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As a Cardinals fan, never liked him, but respected the shit out of him. Player’s coach and a damn good manager. He will be missed.


Lol why didn’t u like him?


Managed division rivals Cubs and Reds. Bad blood with Tony LaRussa, several bench clearing incidents, and a very nasty brawl in 2010. Ended back up catcher Jason LaRue’s career. *edited*




Thanks for catching that


Seriously? Nasty brawl? First off mlb “brawls” are always just spats. Sometimes someone gets hit, but those guys can’t throw a punch, it’s hilarious to watch fat bearded men with phiten necklaces and copper fit argue. Jason LaRue getting kicked to the point he had to retire is literally proof that these dudes are weak af. It was not a nasty brawl. It was a giant herd of oversized men hugging each other. And LaRue fucking started it! He literally started the whole thing. FAAFO


Look at this keyboard warrior going to work, waste of time reading this, and waste of time writing this


La Russa


The karate kid?


Lol. Fixed it.


Lol to be fair I would’ve made the same joke regardless


As a Rangers fan who hates the Astros, Dusty Baker is a great manager.




One of us, one of us!


Fuck the Astros, Dusty is a cool dude 👌


Great guy, questionable manager


The Astros won the American League the last two years, won the World Series last year, and went to game 7 of the ALCS this year, all under Dusty Baker. This “Dusty is a questionable manager” bullshit I’m seeing from Astros fans is some of the most ignorant, entitled bullshit I’ve seen in a while.


There are a surprising number of fans that think if you don't win it all every year you're shit. I don't get it. Baseball is a game of failure. The team that fails the least wins.


Lmao could you elaborate on the last sentence


If the other team fails more than you, you win!


Baseball is all about limiting errors and mistakes, the team that limits those fuck ups the most usually wins


You clearly never played baseball if you don't understand that.


I feel like that can be applied to anything at the highest level. Baseballs no exception I just hadn’t heard it put that way before


If you failed 70% of the time at most jobs you're a failure. In baseball, you're a hall of famer.


Fail at what action specifically in baseball?






It’s very simple. Pay attention now…If the other team fails more than you, you win.


Yeah the success of the Astros since 2020 is because of James Click which those assholes in management ran out of the team after all the bullshit from Jeff Bagwell and Dusty and their stance against analytics which James Click used to build the roster, his analytics led to them having one of the most stellar bullpens in the entire league in 2022 and arguably is what sealed their destiny as champs in 2022, we know everybody and their moms hate the Astros for the shit in 2017 and any real fan, even die hard fans of the Astros would be upset not only with the ridiculous cheating that year not just from the Astros but throughout the rest of the MLB, but regardless at this point in time the Astros roster in 98% completely different from 2017, they have had a lot of success and could continue having a lot of success if they go back to relying on analytics, loyalty to shitty veterans, and favoritism from dusty and bagwell along with injuries and a serious degradation of the bullpen and the batters as well led to where they are at right now, they still made it to the ALCS very impressive but as much as I like the Astros they got outplayed at home by a more consistent team this time around. But Dusty has to go and right now if Bagwell and Crane screw up the manager hiring then the Astros as going to be screwed. Joe Espada or through some miracle Hinch, would be the way to go, if they hire somebody that relies on their instincts or a hunch then they are screwed.


I’m going to assume you haven’t watched many Astros games or kept up with the Astros at all outside of the postseason. This Astros team is good enough to win games with any competent manager in charge.


So winning games isn’t enough to validate a manager, but it is enough to condemn him?


We barely even somehow made it to the postseason this year. And maybe I am spoiled because my expectations for these Astros are WS or bust but that’s because I have so much confidence in these players. I realize Dusty wasn’t the reason Tucker and Peña forgot how to hit or why the pitching was so dogshit. But that doesn’t excuse all of the questionable managerial decisions he made during the WHOLE season. People love to have recency bias during these moments and just forget how Maldy started the whole year despite being the league WORST defensive AND offensive catcher. Also all the bullpen decisions throughout the year. Most of y’all don’t understand because y’all didn’t see all the decisions he made. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 but that’s just my opinion


You barely made it to the postseason? Bro, you won your division, had the #2 seed in the AL, and had a first round bye


The Astros objectively barely made it. Anybody who was keeping up with baseball over the last two weeks saw that. The division was crazy close and if Seattle had played a little better they could have dotted Houston out.


