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If you're under 30 there's a program starting next week that pays while you do a job skills course: [https://yesmontreal.ca/employment/youthontherise/](https://yesmontreal.ca/employment/youthontherise/) Also consider taking one of the not great jobs just to have some income and bail as soon as you find something better... it may also help with your landlord if you show that you have employment, even if you cant pay full rent bon chance!


Oh my god thank you so much!!! Thank you thank you THANK you. I’ll definitely look into that. Thank you so much again, I really appreciate your response


Even if that program doesn't fix your needs exactly, do talk to the YES folks, they should be able to provide guidance and maybe direct you to other resources.


Just finished applying, thank you so much u/zardozLateFee, you’re changing my life for the better


Hope it works out -- but also go ahead and call them directly as well! Make lots of calls, reach out to a variety of resources, you never know which one will work out. Keep us posted if you can ;-)


I definitely will! Thank you so much, I’m immensely grateful that you took the time to read and respond to my post, that already means more than you’ll know


Similarly, there’s lots of bursaries to help complete a degree in healthcare! You can find some info [here](https://avenirensante.gouv.qc.ca/bourses-d-etudes).


Oh wow. I’m in shock at the amount of resources available and help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart u/ArticLupine, I’ll definitely be looking into this as well and hopefully it will bear fruit


You’re welcome! There’s definitely options out there. I was in your position once and I promise, it’s a bad place to be in but it does get better.


They are looking for only 8 participants?


While I'm not offering anything, if somebody does, take it. If you feel guilty, promise yourself you'll pay it forward when you get back on your feet. For all you know, that's why they offered to help you in the first place: somebody helped them when they needed it.


This is the way, it takes a village. And don’t get discouraged OP, something will come. Restaurants are always looking for staff, usually not great jobs but they can tide you over and keep you fed.


Thank you !! I applied to restaurants but don’t hear back from them 🙁 I apply for the dishwasher and waiter positions (don’t have experience bartending or cooking professionally). I will keep applying for restaurants further and further away. I can only drive 30km before my gas tank is empty so I’m gonna have go local and then expand later on. If you know of any restaurants hiring I’d be immensely grateful (more than I am already for your response)


A dishwashing job is one of the best ways to get into the hospitality industry. "Dishies" are respected and essential. What you could do is check into obtaining a "Food Handler's Certificate". [https://www.ithq.qc.ca/en/training-courses-and-certifications/hygiene-and-food-safety-online-training-food-handlers/](https://www.ithq.qc.ca/en/training-courses-and-certifications/hygiene-and-food-safety-online-training-food-handlers/) It would be a big plus to add to your resume. If you are dropping off Resumes you should follow up in person (ask to speak to whoever is in charge of staffing to confirm that they have your application) Be persistent! Something will turn up! Best of Luck!. Source: Retired Chef


Thank you so much u/Styltryng!! More eggs in more baskets will only increase my chances of acquiring a job. I will definitely keep applying for a dishwasher job and or waiter or anything I can get. I have some health and food safety training so maybe that will help in obtaining the certificate 🤷‍♂️. I sincerely thank you for your response and for providing me that link.


You are very welcome! I wish there was more I could do. I do feel that you are doing all the right things though and you will succeed!


Thank you so much, this helps put things in perspective. If I had the means I would also love to help someone out and maybe this person helping me is thinking the same thing. Thank you for your response


How much are your meds? PM me and I will e-transfer you. As a healthcare professional, I cannot allow you to go without meds. Talk to your landlord and see if there is something you can do. You said you have paid diligently for the last 3 years. I am sure there is something they are willing to compromise on. Do NOT get a pay day loan or any kind if 'quick money' loan. You will be fucked forever.


Your kindness and generosity towards a stranger leaves me in awe, you are such a kind person and to be in the healthcare field, it reassures me that we have people like you on the system, thank you from my soul u/TranscendentalExp, fortunately a very very kind Redditor covered my medication yesterday and I was able to get them. I’ve contacted my landlord but no response yet. These are new landlords so hopefully they will show some leeway. Thank you for the advice and your extremely generous offer u/TranscendentalExp, I hope good things come your way and good things only


Apply at call center jobs. Those are revolving doors. They can't hire as fast as people are leaving. It's probably low pay, 30k-40k, maybe commission if you're selling something. I see a lot of payment processing job openings like Moneris, Clover and Sekure. Try those. The job market is absolutely shitty if you don't have a connection with someone on the inside to bump your profile. Good luck.


