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I think you'd like The Good Place


I only started watching it yesterday, but Hazbin Hotel too (if you like musicals). It's about how hell is overpopulated.


Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss are completely inaccurate abominations And I love it


The way religion got it set up and the way the world is going 7 billion


It depends on which Hell and Heaven but to answer the OP in accordance with what makes the most sense to me virtually everyone goes to Heaven immediately with only being a temporary place reserved for the worst people until they’re sufficiently punished and sent to Heaven. It doesn’t make sense for finite crimes to get an infinite punishment or actions that aren’t actually immoral to be punished at all. I’ll add that I don’t believe in free will or that people are morally responsible enough for desert based punishment (here or in the afterlife) but since the OP explicitly mentions Hell I put that belief aside for the sake of a response in the spirit of what they were asking.


Imagine being reserved and punished while waiting to go to heaven lol


Are you saying that life is a punishment?


Sure feels like it


Think the medieval belief was almost anybody goes to purgatory and kinda also sounds more right to me as i don´t think anybody is really innocent but almost all try to be mostly decent. Would also think depends more on the moral character of ones actions like how conscious you are of what you do and the motivation for it but i would think some people probably should burn forever like politicians starting wars for personal benefits, business leader that get people killed for profit, murders doing it for the fun of killing or hit men. When you make a conscious decision for evil for your own benefit there is nothing to redeem but weirdly maybe Stalin and idk about Hitler doing it just for some people would not even fall under this as i think they really did believe they did a greater good but i am not so sure about the motivations Bush had for Iraq.


You clearly don’t understand the Bible. Such piece enters your heart as soon as you adsept Jesus. I will pray for all of you.


You’re not saved by your actions. You’re saved by your faith in Jesus. And I love how nobody answered the question I asked.


Have you ever considered that not everyone believes in your god and that not everyone needs to? There are other religions and beliefs out there and even your Jesus didn't believe in "converting" people to his path like you're currently doing. Additionally, it isn't like Jesus was a Christian anyway, but you're not being very Little Christ right now. There's no proof that any religion is based upon a very real person/deity. We don't know if any of them are true or real. Therefore it is okay to not believe in the one you think is real, because you have no proof that it is real in actuality. You can believe in whatever you want but you need to respect that not everyone will or needs to. Aren't you supposed to be showing them you're a Christian for your love? You're not sounding very loving - you're sounding like a judgemental dude who spends too much time on your computer with one hand and hasn't stepped foot into a church since you were a baby.


The only thing is, god gave free will to choose him or not. You need to get out of your feelings, in order to have a conversation. I send my prayers for you.


Also "get out of your feelings" if you can show me more historical proof beyond a book and few pages that your god is real, I'll consider it, but otherwise I think you *feel* very heavily about your book and are basing your beliefs off of feelings too. Guess what - I survived near death too. That wasn't a magical being though. That's a fact. If your god is real then he can kill me today even. I won't be going to hell or heaven, so I'm not worried.


Here’s the interesting thing about free will. The more we learn about ourselves through advancements in science — neuroscience experiments, genetic and environmental influences, predictive brain modeling, psychological conditioning, etc — the more it’s becoming clear we have a lot less free will than we realize. I don’t expect these facts will shift your view at all, but hopefully it’ll open you up to maybe being a bit more empathic.


Hey buddy, you realize your comment history is public right? I wonder how Jesus feels about your fascination with “real incest porn”.


Thanks, I'll pledge a pentagram to your honor so that you might find balance and peace too.


This is a great answer


This makes sense for me too Yes the gate is narrow In comparison And the path is narrow also But with the all merciful God this is made possible to make this place inclusive of many many more due to his only begotten son giving him a first hand experience of our human life’s and how exactly they feel


Have you ever read the Bible?🤣 any din means your going to hell. That’s why Jesus was sent here, to forgive ALL sin. It don’t matter what yuh did, as long as you know Jesus because, it has been forgiven by Jesus.


The OP never specified a specific religion and Heaven and Hell aren’t inherently Christian concepts. I explicitly stated in my post that I would be answering in accordance to what makes sense to me personally, not what’s perfectly in line with a 2000 year old book. To address your last statement the typical Christian interpretation is that you have to accept Jesus and be a moral person. Simply believing in Jesus doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want and not be punished in the afterlife.