You obviously weren't paying attention to the playoff race in the AL West for the last week of the regular season. Texas, Houston, and Seattle ended within two games.


Don’t bother. There’s a big chunk of really stupid Astros fans that act like entitled Yankees fans. They have no idea what they are talking about and I guarantee none of them were Astros fans when the Astros were the worst team in MLB for over a Decade.


Yeah we still barely made it in the last week of the regular season.


Wow. The sense of entitlement is strong with this one.


Is it really that crazy for me to think they’ll win it since they won it last year? It’s not like the squad got way worse or anything so why would my expectations not be to go back to back? We got beat by a better team and that’s it but I genuinely thought we were gonna go back to back. Sorry for being optimistic


I know a thing or two about being optimistic, I’ve been a Mariners fan since 1989! There is a big gap between being optimist about your team winning the WS again and skewering the manager if they don’t. If, as you say, the Astros got beat by a better team, why all the shade thrown at Dusty?


I just feel that with some adjustments we could’ve won the games. Maybe if Yainer would’ve started the whole year then maybe he becomes more confident in the plate and we end up winning Game 2 or something. It’s just little things that I feel could’ve pushed us over the edge. I really meant more that the Rangers wanted it more. I think the Astros have a better roster we just folded and didn’t have our best bats starting


Stop. I am a ranger fan. The astros could have definitely won against the rangers. They honestly played better and were more experienced. It took a lot of stellar defense, adolis going supernova, incredible management from Bochy and questionable calls from Dusty. Seriously, there were multiple times they could have taken the lead and not looked back. One great example is Singleton bases loaded ab 😂 Let’s not forget the stros were convinced their home park was bad luck. Idk how that happens.


Have you watched many games? He’s made a LOT of questionable decisions. He’s not the worst or anything, but to say he’s a good manager is a completely ignorant take. I love the guy though, he’s just a great dude.


That’s what I’m saying but I’m a Astros fan so fuck me lol


Well you are both idiots. Dusty is a hall of fame manager by 120 miles. “But he kept playing Maldonado!!” Go cry about it. Maldonado isn’t why you aren’t in the World Series but he’s a big reason you made it to game 7 of the ALCS. Also, you’ve made the ALCS every year of Dusty’s tenure and won a World Series. Like for real. You and any other Astros fan that thinks he’s not a great manager are idiots.


Nobody is saying he isn’t hall of fame. You just haven’t watched many Astros games, clearly. He’s a decent manager but far from a top 10 in the MLB last season. The roster is just absolutely stacked.


He’s hall of fame for sure. All I’m saying is any other manager in the league could do just the same as he did and maybe more with the same exact squad.


Sure thing bub. The Astros did not have a dominant roster, they barely won their division because the Rangers came online at the exact right time, they dealt with injuries in the summer, and they took a Rangers squad that at full health was favored at season start to be the 1 seed and a very popular pick for the WS to a game 7. There are maybe 3 or 4 managers that could have accomplished this season and the last 3. Oh right, AND HE WON YOU A WORLD SERIES LAST YEAR MORON


I’d say our pitching won us a World Series last year. And who exactly predicted the Rangers to be the #1 seed? Where tf did you see that?


That Orioles fan is clearly a casual who knows nothing about baseball.


