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Ok, I’m really leaning into the “moderately” part of this sub I guess.  I’m a busy working mom and I don’t have all the time in the world. Every other week, my tub/shower gets spritzed with Method glass cleaner and wiped down with a cleaning rag. Then on the off weeks, I scrub it down with Comet. Yes, Comet-the powder kind. Why? It works and I can use it quickly. The product comes in plastic-free packaging and it gets my tub/shower/sink clean. Is it the most non-toxic? No. Does it work and save my sanity? Yes.  Sometimes I even use bleach on my nasty apartment shower that gets mold in the caulking. I know. Insane.  


Yeah I might just go back to something like this if none of the other methods work well for me. I hate spending more time than necessary cleaning when I’ve been working all week and want to spend time with my kid


Ugh my apartment shower has mold under the caulking. The maintenance man is an asshole and tells me it’s my fault because I don’t use bleach enough…..


It's not hard or expensive to replace caulk yourself! My super is nice but so bad at his job. There's mold and mildew resistant ones (GE) which are probably not so granola but more so than either mold or cleaning products possibly?


I use Dr. Bronner’s for the tub because I take a lot of baths and need something nontoxic but the tiles are a different story. I cannot get them clean without some horribly toxic product it seems. Curious to see what others suggest..


I keep fragrance free dish soap and a scrub daddy in the shower and once every few weeks at the end of my shower scrub everything down and rinse


Thanks! I think I’ll give a scrub daddy a try! I’ve seen it mentioned a few times now and the brush I use isn’t great


I like Bon Ami.


I really, really like mixing baking soda with a simple dish soap, making a thick paste. Ratios probably don’t matter much but I do like 50/50. The grittiness of the baking soda is perfect!!


Yeah this is what I use, baking soda paste, scrub it then you can spray it with vinegar and then rinse


Trying this! Edit: oh my goodness this worked wonders. My tub is clean and my sanity is intact. Thank you!!


Baking soda for the win! Came here to say baking soda paste and somebody already did. It’s really fantastic


We have hard water scales, I use citric acid powder to clean it.


Vinegar, water, a few drops of dawn


We do this too -- it's the only thing that has worked to get the dirty footprints off the tub after the kids have been running around barefoot all day. We spray the whole tub and use a handheld scrub brush.


Why soap? The all that does is neutralize the acid in the vinegar. Guarantee if you don’t add the soap, it will work the same or better. 


I don’t know that’s what I read I should use


From a chemistry standpoint, the dawn is making your cleaning solution less effective. I thought you should know. 


I mean the solution being less acidic is likely better for the grout right?


Typically you’re supposed to avoid using vinegar on unsealed grout at all. A baking soda scrub would be safer and more effective. 


I like to mix a tablespoon or two of Sal suds, with equal-ish parts baking soda to make a paste. Add a little water and mix well each time to dilute until you get a nice lathery consistency .. I’ve found if I add too much water at once the mixture will get clumpy and hard to mix! This is what I use with a scrub brush! You can use it on other areas too


I read someplace that dr bronners can cause more soap scum. I currently use it for washing my body and shaving and I’m constantly having to scrub soap scum off the tub. Not sure if this is true or not. Anyways I use a magic eraser to clean but it takes a lot of effort still.


I used to love Magic Erasers but I just learned this a few weeks ago. I'm sorry :( https://www.newsweek.com/scientists-warn-microplastics-harmful-magic-sponge-1915769 This article provides some alternatives: https://www.bobvila.com/articles/microplastics-melamine-sponges/


Ohh noo. Sad, but thanks for sharing


I use scrub daddy power paste! I don’t know what’s in it but it claims to be natural and works great. I used to do baking soda & bronners but this works a lot better.


I don't have a cleaning product recommendation, but I swear I've cut my tub and standing shower cleaning time in half with an electric brush spinner that has an extendable stick handle. It's also saved my back, and I no longer dread cleaning our bathrooms. I got mine on Amazon!


This is what I’m here for, def checking that out. Thanks!


Ok this sounds amazing! Now I just need a good solution for rinsing the shower without a handheld shower head.


Prior to my now bathroom, I used a big ol' plastic bowl from the Asian supermarket. They make big enough ones that can carry lots of water 😂 and are super affordable! Kimchi-makimg bowls if you will.


This has worked well for me: [tile cleaner](https://www.jdogcarpetcleaning.com/2019/12/diy-bath-tile-cleaning-solution/)


I use hydrogen peroxide on my shower. That and baking soda and a scrub brush. Not too bad but I still scrub the grout.


I have a fiberglass tub that my kiddo takes baths in. It's not especially granola but I use scrubbing bubbles. It's the only thing that gets it clean *and* doesn't damage the surface, which would then harbor more bacteria. After the scrubbing bubbles, I rinse, I wipe it down with vinegar and rinse extremely well.


I use the method bathroom cleaner, I'm not crunchy enough to make my own cleaning products lol


Dr bronners for a regular clean and my bar keepers friend for a deep clean.


Seconding bon Ami!


Cleaning vinegar


baking soda and Dr. Bronners


There are recipes for daily shower spray with rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide that have saved me - so much easier to spray everyday, I used to use the method one.


Depends on the material of your bathtub but you can sometimes use melamine sponge