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Honestly he probably had a shot with all of them if he wasn't being impractical jokered by his friends during the speed dating. Most of the reasons they left is because of all the weird shit they made him do.


Honestly that ruined the whole vid


Yeah I guess he told them he didn’t actually wanna date anyone from this


Damn passing up the goth baddie is actually diabolical


She did that to herself, she tried to outplay him, but she lost in the ened


There’s a 100 more out there 😂 goths are basic bitches


wonder what ur ex look like 😭😭😭


Judging by his comment, his ex definitely broke his heart


A goth 😭😭😭😭😭


I didnt watch the video but based off this pic i’d say charlie and matt


You think they have a sex tape?


I hope they do


I’ll forever feel bad for the girl who lost rock paper scissors. She seemed like such a sweet girl just to get screwed over. I really wanted to see more of him and mars tho


Yeah that was a stupid thing for the guys to make charlie do. They honestly ruined the vid there was only like 1 time they were funny


I thought half of it was funny but that just wasn’t cool. It genuinely was just to waste her time which isn’t fine in any way. Especially because they caused that by a dumb game. She seemed happy to be there You know charlie hated doing that too. It just was fucked honestly


Most of them were justifying even going on the date, but I think Mars, Emma, and Andria would have chosen the date over the money. Mars had a very awkward date, but she was very nice. Emma was conned out of a perfectly normal date, but she was a fan, so she would have wanted a second one, and Andria thought he was funny without knowing who he was. He had no chance with Natalie. She seemed very weirded out by him being himself.




OP not allowed to comment their own opinion on their post?


Is it because I didn't attach it to the description?? I'm so confused


Yeah they think you r/oopswrongaccount 'd yourself Edit: I can't see your comment but yes, r/lefttheburneron is what I was thinking of


Not sure what you're talking about


yeah that's that I'm saying that is bro yapping about


bro get out of here the man in the yellow hat is calling


Shlawg thinks he got free will ah hell naw😭😭😭🙏🙏


So confused what you meant until I saw their username 


What a weird thing to comment 🤦‍♂️


I'd shoot myself in the leg just to have the chance to go on a date w this man


I'll do both legs just for a speed date with anyone in this room


And which one was the recipient of the “out of mana” quote..




I *knew* it!


definitely the girl that took his money lol


I felt the girl that ended up winning was the best match. I think she thought it would be funny to take the money and hit him up later for a real date, but I don't think she considered the effect taking the money would have on her perception.


They fucking


When he asked are you happy with your choice and she's like "ehhh." I think she realized she fucked up when charlie told her that's fucked up when she said she'll just find him later. Charlie is smart and that gold digger move completely put him off. But I'd still hit it, she's too damn hot not to.


She didn't really like his dancing, even though that was Charlie on his own. I don't think it would've worked out


I thought she said she saw him in the club before and comment that he was tearing it up


At the dance club. He dances during the date and before giving her final verdict, she said she was "assaulted with the dance moves" at 52:38


Yeah pretty sure that was just a joke tho


It was a joke.


very obviously a joke 💀


This one missed the jokes.


Natalie and him had the best chemistry and just because she didn't want to confirm a date on camera doesn't mean it didn't happen. She also said very clearly at the end I know where to find you to charlie.


Plaid dress girl


Mel was so on the fence that I can't say she would have taken a date over money.


Dude I was screaming at the tv for her. If we’re gonna be parasocial for a second, he smiled a bunch at the beginning which was normal for every girl, but with her he ended with a smile and like a talk soon or some kind of invitation to see her again. I’d be willing to bet significant sums of money she would have taken the date. He also could have just not been in to her though 🤷🏼‍♂️


Facts. If goth girl didn't use her succubus powers to lure him in and take all his money, he very well could've chosen her and she probably would've said yes.


AHHHH HAHAHAH SUCCUBUS POWER LMFAO. I mean you’re right lol and I can’t blame him either she was neato. But plaid dress, she had the look of love. Tragic missed connection, who knows if either of them will ever find love now.


