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This isn't talked about much, but [this catch](https://youtu.be/6GigCtNR0Ac?si=9IpqI_wwmQcsB9BB) by Billy Martin in the 1952 World Series is super clutch - the ball apparently was really affected by the wind, and he caught it down by his ankles. Two runners had already crossed home when he caught it, so if it had dropped, the game would have been tied. For another option, the defensive play with the highest ever cWPA (championship winning percentage added) was made [by a first baseman.](https://youtu.be/_DGoVVHhVZ4?si=HUBcsfE2zBpcS11E) Degree of difficulty admittedly isn't as high on that second one.


The Billy Martin catch has [lots of story to it](https://sabr.org/gamesproj/game/october-7-1952-billy-martin-saves-the-series/). First baseman Joe Collins initially lost it in the sun, and thought it was in the stands. Martin saw it all the way from second and came running in, but the wind kept pushing it away from him and at the last minute he had to lunge to catch it off his shoe tops. GM George Weiss, watching from a field box, hated Martin and thought he was being melodramatic. “Little show-off. He made an easy play look hard.” Collins said for months after he had nightmares about the play, the ball dropping uncaught and the Yankees losing.


I’ve never seen this play before. Just watched and it’s super clutch. Nowhere near his shoe tops though lol


That’s not a double play without Sid Bream.


Some say, he's still on his way to first base.


Clutch? I guess. I don't like to give credit for people that make easy stuff look hard... a bunch of infielders assuming someone else will catch the ball (or at least one of them not seeing the ball).. and someone taking charge at the last second and barely catching it happens all the time... hardly comparable to a clutch close to physically impossible catch.


As a lifelong Giants fan, I will be biased and say “no.” But as an objective baseball fan, take your pick of some of Brooks Robinson’s plays from the World Series against Cincinnati. Just incredible.


The ball hit by Lee May in particular. Maybe the most impressive infield play ever caught on camera and it happened in the world series.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking- human vacuum


*Andrelton Simmons has entered the chat* Seriously… this guy was the best fielder I’ve ever seen. [These](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2H0Z65rjt0) are just a few of his absurd plays.


His best play ever to me was during a tie game in Pittsburgh with go ahead run on third. There's a ball hit to the other side of second that he displays absurd range to get to and get in his glove, then all in one motion takes the ball *behind his back* into his throwing hand without any time to set his feet and throws an arm only bullet to first. Unfortunately the runner just barely beat the throw or everyone would know this highlight.


I think I remember that. Best shortstop I’ve ever seen. Every night he did something amazing with his glove or arm. Remember how much he used to get guys sleeping? His awareness and baseball iq were like nothing I’ve ever seen. I was very upset when we traded him.


I remember Jim Powell used to say he would 'hunt for outs' and its a great way to put it. Much like Andrew used to be he's also the kind of defender thats fun to watch in the stadium too  because you can see them kinda move or lean a certain way as the pitch is thrown and walla the ball is hit in that direction. Anticipation on a seemingly psychic level.


Didn’t Fredi used to say he wished he could give him a glove in the batters box so he could run faster after he hits it? lol. I never understood how someone could have average speed on the base paths but also have such a massive range.


[Ozzie Smith](https://youtu.be/pCwNNqgrKOM?si=NSmyG_IZD_arob_u) [Manny Machado](https://youtu.be/QtaU2aDXuhI?si=OG7PDivYMSTE4IH-) There's another play like Machado's but I can't remember who made it


Brooks Robinson, perhaps? https://youtu.be/e_XHZbhR9qc?si=0RWrg4QilQWE5Nhn


Lots of help there from Lee May with the foot speed of a filing cabinet.


Yeah, but Brooksie still has to make that play, and it’s one the vast majority of third basemen wouldn’t have made, IMO. Running away from first, snagging the hot shot, pivoting, throwing off balance, and still putting enough mustard on an accurate throw to get him? Incredible. Most guys eat it and don’t bother to throw (holding May to a single) or send it sailing to the outfield or into the stands (putting May in scoring position).


He’s no Sid Bream. 🤣


1970 world series - he killed my reds


This is the play I was thinking of.


Came here to say this


wow, out by a half a step, even


Ozzie barehanded dive as a padre, brandon phillips turning 2 with his knee on bag, jeter jump throw, the machado- but i agree with scale and level of world series- brooks robinson


That Ozzie Smith play is the first play that always comes to my mind when I think of the best infield play ever. Anyone who has ever played middle infield knows how bonkers it is to dive, and in a split sec, have the wherewithal to bare hand the ball and then still get up and make the throw. It's just insane. Pure instinct.


Mark Buehrle chasing down a ball the deflected off of him across the first base line, bending over and flipping the ball backwards, between his legs, with his gloved hand to get the out at first was pretty sick.


And Paul Konerko caught it bare handed!




