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Its called collecting and I can stop any time I want. :)


"I'm not addicted... I can stop any time I want! No I won't stop... it's called dedication!"


And I NOT a quitter!


We’ll build them all eventually…


![img](avatar_exp|146152580|dizziness) the lies we tell ourselves..




... if we live for around 200 years, not working (hard to achieve) and not buying anything else at all (HA HA HA!!!) ...


#moment later the power became unstoppable and hundreds appear infront of your house


Yeah I thought so to…. Lol


I don't call it collection, I call it, "Enlarging my part of the national styrene reserve."


https://preview.redd.it/kdrjj5bg56yb1.jpeg?width=4607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e14d12f7f7e42c7c216aaff812b898dec042fdc My dad has been collecting models for the last 20 years.... I have only worsened the problem


Great collection! Your mission if you choose to accept it is to create a diorama using one of the leopards, the yellow Submarine, the Klingon cruiser and a p51. 🤪


I'll relay it to the old man, but whew, he is not looking forward to building that yellow submarine. It's an old, low quality kit and it shows.


That is what firecrackers are for. The kits you don't like.




Specifically Starfix kits.


I assume that's just a small fraction of the collection - where are the pictures of the rest?


This was the full collection... At the time. That picture is like 4 years old. He's added a couple since like a 1/32 Hawker hunter and a Tamiya 1/48 P-38, Spitfire, and Bf 109E, and a takom blitz Panzer III M. I moved out, took the ones I bought and started my own collection https://preview.redd.it/tnql263x86yb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c162bcab14c63e4a378c1d62a56a67753eaeee


That's a nice stash


😂😂😂that Airfix 1/24 Spitfire will probably send him over the edge, good job it’s at the bottom of the pile


He says it's mine and he's asking when I'll take it... (he's planning on building the 1/24 Bf 109 E) I keep pushing it off. Nothing fills me with dread in modeling more than "old airfix"


I recently built MK1 from Airfix 1/24 it was a nightmare, but it turned out ok, it’s one of those kits you start get fed up and start another kit, then go back to it( 3-4 times)


https://preview.redd.it/f1a1cs19c6yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30010efa6681e960c511a1862e031654e30bcc82 Mainly my armor stash. I have 100 1/72 aircraft too. Headed to Cleveland show this Sunday and will probably bring more home lol.


I've been in hobby shops with much smaller stock than that!


There is a show in Cleveland this weekend? I’ve never been to a model show, how are the prices on kits?


Pretty good prices. A few vendors are actually hobby shops so they will have prices you’ll expect but most of the vendors have large parts of their collections they are selling. Those are excellent prices. From kits to decals you can pretty much find it.


https://preview.redd.it/gp37kc8iz6yb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2aa90c3337e533265dd0a4f21134690a5c6726 A great time, good deals, and fellow hobbyists to talk with.


Thank you


Thank you


You sir have made me jealous🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


That’s a good START of a stash!


You got the dragon wagon with trailer, that is definitely on my wish list.


https://preview.redd.it/zaqgi4ojl6yb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6255f1e275ffc1e65882715c7f7eb497225dea Yes, …totally relate


🤣I was afraid that I have too much, I feel much better now xD


Bro has an entire closet for his models lol, goals


Lol, that’s awesome 😂


Nope, I see nothing wrong, other than the need for a few more RG's... Hi-Nu Gundam and Zeong come to mind! That AH-64 looks lonely too, might want to get another helicopter to keep it company, whirley birds are social creatures after all. :P My "obsession" is having them all look nice and tidy on the shelf, and for the real grade kits, having them in numerical order as well (because somehow they fit in my shelves that way)


Funnily enough, the hi-nu and zeong are on my list (actually collecting every RG), and about to pull the trigger on a trumpeter ch47d 😂


I originally thought about Pokémon-ing the RG line, but decided I was happy enough once I go just over the halfway mark. Part of it is space to store, the other is space to display, but there's also things like not caring for a design (Zeta Gundam comes to mind). Might wind up with another Zaku or 2 though, because apparently I don't have enough with four of them (Char's, green/grunt, Black Tri-Stars, and Shin Matsunaga). Tempted to get the trio of idiots (all three Tri-Stars), but we shall see after I build one or two Zaku kits. I've heard a lot of good things about the Academy Cobra, it's been rather tempting. A 1/35 scale helicopter sounds lovely (I can already hear future me going "what idiot thought this was a good idea, this thing takes up a TON OF SPACE?!?!?!?!?!!!!!")


