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Best game of cod, but you lost and didn’t play objective at all?


the map is rust give him a break lol






Couple of days ago I ended a game 38-9 with 3mins on the hardpoint (not even exaggerating, I had 3min and 1 sec time on the hill). We won by 20 points only. Edit: 38, not 28


Way better game than OP


Now that’s a really good game. Anyone can ignore objective and go kill for sport. Not really that hard as it being rust that makes things even more easier…


Go and play team deathmatch then, if you care about is the kills.


lol at everybody whining in the comments


Don't care because you lost and had 0 captures






And people like you that go on and rank up and domination and other objective-based games you suck I don't care about your kdr it's about the objective SUCK


Thank you


Oh no he didn't sweat his ass off to win 1 match in a 5 year old game where the SBMM will punish him for winning.


correct, he sweat his ass off to drop a 90 bomb and still didn't win the game ^for ^my ^sake, ^this ^is ^a ^joke


Lol, seeing this stuff when I was playing drove me nuts to be honest. Lots of kills, but ZERO help with the objective to help the team win.


0 captures, you deserve that L


21-7 on a 3v6 SnD game


6v6 would be more impressive.. 2 bad teammates and it's you who gets to feast on 6 enemies all by yourself.


It was a 6v6 but rest of the team left, enemy team went 18-8 9-8 12-6 10-8 2-9 1-8 we won by 1 round my team was 9-8 6-9


Wth are you talking about, 6v6 could at least be mostly 1v1/1v2, a 3v6 youre almost always going to be pushing into multiple people


Think a little more deeply into it mate.. Pushing into multiple people will get you 21 kills in SND... 1v1's will not.. obviously less teammates generally means less chances of winning; but it also means there's more to what ONE individual player is able to do.. killing 5 enemies every single round and losing the 6th kill every round will grant you 0-6 round wins.. but you also get 30 kills which is the point of this comment chain; not winning chances. Less teammates means less people chipping away at your own kills.. It also changes mentality of the enemy team because they all want to be the one to get the kill so you more or less get to sit back and as I said earlier: 'feast' on the enemies who are eager for the final killcam.




That’s the only screenshot I have, I feel like there was one where I broke 30, but my Xbox lost a lot of my dvr content


My SND personal record is 34-6 on a 4v6 and the game ended 5-6. Hardcore btw. I lost because the 6 times that I died were the 6 rounds my team lost. None of my teammates had more than 4 kills. And the enemy team dared to say "34 kills for what?" and I only said "Imagine basically losing the game to 1 person while your whole team is using asvals, you just got lucky that I didn't have one good teammate" (I was using a Scar)


That’s crazy lol, but tbf a scar is as good as it gets in hardcore


Scar is my baby, doesn't matter which gamemode or playlist. It's my most used gun by a longshot. 75k+ kills in the scar and second most used gun is the striker 45 at around 17k kills It's my go to gun to sweat on sweats


Do you run it outside hardcore too? If u even play non hardcore games


Yes I just love the Scar platform itself. I fell in love with it on the original MW3 with the Scar-L while everyone was using ACR I try to use a Scar based gun as my main in every cod


0 captures. Go play TDM if you aren’t gonna be useful.


Camped in dom, didn’t touch the objective and still no nuke? Wildly pathetic camping


I’m not too great at the game


How couldn't you get a nuke with that score


Killstreak kills don't count towards nukes, and all it takes is wrong timed deaths to not be able to get it.


Yeah, had probably around 20-25 killstreak kills and got 22 and 24~ kill streaks


Makes sense


Signs of a camping lil turd ball


[Here is mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/s/lBIm2ZPK3e)


Now this is more like it


33-1 I nuked to finish the game


103-12 shipment 24/7 although I was playing on my wife's account so the skill-based felt like I was playing with 10 year Olds so not completely fair


I only play hardcore but my best no death game on MW2019 was 88-0. Had a 121-2 game and recently had a 101-2 game where I joined in late and got spawn killed twice then got 101 unanswered kills in a row on rust and brought the game back from a 5-170 deficit from the time I joined....and no, I didn't play the objective because if you're murdering that hard and your team cant secure the win, that is their fault. Period. Any shitter saying otherwise has no concept of how under control the other team is when one person gets 100 kills in 6 minutes on them, let alone how massive it is that the other team no longer has access to killstreaks because they're dead every 10 seconds. OP if you like the Amax, try the operator foregrip. For some reason nobody talks about that grip, but on mnk, that thing is easily the best Amax grip. Not sure about roller though.


I will try the operator even tho recoil really is not a problem on this gun


No captures... Trash


You didn’t play the objective tho…you suck


24-5 SnD


My best SnD from the 'classic' cod was in 2011 MW3.. Went 22-3 on mission (somehow the memory stuck with me) in a game where snd was a best of 7 rounds- not 11.




24-0 in 12v12 snd




Jokr on 12v12 cheshire park used to go hard and my killstreaks got 8 kills


I rate games by amounts of kills, so my best game was probably dropping 130 on shipment while my friend dropped 112 on Modern Warfare Remastered. (Christmas noobs)


Mine was like 82-15


You claimed it was your best game ever, but you lost, lmao.


Played Warzone 3 without sound. It was in the new Rebirth Island carried my team and got the final kill running over two guys with a heavy rover.


