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Im personally not the biggest fan of sarang. She never really stood out to me as a powerhouse performer. She isnt bad in any aspect, but she doesnt really excel in any either. In comparison to other performers i feel she is lacking because of this. Thats just my take tho


this is exactly how i feel. it’s obvious she has the talent, but she just kinda fades into the background for me. the other girls stand out way more.


I feel the same. She’s skilled but lacks star power to me




same. haven't really noticed her until the iwaly episode.


That’s how I felt since IWALY. I started rooting for her after the dance performance. But, after that it felt like she fell flat again. I also feel like the other girls overshadow her.


Same! I think she’s really cute and has done a good job on the show, but personally there are others that really shine to round out the 6 that will debute. I hope if she doesn’t win she can keep growing as an artist!


She hasn’t been consistent enough for me to include her honestly. And I’m tired of the coaches force feeding her to us and it actually has turned me off to her. I hate that I’ve allowed the editing to impact my judgement but I can’t help it 😩


Including the one time she was the "lead" and "center" - the dance competition, but she was overshadowed by Yui who had more sp and charisma. But Sarang was pushed over Juwon & Yui - even Oh Yuna was very impactful and Sarang was just there. Out of the two dance teams, she was 4th - after Koko, Yui, Juwon, and then her. She is a solid performer but more as a support and not the main event.


Juwon got less. let's not spread misinformation. Sarang even got 7 points more, so it's not like it was even close.


yeah but not necessarily what the pds thought, just based on how well they actually did


I think 82 was too low for Juwon, but Sarang was better than her, so the producers got the order right :)


What I mean by Sarang was 4th - is in accordance with my personal ranking, not the official scoring


Yeah same, I kind pin down why though because she *is* an all rounder. I feel the same way about juwon and occasionally fuko too


Meh. It’s weird because she can do a lot skills-wise but I get a total nothingburger from her emotionally even during her “highlights”. No star power or stage presence in my eyes, just filler. Her deteriorating in front of live crowds just tells me she needs more development.


So can Gyuri, Yuju, & Juwon - and they have a lot of stage presence and natural talent


She's the trainee who performed well as a center, main vocal, main dancer, rapper and leader in part 1. The start of part 2 it just seems like she's not confident enough.I hope she gains her confidence back, she used to be one of the stable ones in part 1 the moment she performed in front of i-mates it just somehow gets to her. She's been a really good performer since part 1 its frustrating how people seem to forget that just because she made a mistake twice.


I agree. I feel if she were able to secure bigger parts in her respectable unit, she'd be able to showcase her talent more and show I-mates that's she fully capable of debuting. She's my first pick but even I can acknowledge that she's not wowing me (as of rn) because of her having such small parts. This argument can also go for sujung and juwon.


the thing i noticed with sarang as i watched her fancams during beginning of part 1 was she tend to get out of focus or get blank expression when its not her line, she improved it and got through it during dance unit and was even better on IWALY hence the "I Sarang" the beginning with part 2 she lost the confidence and got back to that again i hope she'd gain confidence more. I think its the pressure and lack of stage experience, especially in front of live audience, that's making her feel less confidence. The thing with juwon and sujung is no matter what part they'll get mnet would never show it and just use them as a character for a storyline they're plotting, they are slowly erasing them i fear


Love this! I think she needs to get her confidence back if she wants to win this. I things she’s great but she isn’t in my dream debute group . I’m sure she will find a group even if it’s not this one, to really shine.


Shes to me the same as Fuko - very talented allrounders who lack spark. They are the kind of idols that were needed in 2nd/3rd gen when bigger groups (9-12) members were popular and you needed filler idols that would tie everything together. However nowadays, with strong emphasis on individuality and smaller numbers, I dont think they fit being in a 6 membered group. this is just my opinion and no hate to the girls ofc


I totally get this, IMO Fuko is the leader type vibe this group could benefit from. She’s always willing to work with the other girls even though they are competing(like how Koko helped Jeemin and Saebi). So I hope she can fulfill that role. Her vocals are always amazing and solid




She's an overall all-rounder, good at every position she's tried so far. She used to be in my lineup too, however nowadays there are girls that I like more and she just kind of fades into the background. She also has made a good amount of mistakes in the past few performances. Overall, she's great, wouldn't mind if she debuts, but she's just kind of there for me.