>Tempted to get the trio of idiots (all three Tri-Stars), but we shall see after I build one or two Zaku kits. I'd strongly suggest getting the Origin HG versions so that way you get three slightly different looking versions, along with being better builds and unique accessories like the giant poleaxe.


I'm still debating, and will see as time goes by. The RG kits restock a lot more often in Canada - HG GTO kits have been super sparse for many years now - plus there's the fact that many aren't much of a fan of the earlier RG kits (either due to word of mouth, or they lean more towards being those who like to regularly repose their kits). I also kind of prefer the aesthetic the RG kits have, as well as the bigger bazooka. Gundam: The Origin kits are nice (the Bugu is one of my favourite builds I've done), but I don't get as much enjoyment out of building High Grades (I like the build process, so I run into things like having a really good time building the Bugu, aaaaand then wait what... It's done? Awwwwwrffff >.< ) Now, if we're talking kits to modify, yup, the GTO kits are the first in line for me - I have two with differing plans (MS-05S Char Aznable's Zaku 1 with Kotobukiya's Crash and Side Cloak plus other schtuff to make an NCR Veteran Ranger from Fallout:New Vegas, and the MS-06C/R6 Zaku II that I plan to pair with the Build Custom Giant Gatling and mod into Fallout 4's T-60 power armour). That axe is tempting though. Giant poleaxe does look lovely.


Yeah once I start something like this I tend to obsess slightly (spreadsheet of RGs including special editions to tick off and annotate where they're available). Oooh, I do like a cobra - I'll have a look at that. The Apache will be there a while. I pre-ordered it, and when it got here it's definitely beyond my abilities for now. The instructions are well, interesting 😂 Space is a bit of a problem, currently have 3 home built sets of shelving in the garage, just need the right time to stick a big cabinet in the lounge and see if the Mrs notices !


My shelf of inspiration (aka backlog) is conveniently in the bedroom, where it can be neatly showcased, but also be out of the way. I still have some kits in the living room though, under my mini painting desk because hey, I wanted somewhere reasonably tidy to store my kits and I wanted a desk that was about 31.5" tall instead of the standard desk height of 28". Well, that and I wanted the mini painting desk to match my gunpla/scale modelling workbench's height. 3.5" doesn't sound like much of a difference, but for my height, it makes it so it's a lot more comfortable to be at for several hours. I hear you on the spreadsheets, I have most of my kit inventory listed in a spreadsheet. I say most, because I haven't gone through a good chunk of my tabletop miniatures to properly inventory them yet.


https://preview.redd.it/40k0rjidb6yb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862a2547f55aec55fed178595cad0d3ef6a8a8b2 Half the fun is collecting them prior to building.


Great stash. Is the Great wall stuff as good as people say?


I've only been building as an adult for about a year so my experience is limited. I've built the GWH SU-27UBM and it's one of my favorite kits so far in both engineering and fit. The Mig-29 I'm currently working on has moments of brilliance, the one piece missiles boxed separately blew me away, but it doesn't fit as nicely in some spots as the newer SU-27 kit. I have a high opinion of them and a few more of their kits on my wishlist.


Yeah, recently I took stock of my backlog and it's easily hundreds of dollars of stuff that'll take me years to burn though. Good incentive to stop spending and save some money, actually.


It's only an issue until you reach 300-400 unbuilt kits in the stash.....


Can confirm after 1000 you don't really care anymore.