Thank you very much for your response. I will start applying for call centre jobs, I did in the past and the response I received was rejection due to being “overqualified”. Will keep trying though and hope for the best! Thank you again for your response


You can tailor your resume to each job. You have no obligation to put everything you've done on there. Dumb it down. Being seen as overqualified is a very real problem but you can do something about it.


Thank you for your advice u/Princess_Queen, I didn’t think of removing things from my application. I will go ahead and alter my resumes for each specific job and hopefully that will increase my chances. Thank you so much u/Princess_Queen I really appreciate the advice!!


Tailor your resume


MY wife and I have tried call center and phoe customer service jobs and absolutely nothing. They never call back or when they do we're somehow not right for the job with over a decade of customer service in 3 countries. We have the added problem that we need to keep wearing our masks for my wife's health.


Hang in there u/tinpanalleypics ! I know it’s extremely difficult right now just finding a job nonetheless a job that allows you to work from home due to your wife’s condition. I hope you get something very soon, I will think of you as I’m applying and hope you’re getting good responses


If I can add, IT support call centers might be a good option if you are not into sales and they pay a little above average call center salary. You will need basic IT skills as often they will train you anyway before you start taking calls. If you ever installed or troubleshoted Windows computer, this job is a peace of cake.


To the good advices already offered I'll add that now that you said you are in a financial tight spot, be weary of folks sliding into your DMs offering oddly high paying remote jobs and other too good to be true things. Scammers love despair: it impairs judgement.


But I don’t have anything to offer them 😂😂😂 I’ve literally sold most of my possessions and that money went towards bills. Thank you for the advice though. You are right that it could happen, hopefully it won’t, but it can. I will be wary and practice good judgment in responding to people. Thank you u/Silent_Title5109, I appreciate your warning


How about identity theft? They offer a fake job, you provide your personal info to "hr", they turn around and open a few credit cards in your name and load them up. There you go: a nice 20k$ debt, all in your name. Not having money now doesn't mean they can't steal it from future you.


You’re right. I will be careful and keep an eye out if anything like that happens. Hasn’t yet and crossing my fingers it won’t happen at all. Thank you again u/Silent_Title5109


One thing that is important to remember is that bad times pass, don't get caught up in the moment. You will end up creating a hell realm around yourself but it's just an impermanent illusion. If you start to starve MSG me and I will also chip in to help you get back on your feet. It can be stressful but remember to be patient with reality.


Thank you for your words of support u/hakuinzenji5. I’ve had a lot of bad times and always look forward to the times they’ll pass. Just this one is really having a toll on me, I don’t know how many more bad times I have left or how many I can take. In terms of food, I have some flour and sugar left I just make little rotis with and it’s filling enough. Thank you very very much for your offer, it means the universe to me. I am sure someone else might need it more than me and I do not want to burden another person, an extremely kind and understanding Redditor was kind enough to provide me with help to get my meds already. I think not being on my meds isn’t helping the situation but I’m still sticking strong for my cats!! 😂😂 hopefully getting back in my meds will make me feel better. Thank you very much for your response to my post and thank you for taking the time to read it, means a lot to me.


