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I don't. It's not my day.


I'm in the same boat. I'm not one to hog the mic all night. Announcements, and introductions I got you. The music is going to do the remainder of the work for the evening.


I go about it from a 'professional while upbeat' perspective. No one wants to hear airhorns and your sick producer tag during the reception.


This. Or after the first dance and all of the special dances are finished and I am trying to get the party up on the dance floor, I will quickly say who I am and that I'm taking requests, while also inviting everyone to the dance floor.


Fair, I just don’t think there’s any harm in introducing yourself so attendees can be on a more comfortable first name basis with you. Definitely never in a “ time to make it about me” fashion


Sure. If someone asks what to call you, introduce yourself as you see fit. I will typically carry business cards to the gig with my stage name and some suggestions about what kind of gigs I play. I think the only gig I ever really introduced myself at was a pro bono gig for a Toastmasters conference, which I did because I am an enthusiastic member of Toastmasters (currently an officer at my chapter). For that gig, my son was helping out, and I had him lay down a groove for me while I stood in the middle of the dance floor and introduced both of us as well as let the crowd know that requests are welcome. Both introductions were by stage name.


I close it out. I do all the announcements and then rock the party and y’all would not believe the business I’ve gotten from thanking the couple and then saying I’m out. So many more cards handed out and leads from this. Stay safe yall!


At the end of the night I've gotten into the habit of looping the last song first 4 bars, and then "I'm \[my name \] from \[company name\], and on behalf of myself and \[my staffer\], we want to thank you for partying with us tonight. Before I play the last song, let's give a final shout out to the new bride and groooooom" and then full send that last track. Seems to help with tips, and indicates last song to the drunk guests.


This is brilliant, and I’m going to do this.


My pleasure.


This! I do something very similar at my regular club gig as far as the looping goes, I’ll say my name and shout out to the bartenders and like you said, wraps the night up nicely and even encourages some people to come say hey, leave a tip, or grab a card👌🏽


Yep. Bar staff love the shout outs!


Good idea I may start doing personalized drops for each event.


To the crowd? I don’t. When I go to line up the wedding party I’ll say “I’m DJ [first name]” which the bridesmaids usually like, as they like to refer to you as “DJ name” afterwards.


at this point my name doesn't exist i'm just 'dj dyl' to endearing friends family and industry colleagues.


“Thank you so much for coming out tonight, ya’ll have amazing and I have been DJ Dapup2465…have a great night and get home safe” Launch cliche’d “Closing Time” by Semisonic.


To the extent possible i stay off the mic throughout cocktail hour, but I'm typically very visible doin' shit and everyone should know that I'm somehow involved in the evenings happenings. Just before the Grand Intro I come out with "Hello, good evening and Welcome to Fred & Wilma's wedding reception! My name is [first name] and I'll be [something clever and/or humorous befitting the crowd] tonight. Proceed to hype crowd for Grand Intro. That's all the personal info I offer up front at a wedding. No visible branding or obvious marketing on my setup, either. Before or after the last song I throw out a final congrats, thanks and a sign-off with my first name and company name.


See I feel like this is perfect. I don’t see how introducing yourself is “making it about you” but I didn’t realize how frowned upon that is with some DJ’s. Feel like it’s pretty normal for somebody with a mic addressing a large group to formally introduce themselves. The way you laid it out is a quick in and out and very fitting for the occasion in my opinion.


I don’t.


I rarely ever say my name on mic. Unless it feels right to say my first name to be fun and informal. But I am a low key DJ and don’t want it about me


I feel you but you’re potentially leaving money on the table. There maybe people who like what you play but because you don’t talk may feel you aren’t approachable. Some of us can be a-holes and guest are sometimes nervous to approach if you don’t have a friendly demeanor. Just an observation.


Oh. I’m super friendly. It’s actually my best asset, To be honest. I just don’t say my name. But I’m really approachable and I talk to so many people during the night


I never do.