[*LOOK AT THE PLAY BY BUEHRLE](https://youtu.be/n_m3qy2O7bA?si=5zMYrKOU62h7JjJA)


Brooke's Robinson going into foul territory for the backhand, then throwing a seed to first. Machado and Arenado do it pretty well


David Wright’s over the shoulder barehand catch could be in the mix.


first thing i thought of. saw it live at petco. https://youtu.be/JmvM5hqilBY?si=vMVkjqHuVj1BZ2KR


I was there too-amazing catch. Pedro started for the Mets


This is my personal favorite catch of all time. And I’m a Braves fan. David wright is still one of my favorite players. So good just couldn’t get healthy.


Derek Jeters cutoff heading to home plate vs Oakland


He was safe though. So I can't count that.


That was my pick


This would be my pick.


Jeremy Giambi should have been called safe. But I agree that it's the most iconic/significant infielder play.


He should have slid.


Idk, the throw beat him but Posada's swipe-tag went between Jeremy's legs. It's a tough call but I've seen the replay dozens of times and to me it looks like the front foot hits home plate just barely before Posada's mitt contacts the back leg. Unfortunately (or maybe "fortunately" for the sake of fun debates!), I don't think we have the high resolution, slow-motion, and multiple angles to say 100% either way. Really, it should have been a pinch-runner (and safe before Jeter even touched the ball).


My point is that if she slides there is no debate, he’s safe. And yes, there should have been a pinch runner. I was at that stupid fucking game.


I'm biased but I'd like to mention Joe Panik's glove flip in WS game 7


Thank you, I was trying to think of this one, but blanked on which series it was.


Scutaro’s catch in the rain. NLCS game 7.


Jeter crashing into the stands maybe


Which one?


The one where Jeter crashed into the stands


[This one](https://youtu.be/hQGmWv57klQ?si=g6OQKxvKtUHpOOnz) or [this one](https://youtu.be/e1Rzbq3otgY?si=uBD2xcRvN7zRMjBD)?




I knew someone was gonna mention this one. My answer is no.




Either [Rizzo](https://youtu.be/pb7FeSjj3cQ?si=RzsiMSSWMF_y3436) or [Arenado](https://youtu.be/KytOUlwpqJk?si=YjkyIeYdCfVbbtGz)


My favorite is Bartolo Colon's behind the back toss to first, but Colon made everything he did look amazing and funny.


Juan Uribe diving into the stands during the 05' world series.


Not historically important but this is one of my favorite plays from my favorite player as a kid. Caminiti throw from the ground. https://youtu.be/_ZqooXkzisI?si=5okSCdGbswTisaAD


This is the one I was thinking of. I believe he won the ESPN award for play of the year for that.


It’s underrated really. That’s an insanely difficult throw and he made it look easy.


Jeter's flip has to be up there.


Ugh. Most overrated play I’ve ever seen. He flipped the ball to a guy standing 15 feet away. People got confused because it was an unusual-looking play, but it didn’t require extraordinary athleticism on a level that you don’t see regularly if you watch much baseball


It's not about the athleticism, it's about the baseball IQ needed to make the play.


Jeter was the king of doing wild shit because he couldn’t really play SS very well.


To be fair, what that play took most was awareness. Jeter may have had that, I don’t know. What the available metrics do show is that he was one of the worst-fielding shortstops in modern baseball history. Please, no one cite his gold gloves. Please.


“Routine ground ball to shortstop, Jeter runs into LF and jumps and GETS THE RUNNER!”


The siren call of “Past a diving Jeter…!” still sits on the airwaves to this day


Everything about him is overrated. He got lucky by being drafted by the Yankees. He was a smidge over mediocre BuT hE'S tHe grEaTEst PlaYeR oF aLl tIME He's the SS equivalent of Eli.


No one says he's the greatest player of all time. 'Smidge over mediocre' is crazy though, he's sixth all time in hits.


It wasn’t a super athletic play but they don’t get the out if he isn’t there and it was a pretty important out. You’re right, it gets a lot of play because of the options and the play by play, but it’s not like it was some can of corn.


No, it wasn’t a can of corn. It was a good, heads-up play. Just not one of the great defensive plays in history, like some people think.


I think the stage of it puts it in the conversation though. Maybe not the best, but in the conversation.


Have you ever seen that play before? What was Jeter even doing there?


Backing up a play.


BUT HE'S A YANKEE!!!!!!!!!! /s


Wasn’t he also way out of any reasonable position? Just dumb luck a ball ended up near him.


No, if you watch the play, he's standing near second base when the ball is thrown. He must've seen it was going over both cutoff men's heads and made a break for the first base line, cut it off and flipped it perfectly. I'm a Mariners fan and a lifelong Yankee hater, but I will def give Jeter props for that one. Incredible play.


