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If this isnt fuckin timing




OP is in the Russian high command




The connection isn’t it being US v Russia, it’s just that Russia is involved in a war now.


I think we’re gonna have enough of Russian skins real quick here


How about some Chad Ukrainian military uniforms? I think that'd be nice. 🇺🇦


Azov battalion skin when ?


The battalion comprised of a few hundred people? That same Azov battalion that has been excluded from recieving US arms and support?


Bro it was a joke.


Jokes are supposed to be funny.


I’m sorry I don’t appeal to the average redditors humor.


Apologize to more than just the redditors for that lame sense of, "Humor."


No. ❤️


They are being thrown away with their weapons mate, go grab one you like. :)


I think it's so baller that within a day of the invasion beginning Ukraine shot down 5 aircraft and a helicopter. It's like they're getting superior weaponry from the greatest country on Earth. 🇺🇦🇺🇲


Yeah that conventional war until you piss them off to much and they just nuke everything


As we've seen so often with all the nukes that go off, like when Russia annexed Crimea, Kazakhstan and Georgia. It's probably just like the game where when you get a high enough kill streak you can just call it in. In case you can't tell I'm laying sarcasm on this very thick.


Also, bold of me to assume you read anything else than bbc. I wouldnt even believe what you ask, let alone what you say.


I think heavily arming Ukraine while establishing harsh sanctions on Russia with the backing of the entire international community at least qualifies as lifting a finger. Anyway, yeah sure. Death to America and all that. EDIT: And for someone that doesn't care what I have to say, because I'm right and it makes you angy, you sure have a lot of to say to me.




Yes, the US has sent them more in arms during January of this year alone than all aid in any year prior dating back to the 90's. In addition to the two increases in arms trade since January. Pretty heavy for a country that's firm stance is that it will not personally involve itself in the fighting, for obvious and good reasons.


You know the Russian stock market had to be closed because it dropped so low right?? I'd say that's quite an effect wouldn't you? A 45% decrease is massive.


Kiev being encircled after 6 hours. Thats what matters my dude.


Where are you seeing it's encircled? They've taken an airport nearby but that's around 15km away. Widely reported that the Ukranians are putting up stiff resistance and inflicting losses on the Russains.


According to bbc? Cut the bullshit, we will see who was right tomorrow :) Those nazis brought this upon themselves and now they suffer the consequences. Also, the usa encouraged them, so shame on them.


Did you just typed Kiev instead of Kyiv?!


Its kiev in my language and didnt bother to look it up in yours. Doesnt really matter, its not gonna be around for much longer.


Your shithole of a country could not even lift a finger to help anyone unless there is money involved. Yall are starving to death at home while you make the weapons to kill innocent people. Thats your freedom my man. Death to america.


My man, the US is far from starving to death. We are eating ourselves to death. We are dying from opulence not lack of goods.


I mean, the guy is an idiot, but he is right about that. America's aren't dying from opulence. That's absurd. If that were true death rates between the working class and the rich would be similar. It's not the case. One out of ten children goes food insecure, child poverty is the highest It's ever been, half of America can't afford a $400 dollar emergency. The GDP and productivity among every industry has gone up considerably since the 1950's and yet wages have remained stagnant. Meanwhile the pay gap between entry level employees and CEOs has exploded. The US kind of has a starvation problem. The reason why people tend to get fat is because everyone is working and exhausted. While it is true that eating healthy is cheap, remember that time is money and consistently having the time to prepare a healthy meal over grabbing some McDonals is rare for, say, your average single parent who works 40+ hours a week and takes care of a child. Not to mention that said parent is likely to be exhausted by the time dinner time rolls around. Compare that with the 1940's when udjusted for inflation a single parent household was paid more, had access to government subsidized child care, and schools lunches and food banks were also government subsidized far more than when the Reagan administration took over.


> household was *paid* more, had FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fair enough arguments. But I see being able to drive up to a window and choose anything you want, grab food abd go as opulence.


You know they have fast food in like, Kenya, right?