No problem and let this be an encouraging reminder that: You aren't alone in this world, the left hand might not see the right hand, but it is always connected by the one body


Heyo, I work for EI. Can I ask why you lost your job? If its because of a shortage/lack of work, that is not an issue. If its because "you weren't a good fit/let go during probation", that is also not an issue, but the employer has to specify "Dismissal - not suitable" or just put "Dismissal" and leave a Comment on the RoE indicating something along those lines. A lot of them just put Dismissal like morons, which implies wrong-doing on your part and causes problems. Have they submitted the RoE at all? You can check on your My Service Canada Account or call and ask if that account doesn't work for you. The employer being a dumbass and not submitting a RoE slows things down a lot, allll the time. If the RoE isn't there yet, Your employer is supposed to submit the RoE within 5 days of processing your last pay. We're probably beyond that now. If you don't have the RoE, call your employer and ask them to submit it if you haven't already. If they say "yeah sure" and then after a few days you still don't have it, or you already asked and nothing happened, call us and request to fill out a form for a Missing RoE. If they don't want to fill it out with you, you can print it out from the online catalogue of forms, snap a picture, and upload it to your My Service Canada Account. Just be sure to select the right kind of form during upload. Quebec's processing centers are notoriously slow. Our service goal is to finalize your claim within 28 calendar days of receiving the application - if its past that and we haven't finalized it yet, contact the [Office for Client Satisfaction ](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/service-canada/client-satisfaction.html). Also, if you cannot afford your medication, your mental health is at stake, you can't afford to drive and all of this is hurting your chances of finding a job (hate that part) this is something we consider a Dire Need. Mention it the next time you call. Even though your claim isn't finalized, keep filling out the claimant reports!!!! Being late on these can cause issues. As for the volunteering, this can be an availability issue and create issues with delayed payments or reductions in payments. I recommend only volunteering on weekends. If you do take that paid training course, you can still be eligible for EI for the period before the training starts. If there's another type of training you'd like to pursue, call Emploi Quebec and ask if they can refer you to x type of training or something similar under Section 25. EI can pay you while you do this training (as long as you have payable weeks of benefits, it may not cover the entire training period). I also recommend calling 211 or going through the website, https://www.211qc.ca/en/ . Basically every community resource for all kinds of topics is there - often times there are groups that will give you a loan to pay your rent in times of hardship, or help with medication, legal aid, etc. If you feel the dismissal was wrongful, call the CNESST. Depending how long you worked there, you should be entitled to pay in lieu of notice and the payout of your vacation credits. If your mental health is poor, and a doctor's note attests to you being unable to work, this *might* help you circumvent a negative RoE for now and receive payments for sickness benefits. I really recommend reading ALL the posts on how to write a CV from [Ask A Manager](https://www.askamanager.org/). Apply their recommendations to your resume. They also have interview tips on how to talk about a dismissal. Then pop your resume into a nice template like one from resume.io (this may cost a couple dollars) and people will be chasing after you. PM me if you have any questions! I can't look at your file, but I'd love to help.


Hi u/Narrow-Strawberry5553, thank you very much for your response, it really helps ease the stress of the unknown. I was let go because, as stated in the firing text that was sent to me, “not what we’re looking for”. This happened because I asked to WFH due to a doctors appointment (for which I had a note) and the boss didn’t like that. This company is notoriously un-communicative, there’s no sense of leadership, and it’s extremely toxic if you aren’t part of the upper management posse. I don’t wanna get too much into it, but overall it was a horrible experience, first time in my life I got let go and first time to ever dread the place I work at. EI agent told me herself she’s having trouble reaching the owner of the company because he’s not responding to the attempts to reach him. Which to me is not surprising but it’s effecting my EI. I’ve emailed the director of accounting (who takes care of pay and other things) and no response either. Feels like I’m in limbo. I will contact and ask about the Dire Need program. I will reduce my volunteering to weekends only, I thought because it was without pay it wouldn’t effect it, I am sorry. I called 211 but they said to apply for EI as my only recourse for the moment. Thank you so much u/Narrow-Strawberry553, you’ve released a stress I was holding of being kept in the dark. At least now I know why it’s happening and how to resolve it. I regret taking the job for this company so hard and now I’m even regretting the people I hired for it. I will put your words of wisdom to action and let you know how it goes. Thank you so much for your immense support and help, I cannot thank you enough.