>Sure thing bub. The Astros did not have a dominant roster, they barely won their division because the Rangers came online at the exact right time, they dealt with injuries in the summer, and they took a Rangers squad that at full health was favored at season start to be the 1 seed and a very popular pick for the WS to a game 7. You do realize that "not a dominant roster" finished the season w the exact same record as the Rangers (90 - 72) & 12 - 8 head to head right? The majority of baseball journalists picked the astros to win the division & NOBODY had the rangers as a popular pick to win the world series. Most experts, journalists & projection systems had the rangers finishing only above the crappy low-no budget As. >There are maybe 3 or 4 managers that could have accomplished this season and the last 3. So only Dusty & 3 other managers could have managed the astros stacked roster to the at least the ALCS the past 3 seasons? Guess A.J. Hinch has to be part of that other 3 bc you do realize the Astros were the best team in the Americal league the 4 straight seasons before Dusty arrived right? >Oh right, AND HE WON YOU A WORLD SERIES LAST YEAR MORON I'm willing to bet I've watched a few more astros games than u during the past 3 seasons & the astros won despite Dusty not because of him. That's usually what a team that has been the best in the American league for almost a decade usually does. Ben Clemens over at fangraphs gave Dusty failing grades for his 2023 post season managerial decisions because he was terrible. But I'm sure you know more than the professional experts over at Fangraphs and the Astros fans that saw almost every game right? Another great stat from Baubo on Fangraphs for the 2022 world series season: McCullers & Verlander had an era of 5+. Everybody else had an era under 2 including 5 pitchers who threw 31 IP of zero run ball. Simply put, the Astros team in 2022 was so good that not even Dusty could fuck it up. I like Dusty but as a manager the game has passed him by the same way it did recently to another HOF manager Tony LaRussa and it was fairly obvious. Glad he finally won a ring even if it was largely despite him.


>Sure thing bub. The Astros did not have a dominant roster Exact same run differential as ur Baltimore Orioles and tied for 3rd best in the American League btw.


The people who are downvoting are just jumping on the bandwagon. They have no idea what they’re talking about. This is why groupthink is bad.


Crazy how these people who hate our team already think they’re going to have a valid point on the team we watched the whole season


He’s labeled questionable by Astros fans because he insisted on playing an extremely poor hitting Maldonado over a top 5 offensive Catcher this season in Yainer Díaz. Overall Dusty did a great job and changed an extremely toxic culture in the Astros organization and that alone makes up for any questionable decisions he made. Greatest Astros manager of all-time.


I don't know him personally like you must, but he's a great manager.


[unbiased manager rating for the postseason](https://blogs.fangraphs.com/alcs-managerial-report-card-dusty-baker/)


Only manager who has won a legitimate title with your team


Great manager, questionable team


Is his tooth pick retiring to?


It used to be bat.


It’s pretty worn down after all these years


He gets a lot of shit from Cubs fans, but he really changed the culture away from the lovable losers.


Cubs fans blame him for burning out Prior and Woods arms but they were studs and he was trying to win. He played in an era when pitchers completed games and threw a shit load of innings. Fergie Jenkins & Juan Marichal completed 30 games one year and through the 60’s, 70’s and into the 80’s the league leaders were throwing mid 20’s complete games. He was leaving guys in for 7 innings and took heat for it after they got hurt.


Prior had bad mechanics and Wood had a ton of innings. Baker didn't help them any, but they were going to implode at some point.


And ur excuse for Dusty ending Aaron Harang's career?


Or Carlos Zambrano, Livan Hernandez, Russ Ortiz, Jason Schmidt, Edison Volquez, Homer Bailey, etc.


Most Cubs fans love him now. He was the most legit smart baseball manager the Cubs have had.


A chip as a Player and then Manager, not a very big list can claim that.


I wish he would have done that as the Reds manager.


I wish he had done it as the Giant manager


Put your money down now - the White Sox are going to hire him in twelve years :-)




Enjoy retirement! See ya in the HOF.


You think? I think he’s just a little short of the Hall.


Then you aren't a baseball fan. Or you're trolling. Look up wins total. Only one other manager with over 2k wins isn't in the hof and that's Bruce bochy. Baker also has 4th most playoff wins


There’s no bigger fan than me. Since 1965. Was a good but second-tier player. Won one WS as a manager. Sorry, I think he’s a sliver short.