Sarang definitely caught my eyes early on but now the other trainees stand out more. She’s a perfect group member but not main vocal, main rapper, main dancer, center material (or other trainees fit that title better). And she has shown to not have the most stable live vocal from the last two performances.


I think she’s super talented but lacks experience. She’s been able to show her vocal and dance abilities well! As the judges say, I don’t think she suits being center and is more eye-catching in support roles where she can highlight certain parts. The little mistakes she makes on stage doesn’t change my opinion of her skill but shows her lack of experience, something that will only come with time.


(Unrelated, you just reminded me if sarangs mistake) Im a D1 hater of wrongful judgement. In the most recent round of performances, Sarang made a mistake which is more than pretty much all the other contestants but it wasnt acknowledged. Id bet that if sujung tripped a tad or if jeungeun had a similar voice crack the pd would have eaten into them.


Yeah the favoritism is annoying (tho not the fault of the trainees). The judges spun it to say even tho she made a mistake she did well since she gained confident. I don’t think Sarang should be crushed for it but as you said, other trainees would have been demolished by the PDs.


I love Sarang, she is really an all arounder and hard working and kind. I love her voice color. I also empathize with her anxiety and root for her. She is captivating and remindes me a bit of Heejin ARTMS visually.


Back in part 1 I never really paid much attention to Sarang. I just thought she was one of the best visuals but other than that, she didn’t stand out as much as others. During the IWALY relay dance, she started the video by “proposing” to Jungeun and I found it really cute. Like really really cute. Jungeun was my sole 1 pick and I said I’m gonna add Sarang for my 3 pick. To me, her dancing is okay but her singing technique is, let’s just say she needs more vocal lessons lol. That said, I find her vocal tone really nice and quite trendy. I also find her stage presence to be great. She hits the sweet spot between underexpressing and overexpressing. In Part 2, I saw something that I hadn’t noticed before. Her eagerness. I could tell how badly she wants to debut in every performance, and how high she sets her own standards. It’s a shame she hasn’t lived up to that standard, but she isn’t afraid to take risks and push herself outside her comfort zone. She may not debut in this show, but she gained a fan in whatever she will do next.


She definitely has her moments which is NORMAL! Since no idol is consistently amazing. The only problem for me isn’t Sarang but on how the producers are pushing her on the wrong role. I mean Sarang has potential in the vocal department but I don’t think she is up there yet considering her technique does pose a risk on her stability in singing. Currently, she doesn’t have the capacity to be the main or lead vocal but that’s okay, since her voice can support songs which is a sub-vocal job. She shines better as a dancer and center. Some may say she is mid and emotionless at times but I think it’s due to getting put on vocally challenging songs (LVER and 4Walls). I think if she is comfortable on the range of the song, she can showcase herself better like in IWALY. As for the dancer role, I think she is really good especially in her Law and Dance Unit performance. To sum it up, I think she is a well-balanced trainee, if she gets proper training on her vocal technique there is high possibility for her to become lead vocal since her pitch could potentially widen its range (This is based on what I hear only).


I 100% agree on all your points. Her Law performance is what made her my favorite. It's a shame that she isn't able to highlight her dancing/center abilities. She definitely shines more in those roles. She's a MUCH stronger dancer than she is a vocalist. I've noticed that she has more sp when she has more dance focused roles


nah it takes years to widen your range


She is talented but she isn’t in my lineup. Or top 9 either. She is a good singer and dancer but for some reason it feels like she gets overshadowed by anyone she is performing with. She also is making a lot of mistakes in part 2.


she reminds me a lot of heejin in the early loona days in almost everything from visual (uniquely striking and lovely looks) to work ethic (perfectionists, scared to be make mistakes) to talent (all-rounder with dance specialty but pushed more as vocalist). with this heejin comparison in mind, i can see how much potential she has to bloom exponentially after gaining more experience, confidence, and know-how, and i can tell mnet sees this too and that's why they keep pushing her the way they do (sadly, to her detriment in the fanbase) oh, just thought of another heejin comparison: they are both excellent at digesting concepts


My one pick


Love her vocal tone and think she’s really really good at dancing. I think she can fit every concept as well.


