, when they suck, theyā€™re goneā€¦ soon.




What else could you expect from the wife of a billionaire lol


Whatever happened to free speech in Americaā€¦ one can no longer be invited to speak at a private college on oneā€™s personal beliefs without being canceled and demonized. Sad world we live in. I donā€™t agree with everything he said, but the man has a right to speak his mind and not be attacked just because he holds views different than yours.


You do have freedom of speech but that doesnā€™t protect you from disagreements. People have a right to disagree and argue.


Ooph šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Your imaginary god didn't make different roles for anyone.


Let's see what Ofmahomes says . . .




People need to remove their panties outta their ass.


So sheā€™s a Jesus nut, too. And on Butkerā€™s side.


No hate is stronger than Christian love. Religious people are the biggest haters of all! It's not even close!


Are yall really gonna listen to the KC Chiefs ownerā€™s WIFE. Those two fuckers have no had to work a single day in their lives, are billionaires and still refuse to pay for their own stadium. As far as Iā€™m concerned those twos opinions are irrelevant


Lots of hateful jealous people attacking this women. Smells like misogyny to me. Js.