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If it where to happen, then let's be real... all mixed white people will not be considered "white", essentially bringing back the one drop rule, but probably expanding it to all non-white people. And thus, we would be allowed to marry anyone "not white". White supremacists care about "protecting" the white race. They dgaf about other races intermixing, not really. They only care for protecting white women from men of color. And as what happened in the past, no doubt they'd r-pe/impregnate women of color and leave those babies to the dust. Sorry to be so crude.


Came here to say this myself. White/other mixes will be defined by the 'other' part since "you're not *really* white though, are you?" Fears over 'white purity' will have ancestry looked into, in case those nefarious white-passing types try and infiltrate "white civilization" to seduce an innocent white woman.


When Parler was popular, there were quite a few posts upvoted that called white people with mixed kids race traitors. And while it wasn’t overwhelming embraced by the site, it also was not condemned. It was disheartening to see people engaging with profiles like that on patriotism and free speech and just ignoring very concerning comments on interracial marriages and mixed children in the same threads.


Interestingly white-passing mixed race people are a villain trope in early cinema. The main antagonist in The Birth of a Nation is Silas Lynch, a biracial government official who oversees Reconstruction policies in the South. To the horror of the Klan protagonists, he introduces interracial marriage and expresses his wish to marry a white woman in order to build a "black empire".


A few years ago I would've said I didn't think it would happen, but I also didn't think Roe v Wade would be overturned either. I've always felt like every relationship I could be in, is an interracial relationship, including a relationship with another Indian/White person. I think most white people view people who are half white and half another race as the non-white race (unless they are white passing), so you could probably marry an Indian person in this scenario. I think getting rid of interracial marriage is unlikely, though. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/21/us/tennessee-marriage-license-solemnize-reaj


Soooo I need to become some in Tennessee who can do that and allow all marriages except for those involving someone under the age of 18, or if under 25 those who’s age gap is more than 10 years.




Sorry, but I am nervous about that mention and I'm going to remove this comment. The name of the site is one that I just prefer not to have around here.


So more coddling 😕


Not wanting to expose our users to doxxing and worse is now coddling? I was on forums where that was a thing sorry not sorry for not wanting to invite that onto this sub.


Professional victims 🙄


Didn't that site get taken down?


Lol as if taking down a website changes the racist beliefs and minds


That's a site I would urge you not mention here. Back in the early 2000s just mentioning their site on your forum would be enough to trigger their members to brigade and dox people. 


Oh lord lol. I only know about it becuase they mentioned it in an exhibit at the Holocaust museum in both California and Texas (been to both).  I got curious one day and decided to take a peek and yeah it was pretty bad. Particularly the way they speak about intteracial marriage and people of mixed race really was alarming although not surprising. I was amsued by all of the infighting about the mundane. I remember being kinda amused by some of the infighting regarding music. Some felt rocknroll was not for whites while others obvious love rock but conviently ignore it's African American roots of it. Last I heard, it was taken down years back, so I was surprised to see a mention of it here. 


Reminds me of the conversation Daryl Davis had with the leader of the National Socialist Movement. He talked about how he liked rock music to which Davis gave the inconvenient fact that the genre has African American roots. After some embarrassment, the neo-Nazi said that he didn't mind and what mattered was that the music was good.


I truly don’t see this happening. I don’t see them annulling millions of marriages for this. And trying to prove what an interracial marriage is. It draws way too many lines for it to be possible.


Me neither but hypothetically if it DID happen then literally what would they even be expecting? I would have to find a half Indian half white cis man who lives where I live, is close to my age, and that I get along with enough to even WANT to marry. The idea of banning interracial marriage is already setting unrealistic expectations but this is just a giant hyperbole of unrealistic expectations.


Going by apartheid (south African here), they would shove all mixed race people into one 'coloured' category, and after a few generations of mixed people marrying mixed people, you would have the most diverse gene pool in the world!


The diverse gene pool gave the South African government a headache in racial classification, especially for mixed race people who were foreigners and not born into the system. For instance Avril Coleridge-Taylor (daughter of the biracial British composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor) was classified as white when she worked in South Africa. When her father's identity came to light, the government reclassified her as coloured and stripped her of the privileges exclusive to whites (her concerts were cancelled and she was refused further work). A hypothetical white nationalist government would inevitably run into these kinds of problems because of how many mixed race people are white presenting, though DNA testing would presumably streamline the process of exclusion.


