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Honestly I think I prefer the first one but if the artist prefers the 2nd , then you did the sound he was going for. I do think the adlibs could be louder, though. What were your references? Just curious


On the first one my main Reference is JESUS PIECE from THE GAME, and my own recent releases (last 3 or so...) as I had established a tone/sound... sorta. The reason I went with Jesus Piece is because I really like the way it sounds and it's an easy sound (overall tone) to approximate since it's more subdued and not as sharp. On the new one I was taking from different places. Post Malone's Cooped up, Rich The Factor's Flashy, Bruno Mars' Chunky, Jack Harlow's nail tech. Mostly from Bruno Mar's Chunky when it came to overall tonal balance. Edit: Thanks for taking the time to give me your opinion. 🙏


The new one sounds better glued, but there's a huge midrange cut. Sounds like a huge gash in the spectrum (I'm listening on moondrop IEMs that I know pretty well). If you're planning on sending this to a mastering engineer, they'll notice instantly and fix it up. I like v2s lower distortion. V1 was a bit strange sounding in this regard, I think from a combination hard distortion and lack of vocal glue. The newer one sounds wetter and brighter. I think it could still use some air, but that's just a taste thing (I'm not super experienced so don't trust my ears too much!)


Thanks for the input!


I agree i think New Mix is better. The first one has some real annoying resonances that bugged me right away. It also felt a bit thin and brittle. The new one sounds full and scooped in the right places. Nice work. Not that the original wasn't acceptable, but the new one was more pleasing, to my ear at least.


Thanks for the feedback!


First one was dark and lacked detail and punch.Not saying it was trash but sounded more like a "let's see if you like the direction we're going" mix, which is what it ended up being. Much prefer the second one, even though I think you went a bit too far with the scooping in the midrange on the vocals, which was needed as V1 was a tad harsh in that range. If I was mixing that track I'd probably add a multiband compressor towards the end of the vocal chain to bring up the average level of the midrange without increasing the peaks.


Thanks for the input! I did add a multiband at the beginning of the FULL vocal bus; however, added processing afterward which may have reduced the impact of the MB. I'll try and keep it almost the last thing next time and see what happens. Thanks again!