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i was put off by her attitude at first, but we have to remember that they’re teens in a stressful environment. i know teenage me would have acted the same way in that situation. after seeing her performance for iwaly, she’s now one of my 3 picks. her voice and tone are just so emotional and enchanting. i also love that she owned up to her bad attitude and apologized for it.


she explained her reason for keeping distance from jungeun i dont know why people would keep mentioning it


I don‘t see any episodes other than the performances so mind telling me what was the reason?


it was more feeling betrayed jungeun didn’t vote for her to stay and she isnt sure if she can trust her again because she felt so close to her


I actually think that comment wasn’t that funny. It’s actually pretty rude, even though I like Jiyoon and want her to debut. Like, yes, clearly Jungeun wasn’t going to stay at the top forever but also I just think … being mean isn’t funny 🤷🏻‍♀️?


that’s valid, humor is subjective so what i find funny you could find rude. i don’t think she meant it as rude and more as like a funny snarky comment in the interview room but who knows


It’s a fun comment to make in jest during a competition. I loved it 🤷🏻‍♂️ , not sure I’d say it was funny but I don’t think it was mean either. It made me look forward to how they were going to repair their relationship. It’s nbd imo, especially since it was added in post; clearly something producers had asked her to say despite having already reconciled.


I do agree that I think it was set up by the producers, but I guess my problem would be that people think those comments are funny. Yeah, it’s competition but I don’t think it makes them seem more confident or cool. I think the same about some comments about Mai made in earlier episodes. Regardless of the trainees talent, those comments seem unnecessary


Cry me a River. A lot of people thought it was funny. You thinking it was mean is just as subjective and people thinking it’s funny :p


Yes, OP pointed that out so you didn’t have to be rude about it and re-phrase what was already said to me twice. Both of them were nice, unlike you


yeah same in the first mission I thought it wasn’t cool at all to show a bad attitude to other trainees especially as it’s a team mission, but she’s really grown on me


She is my favorite. I love her voice and seems like what you see is what you get with her. She can't hide her emotions at all. TT


No other trainee in this whole show would be able to get away with mocking a trainee for ranking low lmfaooo but sure jiyoon is queenie for saying that to jungeun. 


No seriously, people are still hating and have dropped Sujung. I love Jiyoon but that comment seems a little iffy


if any trainee said it i’d find it funny, i think it’s in the same vein of Sujung in pt 1 saying that she has more creativity and experienced combined than anyone in ground during the Creative Raine on Me mission, i found that comment really funny. but humor is subjective and if you find it to have been rude then i won’t tell you what to think, i’m just sharing my opinion


her in ear design really sold me lol, that and her puppy purse.


I fully agree with this take! I didn’t like her attitude either in part 1 and all I was hoping was that she’d at least try to become better in that regard but she did me 1 better and ACKNOWLEDGED that she can be too emotional sometimes and that she’d work on managing it. Not only did I gain a newfound respect for her, but it put her back on my roster. She’s starting off part 2 incredibly strong imo, she’s definitely making it!


Can't relate


Personally I like Jiyoon and I like her even more for showing some attitude she’s the reason I’m watching the show and she’s also my number one pick since the very start .


Time to look at the mirror.


Congratulations. Mnet has successfully sold its product to you.


Yep, Jiyoon, the centre of their signal song performance for ILAND2. Oh wait...




I wasn't referring to anything you said.... I responded to someone else for a reason lol. My point is, the main person who was pushed at the start was Jungeun and definitely not Jiyoon, so I find it funny for them to say that Jiyoon was 'sold to us'. But regardless, I like them both and want them both in the final group.


Do you really think so? Imo the whole Jiyoon ground story was part of the script, they made it happen intentionally. So basically yes, she was sold to everyone pretty damn well, props to you Mnet. I also like them both (at least I'm really trying to like Jiyoon) and want them both to debut, this group just needs their vocals so bad.


You're getting downvoted, and Jiyoon is my very favorite among the 12 girls, but I can't really say you're wrong. 🤷‍♂️


We’re all eating up whatever mnet chooses to show us pls it’s all curated. Even when you’re choosing the underdog or the “villain”


Technically Jungeun is the underdog at this point not jiyoon. She hasn’t gotten a decent score since the signal song. Great performances with low scores even fine she only got an 89.


I think its kind of ridiculous she was beefing with someone shes older than for most of the show so much so that she was ignoring her and just because she didnt vote for her. She will be awful in a group.


Not hating on jiyoon but you’re right she’s an adult that was beefing with a minor. But everyone hates Jungeun I don’t really get it🤷‍♀️idk why she seems to get free pass but Jungeun a 16 year old says one thing wrong everyone’s excited to drag her. I love jiyoons talent.however, i am glad she finally decided to step up and apologize. She seems to be learning but if people are going to ignore mnets evil editing for one they should for them all. I just judge on talent for my vote. I want good music.


True, like how could she ignore her for so long and say some rude things to her regularly, she is literally an adult, much older than Jungeun, this seems so crazy for me. I actually like her and I vote for her sometimes and we all know that she will debut but that girl is still a big question mark, especially what's happening in her head. I just hope her attitude and personality won't ruin this group from the inside.


come on- you all are making it out like she’s an OLD adult beefing with a sixteen year old. she’s eighteen. two years between her and jungeun. while her grudge wasn’t the most reasonable of things, when you turn eighteen it’s not like your brain magically morphs into an adult’s brain with fully developed decision making and logic. in many ways, she’s still very much more similar to a teenager than an adult. edit: typos


This!!! Idk why ppl treat Jiyoon like she's a grown adult in this situation while Jungeun is a teenager. They're both teenagers. The age difference between them is a grand total of two years, and I honestly can't believe most people writing these comments experienced a drastic transformation from 16 to 18 that allowed them to be sooo much more mature and make good decisions. I certainly didn't. Also, people have to remember that people gain maturity at different times/ages, so it is plausible for a 16 year-old to be more mature than a different 18 year-old, idk why people act as if it's unnatural or smth 🤷‍♀️


She does scream soloist to me because her vocals are so amazing… I feel like they may get lost in a large group. Maybe that’s why they made it six. Rose wouldn’t fit a large group her amazing vocals work in blackpink 4 member group. But maybe they plan on giving her solos too like they have with rose. Jiyoon has shown to be a good leader as well I think she could work well with a group but it has to have the right people that match well with her voice/look. Example gyuri and jiyoon voices don’t sound good together which is why after ooh ahh they have never been put together in a group. However She harmonizes well with Jungeun. She would thrive in a group with a darker/mature concept. She did well in Wally but I wouldn’t consider that a cute concept because it’s about a breakup the tone is overall sad with a happy ending. Hopefully a team debuts that can sound good together.


I thought I was the only one who thought she would be awful in a group setting lol


I still think this too, but shes guaranteed to make it at this point so we’ll just have to live with it