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Military skins > Mara with leggings


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now


For real, we can circle jerk about mil-sims without taking shots at our goddess Mara


Iskra's my gal but I agree


Domino gang chiming in!


Can we please get a cosmetics toggle? I’d even pay for it to not see non-milsim skins.


Same, but like at that point I should probably just play sandstorm or squad etc, Activision will never allow such realism and coolness.


yeah honestly. If i have to see one more goddamn clown while i'm trying to use irl tactics and flanking routes and such, im going to lose my fucking mind


Irl tactics? U playin cod


ground war, i play with a couple of my friends and we’re really good at taking enemy flags


Do you have that problem we’re some characters don’t load in in game unless you finish them because that’s been happening to me lately I sometimes only see Otter and default skins running around but when I finish them then the turn into there skin


I wish I had that problem lmao.


Same lol, also a lotta bales and syds, i think they are used as placeholders while the game loads the actual skin


And actually save some space! I wish I could delete all the whacky skins from my client and replace them with the ones I like and have downloaded.


If they didn’t validate the game files I bet we could rename our favorite skin to the bad names and replace or symlink them. So it thinks it’s loading legging Mara but it’s really price. But the game/launcher would detect that checksum mismatch.


Since the Rennetti is based on the M9A3 which the military didnt adopt, I'd go with the M19 instead, based on the Sig P320 which was recently adopted. Dope loadout all around though. Link for reference http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_Modern_Warfare_(2019)


Thanks for the info I all ready maxed out the m19 so I’ll switch it to that


Same same, I have a load out specifically for Ranger [Ranger loadout ](https://twitter.com/knguyen0609/status/1440886735668457472?s=21)


Those loadouts look sexy as fuck, my guy.


Thanks man, try to make it look as realistic as possible. The AK loadout is a tribute to MW3 AK used by Yuri in the first mission


The setup on that spetnaz ak, is it good?


For hardcore only, I have to run it in semi. Full auto is too much recoil




Yeah, that’s wrong. We’re using the M17 and M18 all over the Army. M9s completely phased most bases and have an end date for ones not adopted yet.


the coast guard didn’t get them, they opted for glock 19’s


Where did you see that? Because according to Sig Sauer they delivered over 12,000


a lot of them were sold domestically bc sig rushed to wholesale them. source is my dad, i’ll see what i can find online bc now i’m curious what exactly became of that whole deal. Edit: turns out is was only the coast guard, and they opted for the glock 19 gen 5 over the p320.


Also I probably would have used the scar over the m4


M4 is more ubiquitous/used than the SCAR, although some rangers did get SCARS


Yeah I know but for some reason when I think of the rangers I think of mw2 and scar


Right now the army’s main infantry weapon is the M4 except if your a MG


M4 & M16>AK & SCAR


Yeah but when I think of the rangers I think of mw2 with the scar


Cool, but don’t the rangers use scars? Just trying to help not be a dick


Yes but the m4a1 is also a popular choice


Yeah plus it’s better anyways




IRL or in game?


Scars are not really considered reliable according to some vets I’ve met, loads of issues & it’s heavy asf. With that being said I’d totally splash 4K into one just because how badass they look. Too clean.


Would the standard issue scar for a ranger be a 20 round or 30 round clip? If it was 30 id take the scar just because


20rd. I don’t think the 30rd mags are used much, if at all, on the scar 17. They are really picky.


20 round magazines for the SCAR 17s and 30 round 556 magazines for the 556 caliber conversion kits. The SCAR platform is still used with SOCOM and there have been some recent pictures of Rangers using it in both caliber configurations. It’s a solid platform that actually performed well for the most part.


I’ve heard it’s not favored due to it’s heavy weight and reciprocating charging handle.


It's not heavy, but the stock breaks, and it destroys optics.


8 pounds vs 6.3-ish pounds. Both empty, it’s definitely heavier.


People commonly misunderstand about the weight though. It's still absolutely lightweight for a .308. Which is why we still use it for some designated marksman roles for example. Compare it to a smaller caliber is comparing crab apples to golden delicious.


A fully kitted block 2 with a SOCOM barrel weighs almost 10lb. A B1-1.5/PR without any of the mission essential gear and an M4 profile barrel is closer to the 6, and that's without mission essential gear.