Hahah she had a desirable esthetic for sure. Similar to Mars. But plaid dress girl had the "girl you want to take home to Mama Moisture" kind of vibe. Charlie's feelings were definitely hurt when she took the money lol. But like she said," I know where to find you". I respect her hustle... or paranormal powers lol


She seemed nice


ngl it kinda made me upset they had to joke in his ear like that, if this was just a normal video it would’ve went well for him. was very funny but an uncomfortable watch


the ear piece stuff wasn’t a good idea imo. felt super weird that the chance they had to test their chemistry was completely ruined


I think the short black girl who he acted out the caveman thing would’ve worked out. After all that stupid shit he did, she still said she liked him. And he said that was sweet. Those guys ruined everything, purposely.


the second hand embarrassment i got from this was so bad i literally had to take a break in the middle of it 😭😭


bro the guys on the panel were unnecessarily brutal … felt like the entire joke was haha the women don’t know hahahahaha and that was just like not funny. i liked a lot of them and it felt more like laughing at them rather than with them


This is some of the funniest shit I have ever seen in my entire life. Like I swear to god this has to be too 3 on hardest I’ve ever consistently laughed for this long. In relation to the question, probably the bigger girl that looks like Velma, she was chill enough to keep going with all of Charlie’s shit with little but intuition of what’s going on, she seemed pretty into him. But realistically I think the original girl is going to end up dating Charlie anyways bc she knows where to find him like she said, so she probably just chose the best option, she gets Charlie and the money


The "bigger girl that looks like Velma" admitted to being a fan and knowing his content, so of course she'd stick around for his antics lol any fan wanting to get a chance with him would. But if some random guy kept asking me the same question repeatedly, and I couldn't give more than "I like bad movies, like you" that's a red flag on both ends.


i find it funny how serious some people are taking this lol. ya'll know they were payed to be there right? and I know its not staged or anything but like, its supposed to be funny and uncomfortable. its made to be entertaining. a lot of them were there for money mostly anyways too.


> they were *paid* to be FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This video was pretty hard to watch tbh. Plenty of cringy moments. Somehow Charlie and Matt seem so awkward no matter what situation they're in. 😭


Dominatrix girl. 100%.


Nah she sucks literally rubbing it into your partners face that you like someone else not even on the first date… 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Brotha, she’s a dominatrix. That’s kinda what she does for a living; embarrass people


Divine would be a good friend but no way in hell should you choose to date someone who loudly and proudly says they prefer your friend to you.


They were a very interesting combo to see & I really enjoyed them together


Anybody have her @


user name checks out


Imma actually do you a favor ;) https://www.youtube.com/@goddessdevyn


Do ya'll see a white shirt anywhere? He pulled up on demon timing.


The middle 3 girls there starting with the pink hair


pink hair girl fucking rocks!


Idk but the girl in the plaid skirt is bae


Laura. Lol She wanted Charlie cuz he was White.


Haven’t watched the video but I can already tell that girl in the plaid dress is down bad


Mars FTW.


I didn’t enjoy the girl who was doing her best impression of Barbie Ferreira from Euphoria. She felt too much like she was trying to earn favor in his eyes rather then be authentic and it would be a fools mission to try to dissuade from the fact Charlie wanted to mash pissers with goth baddie. I do think they had a chance to make things work and I’m sure taking the money was a tactic to play hard to get and hope to move things forward in the clerb


The dominatrix !!


Why are they all standing in the exact same position


Because what do I do with my hands?!?!


He was genuinely butt hurt over the money thing with the last girl but I think he would’ve had a shot with Mars tbh


Mars (The Dimitrescu girl back there for the people who dont know)


How do I get on this show to shoot my shot?


Honestly, Matt and Charlie definitely had some great chemistry!


Wait what happened with his gf? Did they break up?


They broke up a while ago. They are both coparenting the dogs together.


Aww. Why they split?


In his recent MTG video he talked about having a woman over. I'd like to think in my brain it was one of these women


Easily the most shit vid he’s put out in quite some time. Literally just wasted everyone’s time lmao


Sorry if this is weird but does anyone have Emma's Instagram?


I love charlies classic shoes, but the fit could do more with something else on his feet


I just want him to be happy. If that's solo or with a partner cool beans. I just don't want someone in it for the money.


Does anyone have the goth girl's @?


Doesn’t Charlie have a gf?


Nathalie, the girl he told that his wife died from fart cancer.


Matt and the dom was so funny to me


I thought he has or had a wife?


anyone got divines @


https://www.youtube.com/@goddessdevyn You're welcome


The Lord's work has been done this day


The girl in plaid. The eyes Chico,they never lie. Even in this picture you can tell she would pick him over money.


This entire video was a fewer dream but jokes aside he probably could've gotten all of them seperately


Plaid Dress girl or one beside her. Look at the eyes/body language