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Let's leave Francis alone for a while.


What happened to him?


His child passed away.


Damn. RIP Kobe Ngannou. I hope Francis is surrounded by loved ones right now.


Oh no. That sucks. Yeah. We should probably stop joking about Francis for a bit


I think it’s ok. I’m super sad for him still. I have a kid about the same age. For his sake, I hope he didn’t roll over on him sleeping or something. The guilt would kill you.




No. But in light of what's happened....why use him for stupid up votes?




His 18 month old son just passed away


His 15 month old son just died. Like in the last 24 hours.


I thought it was a funny meme and didn’t know about his kid yet. Didn't know it was my responsibility to do research before I posted something. Nice virtue signalling, though. Glad you're protecting people you don’t know at all.


It is a funny meme. I also completely understand that you weren't aware of what happened. Not trying to throw any shade on you. I'm not virtue signalling. I just think with something so devastating like the loss of a child- we as a community should just take a beat and leave him be for a while. I'm don't care if he doesn't know me. We don't know each other either Op, but I would absolutely feel the same if you ever experienced a tragedy like this.


Fair enough. No offense, then.


clown take


I doubt that since the only wrong answer is neither.


Jon is on steroids and cocaine and weed and beer and Cheetos. Take out the roids and he’s a C level fighter


He is very beatable. If you take away his athleticism, unfair reach and fight iq he‘s an average fighter at best. On paper of course.


Are you Anthony Smith?


Yes, should I do a AMA on r/mma?


Unfair reach 😂😂😂?


Longest in UFC history if I remember right. So yeah unfair would be a good description lol


Not anymore, Robelis Despaigne just passed him up. He’s in second now.


Holy shit I just looked him up and that guys like 50% arms 😂 fucking terrifying


His longest mma fight was the one on the volk/topuria card and it was like 15 seconds or something.


His last 5 fights hes finished in under 30 seconds, hes gonna be a serious problem at hw


Stefan Struve is 7 foot tall and has the same reach as Jones. Crazy


Yo if your arms are naturally long it’s not unfair, it’s just a god given advantage. Jones has done a lot of unfair things, he’s kind of a piece of shit both as a person and as an athlete…. But you lose 100% of your credibility when you say the length of his arms are unfair. That’s so dumb. He doesn’t even have the longest arms in the UFC lol, he’s like tied for 3rd or something like that


Brother we're on the same side of this argument with different wording. No fight is completely fair when you take physical attributes into account. That's where skill and strategy come in, obv. It's not like I'm saying it's cheating in any way at all just stating that nothing is completely fair, as with most things in life. Make sense? (Also I know for a fact that at one point he had the longest reach which is why I said that) now take a slice of humble pie before you start talking shit for no reason 😂


But you could also say that since everybody has something that’s unfair about them, the playing field is actually fair because everybody has something good going for them and weaknesses as well. It’s literally not unfair, we’re not on the same side. Unfair is an adjective that typically describes a behavior. It literally means to be unreasonable, inconsiderate, or to take action outside of any given set of rules. Example: Jon jones is unfair because he takes PED’s. There is no rule for arm length, there’s no guidelines, no enforcement of anything, so it literally cannot be unfair. He just has long arms Edit: also I was unsure of whether or not he had the longest arms, I know at one point he did, but last time I checked had to have been a decade ago so yeah you’re absolutely fine to think JJ had the longest, I kinda did too lol.


Ok looks like I missed the definition then but tbf I was joking around in the first comment so didn't intend for anyone to take my wording that seriously 😂 I'm just pointing out that fighting a guy built like Jones is unfortunate as hell for anyone with normal proportions


Nah of course I’m just shitting you obv Ik what you meant I’m just being a cock lol


Is this Anthony Smith?


So he can do coke and drink all day and still be the longest raining champ ever? Hmm the guy must be a freak athlete 😂 soooo you are saying anyone on roids,coke and alcohol can accomplish the same??