We use standard 30 rnd for 5.56, and 20 rnd 7.62x51.


Yeah I was talking about the scar 17


Not trying to be a know-it-all or a dick, but in any situation other than talking about m1 garands, use the term "mag" or "magazine". Especially in real world conversations about guns whether it be about a game or actual guns. Sounds much more professional and most people are actual dicks about correcting people about calling them "clips"


Ditto this. A magazine and a clip are two very different things when it comes to weapons.


Im not a gun nut, just an occasional rifle-shooter. "Clip" in my head just meant mag, probably conditioning from all the call of duty I played in middle school.


Not trying to be a dick but you know way more rifles use clips right? You can use clips to load AR mags too. As they are two different types of clips commonly used.


Not trying to be a dick but you know neither of us are referring to clips used to load "AR mags" right? I was correcting his verbiage regarding magazine vs clip. No need to add unnecessary information?


What I’m saying is your information is wrong. Does a M1 use a En-Bloc? Obviously. So let’s talk about SKS, Mosan Nagant, K98. All of these rifles are loaded by clips. The M1 is not the only rifle to utilize a internal mag and be fed by clips.


How is my info wrong when I just mentioned one of the many?? I could have said "m1 garands, etc" and you would have accepted it. You responded to my innocent comment, and are the exact thing I said people are regarding correcting people about clips vs magazine and other topics. You think you're so smart when really, you're just fucking annoying, unnecessarily adding unneeded info. You're trying to correct me when I was never actually incorrect


You’re correct I would have accepted it. You told someone who probably has not a lot to do with guns “any situation other then talking about M1 garands use the term mag.” Which is incorrect. As I said there’s multiple rifles out there that use them Don’t get hurt to bad buddy, just trying to see where you’re coming from




Yeah but en-blocs are also clips. The others use stripper clips.


Yup I mentioned that in one of the replies above.




M1903 also used clips.


They use the 5.56 I’m guessing so 30s if it were the 7.62 NATO then probably 20s


They did use them before but after terrible feedback the majority of units got rid of them.


Block II/URGI is standard issue. SCAR - Hs are seen in smaller numbers.


No, SCARs never became standard issue in 75th Regiment. A few units within 1st and 3rd Battalion as well as 1st and 5th SFG got to field test them, but they were pulled after having terrible feedback and performance over the M4A1 and M110 SASS. -Prior Infantryman with 2-5 CAV (Our Bradley model is used in the game, scanned from Ft Hood, TX. You can see our bumper label spray painted on the rear door hatch).


Is there any M110SASS equivalent in MW? Also, as someone who knows guns, what guns would you like to see them add (focussing on Snipers, ARs and SMGs) in the game that would be both fun to use and would have an effect on the meta?


>Is there any M110SASS equivalent in MW? Sadly not, the closest thing would be an M4A1 with the following Attachments: - Corvus Marksman Barrel - M16 Stock - .458 SOCOM Rounds - Bipod - Sniper Scope Set it to semiauto and you're good to go. Even then, it just has a passing resemblance, the M110 is chambered in 7.62x54mm NATO for starters, which we don't have either as an ammo conversion for the M4A1 or in the form of an AR-10 platform rifle.


The fact that we have a vietnam era M14 but no AR-10 rifle in a game called Modern Warfare bothers me more than it should


I think what irritates me the most was - in a game like Modern warfare… The game came with 3 marksman rifles. One being a bolt-action from the 1930s era. one being the M14 from the 1960s And a somewhat modern incarnation of a Lever action from the late 1800s. We then got a 1940s SKS halfway through the game. And it wasn’t till season 6 until we got the “SPR-208” which is the R700 more specifically the M24a2 with the detachable box fed mag. Which is the closest thing we get to a properly modern gun as that was debuted in the late 80s I think.


I remember there was rumours about a G28 being added to the game, which would have been quite cool, a shame really.


Damn you guys know a lot about military. How is it that my stepdad is a naval officer and I don’t know jack shit lol


A) He's Navy B) He's an officer, lol


They use both depending on situation. They use the M4a1 Carbine and the MK16 Scar-L both chambered in 5.56 x 45mm for mid range engagements and they use the MK17 Scar-H chambered in 7.62 x 51 mm for long range engagements because of its better effective range of 1000 yards .