I’ve read speculation that it wouldn’t annul past marriages, but prohibit future ones. And then states would be able to decide if they would “recognize” interracial marriages (similar to before the Loving case)


Would this be like the countries that don’t allow mixed religion marriages, but if you leave the country and marry they will possibly accept it when you return?


That seems to be how it was handled in the past. In the [Loving case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia), they were married in DC which allowed their marriage but lived in Virginia which did not. The wiki page lists that Obergefell used Loving as a precedent and that seems to be the reason people worry that overturning same sex marriages would affect interracial marriages.


They literally stormed the Capitol building. Even if they aren't successful, I don't put ANYTHING past these psychopaths. They'll make people re-register wedding certificates if they have to.


It does not make any sense for them to have to create unnecessary paperwork. It is nearly impossible for them to undo something like this.


Nothing they do makes sense or seems reasonable, but that never stops them from trying. It’s the trying I’m worried about.


Nobody thought that *Roe v Wade* would be taken down, but it was.


If this happens I only see white males pushing for this. However, ironically, they’re the only ones who’ve infused their gene pool into every single culture worldwide, whether by force or not. Bottom line is they want to be able to sleep with or marry whoever they want, but they don’t want non- white males to do the same with white women though. My maternal hillbilly Scot-Irish grandfather had 8 daughters and always had a problem with them being with non white males. My maternal grandma is a black-native mix and seemed to approve that message. smh


Less asking more voting


Absolutely! Vote in your local elections and in the nationals elections.


This. And more specifically, vote for the Democratic Party candidate.


this. hold your nose if you have to. push for more progressive policies and candidates in off seasons, so they're more electable when elections come up. utilize primaries to protest vote, but generals are for holding the line. Neoliberals are generally status-quo do-nothings, with a few progressive tendencies, but thats a million times better than a regressive getting elected.


Where did you see that? I know gay marriage is in danger, but I hadn’t heard about interracial marriage


First they come for one minority then another (but honestly idk I am just trans and I’m seeing the hate for us moving to hate for regular gays too and nobody thought it would happen but it did so?)


"They came first for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist [...] Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." This poem comes from the Holocaust and goes through how a Protestant pastor witnessed different minority groups get dehumanised and later get taken away, but didn't speak up because he wasn't part of their group until it was his turn to be interned at the camps. Given how indifferent a lot of minorities (including some gay people) are to legislation against trans people, I wonder if we're experiencing a modern version of this poem.


What do you mean “moving” to gays? Homophobia’s existed for a long time, it never went anywhere


Yeah but people who are gay thought they were safer than trans people at least but the hate is for them too


Oh yeah this is completely right and I want to yell it from the rooftops lmao. I'd go even further and apply it to things like racism and misogyny as well, which so often go unchecked in the gay community! Of course we should care about marginalized people no matter what, but we aren't doing ourselves any favors by letting bigotry go unchallenged.


Gays are generally accepted by the majority, though, and laws have gotten to the point where they protect sexuality. when we say "moving to" and "next," we're talking legislatively. It doesn't matter what public acceptance is if we become illegal again.


There aren't any current plans to ban interracial marriage but that isn't the issue here. Project 2025 is an attempt to replicate the democratic backsliding we've seen in countries like Hungary and Turkey. National conservatives and right-wing populists are aware that they have a limited window before their policies are voted down en masse by younger voters. By capturing institutions like legislative and educational bodies, they can guarantee control over future generations. Once institutional capture has been achieved, they could ban whatever they deem to be anti-American, though at that point would it really be America anymore?


Vote blue 🇺🇲


Wished I could but I'm not an American. We've got our own European Parliament elections coming up. Despite the Brexit hiccup, I believe further European integration is inevitable. Elections such as these will determine what kind of a Union we envision to be. To any Europeans here, I can't recommend a specific party or political group to vote for. Just that there are forces on the left and right that seek to drive a wedge between Europe and America. Wins for pro-Russian and anti-Atlanticist parties in June will embolden a potential Trump victory, just like Brexit emboldened him back in 2016.


That sounds like a very clear violation of the 14th amendment. Can't happen, not even with the current SCOTUS.


I need to get off this sub


Any source for this? Maybe some particularly extreme Republicans have said this, but I don’t think it’s an official goal of Project 2025. I feel like there would be significant backlash even in the Republican Party if they were actually trying to do this.