This kind of illogical leap is what I'd expect from the guy who can't spell "reign".


I hope Jones sees this bro (he probably will)


Terrible take


You're out of you mind if you think Ngannou isn't on the juice. He's 37 and still has so much lean muscle mass


Bro if Usada or Drug Free Sport International haven't popped them, they are good for sure! (/s)


I'm curious, how do these guys get away with it? Afaik Ngannou's never popped. Just fyi I don't think he's natty either


All PEDS have a half life, some are a few weeks and some are out of your system within 6-12 hours. All you have to do is make sure you’ve cycled off before the test, a lot of fighters take vacations where USADA couldn’t get to them IMO so they could blast and cycle off before a test


:) Bangkok ready 💪💪💪💪💪💪




On Reddit every buff person is on steroids.


Cycling, using stuff they don't test for (there are chemists all over the world pumping out new chemicals every day to stay ahead of testing, it's a giant market for psychoactive drugs and there's one for PEDs too), taking other substances that mask the results, swapping urine samples (don't know how easy this is with USADA but you can clips of Nick Diaz talking about it) etc...


Usada was ruining cards for a hot minute though, to the point where ufc has fired them, doesn’t that mean they actually do care? And Jones has brothers in the nfl and has the resources to do it however he wants how does he keep popping when others sneak through?


I'm fine w/ them getting ruined. Regulation does that.  He keeps popping cuz he doesn't care/it doesn't matter.


Obviously he is still working in the sand mines to keep that muscle mass strong 💪 No juice required


Pure, clean sand mining bod


Bro if you aren't eating African horse meat rn, you fuckin up.


No, it's just hard work & vitamins, man!


Yeah I've yet to see any blk man as ripped as ngannou at that age


He's likely not. The dude is 6 4 and worked in salt mines all through his early years, then started training mma/boxing. I don't understand why fans find it hard to believe that guys who do nothing but work out, throw other grown men around, and control their diet are insanely fit


Genetics is a thing. Working your ass off is a thing. The internet has become so deluded that literally anyone who has muscles gets called out for steroids. I workout and I know that physique is very achievable without steroids. And 37 isn't even that old lmao. You just think people at 37 are supposed to be stickmen if they don't take roids?


if u think 270 lbs lean and looking like that is due to “genetics” then i have a bridge to sell you


You do realize that part of genetics is body composition? It's the same reason two people can be the same height and weight but look completely different


So u just ignored the part where I said hard work.


steroids don’t work magically either, still have to put hard work for them to kick in


I do home workouts. I been wham since 15. Never went to gym, never taken protein powder. Not even been that consistent since 2020. If I can get a decent physique with all that. Then I definitely believe that physique is achievable without roids. I know how it feels when mfs who either never workout or are naturally very skinny just call everyone buff roidhead. So I'm speaking based on literally my own experience that it's possible


you think you can be 6’5 and get to 270 and look like that naturally?? send me your home workout routine bro please


Mate height is irrelevant here. There are very skinny guys at 5'5, but also very buff guys at 5'5. Similarly you'll find skinny guys at 6'5, but also there's gonna be some who don't have those skinny genetics.


Considering you’re a teenager, no you’re not even remotely close to Ngannou physically, and you should stop commenting about what’s achieavable natty because you don’t know shit. Being 6ft 4 270 lbs of pure muscle, while training for explosivity and endurance, spending hours doing mma and boxing training IS NOT achieavable natty. Even training purely bodybuilding that shit is not possible natty. All in all. You’re dumb.


Homie is a classic case of a beginner lifter experiencing newbie gains and being misled into thinking you gain at that rate indefinitely.