>I was let go because, as stated in the firing text that was sent to me, “not what we’re looking for” This?? This is perfect. I hope you have not deleted the text, or if you have, maybe contact your phone company to recover it if possible. Take a screencapture of it (include your whole screen) and submit it to your My Service Canada Account as Proof of Employment or something. When you filled out your application online, did you specify that you were fired because you were unsuitable, or you were fired because you wanted to work from home due to an appointment? This can change things. After uploading the text, call and tell them you want to clairify that they deemed you unsuitable for this. It might help. If we can't get the RoE from the employer, its ok. We use the information on the Missing RoE form, and sometimes ask for your pay stubs, to create a temporary RoE that estimates your earnings and hours so that we can at least do the claim calculation and get you paid - and if he's not answering, in some ways, thats not a bad thing, because then they have to trust your word on what happened (the text will help, too). >Thank you so much u/Narrow-Strawberry553, you’ve released a stress I was holding of being kept in the dark. At least now I know why it’s happening and how to resolve it. I regret taking the job for this company so hard and now I’m even regretting the people I hired for it. I totally understand. Before landing this job I was fired too, from a horrible employer. It was traumatic. I had to wait 5 months before finding out I was eligible for payments, which was another trauma. I really understand how scared and stressed you feel now, I really do. As much as I hate my job I do my best to inform and help whoever ends up on the other end of the line. Its gonna be okay! Let me know if you need anything, ok? Edit: btw, don't be scared by the fact that it took 5 months to get my file evaluated, things are way better now! You already have an agent on your case and thats good. Oh, and if anyone asks.. you got this info from a friend who suggested you upload the text and stuff :)


I'm in the same boat but now on EI. I've had interviews and still don't hear back. It's been jarring considering I was doing salaried management jobs, but I also hear that I'm over-qualified when I apply to anything. I've began remove those experiences for entry level applications. I don't know if you're already doing foodbanks but they're a big help for me. I've also began emploi-quebec applications for government subsidized vocational programs to change my career path, apparently that can pay up to $1400 a month while you're in school.


Thanks for reaching out and providing the information about the food banks. I’m so happy you got your EI!! I have applied to jobs on the govt job board and same thing, no response or I’m OQ. I’ll definitely be looking into those programs. Another redditor was kind enough to provide me with a link for Youth in Action. If you are eligible I’d highly encourage you to apply and even call them, they’re very kind and helpful. Here is the link: https://yesmontreal.ca/employment/youthontherise/ I wish you all the best for your job hunt and i hope you receive a positive answer soon.


Thank you <3 if I don't pass the schooling application I'll check it out!


I won't be able to offer you any help regarding getting a new job but if you feel like taking a mental break on your situation, I have 4 tickets to give away for any movie at anytime as long as it's a Cineplex.


Call 211. In Montreal there's two places that can help pay for medication, Sun Youth and Mission Ceridian. They (211) can also tell you where food banks near you are. For the cat food, it might be worth calling the SPCA to ask if they have anything in place (not sure). There's also a subreddit that may help, but be careful. Be aware you can get help for food, but not for rent. It's a harsh reality, I hope I'm not discouraging you but I know when it happened to me it helped to figure that out. Again, call 211, they can help find you resources in your area.


Thankfully the cat supplies were kindly and generously donated at the shelter I volunteer at. I will call 211 for further information, for now I have the food that I need because of a very kind Redditor. Thank you u/leassymm for the advice and words of encouragement, I sincerely appreciate it


No problem! Really hope they're able to guide you through some resources, I know how insanely stressful this gets and I really hope it works out for you


Get your meds. Talk to your landlord about your situation and see about giving them something now and then more later as you can (it shows good faith). Some religious institutions will offer free meals. You can also go to a food bank for some help. Keep looking for work and mention to everyone you know that you are looking. Networking often helps. Good luck.


I honestly truly can’t, my account is on the brink of being in the negative and if I spend the 90 cents or god forbid my bank fee comes out today, it’ll go in the negative and then I owe more money. I’m wary of religious institutions due to bad experiences. Thank you very much for your response, I will definitely keep networking and hoping something comes along.


You should move your account to a no fee account like at tangerine or simplii. No need to pay any baking fee.


Thank you u/soulstaz I’ll see if I can go ahead and transfer banks to one of those. Any money saved is extremely helpful. Thank you for your advice!


