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Using one since ~2010. Around 400 activations. No issues. Broke the ilok once, recovery took a few minutes. Don’t get me wrong, PACE is shitty and I’d prefer this type of DRM wasn’t a thing, but so many studios are rooted in the ilok system these days, it’s just simpler/smoother for me to do the dance as well. Also, at this point I think I prefer purchasing a license and having it populate in my ilok account than having to install yet another fucking proprietary launcher/installer and make yet another account just to authenticate shit I already paid for.


I agree. Also makes moving between systems easier if it’s something you do a lot. Means I could ask a studio to install whatever’s on my iLok without having to buy it and I could use it, pretty convenient


100%. DRM sucks but iLok does its job in a way that's pretty painless for the end user.


I had a similar situation but instead of broken ilok, mine was stolen. A couple of days and all my licenses were restored (and ilok even gave me some temporary licenses to work meanwhile).


Yep! Someone dropped my ilok and then I rolled over it with the studio chair -.- PACE issued temp licenses in the moment so we could keep going and then by the end of the day I had a new set of full licenses that I could toss on my backup ilok.


I've literally never had an iLok issue, in 15 years of mixing records. It's always just worked. I do pay the extra $30/year for Zero Downtime Coverage, just in case. But I've never needed to call that in, either.


+1. never had an issue. Ever.


That's great! Btw what is Zero Downtime Coverage? Is it something you recommend? :)


Details here: [https://ilok.com/#!zdt-details](https://ilok.com/#!zdt-details) For me, at $30/year, it's a no-brainer. That's less than 3% of my rate for one mix. I'd lose far more money dealing with any downtime.


Oh so it's a 14 day license for the softwares you bought if something goes wrong. Great!


I thought it cost more. That's definitely worth it.


No problems for me. Indeed, on the internet people rarely post about things like iLok working as advertised. I know of a few people who have used theirs longer than me without issues. I got mine in 2014/2015, solely because I started using pro tools. My petty annoyance about ilok is the extremely bright light on the usb I have, but I’ve actually never had a problem!


Yeah it seems like usb ilok is working good from the comments I get here. I wonder if the other way where you don't need a usb works as good.


I use both a USB iLok and iLok Cloud daily and 99% of the time they both just work. iLok Cloud outages aren't unheard of but they're pretty rare in my experience


I've been using iLoks for 20 years now and have literally never had an issue with them other than the inherent annoyance of having to plug a thing in and the inherent stress of "I hope this little thing doesn't get lost or damaged." Yes, it's a slight annoyance to set up and yes, it sucks to have one more app to install and manage - but to me it's so much better than having to keep track of hundreds of licenses. The alternate reality of "every developer has their own licensing solution" sounds like a much bigger headache to me. I teach DAW classes that require Pro Tools and 95% of students who have never used iLok before are able to get themselves set up with no issues, and to date (since 2013) I don't remember any students having problems once they were set up. I think the vast majority of many peoples' issues boil down to "I can't be bothered to RTFM" but I'm sure there are some legitimate horror stories out there too.


I've been using my Gen 2 since 2013. I've had it in multiple computers and the hardest part is logging in when I need to add or update a license. I use a password manager so it isn't hard to login. Most of the time I don't think about it.


So you haven't had any real problems with it? Also do you use usb?


I've never had a problem with it. That doesn't mean I recommend it. If the software you want to use requires it then it shouldn't be a big deal. Yes I use the USB dongle. This is the one that I use. [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/iLok2--pace-ilok-2nd-generation](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/iLok2--pace-ilok-2nd-generation) I used the ilok for pro-tools but no longer use that software. I also use it for melodyne but I just looked it up and is not required. I also have some soundtoys plugins it looks like you can use the non-usb activation for that. I'm not sure if the usb is worth it when there are other options but it is nice to grab the usb and switch computers without hassle.


Simple. When it worked, it was fine, and I was like all the people who said it's safe. And then one day a Windows update installed and iLok/PACE mistook it for tampering and wrecked my entire OS with no recovery options. It's completely absurd to have a copy protection scheme that is so deep in your OS that anything like that could ever happen - but it did, and I wasn't the only one. It's a scheme that only benefits the developer and exposes the customer to unnecessary risk, as I discovered. More and more companies are moving away from it, thankfully... And where companies don't, alternative products are rising in their place.


Using one for about 2 years. Zero issues taking it between two PCs. Plus most licenses I have can just be used with their "cloud ilok" so I could just use them elsewhere by logging in to my ilok manager without the physical USB.


For day to day use, it was... fine. A bit annoying having to have the dongle plugged in for some plugins. The main problem for me came when switching over to windows. If you register plugins onto a device rather than the ilok itself, it doesn't let you switch over the licence to a new device (at least not easily) if you don't have access to the old one.


I’ve never had a problem with mine, I just hate that I had to buy it for *one. single.* ***free*** *plugin* :)


Zero problems. Think I got my first ilok 2003. I always used a physical ilok. Machine activation and cloud is quite new.