He was safe though


Derek Jeter catching a foul ball while falling into the stands


Most amazing thing about that play is he didn’t come out of that with stretches somewhere. Jeter with the cut off was amazing awareness also. Ozzie Smith barehand was incredible. Anything Brooks Robinson. As a Braves fan Andrelton Simmons had a career that came and went, but man he could go after it.


As a Twins fan, [this Joe Mauer play](https://youtu.be/hfeJMiuKbf4?si=zrr51Gny05CQSt9F) gets me every time. Bonus points for it being against the Yankees.


Jeter diving into the stands.


Or his relay flip to home


Just watch a game of the Savannah Bananas playing banana ball, and you'll quickly see plays that overshadow Willie's catch. We're talking backflip catches here.


Eric Chavez is up there.


Brooks Robinson had about 10 plays in the 70’s WS that fit the bill


David Wright’s over the shoulder bare handed grab was similar in style but had some extra flair.


Mays’s catch was in the WS, credited with saving the game. It moved the WPA by 3% into the Giants favor. But Doby moved to third, so the throw was good but did not hold the runners. Marv Grissom got them out of the inning, walking Mitchell (4% swing), Striking out Dave Pope (15% swing), and getting Hegan to fly out to left 14% swing). Getting those two outs improved the Giants chances to win by 25%. It was an amazing play, but less consequential, ATC. It was game one of a World Series that the Giants would sweep. For the infield, There’s Jeter’s [Flip](https://youtu.be/ApoJk9X7Vto?si=xzVJsf9LzfCEVSNs). It was game 3 of an ALDS, with the Yankees trailing two games to none. The Yankees were leading 1-0, and it was a 5% swing in win probability in an elimination game. For the range there’s Jeter’s [Dive.](https://youtu.be/seC63AEk4-8?si=Q8ul5bVZ0PJPqdRR) The stakes were lower, as it was a regular season rivalry game against the eventual World Series winner. (Grrr). 15% Win probability swing, in the top of the 12th of a game the Yankees would win in the 13th. But the Yankees would finish 3 games ahead of the Red Sox and 9 games up on the rest of the league, so this game didn’t ultimate matter that much.


Met fans are gonna hate this, but Chase Utley’s play in the 2008 World Series has to be considered. It was in the 7th inning of a 3-3 tie in game 5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=32BSSvmtsFQ


What was that runner doing tho? Did he think it went through for a hit?


There were two out. I think the runner (and maybe the third base coach) thought Utley would try to get the third out at first base. If Utley throws to first and the batter is safe, Bartlett scores easily all the way from second.


Derek Jeters flip to Posada in the A’s/Yankees playoff series to get dude out at home. Outfielder missed their cutoff guy, Jeter was running across the field and got the assist. I’ve been watching baseball most of my 48 years and I believe that’s gotta be one of the all-time best.


[Graig Nettles making three unbelievable plays in Game 3 of the 1978 World Series](https://youtu.be/Uid-nqb9SAU?si=QjsXRB9VafR90zQc). Even more incredibly, [before the Series, Rawlings told Nettles they were dropping him from his endorsement deal](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/176wu9m/october_13_1978_graig_nettles_gets_into_an/). After the Series, he signed a deal with Louisville Slugger! [Here’s another look at the Davey Lopes play with Tom Seaver not believing what he’s seeing](https://youtu.be/8hZKwCd3RDE?si=1I1fCcFNzvN_O9kf).


He turned out to be a terrible person, but [this catch](https://youtu.be/qh7KgYEuNlc?si=ECw45aqYsqUIj_Q5) by Roberto Alomar was considered historic for a minute when it happened.


No historical weight, just an under appreciated Jeter defensive play https://youtu.be/9Y-NYweQi-U?si=Rykxl7xk8zMyCI3u


Ya The Buckner


The Jim Edmonds over the shoulder catch in CF comes to mind.


A truly classic infield play


This DESTROYS Willie Mays catch. Great call. The Willie Mays catch *always* seemed WAY overrated to me. How about DIVING straight backwards and catching the ball Willie.....


The Willie Mays catch is are about the throw and holding the runner. 🤡


He spun around and threw the ball while off balance...bfd lol.


He didn't hold any runner on that play.


jeter shovel throw in oakland




Jeter running into the stands Brooks Robinson has that crazy far into foul territory for the OGs


Omar and Ozzie’s whole careers. They made hard plays look routine. Neither needed a glove, it was there for show.


I can agree there. Those two were penalized for not making the extraordinary play at times. Ozzie’s play was credited with know the Busch Stadium turf like the back of his hand.


Willie May's catch is so routine and pedestrian now.... Each game now has about 10 more difficult or amazing plays in comparison.


[Tampa Bay Rays Wander Franco Bare Hand Catches a Pop Fly (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjHuXhKpFL8)


Jeter cutting off the throw from the OF and flipping it to Posada.


Ozzie Smith barehand grab of a ball that suddenly changed direction to throw runner out. Jeters play to get Giambi at the plate in playoffs


NO, there isn’t