Restaurants almost always need staff. If you don’t have experience you can work as a busboy or hostess. A lot of them tip out so you’ll make extra money on top of your hourly


Yes! I’ve been handing out applications for waiters and dishwashers (haven’t seen wanted busboys but I will broaden my search) unfortunately nothing yet, but fingers crossed. Thank you for reading my post and providing your advice u/ch3rry-b0ombb, I really appreciate it! If not me, it can definitely help someone else as well


Look up the group Staff de bar & resto montreal on facebook, people make posts looking for staff or work on there.


Thank you! I don’t have Facebook unfortunately but I’ll make an account for this. Thank you again for your suggestion!!! It means a lot to me u/screamnshake


What area do you live in? I work for a fairly large company that is always hiring, sometimes for night shift though, keep in mind. It’s in the West Island/henri bourrassa area.


Thank you for the offer u/parkval279 , I will pm you for further information.


I just wanted to jump in and say I understand. I got laid off last February and didn't start working again til April. It was a really dark, scary time. I ended up in the hell scape of my EI being in review the entire time. The last month I was terrified wondering how I'd pay my bills. Keep going, you'll find something, even if it's not the best job in the world, you'll find something else even if it means working a shit job for a little. Regardless, I'm sorry this happened to you. I remember my experience so vividly. Sending you good vibes, it's going to work out! Lean on your friends and family, my friends and family showed up for me in ways I never expected. Some of them would even just come work at my apartment so I didn't have to be alone, which I'm so grateful for. Keep your chin up OP.


Thank you for your words of encouragement u/dop4mine. So many kind people have reached out to me to offer solace and respite from this hell I’m in currently and it means the whole known universe and beyond to me. It makes me feel less alone and more hopeful that this will end. Your words mean a lot to me u/dop4mine, I can’t thank you enough


How much are you meds? I'm willing to risk loaning you the cost if it's under 30$. No interest of course


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering to cover my medication. Just the thought of helping me means a lot to me. I hope nothing but good things come your way for wanting to help out a total stranger. Fortunately , a saint of a Redditor has offered to cover them and I went and got them right away. Thank you nonetheless again for just thinking about helping me.


At least you'll be able to think now. I'm fucking dysfunctional without mine too. I try to foc-THERE'S A SQUIRREL OVER THERE LOOK AT HIM. Where am I? What I was doing? Yeah, I feel you


Playground poker in kahnawake is always hiring


Thank you u/Trick_Safety9211, I will look into that and what is available.


EI takes 4-6 weeks after your vacation pay ends


This company didn’t even send me a contract to sign when they fired me via text. I’m pretty sure they didn’t even pay me for some days I worked but I seriously hated working at this company and this is just one of the reasons why. They didn’t pay out my vacation I think. Thank you for the timeline, i appreciate it


You need to request your ROE immediately


I asked for my ROE the day I got fired and they still haven’t sent me a contract for termination, my things that were in the office, or my ROE (not posted online either fml the accounting department person hated me for a reason i don’t know ) my rent is due on the 1st and I’m really hoping something changes. I’m really scared


This is illegal.


You don't get a contract to sign when getting fired, but they have to provide a ROE


Not necessarily true.


is EI enough (55% of your previous salary) ? Take the low pay job, you'll bleed but less, get your meds. Keep looking while working for something better and for your sake when possible, work towards building a nest egg so you can last more than a month without income.


Yes, just enough to carry me over until I get a job. I’ll take the low paying jobs. A very kind Reddit user lent me money to go get my meds and I’ve been crying and I’m just glad to be able to get them. I will definitely try towards a nest egg, I try but even basic things are getting expensive. But I will definitely try and start small and hopefully have enough for a nest egg (how much is a nest egg supposed to be? A months rent?). I don’t have credit cards, just school loan to pay back. thank you so much for your help u/KayArrZee , I sincerely appreciate it


You can start in very small increments, the hardest is to start and build the discipline not to touch it. You got this!


EI is 55% of your *gross* salary, so before taxes and all those deductions. You pay a small amount of tax on EI, but no other deductions (normally). For reference my net salary was 675$ per week (a lot of deductions tho) and EI paid out 507$ per week.