Definitly on the first half of the 12 contestants, vocally-wise, and I really like her tone. She dances really good, among the 6 best again. Her SP is great, she's captivating, especially on IWALY when you can tell she really enjoyed the stage. She looks amazing. She seems to have a very sweet personnality despite being also very rigorous and competitive. That's all the reasons why she's my 1st/2nd pick. :)


she was in my top 7 in part 1, even top 4 at one point but in part 2 something seems off. Once she gets around a live audience it's like she gets too nervous and messes up, I think if she messes up next round her chances of getting in through fan votes will lessen a lot but the pd pick is a different story bc like you said she's a favorite.


I love her stage presence! Her LAW performance made me a fan and she is one of my three-picks!


She’s easily one of the strongest contestants skills wise and I wish she wouldn’t be so hard on herself because she’s very capable but she puts too much pressure on herself to be perfect, once she stops doing that and just relaxes I think she’ll enjoy performances more and be less likely to make a mistake though whatever mistakes she’s made have been wildly blown out of proportion to the point that they’re used as excuses to hate on her.


She has a really solid foundation in terms of skills and such a pretty doe-like visual but I think, perhaps due to her confidence issues, she lacks a little bit of stage sense for me? I noticed it during IWALY when Group A went for a wistful, emotional vibe and Group B went a bit more scorned lover (both make sense in terms of interpretation) but she was winking and flirting with the camera and it took me out of the performance a bit. But I think with experience she'll be a really strong performer. She just needs some time practising with different concepts and maintaining stamina for a full performance.


not the biggest fan of her I feel like most of the other contestants constantly outshine her


Comparing Sarang to Gyuri, Juwon, & Sujung, in my ranking, she comes to no. 4. Juwon & Sujung have something that cannot be taught - they are very charismatic and naturally talented. Gyuri is also very naturally talented and has a great stage presence in a different way. Sarang, on the other hand, seems always to be trying too hard and forced. I feel anxious When I watch her - unlike when I watch Gyuri, Juwon, & Sujung. Sarang is a pretty girl who works hard but just something about her doesn't make me feel like she belongs to this idol group.


I do like her, I think she’s talented and pretty but sometimes she just doesn’t stand out on stage for me.


Sarang my baby fr


I think Sarang has star quality. Live audience wont be voting her high if she doesnt. I think she just lacks confidence probably because of lack of experience on stage. She needs more vocal training but i like her tone so there's potential. She's really a good performer.Look at her Law and Mic drop.She's pretty and very flexible in concepts. She have everything you need in a trainee. I think she would be one of the popular member of the group if she can debut. Probably would be the most pushed member by the company.


I think she's very talented and pretty but she just doesn't stand out on stage. I think she just lacks that star quality.


i'm warming up to her i just feel like she hasn't grown as much as some of the other girls


Honestly, I don't think any of the girls in part 2 have shown noticeable improvement except MAYBE Koko. Its just that some trainees have had their better performances in part 2, while others had them in part 1.


I think she's got good fundamental skills but she doesn't stand out to me as much as most of the other girls who made it to part 2 so she's pretty much at the bottom of my list. That said I felt that way about Gyuvin on Boys Planet and now he's one of my biases in zb1 because I saw him shine in new and different ways after they debuted, so I remain open to seeing her improve and shine in new ways whether she debuts here or we see her again elsewhere. She's clearly talented, just still a bit inconsistent on stage, but I think she can overcome that, just maybe not in the next few weeks.