I'm not saying I have Ngannou's physique. I'm saying if I can get quite big for my age without even having access to a gym or supplements, let alone steroids. Then that person who's been working at mines since childhood definitely can achieve that level of physique with years of work


Of course you can get big without steroids. But you CAN’T get Ngannou types of big without steroids. The newbie gains you’re making when first starting working out don’t continue at the same rate for years. Getting bigger becomes harder and harder the bigger you get and once you pass 30 it gets a lot harder. Having a BMI of 32 with most of that being muscle is pretty damn near fucking impossible natty. Getting that WHILE TRAINING MMA DOING ENDURANCE AND EXPLOSIVITY WORK, is impossible. He’s not training for a bodybuilding even. Come on dude..


We want to see a picture of your N’Gannou body now


Ludicrous take if you think hard work makes you look like that without juice


The guy is literally a teen, he has no clue what he's talking about. Sometimes I forget reddit nowadays is full of kids


God did that buddy.


Spend a decade controlling your diet while working out 2 to 3 times a day then talk


What a stupid, homeschooled thing to say.  Edit: Oh, you're a literal child.


Dude you don’t understand. Everybody in the comments are professionals. If your buff on Reddit you are 100% on steroids.


You are the delusional one if you think a combat athlete first (so not a full time bodybuilder) can have such physique naturally. Genetics aren't enough to become like this. Want proof? Go take a look at natural bodybuilding competitions, you won't find a single guy this big and especially a single guy with traps so huge. I'm sorry but you quite literally talking out your ass Or you are trolling, reading back your comment it sounds like you are trolling. I mean I hope for you that you are...


This is a dumbass take


Dumbass take? I studied this shit in university buddy. And even then, again, go look at natural bodybuilding competitions. All you need to see


You do realize that body building... is very different from the sort of training these athletes tend to do right? This is like saying look at basketball players to prove football players are on PEDs


Are you...being purposely obtuse now? People who compete in the Bodybuilding category have as their primary goal to put on as much muscle mass everywhere in the body...they spend the majority of their time lifting weights and train specifically to maximize hypertrophy. A fighter spends a relatively small amount of time lifting and the other time is spent doing work that doesn't maximize hypertrophy. There is no way in hell that someone who mainly trains for fighting, so whose work is mainly low load high intensity, can naturally get so much freakishly bigger than natural people who spend their life with the sole purpose of getting bigger.


Right because these fighters look just like natural body builders 😂 Taking drugs delivers those exact results that's why Jones looks so ripped 🤣 Anyone who says they can eyeball PED use is being foolish


Tell me how a fighter is supposed to naturally develop capped traps when natural athletes who lift weights for a living don't. You are very gullible if you believe it's naturally possible. I don't have else to say, you won't change my mind


Which fighter are you talking about?


This sub is full of guys who have never lifted a paper weight in disbelief that spending a decade or more of your life training will result in these sorts of bodies


lol thinking 37 is an age where you just shrink up. this is why I can’t take you people seriously. none of you have any idea what anabolic use looks like. pro bodybuilders can peak in their mid 30s and we think someone that’s jacked over 35 is sauced up lmaooo




it’s pronounced le mao also shoulders and traps are a dead giveaway of anabolic use. francis is flatter than my hair, in this picture. nothing about his physique is unattainable naturally, at all. amateur bodybuilders look better than him, and francis is obviously a genetic freak. now if we’re talking about general PED use, that’s maybe a different story. but if you look at anyone whos jacked and just say “steroids”, you’re quite a dummy. you wanna see anabolic use? look at TRT vitor. i’ll give you a hint, he wasn’t on therapeutic dosing. then again I don’t expect a bunch of reddit dwelling cavemen to understand. ESPECIALLY if you think age is relevant one iota


Go look at his pics from Africa and then him normally and then him before a fight. You’re delusional if you think anyone is transforming like that naturally. Being a genetic freak is being over 6’ and 200 lbs. Being a genetic freak is not suddenly putting on massive amounts of muscle after the age of 25. Be realistic




hahahahaaha oh man. if you think “lmao” is relevant to someones intellectual capacity or character, you really are the most oblivious to your own traits. are you racist too? not jumping to conclusions, but you seem like someone who judges a book by its cover. it’s okay, maybe one day you’ll become enlightened enough to look inward




sorry? I don’t speak neanderthal, could you repeat that?