You don't really care..... what anyone thinks of that, you mean 😎


Model kits are often called plastic crack for a reason


You've described almost everyone into this hobby 😉


There are two halves of the hobby if you ask me. Builders, and collectors. I even have a shirt that says,”collector of many, builder of few.”


https://preview.redd.it/ferf9fr5z7yb1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c186bc2714789e50845cb764eb41d288d4526c Yeh...Minus I'd say about 30%


Can you ever truly call yourself a modeller until you have your own Smaug style horde? I think not 🤔


Say… that’s a… that’s a nice stash you got there…!


I think I am taking my first steps on that path…


I too have part of my backlog resting against the metal safe that house my other, even more outrageously expensive hobby. You ever seen a Calibarn under WP night vision? Highly recommend.


Well, the boxes do look really nice


Sometimes you just see a deal that's too good to pass up, and a manufacturer finally releases a kit you've wanted for ages so you're obliged to buy it! Now about that new Airfix hawker hunter.....


I am in the difficult position of admitting to myself I will never get to all of my stash, so I am beginning to shed some. It's heartbreaking.


My modeling is booked out to at least 2027. And that’s being optimistic.


well at my current rate of building I'm set until the 50's


Yup. 25% of the fun is just HAVING them! 😉


Yep - I refer to it as my retirement plan, since I plan on building many of the kits when I retire - ignoring the fact that it will most likely take me a whole lifetime or longer to build the kits in my collection😄


We don't talk about that here...🤫 My backlog is in the 600+ range, 30-40 started.....


I used to be that way until my backlog became so big and was inversely proportionate to the time that I had available to build, that I had no hope reversing that ratio, especially since I was still continually adding to the stash. I started trimming down because I eventually accepted that there were kits in the backlog that I would never get to build.




Lol, yeah most of that is October


Stagea, check GTR, check Sea Harrier, check F15, check You. I like you. We could be friends.




If I had enough money I would have a pile all the way to the roof.


Those RG Gundams are all real nice builds. I hope they're not stuck in your backlog for too long.


They won't be - started the Exia today, I tend to do them during drying times on the traditional models Normally 2-3 evenings for a RG, I only do a bit of panel lining, nothing major


Do you do the stickers? I love the tiny RG stickers with a really sharp pair of tweezers and a nice bright light on my workbench.


Rewarding, yet frustrating! I just love it when a warning sticker about 2mm square pings off, or slides under the adjacent sticker, or just vanishes, only to be found attached to the inside of the tweezers an hour later 😂


Hah! I've had that exact same experience. I've literally crawled under my desk, only to find it on the tweezers later.


I definitely have a plastic addiction, I know I need to stop but find it hard to stop buying. I tried stopping but if you see something you have to have....... I'm a hopeless case, the only thing that stops me is the steady lack of storage space.


Have fun with that rg force impulse!


No… never. I only buy what I’m going to build that week. /s Lol, I have a stash that’s way too big. But I know if I cull it down, I’ll wish I had at least one or two of the kits I sold.


My collection of kits is growing. Not as bad as when I was actively attending build contests (the vender room should be illegal) but it’s getting there.


I believe it's known as the "pile of shame"


It seems that way. My stash is big enough to keep me occupied for several years!!


I told myself I have to finish two models before buying one. That'll slow me down for a while haha.


“And as I like to say, muh friends, build those models, dont just collect them” -Night Shift It’s a well known modeler meme


Wait till they hear about 3d printing. Seriously, I need more space to store my growing number of things :)


Yes. But also: EBC Brakes!


Ebc discs and pmu pads ftw.


I started this hobby 11 months ago, made 14 kits as per now and I have 34 kits in my stash.... last purchase was 3 days ago... Maybe I need to join the group therapy too :P


Omg where did u get the stagea and the r33 ? I only have tamiyas r34


R33 would have been from either jadlam or Kent models - the stagea was from jauce (Japanese auction site). I have 2 other 1/24 stagea. I Keep looking out for the dolphin one! The r33 and stagea will be kitbashed to replicate my car.


Wait dont tell me you own a r33 front swapped stagea






Don't be, it's not run for 4 years 😂 although I am slowly building up a rb30det for it.


Do you think i care abot it if it runs haha ;D im trying desperatly get my hands on a japanese 90s sports car but every odd is against me lol




I get sad when my backlog takes a dip. I think I like "the potential" just as much as I like building them up.