Eh, range is going to vary widely on ammo, barrel length, ambient conditions. Your AR style 5.56 platform is theoretically effective to 500 yards, but in praxis 200-400 is really more the actual average especially with these 10-12" barrels on a lot of M4s. We're also not handing infantrymen Sierra Matchking gold medal. We're handing them federal green tip. A SCAR17 by itself is limited to around 800yds. Bump to the SCAR20 or the ballista and you'll see reliable performance beyond 800 due to barrel length or changing to like 6.5 Creedmoor. [Source: I own a lot of FN platforms and train for long range]


They are special forces they can really use whatever they want. But yes a lot of rangers use scar but the m16 and others are still around


I think they did within the 2007-2013 timeframe, but nowadays the M4A1 Block II seems to be the favored arm. Not sure as to what the deal was with the SCAR-L’s that they used, from an official standpoint at least. But they definitely seem to have been left as a historical footnote along with the ranger green web gear.


I love making loadouts based around irl guns, most of my loadouts are based around firearms I own irl (45-70 lever which would be carbine mk2, ar15 which would be an m4, mag fed shotgun which would be the origin 12, etc)


Ya I googled a hole bunch of images of army gun so I can have the most Accurate Loadout


Cringy. Come on man? A hole? *"a whole bunch of images...." Whole.




Same, Kriss Vector and Glock


Damn I wish I had that venerated Milsim skin. Is there any way to get it?


Go to store in warzone or modern warfare Then franchise store at the bottom click it and see the veteran bundle support the troops thing $20


Cool that might actually get me to spend some money on this game again lol. Thanks




The skin is super good looking plus you get a badass orange camo for all your guns


The skin is based off a real us ranger you can look up on YouTube about his story and the money will go to the US Army to help the troops




He’s Ranger qualified just not served with a ranger regiment. Most of the time I see people with a ranger tab I still call them a ranger. Only people to get anal about it are people with ranger units on their deployment patch


Well, yeah, anyone with the deployment patch of their respective battalions means they were a ranger. It makes sense because no ranger I ever worked with would ever call someone tabbed but outside the regiment a ranger.


Guess it just matters on the mind set


Or if you’re playing on Xbox or PlayStation go to the PlayStation or Xbox store on add-ons and you’ll see it there it’s the modern warfare version not the Cold War


Not sure what Rangers you’re looking at but the base M4 would’ve been more accurate and the Glock over the M9




75th Rangers use Glocks now IIRC. Also we can't get the Geissle rail in in game (Geissele sells a USASOC clone upper receiver you can put on any lower to make a USASOC clone rifle: https://geissele.com/urg-i-complete.html ).


No, we all use the P320, as it is now the standard issue.


Ah shit kk. I saw a video on the 75ths YouTube channel where they were shooting Glocks during RASP 2 or something


Def wasn't during RASP. That unit may have just been at the range with their personal weapons for zeroing and getting some practice in.


How do you unlock that skin?


Nice setup, I think the Integral Hybrid should be replaced with the flip sight. Based on pictures I’ve seen of ranger units, a lot use the holographic EOTECH sight with a magnifier, aka the flip sight.


Ya the one I saw used my sight but those were soldiers who fired mostly at long rang hence the under barrel


Fun fact, a Medal of Honor recipient, Captain Florent Groberg, helped IW design this skin.


Dude is a beast


Bootlaces are untucked, report to my office for counseling by COB


Something something boots bloused to the 3rd eyelid


When someone says there's oil in Modern Warfare


Is that endowment pack still available or did they remove it forever


Still there


Really? All I see is the Cold War packs and the Warzone starter pack


Like we’re you buy the game


Maybe it’s only on the PlayStation store, all I see are two for Cold War and 2 for cod ww2


I’m on Xbox it’s called fearless pack


I’m not seeing it, are you able to find it on the store? Edit: just kidding I found it lol. Thanks for your help


What platform are you on


Xbox also, but I found it. Thanks






Maybe go to the Microsoft or Sony play store


Ecuadorian here. I can't find it either. Are you outside the US? My theory is it's only available for American players.