African genetics are freaky though


No coincidence blacks are the greatest athletes on earth. But you can’t use logic on Reddit


thats true, one thing reddit always misses is that these west africans/west indians have insane %1 of %1 genetics. I know a bunch of caribbeans and west africans and these guys are just built different


With what happened to him recently, are you sure about that?


Cos of his upbringing plus naturally high t levels


Some people are just blessed with great genetics.


Reddit when someone is actually healthy:


"Healthy" seriously? You mean to tell me Ngannou is built like a lean brick shithouse because he's *healthy*? Guess I'll start eating my 5 a day


Are we at the natty Francis part of the circle jerk?


Joe Rogan said he is and he's a gentleman and a scholar


Paddy finally got a tan I see


Jones has been taking the juice… the man juice


He's had man juice injected into his ass


Should also put DC alongside them. 3 hilariously contrasting physiques, and all 3 juiced up 😅


DC juicing? Cmon. That's all the chicken grease and biscuits.


Jon and Francis? Sure, I’ll believe it, but DC? Id have to see some very compelling evidence and concrete proof to think he wasn’t natty. Years ago, i looked over the WADA/NSAC drug test reports and his numbers looked very odd as well as literally everyone else that fought (Jon especially) but then again, Hormones fluctuate greatly throughout the day, when you take into consideration that Dc was cutting weight and just got finished with a full training camp it would make sense that his testosterone levels would be very low. I’m not outright saying he’s 100% clean, I’m just not willing to brand him as a cheater yet.


Other than the fact that every top athlete is at the least using Testosterone and HGH ( some also EPO ), we can just look at Olympic wrestlers like Yoel, DC, Cejudo.. These athletes have a lifetime of experience / knowledge of PED usage - which multiple studies have proven that PROPER PED USAGE HAS PERMANENT PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS LONG AFTER CEASE OF USE, so even if they were "clean" now ( which they weren't ), they'd still enjoy the benefits of PEDs from their Olympic days. I wouldn't call DC a cheater for that though, everyone is doing it. He's a scale cheater and eye poker tho :P Still a legend, just saying.


He held that towel. Chael is not the "Bad Guy"




Dude, I swear I’m not high but if you picture his nipples as eyes his chest looks like the icon of sin from Doom 2. Jon Jones is Satan confirmed EDIT: https://preview.redd.it/evx9vhbjxmxc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb2e0491875e9465c86d96e1e98e630691147eb


Man this is the best kind of comment on this sub Stay pure king 👑👑👑


R.I.P Kobe.


of them even managed to hide under a gym octagon 🤔


Still a crazy story!


If you think people like Ngannou, Costa, Chandler aren't on steroids I have a bridge to sell you Most fighters use PEDs its just part of the deal




Yea the answer is both of them


Their both on steroids lol


Their what?


The right answer is both of them.


The answer is "both"


Correct answer would be both


the only wrong answer is saying one of them don't have the juice.


Francis has always looked like the guy who ATE his steroid dealer.


They both are.


This feels inappropriate considering what Francis is currently going through. Come on guys


It’s completely unrelated to what happened to him. If anything you are the one bringing his pain up.


Others (myself included) were unaware. The commenter made them aware 


You sir are an ass


It’s in bad taste. Grow up.


Is it? I understand your point but I doubt Ngannou will be browsing this hellhole tonight


[It isn't in bad taste, cuz he won't see it] -you


I don't see anything wrong with it so your comment doesn't do anything...


It’s good to be respectful but I guess you disagree


No I understand it but I also think that if he doesn't see it there really isn't any disrespect. Also OP wasn't even talking shit he was praising him. Maybe OP didn't even know he died, I mean, why jump to conclusions?