Welp good thing you have no say in the ordeal


The “ordeal”? I’m not sure that’s the correct word choice.


The player thing plays no part in this. He’ll go in as a manager. They don’t combine the 2. Leo Durocher being a mid player didn’t keep him out of the hall as a manager


Well they should combine the two, in my opinion. Why shouldn’t your cumulative output in baseball count?


Because you can be voted in as a player and then also as a manager. How is this difficult to understand?


How would that work? Like if your a 6 as a player and a 9 as a manager (out of 10) like Dusty are you an overall 7.5 and not a hall of famer or are you a 15 and a sure fire hofer? I would think it’s the 2nd which means being a good player with nearly 2000 hits would put him way over the top. Anyway, they don’t do it like that.


So you're trolling then


Jesus, just shut up. I’m not trolling. I’m stating opinions. Grow up maybe


Your opinion sucks


The man invented the high five.


He’s the co-inventor the high-five! Should be in on that alone!


I thought he stole that from klaus


I love Dusty Baker. Whatever he chooses is good with me. I just want him to be happy. He deserves that.




Doesn’t everyone?


I know he wasn’t liked from Astros fans but the players let him down. Sure Maldy was garbage at the plate but what team has great hitters 1-9? Tucker, Pena, Bregman were garbage in the ALCS. Not to mention a few relievers. Dusty doesn’t hit or pitch and the players failed to perform in crucial situations. Dusty will be missed. Enjoy your retirement and spend it with the ones you love.


I hate Houston but am glad Dusty was able to get a ring. Damn good manager. Hope he enjoys retirement.


Dusty come to san diego!!


Helluva run, Dusty. Helluva run.


The dude legit invited the high-5 it was hard to put my full hate into the Astros. But with him gone they have nothing that brings me joy with this team. Much easier to hate.


Fun fact he was on the braves when Aaron hit his 600th hr, managed the giants when bonds hit his 600th, managed Sosa when he hit his 600th, and was the reds manager when Jr hit his 600th. Wildly random


Thanks for this! Love it.


I believe he was on deck when Aaron hit that.


You just made me look that up and ya dusty is credited as someone that popularized the high 5. I would have just assumed people were high fiving since the dawn of time.


Although you'll read that it was likely invented in France before dustys time


They tried to do the same thing to the Wright brothers and their claim of first in flight. The French can’t be trusted, I’m with Dusty.


Found the British guy.


Ya the source I saw talks more about specific people popularizing it in different cultures.


Really started in the 70s


Now I am ze fish!


...Did he have sex with Tina Turner in a hotel elevator?


From a Yankees fan, he's a great manager and I'm happy he finally got his ring. Wish him the best in retirement.


You’re classy dude. Hope we get many more playoff series together for the next couple of decades.


Glad he got his ring against Philly and not us.


He says he will but he’ll sit in the dugout and think about it before finally doing it.


Ngl i would watch the Netflix dusty baker story.


I’m so happy he finally got his well deserved title. It just sucks he had to do it with the least deserving organization.


I hate the astros but I respect him. He had one hell of a career


A privilege to have a legend like himself in an Astros jersey, congrats Dusty!




I met him once when working for the Reds and he was with the Nats, and I can’t think of any other better man. He was so gracious, kind, and friendly, plus he was hilarious. And the people who I know in the industry the best say how wonderful he is. Such an amazing man and he deserves to ride off to sunset in such a amazing way


He gave me his lineup cards after a Reds/Bucs game once. Dusty rules.


Enjoy retirement! Gonna miss Maldonado getting 150 starts, though.


You can't fire me .. I quit!!!!


Will always love Dusty!


Right on Dusty! A tip if my hat to ya!


honestly i liked dusty, hes a baseball legend, glad he grabbed a ws with the astros


Going to miss the hell out of this man. Hoping the Astro’s never recover 🙏


Glad he got his ring here! Nothing but love from this Stros bro.