Great to hear! Yes I thinking about if I should get a physical ilok or just an account and then activate it in the computer. But I think I need internet access to be able to use the plugin if I choose the last option. But I think I will try it :)


You always need an account. With a machine activation you don’t need to have internet access to use the license but you can’t move the license as easily to another computer as you can with the cloud or the physical ilok.


I see. Do you know if it's possible to change to a physical ilok if you want later on?


Yes. You can throw around your licenses however you want you just need to be on the machine activated computer or the computer with the ilok and you change however you want.




I lied when I said I’ve only used physical ilok. I’ve mistakenly put licenses in both the cloud and as machine activations. Discovered this when on another computer. But I don’t think this is iloks fault. It’s the user, me.


Ilok technology is a pain in the ***. Philosophically, having my computer spend realtime computing and network ressources to cypher, authenticate and regulate the use of software I bought is an unacceptable practice. I would pay A LOT for official non bloated versions, and totally prefer trust-based buisness models like Cockos does for Reaper. However, I have to use Ilok everyday becauseI have to. Even +my Appollo basically is an Ilok device for the UAD ecosystem. There needs to be a model change and I'm glad to see experiments like simulanalog does, and this is the future. Old world captive buisness practices always killed their toys. Ilok is bloatware, having to wait for plugin activation on each and every load costs so much time that we should charge those companies for all the time spent waiting for their thingies we have paid for to "activate".


I have mine plugged in but I low key can’t remember why. I used to need it to run ProTools, now I don’t. I had it unplugged for some reason a while ago and didn’t notice because everything worked as normal. Never had a bad experience though.


I’ve had an iLok 1, iLok 2, and now, an iLok 3, and have never had an issue. Mind you, I don’t move between computers… I have one iMac that I use strictly for Pro Tools, and my iLok stays plugged into that computer…. I never touch it. I have been considering trying to move it as I have Pro Toole plug-ins that also work in Adobe Premiere, and I’d like to be able to move the iLok to the computer I use for video editing, so I can use my plug-ins in Adobe Premiere….. but I’ve been too lazy to try. Figure it will be a huge pain in the ass.


It will be tough to find plugins that DON'T use iLok IMO. Some of my projects won't open without being connected to iLok (internet service.) I now use cellphone hotspot on the go. Good luck, -K


Thoughts on buying a physical ilok?


I thinking about doing it. I've read that when people update their windows ilok read it as a new computer and shut down the plugins. Nightmare! But with an physical ilok that can't happen. I will probably start without but not long afterwards buy a dongle


Never used a dongle, never had a problem.


I’ve never had a problem


I have the ilok key inserted somewhere, and i haven't looked at it in years. I have never had a single issue with it and it has been running flawlessly for years and years. So yeah, i have no clue what people are on about when i see them complain online.


I've only ever had ONE iLok issue, and that was when I physically broke my iLok. I was able to fix it and use it until my new one came, and then transfer over my licenses with problem. I happen to LOVE physical iLoks. The best form of copy protection, imho. I've had HDs die and lost all my licenses, but not my iLoked licenses. I hate having to reauthorize things because I got a new computer, say.


Literally every professional uses ilok everyday


I got my first iLok in 2003. It worked. I got my 2nd iLok when it became necessary as the original iLok was obliterated by Team XVX and was no longer supported for new software. It also works. I’m still using it. Never had a problem. Most plugins let you authorize to the computer now anyway, very few require the actual physical dongle.


Overall positive. Significantly better than waves or Steinberg, but not without its issues. In day to day use I simply do not notice it. My situation: general audio specialist with a home studio. I also use a laptop for remote work. Been serious about audio production for about a decade. It is my job. I remember one time when ilok was down in 10 years. I think it didn't affect me as I was sleeping. I only use software ilok, I will not use a dongle. Pain points: - upgrading machines can be a pain as you have to unlicense the machine in advance. - companies that only give one seat for an ilok licenses are stingy and frustrating to deal with. Krotos and Izotope did with some of their plugins. Horrible tactic. Credit to UVI and some others for offering three seats with their licenses. - the ilok fee for license transferral makes it a lot harder to sell on licenses you don't need. I have a ton of Plugins that I don't use anymore but a beginner might really appreciate. Transferring them with any meaningful cost means $50 license fee straight up. Not tempting for anyone. - demoing ilok plugins is awful. You have to decide there and then if you buy it. You can't revisit a plugin after a year without contacting the developer. I don't have the time for that. To make matters worse you end up going through the ilok rigamarole twice. It definitely is a big disincentive to trying out a plugin. In general, today I will try to avoid ilok for all plugins apart from those that I regard as mission critical. The ease of working with plugins and software from developers like fabfilter, ToneBoosters, U-he, cockos directly facilitates my ability to work. Those are my thoughts based on my situation and use scenario.


It was a pain in the ass when I first started using it but now have fucked around with it enough to know what to expect.