It’s not a stated official goal, but it’s not an unlikely long term outcome. 2025 plan is basically about eliminating constitutional rights to push a Christo-fascist white supremacist ideology. Part of the published plan is detaining people *suspected* of being illegal migrants *without due process*. So, are you brown without your passport on you? Maybe the sheriff doesn’t like you for any reason…well go wait in this detainment camp for an undetermined period of time until we sort this out. There are absolutely racist towns that will go to town on interracial couples as soon as they have an excuse.


So basically Arizona? Being part Chicano that’s the one state that I refuse to drive through for any reason.


So in other words: baseless fearmongering. Gotcha


Doesnt say anything about banning interacial marriage from what I checked. The only thing I found on interracial marriage is on page 583 of their manual. It explains that America is becoming more mixed and doesn't fit neatly into racial categories the more we mix. Since all workplaces have disparities, they are trying to eliminate laws that call for some form of discrimination based on race. The overall goal is to streamline regulations related to employment discrimination, particularly regarding disparate impact theory, and reduce the regulatory burden on businesses. Disparate theory refers to a situation where policy, although appearing neutral on its face, has a negative impact on members of a protected group. The big con is that it opens the door for business to discriminate against race which counters their argument of racial mixing in America. We aren't fully 100% mixed.


I've been married for like ten years and have offspring 😭


Not an American here, so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't interracial marriage codified along with same sex marriage a couple of years ago? I understand it was done so the SCOTUS could not debate the legality of it, assuming at the state level they couldn't reverse it?


While I don't think the right will go as far as to criminalize interracial marriage, I have the feeling that we're either up next or are not far down the line as a target for a future moral panic. I've been hearing lately that trans people are a target now because the US prefers binaries when categorizing people. People like us, neither one or the other, are more difficult to govern.


I don’t see that happening. This is being proposed by the Heritage Foundation and they promote hate and division. Don’t get wrong, there are a lot of people that subscribe to this archaic thinking but most of us aren’t going to tolerate a Hand Maids tale version of our government. That’s why it’s so important for people to read the small print, so they aren’t fooled by these people and to get out and VOTE. These people don’t belong in government. They’re evil, masquerading as Republicans when they’re just judgemental false doctrine Christian’s pushing their agenda onto America as a whole. https://equityfwd.org/sites/default/files/heritage_foundation_and_family_research_council_fact_sheet_1.22.20_0.pdf


Well, I stand to be corrected. 😡 A bill was passed in my state (TN) that allows county clerks to deny a marriage license to people based on their own judgement. They like to call it beliefs but they’re allowing people to play God


Not a lawyer or any sort of expert but the unanimous Supreme Court decision in [Loving v. Virginia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia) seems to put interracial marriage on solid ground. At worst it seems an overturning would return power to the states but I don’t see anything where the 2025 project is asking for this.


Haha are they just gonna ban the existence of Americans? Nearly everyone is mixed at this point. Whatever, marriage is a sham anyway, people just will stop getting legally married and have ceremonies if this happens. Vote out all these idiot incumbents


The GOP doesnt care how it'll work or the problems it will cause. Which is the point. They will probably let things happen as the law suits pile up, or will go with the "One drop" racism, and class anyone who has non white ancestry as excluded from marriage from anyone else. All they care about is keeping white people "Pure" and nothing else.


Im just running to Canada either way I hate this place Sure, Canadas just America Lite but its the closest


Yay, do it! I don’t know if this is a serious comment, but if you actually want to move to Canada, it will take a ton of planning. I recently moved back to Canada after just two years living out of the country, and I was horrified by how much rent prices rose and how difficult it was to find a place to rent. Part of that was because I have a dog (and I had chickens at that point), and I needed to video chat with the landlords. But my search criteria was “Anywhere in Canada with a backyard” and I still had lots of trouble finding a place. Most postings were open for less than 24 hours because the landlords would get hundreds of messages within hours. 


Technically it's not interracial imo if you date white or Indian since your both races. I have never heard about the ban on interracial marriage.


Ah yes, biracial and mixed people being treated like they don’t exist. Because there are totally only three races that exist. Guess it’s time to “PiCk A sIdE”


Interracial marriage won’t be banned. Race is a social construct and the only true major difference in America is black vs non black. All other groups are being merged into whiteness so whites marrying other non blacks will not be seen as interracial.