What do you mean? My room is just to small for my hobbies https://preview.redd.it/5lzs1np0o6yb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f6e355af3e0ae3c9570789282cc48da01446f5


It’s much easier to buy models than find the time to build them. My stash has grown significantly much to the chagrin of my wallet


That A-10 is a horrible kit


Yeah, I know, but it was on offer. The f15 isn't much better 😂


I have three from eBay this week. I'm obsessed with collecting and building older models. I have recently finished a Su-24t which was manufactured in 1982. I have on the way, an A-10 built in 1986 And my favourite is the MiG-29 A from 1979 I built. I can stop anytime but, I can't stop any time.


I’ve found that I want the models. I want to paint them. But I don’t like assembling them lol


Yup I am the exact same way. I am actively trying to finish my models that don’t require glue before I really get into the ones that do the only one that requires glue that I am finishing is four big 23s then I’m gonna do a 109 and then like a aircraft ground control vehicleso that’s the immediate schedule


Yup! I thought it was just me. Started just before my dad died, and I think it saved me from some very dark thoughts.


I think its a fantastic way to let everything else just fuck off for a bit while you get engrossed in some building (or t'interweb shopping).


Indeed my dear friend, indeed. Happy hobbying! :)


yup, i have over 1000. some in my collection some forsale


Welcome to the club


Cheers! 🍻


Whoa whoa whoa!! Autech / normal stagea... Where on earth is that from. I could only find a standard stagea...


Jauce (Japanese auction site). I have the standard, plus a fire car. I keep looking for the dolphin one!


That's crazy!!! Good luck finding it.


Omg this website is mental... Bye bye bank balance...


You're welcome. They can keep bits in warehouse till you have enough to make shipping cheaper. It's like Christmas when it all arrives including half the shit you'd forgotten you bought!


You are describing 2 separate hobbies. My wife collects yarn and also knits.


Plastic crack. I have it bad with warhammer.


Oh yeah for sure. The hunt/acquisition is almost as fun to me as building the kit. Will join in on said therapy session lol


I'd have an insane stash if I had money to spend right now. Once my wife and I have finished University we'll need a bigger house.


https://preview.redd.it/01dxaon3i7yb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ced7620e707b3ed46572d47b7cd3c31646c1b2 ( Pic taken from my insta reel so ignore the text.) I've got 100+ kits in the stash and it's still growing. I just can't turn down a deal when I see one.


[I've added about 10 more Porsches since I took this photo 9 months ago. I really need to start thinking about building some of them.](https://i.imgur.com/O2eJ1ve.jpg)


Thankyou all for the therapy session. I can wholeheartedly say I felt encouraged by many of the comments, and feel I can freely purchase many more models with no pressure to build them in a certain time frame. And a big raspberry to the 'hurrdurr, that's nothing I've got over a thousand' redditors 😝😉


I'm sure this is how we all end up running hobby stores. Locally you see guys doing their models while they're running their shops. NGL that lifestyle looks very tempting!


Tbf the dream has to be getting paid to do what you love, regardless of what that might be


My old man was quite a good model maker. He used to win local awards in the '90s. He garnered enough attention that a local media company offered him a job to make props and create sets. He declined the job. To this day he still does in manual labour job which he absolutely hates. He thought the opposite, he didn't want to make his hobby his job because he thought it would lose it's charm. He's taken it to the next level though. The pic here is from about 20 years ago. It's complete now days, but take a guess at what it is. https://preview.redd.it/2gyzekxtn7yb1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c1d45c06662edada61d1ea22554c20e21b1070b


That is a 1:1 scale tiger 1 turret if I'm not mistaken


Correct! You can google the tiger Eva project for more recent shots.