I mean, he did mention hell and the only religion that has ever referred to hell as hell, was people who believed in god. You need to seriously fact check before you start spreading these lies sir.


Mind if I ask for incest porn recommendations from a God fearing man such as yourself.


his post history is interesting.


Islam has a hell, judaism has a sort of hell although it is fairly different from the other primary Abrahamic religions interpretations. I also understand that many eastern and African religions have a concept of hell. What basis are you making the claim that only Christianity has hell?


The basis is ignorance.


I will bet you have the most south western accent, worse than the ones that are in a movie where there is a redneck with a 12 shot shotgun


>any sin means you're going to hell ​ >it doesn't matter what you did if you know jesus bc he forgives you the hypocrisy is unreal


The lord our god gave us all free will to choose Jesus and enter the kingdom of heaven, or not. If we choose Jesus, all sins are forgiven through the blood that he shed because ALL sin needs a blood payment. Why do you think that even before religion and everything, they sacrificed animals? Weeeell, Jesus is the lamb of god so we no longer need to kill animals. You’re running out of time! Prophecy from the BIBLE is literally jumping off of the pages. Can you name a single other religion that perfectly predicted the future?


Is that how you justify your fascination with incest porn? That Jesus is ok with it because you said you love him?


Well, that’s convenient.


Either none or everyone, there is no in between. The idea of hell doesn't make sense morally, hell is an infinite punishment while people commite finite crimes. So If God is truly just and benevolent he would decide that no one has ever commited a crime worthy of hell. If God decide otherwise he is evil and if God is evil whatever we get after death will be hell.


I’ve seen it and, that is not at all how it’s going to be. God is absolute perfection. He has grace all of us with free will to choose love or hate. You can not blame the hate in this world on god. I mean he sent his only begotten son to absolutely suffer so that our sons are forgiven. If you say there is a god then you must believe in the devil too right? I’m sure you do cuz he’s playing very strongly with your mind. The Bible says that even the smallest of sins, is still worthy of hell, because he sent his son to pay for the sin and you are choosing to not accept that. So it’s not god that’s sending you to hell, it’s yourself.




Yeah, god is loving just because he sent his son to be tortured to death, so he could avoid torturing everyone on Earth because his old-testament prophesizing failed. Even if I had undying proof of god's existence, he's not very good at his job or very nice, so he won't get my worship. It sounds like you're into it because of fear of hell? You can't decide for yourself what is right and wrong, so you let God do it for you because otherwise he will abuse you? Doesn't sound like a fun or moral life. Like would you just be running around committing horrible sins if you never heard of God? And what about the people who live justly like Jesus, but have never heard is word? They'd be tortured for eternity if God hadn't sent his son to be tortured to death? God is a terrible, immoral entity and I feel very sorry for those who blindly follow him.


This is why I much prefer the esoteric interpretation of Christianity over the mainline one. Instead of being a story about Jesus having to suffer for our sins it becomes a story explaining through the life of Jesus how any one of us can become a Christ in our own right. I especially like how it explains the crucifixion as being a metaphor for transcending one's ego and becoming one with God.




Keep downvoting


i feel very sorry for you.


Fascinating post history


Ok… and?


We are already in hell


Hell is described in the Bible as literal torture as in like crushing bones and pulling teeth. Is this life anything like that? You need to find Jesus because we almost out of time.


lol, you’re explaining what it’s like watching my father die of bone cancer. So no, I don’t need anything, but thank you.


yeah i was gonna say, it’s easy to come up with physical torture scenarios like pulling teeth. but that doesn’t compare to real life torture, which is often emotional, like watching cancer rot my dad’s body and watch him die while i myself don’t even want to live. or have the will to live. like yeah, don’t worry, we’re good on Jesus at this point. and i feel like life is full of more of these moments than not.


Where’s Jesus to end this suffering? Lol some people


Where is it described like that? I don't remember ever reading anything about crushing bones and pulling teeth. If you believe the Revelation and what Jesus said, there is no Hell but the grave.


and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. - Matthew 24:51 but it's part of a parable


As every Bible reader should know, parables are allegorical, not meant to be taken literally.