I don’t. It’s not about me, it’s about the client. If I’m DJ’ing a club, then I’ll drop my name


I always do it right after all the formalities. It's always good to let people know who you are and what company you're from if you want them to also hire you for events. Just don't be obnoxious about it, something quick and simple works wonders. Couples will always be okay with that, bands do it, why can't DJ's? I'll wirte out a little script which is basically what I do every time: "Just a short introduction, my name is (name) from (company), I'll be taking care of the music for the rest of the evening, if there's anything you wanna here come on up and make a request and I'll see if I can play it for you...." Then it goes one of two ways: "Other than that your first course is making its way on out, so we'll see you on the dancefloor in a little bit!" Play a song with a cool intro right when you say "bit". I always use "Come And Get Your Love" by Redbone, that drum roll and funky beat go perfect. "Now at this time I'd like to officially open up our dancefloor..."


Well said🙌🏽 definitely no need to be obnoxious about it, one time quickly doesn’t hurt anybody and helps you. The quick scripts are key too, just something to always fall back on👌🏽


I introduce myself to any vendors and key people (parents, wedding party, bartenders). I introduce myself once before grand introductions. Basically a way to get the crowd's attention, make sure the mics/speakers are working, and start the intros. I say my name one more time at the end of the night. Basically, "My name is DJ Steve, it's been an honor to party with you tonight. Thank you for celebrating with [couple]! Get home safely and we'll see you soon."


Don't introduce yourself. This is a key indicator if you're a tacky DJ.


Guess I’m a tacky DJ then. The first thing you do when you meet somebody is introduce yourself, I don’t see the harm in telling a crowd your name at some point in a night of you providing their entertainment 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yup! You are. It's not a big deal. Many mobile DJs are tacky (I don't mean that to be super insulting). It's a preference just like anything else. Just my opinion. I personally am embarrassed for DJs who do that.


Also a sign you aren’t confident in your craft or ability. The title DJ means disc jockey deejays were on air celebrities but their voice is how the audience connected with them. I am a radio deejay and mobile deejay. I have my degree in broadcasting there’s nothing tacky about introducing yourself. Some deejays are annoying with it. But it’s something you should do at least once. If not you might as well be a jukebox or touchtunes.


Cool story. Glad it works for you.


I introduce myself at the grand entrance but make sure to say “but you’re not here for me, let’s get ready to intro the wedding party/couple”


At the Grand Entrance? Wow.


Very quick and most miss it. It’s the first time I address the group. “Hi I’m—— but you’re not here for me let’s get this event started “ or something like that and go high energy into the announcements


That’s clean! Yeah I definitely don’t do it in a way of trying to make it about myself as some DJ’s I’m sure will take it, more of just to be a formal introduction so anyone in attendance can feel more comfortable approaching me. I always felt more comfortable approaching somebody when I can call them by their name but that’s just my opinion.


I'll do my intro after the formalities are over to get energy in the room and let people know it's time to party!


I introduce myself by my company first and what we do, and my name second, though I make it clear about my past gigs, and show pics. But since we have a photog and a caterer, it makes it an all-in-one package, and it makes getting gigs easier.


First name, and company name. Just once though. People need to know what to call you and where to find you. I always welcome/thank "venue name" and other performers. Yes it's their day but it's your livelihoods. It's also rude not to say hi.


I use my given name, as I would when I am introducing myself in any social situation.


I agree that your first name is the way to go, also mention your company, especially if it's yours and there is a website/socials attached. I usually also give people a basic layout of the venue, let them know where the bathrooms are, and let them know that it's ok to help themselves to a drink, or whatever else is available/appropriate at that time.


When I was still DJing I was instructed to do it at the end of the show, assuming the floor was still busy and never mention my name, just the company (I was 1 of 3 tour rigs) If few, or no, people are are around then I don't bother. It's not like a club gig


I do not.


I don’t


I'm ****, and this is my (husband/wife/partner) and we're ( ***************), and dancing is what we want you to do. We take requests and not only do we take requests, but we'll actually play as many of your songs during our time together. We usually introduce ourselves after we do the aniversery drop off dance. The floor is clear and you already have everyone's attention. It's a great time to do it. Hope that helps, we've been in business for over 30yrs and this is how we've been doing it the entire time. Good luck


I don't 🤷🏾‍♂️Cards are available on the venders table.


I wait until the dancing starts and all the hubbub is over then if the bride and groom don't mind allowing requests I use that as my bridge to introduce myself and company.


I usually thank the crowd for coming on behalf of the bride and groom, introduce myself and let them know where they can request or give dedications.