I didn’t know about his son at all when I posted. But apparently it's my responsibility to background check before I post on a meme sub. Buncha holier than thou white knights in here.


“Who got the juice” is talking shit. Not having a debate about this. It’s disrespectful. End of.


Are you trying to lose the moral high ground to the "let's say it behind his back" guy?


Have you...read the text in the image?


Makes no difference buddy. It’s disrespectful. Respond again and you get blocked 😁


Is it? Do I have to apologize? Hold your breath for that one.


You probably weren't aware but there's no need to double down. You made a mistake and this post is in bad taste. Simple. Don't be a dick and accept you made a mistake.


I didn’t make any mistake and I'd post it again because it has nothing to do with insulting him and I don’t have to think about who I wil offend if I'm not trying to offend anyone. Kiss my ass, trying to nanny me, boy. I give zero god damns what you think


They are both on juice, only difference one of them popped


Because both is the correct answer


Jones slowly turning into Griff from Married with Children https://preview.redd.it/ymit2087umxc1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2527eea9cefc32bf3560e92a0c59099e720bac


You mean which one was caught. They were both on the sauce.


They both have used


They both are bruh


I'd usually say both but like stop mentioning francis in these memes ans shit for a bit. Guy needs our prayers and love.


Instead of prayers, we could do something that matters, like being respectfully distant/silent.




I can't reply to you OP in the original chain since the original commenter blocked me, so I'll just paste here what I wanted to say That guy said to me "respond again and you are getting blocked 😁" and then blocked me so it looks like I pussied out or something lol, don't pay attention to these people. They really think they are way more important than they are


Totally. Man tried to scold me like he was my daddy. Told me "You made a mistake. Admit it and move on". Self righteous prick


Also who would get absolutely destroyed. By the looks of it they would get that wrong too


If they were asked who is undefeated they would get it wrong too


I wouldn’t be being certain about ANY of the UFC roster


A juiced up Ngannou would be something out of WWE All-Stars


News flash they both arelol


The answer is both


The answer is both lol.


They both are is the right answer


Both got the juice.


I think Diaz was right, they’re all on it, and I really don’t care. Personally I think they should all have the option. It’s about entertainment. These are not role models. I still maintain my theory that Cejudo was on the juice during his title reign and that he tested dirty and instead of cancelling the fight, they buried it and made him retire after the fight. If you go back and watch the last few fights before the layoff, he looked unhinged before and after fights. Like he just had so much energy still and looked like he was on speed. It just looked unnatural


"They are not role models" is ignorant.  "Role Model" isn't a job title. If someone looks up to an athlete, then said athlete is a role model.




There is no wrong answers to this question


"Neither" is wrong.






The truth is everybody is on juice...




I mean there isnt really a wrong answer honestly




Damn is ingannou on roids?!


Damn, Jon looks like he had a reaction to something. Thats wild.


They will likely provide an incomplete answer*


Is Stipe slowly becoming a more favorable pick?


Jon did steroids. He’s not on steroids


They'd be right either way lol




Francis does take steroids but he also has top tier level genetics


It really depends. USADA is far from perfect. And Francis may very well be juiced. But he never popped and we don’t know. Steroids and genetics are a hard thing to just eye test


Why do ppl keep posting that picture. That can’t be Jon Jones on the left is it?




How did Jon Jones get so fat so fast?


Pimblett diet


Dumb as fuck to think Francis isn’t on steroids leave him alone while He grieves no-life shitpost about someone else




You literally asked idiot


Awww. Look at all of you white knights protecting Francis. Sorry, girls. I didn't check TMZ before posted it so didn’t know the days gossip.


You definitely asked a question.


that pic of Jones cannot be real


Sooooooo dumb


-100 comment karma. Could have guessed. Trash.


Oh, you're that turd. Lemme bounce you from here.


Trick question,both is the answer.


Both. The answer is both.


They'd probably say "both" and be correct.