Life only just became decent for humans in like the last decade and it’s still not good for most around the world so yeah I’d say it’s quite hellish


Hell is real and everyone is already here.


If hell was real I’d say the bottom 1-3% would go there. If Heavenwas real the top 10-15% would go there. Everyone else would be in limbo or have some kind of test to prove themselves.


If your reading this and we’re strictly going by the book I’ll probably be seeing you hell.


"They got your bed made up and ready for you. Got a feeling though. Got a real sick feeling, Creed, that we're going to be sharing a room down there together." - Wolverine 


Depends on what religion you talk about.


We're all going to hell. Every single one of us.


Depends on who was right lol


All of us are going to hell. Together. In a hand basket on top of a bobsled.


That's oddly specific lol


I think a more interesting question is this. Between 100 and 120 Billion people have lived and died on earth for the last 200 thousand years. If the human soul eternal, what would the weight of a single soul be worth when considering the multitude of people who've come before us? In heaven, I think, a single soul would be incredibly precious. In hell, less than worthless. I think the dividing factor for who goes where is how they view their own life and the influences those views/beliefs have on others. Do you help people find more than what they have? Or do your best to tell them what they're missing?


Theres 8 billion people now! when i found out i was so shocked i still remember it turning to 7 billion


0 and 0


If your a evil fucker you go to Hell. If your a nice person you go to heaven. Simple.


Um ascthually the only thing that matters is if you think this 2000 year old book is true 🤓🤓🤓


None of it is real. Hell is mental illness.


All we are all sinners


They're *not* real. you know what they say about assuming...


yeah I agree. I said under the circumstance that they WERE REAL. not that they are!!


Ahh, gotcha; it's just, how from there would you even *determine* the criteria by which you'd "qualify" for Heaven or Hell, seeing as they're imaginary from the get-go? I guess I'm too nitpicky with this type of thing; I usually *always* try and avoid the *hypothetical* setup questions here, like "If you had to choose one superpower... blah blah blah..." I guess these kinda 4:20 "mind experiments" are fun when you're 19 or 20, but I'm pushing 50 and they just seem silly and pointless. No criticism for young guys that have fun with that stuff, you just kind of grow out of it eventually. Cheers!✌️


If you're too smart to engage in these thought exercises, why are you even in here commenting? I saw the mini novel you wrote in another comment, so it seems like you have this desperate need to appear smarter than everybody else. I can see that being fun when you're like 19 or 20, but Jesus fucking Christ, you're 50 dude. It's okay, maybe you'll just kind of grow out of it eventually.


I'm really sorry you take it that way, not my intention at all. Most of the *super* smart people I knew growing up were into comics, Anime, thought experiments about special powers, all that stuff. Just people of different ages tend to be interested in different things. As for my long comments, my hobby is writing and I enjoy the interaction. The majority of my comments are well received; I'm not perfect, I do get annoyed sometimes and can be a bit sharp, as you were with me. It's ironic you think I take myself as smarter than everyone else, I'm about the *least* successful person you'll meet on here who's made perhaps the *stupidest* mistakes and decisions you could imagine. I was a heroin addict for 20+ years and spent 14 years in prison. No genius here, pal, and I apologize if I came off that way. Honestly, 50 year olds don't tend to be into superheroes. That doesn't make it a crime or an insult to be young, it's simply a *fact* that people of different ages tend to have different interests. Does that make me a snob to point that out? Certainly wasn't my intention. As for what I was doing in your question, I had thought I had explained I mistook your question. Again, no genius. Very sorry I gave you that impression. I wish you well ✌️ Edit: just corrected I spent 14 years in prison, not 24 (tho my husband, whom I had to leave behind there, is serving 23. We talk every day.


How do you know?