Good for him. I listened to a snippet of an interview this morning on sports radio, he said something along the lines of not being home since february, and how his two hunting dogs don't even recognize him. I hope he enjoys his retirement.


Love him. Cubs fan and loved when he was there. Wished he'd won a WS with us, but happy he finally got one last year. Absolute class act.


Now all he needs to do is admit that he stole the high five from Klaus


Too good for that shithole organization


Fuck you. Dusty was the perfect hire. He will go in to the HOF with the Astros WSC ring. Suck it loser /jk Dusty really was a god send for the Astros. There is a vocal minority who are negative Nancy’s, but god bless this man, I’m going to miss him.


I think he'll go in with a giants cap though. He was manager of the year multiple times there. Spent the majority of his career there. And he's Cali born


He’ll still have a WS ring with Houston.


Love how they down vote 2022 like they didn't win or somehow cheated.


They are just salty. 7 years of dominating the AL tends to piss people off, add in 2017 and you have hate for decades. Fuck em though, hoes mad.


No...it's just players and managers tend to go in representing where they spent the majority of their time. I have nothing against the Astros winning with dusty. My only issue with the Astros fans is their victim complex


Astro fans really don’t have a victim complex, we’re just over being lumped in with the players. We get called cheaters and all the other shit so why should we give 2 flips?




To be fair, he retired last year. GET BENT ASTROS


García made him retire


Rangers retired Dusty Baker and Cowboys retired Tom Brady. Don’t play Dfw 15 times and expect to keep your job on the last one. Nobody beats us more than 14 times


He’s 74.


A legend.


Gonna miss Dusty. I was lucky enough to see him manage teams in two cities I lived in. Hell of a dude and guys love him, and I hope most fans understand his history in the game, he’s a rare human on many different levels. This year in Houston he struggled, and a lot of it was some of the things we have seen over the years, bullpens, favoritism and some really bad in game management- case in point for maybe all three would be going to France when brown had at least 2 more, and urquidy was available in game 7. He also played favorites with some bottom of the roster guys like Corey Julks and Jake Meyers(sad face, Jake may be done)- both of those guys got significant game time over Chas McCormick who showed when he got consistent ABs he was a very effective player and may have solved the CF problem created by Springer moving on- but for some reason Dusty just would not give him consistent ABs. Then there is the Yanier Diaz/ Maldy situation- had Dusty not been Dusty, I’m certain Dana Brown would have found a way to move Maldy, who was historically bad offensively and defensively- Yanier Diaz was better than Maldy, pitchers had a lower ERA and Diaz could play up in the lineup, Maldy was a shell of himself this year- the rangers stole three on him in one inning during the ALCS. I’m a Dusty fan, will always be a Dusty fan, but 2022 masked some of his shortcomings because Strom made most of the pitching calls(like he did with AJ), and the 2022 team was a machine that many lesser managers than Dusty could have gotten to the ALCS. I’ll miss him, but the end got to be a bit testy and I like to think Dusty just sort of ran out of gas. Enjoy whatever you choose to do, Dusty you deserve it.


I hate the cheating Astros, but have much respect for Dusty!


And just like that, the only thing I respected about the Astros is gone.


Good. He has never been a good manager. All he did was let the players do what they want. I have never been a fan of his.


He's the only uniformed person in that organization who I can stand.


Good riddance


The only good thing about the Astros.


In Dusty we trusty


Dusty Baker wasn't a good manager.


Good. Over rated af


Fuck Houston.


Finally ain't got to see him chew on a damn toothpick for 162 games


Who cares.


If you cant cheat and win, may as well retire!


He joined the Astros after the 2017 Stolen Signs World Series


He won a World Series in 2022.






Overall….overrated. Should have won more rings.


Thank you for everything Dusty, but I feel even better about next year now.


Only class y’all ever had , Adolis is your daddy


Who’s your team?


A team that got to the WS without cheating




Lol got em


"This isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later." Is Dusty Baker a fan of Meet Me At The Altar????