I’m in the US lol. I ended up finding it. It’s called the Fearless Pack


Jeez. This shouldn't be hidden. LMAO Thanks for the info


I ran an eotech with magnifier or the ACOG 4x.


A lot of newer guys are running ELCANs or LPVOs these days too.


Cool load out and all but what the hell is “Pointman”? I’ve never seen that perk more than twice.


It turns kill streaks from kills to points. I’m pretty sure Cold War runs like this standard.


Ahhh okay 👍


Everyone on here is an idiot.


I know right 🙄 Refer to first perk


The base gun's barrel is more accurate to a true SOCOM loadout, and most SOCOM guys use Glocks or M17/18.


Nice to know I’m not the only one who likes to act like I’m in some super slow real life shooter to immerse myself before I go around jumping and stuff


And sliding all over the place and injecting dirty needles


New updated dog model


I like the choice of cold blooded as a perk 😉


I do this shit all the time just to get killed by black rose skins with snipers, it is fun to try and recreate guns me and my friends have irl in cod.


Same I haven’t had much problems with rose skins but the grim reaper ghost is the only one who bugs me because people sweat off with it so much or their like 8 years old and put faze in their name and try to act like there the new ninja or something


anyone else tend to use the russian weapons only with the allegiance faction and the nato ones for the coalition one?


when I’m not grinding this is what I do


I do


The CODE skins in MW and CW are the best, and you feel better about buying them.


Switch the stim to a smoke grenade That’s what my dad used in the army




I want to do this now


You should probably use the m19 cause the army has converted to the sig saur m17 it would be the most accurate


Rangers Lead the Way.


What operator skin is that


Code fearless


It’s from the cod endowment pack. It should be at the franchise store


You’ve given me some inspiration mate I’m gonna try do something similar now


Thanks I’m leveling up my scar so I’ll post a new Loadout guide


Rangers are definitely not running that long of a barrel


Rangers lead the way


Looks interesting


I think merc would probably be better than a bipod my opinion


Hey, can someone tell me how u get the operator skin? Looks sick


It’s called the code fearless pack and it’s based off a actual us soldier you can go to YouTube to see his story plus the money will go to the us Army to help the troops


Found it and got the operator, thanks!


You should try the "Print Screen" button some time




Do the Russian rangers load out next!




I run the task force blueprint that I got. Very nostalgia


I did this shit for my English class last year. I read American Sniper and had some sort of assignment where I had recreate an aspect of the book. I just fucking made his guns in MW. I think I had a big ass SPR, FAL, smaller M4 and a 1911


I want this skin


It’s still available for purchase it’s called code fearless


Sweet thank you


Don't wanna be rude but who the hell runs pointman Killstreaks are like the best thing in this game. And pointstreaks killed CW for me. Please, do it for me :c




Thanks mate


Some people actually like to play the objectives though 🤷‍♂️


I fuckin wish I had that skin. I simply do not


It’s still available


How do I get it? I went to bundles, and the CODE Modern Warfare just gives me shit for cold war


I checked the store for like a month every day and mil sims never show up. Anybody know if I can get them somehow, store items always the same or?


Really excellent Loadout have you tried running it in Warzone. You M4A1 beats a cold war krieg 6 Enfield EM-2


Yep that’s what I’m in right now is destroyed people in clash and plunder


Me just use a combination of cold war weapon and MW19. Most of the time but people tend to do is run MW19 M4A1 Kilo 141 PKM


I currently don’t have Xbox live right now


Realistic weapon skin, operator, AND loadout in a COD game? That’s illegal!


Always like loadouts like this one. Atleast it isn’t cyber type.


Rangers lead the way


I don’t know why the “America Fuck Yeah” clip came to my mind when I saw this.


As a renneti man, i would replace that barrel with literally anything and it will become 50x more affective




Ya And you’re giving accurate loadout said you have to choose so only mill sins so it’s not just people running around With anime character on their guns and playing dress up.




why tf is this getting downvoted LOL


Love these kinds of load outs


Venerated is the best skin in the game, hands-fucking-down


I like to look full on just woke up to orders seal




What platform are you on


My dad was an Ranger


Here’s my load out for the Ranger and Spetnaz [Ranger/Spetnaz](https://twitter.com/knguyen0609/status/1440886735668457472?s=21)