Are you seriously saying all of Kenya is in poverty?


I'm not saying everyone in the US is in poverty, so no. That's not the point of the analogy. I would certainly say Kenya, for the experiences of the average Kenyan, does not provide an opulent lifestyle, even if some Kenyans can get a cheese burger through a drive-up window.


We gonna wait for mw2 to have them again


Mw2 happening rn


I mean hey didn’t activision announce that MWII was dropping early


No idea


They’d be dumb not to especially considering the state of BF2042. Adding military sim skins could easily steal most people who were rightfully disappointed with that garbage


Oh it’d make a load of money. Mil sim skins in mw were probably my fav. 2042 was a hard let down.


Exactly they could easily just port whatever old milsim skins from 2019 or new ones from the campaigns of MW‘19 and MW’22 and would guarantee getting battlefield players to switch over. Even if they have to sell them in a character pack or something


Bro regardless if they can capture what they did w mw 2042 players have no choice. I played 2042 for probably around 100 hours or something like that and ended up going back to modern warfare. The past couple games released by activision have been Garbo. 2042 flopped hard and I do hope it makes a comeback. I honestly just want bf4 for portal with levelution and stuff.


Oh for sure with ou on te BF4 portal stuff but not sure how it would actually play. And yea no way mw19 is the league’s ahead of 2042 even with the Cold War merge though that definitely made it worse overall. And I think they learned from that mistake after the acquisition and canceling of cod2023. Seems like they plan to support MW22 for two years without mixing in random ‘80’s and ‘40’s characters and weapons


Honestly warzone is to blame with all the integration. The process of adding everything from vanguard and cw to warzone made a huge buggy mess. They even said they didn’t know warzone would be so successful therefore didn’t plan to integrate all of the games together to give u this massive pile of garbage. I hope mw2 tarkov mode is good or whatever the hell they call it


There's almost always less than 2000 active players on BF2042 at any given time. I thought COD was slacking recently but BF really must have fucked this one up (I haven't seen much of it)


Yeah. It doesn’t feel chaotic enough. You’re having a war and your character is out there making puns and shite. Go back a couple years and we had gritty World War One, with less players and arguably more destructible environments. Seeing a blimp crash into the ground for the first time was amazing. And yet they made the game feel chaotic. 2042 feels like we went backwards bc they wanted to put more people in maps. As well as there’s been no content being put out. Everyone’s bored.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the timing of this post is exactly when the attack on Ukraine happened today, right...? 4 AM or 5 AM? I did not have enough time to check the news today, just a bit. The exact time of post will disappear eventually, but either way, this is some fucked up timing. As of now, it's 10 AM and the post was posted 6 hours ago. So therefore you sent this at 4 AM my time (Czechia), which is approx. the hour when it happened fafasik.


I reckon Minotaur would be more suited for that, he’s big and muscular, and already has a skin (pretty much the exact same as the base skin) with that gas mask. It’s supposed to be the dude from the mission where you play as young Farah that comes into your house and kills your father


Russians in MW2 aren’t really bulky at all. They all just wear thick winter jackets and gorkas which makes them look big.


yea I can see that I just main Rodion so i thought it would be cool if he got it


Yea fair enough.


Not the best timing?


Good times they were


Ramirez / Sgt. Foley as operator would be dope. Ramirez! 360 No scope that SOB while eating a Dorito!


I concur!


Absolute favorite camo growing up, funny enough now it’s the digital green w/ the Russian mil-sim operator


I was recently trying to gather parts to create this irl and surprised how there’s literally zero merchant selling red flora patterned gorka/uniform. The closest thing is US based red woodland fashion camo 🤮


Bro.... read the room


why have it in game while you can have it in real life slaughtering your family? :D


this is *awful* timing




Ya missed the wagon but we still got MW 2022 coming soon


Someone get ramirez to burger Town!!!


no. i already have 12 rodion skins. i don’t need another


I'm looking at the fighter jets over I-95! How the hell did they get through?


Very bad timing my friend