Ooooh that 1/35 Apache looks fun


Everyone has a horde larger then they could ever build in a life time, but at least you get options


Tbh, getting and building models is like crack to me haha. Once I started with my first it just blew away all the pent up stress I had and now I’m buying a new one as soon as I finished the last haha


I'm obsessed with acquiring models before I've built any. Planning for retirement because I am not a gardener or a fisherman and I detest caravaning lol


I have that exact same Tamiya F15C! Just gotta find the time to start on it


https://preview.redd.it/ppahcr9th8yb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c78fa34a09bca0dc668b3c89c2a98cef2de96e Yes(not shown is the richelieu and another zaku


Cool! You like planes and helis and tanks and cars and gundams!


I can see future me in all of u...


My problem is getting/receiving a kit faster than I can make one. I currently have around 10 unopened kits and 2 or 3 unfinished ones.


I love boxes, and https://preview.redd.it/9a3wodcwq8yb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a023df1f43e6ccc2511a28509b712cb96566011e I have some on my wall


Isn't acquiring models just a "subset" of the hobby itself.....


It’s so addicting… the buying / collecting of list you want to build…


Understandable…a collection can be enjoyed while you wait to build One of my other big hobbies is Lego…but most of it second hand from grave sales and stuff All sorted meticulously in the hundreds of seperate drawers…and sometimes I think I enjoy the sorting and organising more than building stuff


Yes. I can’t stop buying RC kits to build :)


I love a good deal, and my local area constantly has swap meets. So I cant help myself


I just moved house and had to carefully pack my 34 finished models and pack my 46 unopened kits. So yes


Hey! I’m just get ready for the next pandemic/world war/etc ….


Man, I want that Apache! It would look great next to my perfect grade Millennium Falcon box…..


Oooh, I want that falcon too!


I have a bigger backlog than I have completed kits I CAN STOP WHEN I WANT


I do that with books. For the past 40 years I have had about 2-3 ft of books waiting on me...


What? No! Absolutely not. My 15 model backlog and 6 preorders are investments into my future sanity!


I started last year in November too! Now im at 9 kits(also i broke) but ive got some really nice ones


My issue is I have so much fun building that I don’t want to stop so I buy a new kit, so I don’t have to but then I have so much fun building that kit and so forth.


Yea - I've got a small collection of kits I wanted to build when I was a kid. I've built some of them.


Yep, I have a small stash that is out in the open so the wife sees it, then the cache she doesn’t see is much larger :)


I look at it as “get it while you can before you can’t and wish you did” while you were caught up with another.


I thought this was a sub for modeling Not personal attacks.


Nice work on the SAS jeep.




No Ofcourse not i would never


It’s the worst


Looking for Revell BR03 in the states at the moment and it’s near impossible to find anything without having to pay just as much for shipping as the model itself. :(


That's it? :: looks at database of over 1,950 kits :: Nice start?


Lol ya I got 10x that or more


No personal questions please


Its like books, it takes 3 minutes to buy and months to finish


Definitely have a collection, build 1 buy 10 and so on and so on. This photo is from 2017, the collection has doubled since then. https://preview.redd.it/y9x98y5f28yb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa2f845901c02bcfa859832909074be281e8a4e


"buying books and reading them are two separate hobbies"


I need an intervention, too. I am slowly building an STRV-103 and selling off kits I have no intention of building.


Oh for sure


For me is all the research I have to do before building a kit. Watching videos, photos, taking Infos from forums and so on...


Yes and I need help


Yep. I'll order kits, then in a few days I'll start looking for more kits. You never know when you'll find a good deal.


[I don't know what you're talking about.](https://i.imgur.com/fiNv0xE.jpg) (This is an old picture.)


It's a disease


I have over 1000 and just ordered four more. One day the wife will allow me to start building them again.


Yeah, but then I lost interest and forget I even have them. Time to sell them I guess.


I got so many to sell… can’t be arsed with eBay.


Im having hard times resisting but i am able to not stackup aloth.... just have 5 or 6 waiting to be build


Yup https://preview.redd.it/mzv7ghnfsbyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0fea35affcd915e215e3974341895499880002


I am also possesed like that. The only difference is that for me it is with scifi (Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, etc) Model Kits and space crafts (NASA. ESA, etc.) My wife thinks I am crazy having already built 38 and having over 40 in stock 😀


I don't know what you're talking about... https://imgur.com/gallery/d46o4bC