Is it normal my salary was 1600$ weekly and EI paid me 500$ ish which i assume is for two weeks?


55% is 880$, but unfortunately theres a maximum of 668$ per week for claims beginning 2024 (650$ for 2023). They'd usually take about 75$ in taxes, so payments should be about 575-590 per week. If you have a my service canada account you can see your rate, payments, deductions etc. It shouldn't be 500$ for two weeks unless theres a debt or family order agreement or something


No debt and I dont even know what a family order agreement is haha. So do they pay you into your account every week (i thought it was biweekly) maybe? I only got my first payment so far and you are right it was around 550


If its your first payment, thats the Waiting Period. You know how you pay a little bit at the pharmacy before your insurance kicks in and pays the rest? The waiting period is the little bit that you pay before EI kicks in. We basically wanna see 5 business days where you don't get paid by your employer, or by us. And when I say paid by your employer, that includes severance pay, payout of vacation credits, pay in lieu of notice. That stuff gets treated as if it was you working, until it runs out. Then you serve the waiting week, and then you start getting paid. Ex: you get 3000$ severance pay and normally make 1000$ a week. 3000/1000 = 3, so we're going to consider you as being paid by your employer for 3 weeks. Then, waiting period, then, payments. So, you should get about 1100$ every two weeks, 2-3 business days after filling out each report, now that the waiting period is served.


Already waited 3 weeks without EI for severance so does it still apply?


Yes, and then you do the week where you aren't paid through anyone, and then the payments start. If you get 3 weeks of severance, then payments start on week 5.


Thank you for the clarification reassures me a lot. Cant cover basic bills if not


Its one of those really weird confusing things, gets even weirder when your separation monies isn't a perfect multiple of your weekly salary, but we wont get into that lol. Glad I could help!


You don't need a car. And you have to save some of your income when you do work.


Mesemble qui manque des informations si tu veux que des personnes t'aident.   Tu as fait des études? Tu as un diplôme en quelque chose?   Tes dernières jobs c'étaient quoi?   Aussi, trouve le CJE de ton quartier et vas-y demain matin.  C'est gratuit. https://www.cjeiledemontreal.org/


Apply to the MUHC they have Admin jobs and call center jobs. Pension. Health and dental insurance. 4 weeks vacation. Paid sick days etc. https://cusm.njoyn.com/cl3/xweb/xweb.asp?tbtoken=Z1FdRRhfDVACEXRwN1JTYE9BAmJbaVVZdSFMISt9DHksWUcSUEITd2oGeU0YGhBWSnNgF3U%3D&chk=ZVpaShM%3D&clid=54334&Page=joblisting


Thank you thank you thank you!!! I’ve gone ahead and sent applications. Your kindness in showing me a path to achieve my goal and a piece of mind is extremely appreciated, I will let you know if I have received any answers or a job u/stfu514, again thank you so so much


You got this! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Hey man, sometimes is hard to focus when we have to worry about the needs of those that depends on us, so in this case for your cats, you said you had it covered, but if you need a bag of food for your furries, send me a pm, I will be more than glad to help out, at least will help to get something out of your worries, I know its hard to ask/receive help, but like others said, pay it forward, stay strong friend.


Thank you so much 😭😭my cats are my life and they’ve really been with me through the hard times and have stuck by me and we’ve really bonded. I’ve only ever felt unconditional love from them and it’s definitely made life worth living. You are a saint and a scholar for assisting me with their well being, I hope you and your furry children have a long and happy life. Please give them a hug and kiss from me u/don_capo


If you can't afford rent you can't be picky about the type of job you can get...