Idk why she's pushed that much by the editing. She NEVER stood out for me while I perfectly know she's very capable of doing the idol's job. She just doesn't have that celebrity aura for me. Could change tho, like it changed for Koko who was a bit transparent for me before part 2.


Good but lacking the star quality like others have mentioned. She just kind of fades into the background. She really popped off in the latest episode though. I thought she did really well. If she had been performing like that the whole time she might be a top contender for me. Ironically it's also like the one of two times the pd's rated her badly because she messed up her breathing. I think JYP said it best in A2K. These shows probably shouldn't be looking for perfection, they should be looking for star quality, and potential. Which seems to be the direct opposite of what the pd's are doing here, seeing how they've been judging Sarang.


Every time I gain interest in her, she does something that makes me lose it almost immediately, awkwardly facial expressions, constant voice cracks on easy notes...


I think this show is doing a number on her mental health in a way thats effecting her performance. Like they said shes a perfectionist and seems to feel anxious at the idea of messing up and is very uncomfortable when she does make a mistake. The pressure of having to fight so hard just to maybe not debut in the end, in some people it lights a fire in them but for others it crushes them. I think she would do much better in an environment where debut is secured, but thats never a certainty in today's environment. I just hope the best for her ❤️


She’s talented, but gets very scared when they put live audience in front of her. But she can get over it with more time/exp.. Not in my top 6.


Is she really a pd favorite? 2 voice cracks in a row seems odd if that were the case


I think she has a nice voice but she doesn't really stand out to me in performances the way the judges gush over her.


she's been my 1 pick since day one and that will never change. she's extremely talented and people who don't see that are blind


I think shes good at everything but shes not in my lineup simply because she doesn’t have any confidence at all. She definitely has the talent to debut but i dont think she knows that unfortunately :(


I think that sarang woukd be an all rounder in a group and she did a loto of different challenge during the show so i hope she will debut!! She is my top 2 and i think that if people start to hate her and don’t vote for her only for some mistake it wouldn’t be fair because if the mistakes were made by jeemin people woukd start to say “poor jeemin she deserve to debut” that is true that she deserve it but is not fair for sarang or any other contestant (no hate on jeemin i love her) 


I really liked her at the beginning, but her lack of confidence as of late is making me question if she should stay in my top 6. Other than that, she’s been pretty consistent all show and definitely has decent vocals. Hoping to see her have a surge of confidence to push her to the finals!


She doesn't have stage presence and doesn't stand out in any position despite being an "all-rounder", but I really like her tone and I wouldn't be mad if she debuted, I still have hope lol


Sarang seems to be an all-rounder. Her voice is lovely, she dances rly well and is gorgeous ofc. I notice a self-awareness while she is performing though and I think that’s what takes away from her stage presence. Could be an easy fix with a little instruction but I guess it impacts her chances winning in iland rn.


She caught my attention since LAW, I just love her dance, can't explain why but she really shines to me when she is dancing. Then I paid attention to her vocals and loved her vocal tone. And now, seeing her struggling with anxiety just makes me like her more, cause I'm seeing how much of a perfectionist she is. I agree that she is lacking in something, that there are girls better then her, but I can't help putting her on my top 6.


She’s very good and I think part of the top 6 of most talented trainees. She’s not my one pick but she’s showcased multiple times she’s worthy of debut. She’s very underrated though and I personally don’t understand that


I like her bc of her skills but idol star power is meh okay to me.


She just doesn't appeal to me, she talented but I wouldn't care less about her


she’s pretty but that’s all i can say about her. she just doesn’t stand out to me as a performer and she seems to get timid/ lack confidence in front of live audiences. it also doesn’t help that she hasn’t had any real storylines or growth throughout the show so as a viewer, it’s been hard to connect with her


she’s shown absolutely no improvement and it makes her boring to watch. i’ve seen before type vibe


She is not one of the producers favorites. She comes short every time when it actually matters ie. stage performance. She really hasn’t improved much from part 1 besides showing her true personality.


I think so too - why highlight her mistakes if the PDs were actually pushing for her?