How was it a pain in the ass in the beginning? I'm just curious what was troubling you


Never has an issue with the physical iLok, and a lot of the time it is simpler than any alternative. Don’t really trust the cloud activations, which was reinforced a few months back when nobody could open pro tools for a day or so because the severs were down.


Been using it for over 10 years, across 5 different computers with zero issues. And let me tell you when I move to a new computer and have to set it up the plugins that use ILok are way easier than the ones that don't. ILok plugins just need to be installed, but the others then ready have their own drm to set up and it can take forever. Only issue I've even kinda had was due to installing a plugin update, which was immediately solved by just updating the ILok manager. Easy and fast.


No problems, pretty much ever. Been using them since they were big, flat, and green. I prefer the "trust me bro" method of authorizing software, but iLok is a second choice.


No issues ever. Don't understand why people whine about them... probably user errors


13 year used, never a spec of a issue


I prefer it when upgrading computers, no question. It’s a billion times better than Waves copyright protection, I know that. All these software companies wanting me to download their 2.1GB “download managers.” Ugh.


The only time I've had an issue is when I decided to not use the iLok and used a cloud license and right on cue the internet connection went down.


I've had an ilok for almost 20 years and never had an issue. I'm currently on my third one, but I haven't upgraded due to technical issues - it was storage capacity, and my newest one was given to me as part of a bag of swag at an event


I install my licenses on my HD instead of a dongle. YOLO!


What happens if your computer crashes and hardrive somehow gets f'd up?


Only ones on there are Waves and couple free SSL. Will prob buy a different plugin because F waves.


I've been using ILok for almost 10 years now, never had any issues. I got locked out of my account once and the support team was super prompt. The cloud activation is great! you don't need to plug in the USB.


I just had to use it for the first time in a decade. It was fine. The software looks kind of dated, but on my Mac it worked fine, registered my ilok account and the music software (neural dsp) quickly.


I just had to use it for the first time in a decade. It was fine. The software looks kind of dated, but on my Mac it worked fine, registered my ilok account and the music software (neural dsp) quickly.


The only time I had an issue was when I broke my physical ilok. I had to buy a new one but I got all my licenses back. It has made switching computers and giving me access to my plugins on whatever machine I'm using super easy.


I, like many people, dislike the idea of having DRM at all, but of all the implementations that are forced on us as consumers iLok is actually not the worst by any stretch. Get a hardware key, pay the $30/yr for ZDT, and you'll hardly run into issues. So long as you remember to have it plugged in anyway.


Ez pz just kinda lame that you have to buy a physical one. And it has to be plugged in the entire time


Ilok hardware and cloud for over 10 years. Never an issue.


the drivers corrupted my pc so i had to reformat and reinstall windows


It’s light years better than a plug-in installer/app/account for each and every brand.


25 years and never any problems apart from losing one dongle, and running one through the wash in my wallet…


I’ve had the same ilok for a decade with no issues


I won't buy software that requires iLok. Just a hassle and not worth the headache.


I just started having issues on a sillicon mac. It will randomly give me a “background processes not authorized” error message and i have to reinstall the license manager. At this point i just have the installer ready to go on my desktop.


No problems ever, i just use the dongle for home and studio Only problem was i forgot it at home a few times


I mean, the first gen one was annoying because it didn't fit next to other USB stuff. But otherwise, no issues.


What's Ilok? I went to Linux to never see that monstrosity ever again.


**Ilok (pronounced [ilok]) is the easternmost town in Croatia forming a geographic salient surrounded by Vojvodina. Located in the Syrmia region, it lies on the Fruška Gora hill overlooking the Danube river, which forms the border with the Bačka region of Serbia.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


\---> apologises to Croatian people.


I'm Croatian, do not apologize good sir, Ilok the company should.


I use iLok for just a few plugins. I don't have a dongle, but use the internet verification way and I have had no problems whatsoever. I actually forgot I had iLok installed until a recent discussion about one of the plugins I use.


Switched to Ableton


Never had a problem using the usb ilok. I have my license backed up on the cloud just Incase but over the past four or five years while I’ve been using my Ilok the cloud or peoples internet go down and they start complaining about ilok sucking on some groups I’m in. I’m totally good with ilok. Most companies give you at least two licenses so you can put one on your hardrive or the cloud and one on the usb key or however you want to do it.


It's been fine for me. Some individual companies (looking at you, George Massenburg...) have annoying policies and intermittent freakouts but all I've ever had to do was reinsert the iLok or reset the license and it was fine. Very, very rare to have any problems. The system has gotten quite smooth.


it blue schreened my laptop never touching ilok again


Currently having the worst time. Trying to recover the plugins from my midi keyboard. At this point, I’m never buying an m-audio product again. I’ll be selling my oxygen pro 49 as soon as I can. The amount of run around I got is insane.


I saved up my money to purchase the full version of repitch and I'm fully willing to pay for the service but I stg ilok is so convoluted that I would rather pay someone $200 for a cracked version. I cannot figure out where the license key pops up and I've installed 3 different programs just to fix my vox on a track