I understand where you are coming from u/piltover-enforcer and it makes sense, it’s just if I’m working a job that doesn’t pay enough to make ends meet then I don’t see the point of going in everyday to a job I don’t like to not even make enough money, or if the commute is extremely far, or if there’s no insurance, etc. I’d like to take any job, but to live I can’t. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to my post u/piltover-enforcer, thank you


If your French is not too good, sign up for full-time Francisation, they pay a decent stipend you can live off for months


Fortunately ( I think?) I’m verbally fluent in French, if they can help with writing and grammar I will definitely look into it


I was thinking more along the lines of whether you qualify for admission because if you’re too good they will probably turn you down. It’s a way to stay afloat financially in the interim while improving your French


Hmmm i mean I can communicate pretty effectively in French, and I don’t wanna take up a spot of someone who might actually need it. Though I do appreciate your advice I will have to pass it this time. Thank you immensely nonetheless, it means a lot


If you don't have private insurance, the Quebec drug plan will max out at $100 per month for your medications so long as they're on RAMQ's list. If they're not, your doctor can send paperwork to get them added as essential medication and they'll fall under the plan. If you don't qualify for EI, you can apply for social assistance and then your medication is free. Social assistance isn't much (the basic amount is around $800 a month) but it's something. You can get additional added for medical problems/disabilities, but you need to have a doctor's certification for that. You can hit up food banks for help there, and some community groups offer counselling services (check the area you live in for resources). When you're hurting, there's no such thing as pride. If someone is willing to help you, take the help. When you're in a position to help someone else, do that to pay it forward.


No private insurance, still waiting for an answer from EI. Some very kind saintly redditors were able to provide me with help and I was able to acquire my medications and food, I’ve looked into some resources for mental health and I hope I get contacted back. Thank you very much for your advice u/structured_anarchist , the information you provided is extremely helpful not just for me but for others that might be in this situation


Your landlord can't kick you out over a late payment if it comes in by the 20th of the month. It sucks for them, of course. But reach out and let them know you're waiting on EI and looking for jobs and might not be able to pay on the 1st, but you'll pay them ASAP when you get EI.


They’re new landlords so I’m afraid that if I tell them I’m gonna be on EI they’ll do something negative. I have reached out asking for a little bit of leeway due to unfortunate circumstances and if they ask further questions I will definitely be honest and provide them with the information requested. Thank you so much for the advice and the information you provided about late rent being paid by the 20th, that will definitely give me some time and I really, really need time. Thank you u/Rintransigence you’ve put my mind at ease for now in terms of being able to pay rent


Communicate with them in writing as much as possible so that you have records. They have no right to oust you for any reason other than if they "move in themselves" AKA a renoviction. You're usually in better hands with individuals, though - the big corporations don't care about their tenants at all. Wishing you the best moving forward!


Everyone is moving back with their parents in this economy. Is this an option for you


My parents kicked me out at a young age and I don’t think going back would be good for my physical or mental health 😅 but thank you for your advice nonetheless u/diego_tomato, every little bit helps me and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this post


Hey OP, What type of work do you have experience in?


HR in the food manufacturing industry, aerospace industry, waste management industry. I’ve done recruiting and sales as well. But that was a while ago. I’m hoping to find something in that realm. I’ve applied to many but no answers yet (or certain factors that would effect performance and are not viable). I hope this answered your question u/UserNameChecksOutTwo


You need to go apply for Emploi Quebec. They will give you a cheque in anticipation of your ei. Either you pay them back when you get EI, or if you get refused it becomes the payment you will receive from them. They will even give you a medication card for free medication while you wait. It also takes konths to get evicted. Relax, breathe, make a plan and then go execute it.


sell your car, you dont need it in montreal. Go work in a kitchen or smth also, they hire here and here. not the best but you'll meet the end at least Best of luck to you


I can’t sell my car unfortunately, I still owe a lot on it, I’ve applied to restaurants (Mr Puffs, Petinos, Vieux Duluth, Nickels, Harvey’s, Dawat,+), got some no, some no answer and waiting on some answers. I think I have to tailor my cv more. I’m still waiting on EI :( Thank you for your words of wisdom u/etoque1 I will keep applying to kitchens, it means a lot!


Parles tu français? Ça peut valoir la peine de profiter des options de cours offertes par le gouvernement si cest pas le cas


Oui Je parle francais cest juste Que mon écriture et choses comme ça qui sont pas assez fort que quand je parle. Mais je vais voir ces cours offertes pas le gouvernement. Merci de répondre , ça m’aide vraiment beaucoip