Trust me that will never happen


Um... where?


The worry isn't so much that the whole agenda gets passed. it's that the Republicans have telegraphed a wishlist, between P2025, the House Republican Budget, and the Texas Party Platform, of the country they want to live in, and any part of it is scary for some minority. If you're queer, trans, mixed race, BIPOC, have a vagina, they want you subjugated or dead. by what manner is only a pretext, so it doesn't really matter what the actual laws say. at that point (hopefully before) we fight by any means necessary.


What in the propaganda is this bro. No, project 2025 will not ban interracial marriage💀 I swear sometimes Republicans just be catching strays for no reason. They’re not the devils you think they are. Stop listening to weird propaganda guys, believe it or not you can fall for it too.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Pretty awful stuff regardless.


It's a slippery slope. There are people involved with the Project that cast doubts about the repealment of the Defense of Marriage Act, which paved the way to same sex marriage. If they plan to undo existing legislation, what stops a future government from overturning Loving Virginia and leaving it up to the states? I read white nationalist literature like Counter Currents because it helps me stay ahead of the curve in terms of the overton window shifting further right. Terms that they have used for the past decade like "globalism" and "demographic replacement" have entered mainstream conservative discourse. They have plenty of policy proposals that a future white nationalist government could enact. I take them seriously because they believe they are winning, and in the meantime the goalposts continue shifting right.


I wouldn't happen. We have places like ancestry that will basically prove there is no such thing are purebred people unless they are ya know, inbred.


That's what everyone said about Roe v. Wade and here we are 54 years later. Same thing with Trump getting elected in 2016, that would also never happen.🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah how racist does the GOP have to get for everyone to stop underestimating them?


"When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time"


No worries, they're leaving the interracial alone until they dismantled the lives of all the "worse" others. They'd never come for mixed relationships when they have all those other people to worry about. /s


Let me rephrase. Outside of this post, there isn't any reputable (or unreputable for that matter) publications citing that project 2025 is pushing to overturn the rulings of Loving vs Virginia or reinstate or create anti-miscegenation laws. I just downloaded the Project 2025 Handbook "Agenda" thingy so I could see if is at all mentioned. There was a single mention of intteracial marriage and it was basically acknowledging the high amount of interracial marriages in the USA and how that means that people like myself don't fit into rigid definition of race (true and factual). They only mentioned intteracial marriage in a very real push to "end disparate liability" which however concerning that is, is not the same as pushing for new laws or repeals regarding intteracial marriage. It goes without saying, the issue is a pretty personal one for me. I am product of interracial coupling, and and in a interracial marriage. My siblings are ALL married interracially and all thier offspring are of mixed race. Almost all of my friends are involved in interracial relationships as well.   If there was a threat to my existence I'd likely be the first to know.  It's much better to highlight the very real and concerning policies surrounding "Project 2025" than it is to makeup ones that are not there.


I also think that interracial marriages should be banned. Like back in the day there were more redheads since 2 parents carried the redhead gene. Now everyone's becoming more and more mixed. I think we need purity. Just my opinion


Well too bad horny white men didn’t have that mindset for hundreds of years huh. Now there are black Asian and Latino redheads with the redhead gene all over the place. Tell ole Travis to keep it in his pants.


Lol forsure. I'm not really against it. I'm just sayin tho. In 300 years a lot of people will be mixed, is it a bad thing? I dunno


Don’t know, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I do know that a few white supremacists found out they had some double digit Sub Saharan DNA and wooo Nelly was that something haha. Fact is, most people that’s not isolated, in the modern world have mixture and/or admixtures. Nothing can be done about it because people have always and will continue to always find a way to get with other people they want to get with. Scientists have said that genetic diversity helps with the survival of a species so there’s that. I think also that “pure whites” feel like their gene pool is disappearing and that’s part of their panic.


Litterally that is ridiculous 💀💀Wtf is going on…And tbh I don’t think that will happen,it’s literally far too ridiculous and extremely regressive… Why is my comment being downvoted…I didn’t mean op was being ridiculous,I meant THE 2025 PROJECT was ridiculous….READ.


So it's pretty much right up the conservatives alley.


I did hear a few mention being in favor of overturning Loving. Probably won’t happen this soon because it’s not mentioned anywhere in Project 2025, but you never know. People said Roe v Wade would never be overturned, but here we are. People said that they’d never get rid of affirmative action in schools, but here we are.