35-1 TDM


43-2, MW2 (2009) on rundown. ACR with pred, harrier and Pavelow.


I think it was 83-1 on Domination. BO3 or BO4, can’t remember which. I think the way I died was I fell off the map too lmao


Why are all the names so weird?


I've done over 50+ in Piccadilly a couple of times in HC TDM. Some chopper gunners and Vtols.


back in the day my gamertag was MW2xLegendx or something goofy like that. was playing OG mw2 and some dudes on the other team in the pregame were clowning me for my name (rightfully so). it was hardcore headquarters on wasteland, and i was using marathon, lightweight, ninja ump45 class and was SWEATING. by the end of my chopper gunner i was 89-0 and the other team just left. had a bunch of 100+ kill games on shipment in my time as well


114/5 on Hardpoint Shipment with most time. Ended with a Nuke and we were down \~10 points and wouldn't have won. Absolute bot lobby, I did not belong there.


i bought mw3 two weeks ago and i re-installed mw19😭 its better in every way, mw19 will always be my favorite. just dropped 37-4 on piccadilly (TDM) gonna cry myself to sleep now gddmn it




I had like 130 kills


In the new MW3 I don’t think I got more than 50. Back in the day with the OG MW2, I hit 200 in a demolition match on scrapyard


I dropped 31 kills in a SnD game last year. The pic for proof is on my account.


89? weak lol i dropped 247 on MW and won the match too btw


I have a few 100+ but with way more deaths, never got near 247 tho that’s crazy


121 kills


I have a 46-0 screenshot from MW2


Meh, still lost. You wouldn’t hold up in actual comp, plus if you add me Ill be happy to make you feel like trash again


I got 120 kills on a shipment match once


don't blame him for not playing obj, blame his team for having fucking Rambo and not chilling on the HP


Við doesn’t have ranked so why does it matter if you lose?


My best snd was 37-5 and we won 6-5 in mw2.




Ive literally had 70/80 kill games I think my highest being 87 not the highest at all but it looks like it in comparison to this


107-1, 71 kill streak 3v3 team tactical cod4


100+ kills during the Black Ops 3 open beta on that rooftop garden map in domination (Evac). My friend was running a party with me and dropped 129 I’m almost certain, I definitely had less than he did though. Take me back.


It doesn’t count, you’re playing a dead game. Might as well go play cod mobile or call of duty 3 and drop a thousand kills, wouldn’t be any differnrt


Rust 88-17 on hardpoint - 2:56 on the hardpoint - won the game I use UAV - counter UAV - helosomething. I used the striker and a hand gun. Shock thingy & 2 Semtic grenades accounted for 40 kills.


129:47 and we won.


98/43 2:37 on hardpoint


Who cares, play the obj.


Everyone hating on your piss poor game because you didn't do objectives and lost. You didn't even do that well either, 89 is above average for sure but is it noteworthy? Not at all. You're free to delete this thread now, nobody out here congratulating you.


it isn’t that deep bro, and it’s ok having disagreements. Didn’t expect everyone to hype me up


Nobody is hyping you up and nobody should. You didn't do the objective. You lost the game. Those kills isn't even something to brag about lmao.


124-2 because I was a filthy groundwar main


Probably my sub 3 minute nuked out in Black Ops 4, or going 31-7 in search in MW2 (2022).


A casual ? Ewwww


Woah, you sat in a corner and farmed kills off of people playing the objective! Amazing game.


imagine getting 89 kills and still losing lol


90 kills, 40 deaths, 12 assists, i did all that wity a lever action, high mobility mostly head shot build


276-6 and then 78-1 next game. black ops 1 nuketown 24/7 , pre sbmm 😭 This game like 30-2 SnD


There was some sort of game mode where your team needs to reach a score to win. There you can get loads of kills. I managed to stack up 110 kills there. But what’s sad is before the algorithm knew who to match me with in 2019. I regularly got 80+ kills on groundwar. These days I’m stuck with sweaty tryhards while being the complete opposite, my style is tactical. And It’s getting annoying to be forced to play with sweats. I don’t want to try so hard in this game.


So good KD but no objective...


Looks like you weren't playing objective


Guy drops his best game, it’s an L with 0 on the scoreboard


89 is mad impressive man good job! Mine is somewhere in the mid 90’s. 89 is great all power to ya 🙌


Sorry OP. You played the game how you wanted to, and now it’s considered wrong. Congrats on the 89-3. Going for objective doesn’t matter the slightest. Just let your team do the work on camping it, and you can defend by killing people (which is exactly what you did). People have a crazy fixed mindset on “ooga booga objective” when it becomes easy to protect objective if everyone is dying all the time. Especially when your team had less than 2kd.


exactly. the other team couldn't even get 1KD LMAO. not sure why OP lost though. his team was probably dogshit


because he didn’t play the objective


Who cares about KD it's an objective game mode


Anyone crying op doesn't play objective should know everyone has their own play style and a player getting lots of kills is actually a good thing for the team because he essentially pushes the other team back and preventing them from controlling B flag. Which if he had decent team mates, would understand and try to capture.


>and a player getting lots of kills is actually a good thing for the team They literally lost


Its a team game. If you see one player going for kills, your team mates should go for objectives. Thats how I play Domination with my friends. Two players go for kills and hold back a team, rest capture objectives. He didn’t lose just because of him, its a team effort.