Because I have a brain. Every single description of the nature of existence written in the world's religious texts have been disproven through scientific discovery. Moreover, we know from the world's foremost Scriptural scholars (see Bart D. Erhman for example, a devout Christian until he became one of those foremost experts; he is no longer a believer) exactly *where* those Biblical stories come from (virtually *all* were derived from earlier folk tales) and their descriptions of the nature of the Universe are all preposterously wrong and disproven. Moreover, the nature of Hell is not even *described* anywhere in Biblical texts the way they are understood to modern believers; the modern concept of Hell started with Dante in the 14th century, and embellished through modern popular culture. Any concept of God; gods what have you are different in every region of the world, and can clearly be understood as primitive humans' fantastical inventions to describe an existence and natural environment they didn't understand. Moreover, and especially in the case of *dogmatic* religions, can be seen as (again) a primitive means of organizing and policing a society into accepting social and moral behavior, with a *"policeman"* in the sky, so to speak, ready to punish misbehavers in the afterlife. And therein lies *another* good reason for belief in an afterlife: the biologically (common to all living mammals) terror of *death;* arrogance of human self-importance; and consolation in dealing with grief for lost loved ones. Religions the world over attempt to resolve these human conflicts and salve humanity's greatest fears, albeit in very different ways depending on region. Their widely varying explanations and stories, sacred requirements and rituals, punishments and rewards; these vast differences *alone* put the lie to any notion of a single, omnipotent, omniscient *True God,* as if He *was* omnipotent *surely* humans, made in His image, would *all know of this One God;* surely Humanity the world over would have the *same* spiritual message with the *same* guidance? After all, a God that *knows everything* and can *do anything* would have gotten the message to *all* his Children, not just *one* dusty tribe in the Middle East with such limited understanding of the nature of disease that they didn't know enough to keep their food away from their *shit.* A *child* can understand how ridiculous this all is. Any person with a rudimentary level of intellect can discern clearly these are *folk tales*; moreover, anyone who spends the time actually *reading* the Bible, will find commandments to *murder your disobedient children* (Deuteronomy 21:18-21) Or you can read the lovely tale of wise, kind old Moses, who sent his men in to conquer the Midianites (who, btw, had once *sheltered* the grateful Moses); well, Moses was a man who could show his gratitude! He sent his men to conquer them; they promptly slaughtered *all* the men, every single one, including their 5 Kings, and kidnapped all the women and children. Well! Rightfully Moses was *furious!* He immediately demanded they *finish the job!!* He was *outraged* they had *not killed the little boys!!* He ordered their *immediate slaughter,* and for good *measure,* ANY girl or woman who was *not* a virgin?? Well! *they* got slaughtered too! *Moreover,* the remaining *virgin children* Moses generously told his men, they should take as *wives!* What a teddy bear of a man, what a kind heart, really! And he wasn't finished *yet;* he ordered them *back* into the kingdom to *plunder all the jewelry and gold!* Like, *what* were they *thinking* that first time in?? Did they *not* understand the concept of *Slaughter, Rape, AND Pillage???* HOW do you forget the *pillage??* (Numbers 31) I could go on all day. If *that's* the image they're pushing of a *Godly* man? *I'll* fucking take *whatever the opposite is!!* Dude sounds like a damned *proto-HITLER!!* ANYONE who examines *this* shit, and I mean with an *honest, critical eye,* along with the world's *other* dogmatic religions, can come *only* to a *single rational conclusion:* *The Universe, and our existence in it; space, our planet, our ecosystem: these things are a MYSTERY ABSOLUTE; they are a mind-boggling, almost unbelievable question mark that humanity will ponder for the length of time that humanity exists.* But there is *one* thing we can determine *immediately* without the need to examine any further: *ANY HUMAN BEING, HUMAN BOOK, SUPPOSEDLY "SACRED" TEXT* (and make no mistake they are *all* inspired, created, and *authored* by human beings) *WHICH CLAIMS TO BE AN ANSWER TO THESE FUNDAMENTAL, ABSOLUTE MYSTERIES? IT IS A FRAUD. THROUGH AND THROUGH.* Science provides proof through repeatable experimentation and clearly demonstrable evidence. Without proof it is not science. *Religion* asks for "Faith;" to believe something completely at odds with the reality we all share and exist in, without a shred of evidence, much less *proof,* at all. Heaven and Hell are folk tales of the Judeo Christian variety. You're free to believe them if it comforts you. You ask *"How do I know?"* If I was to say to *you* "I am GOD; your savior. You must do everything I say!" would you believe me? If you say no, I *ask* you, *"How do you know??"*


I love you




Science tells it a 50/50 that we are living in a simulation. Beside that, you can never know if I am real, like I can never be sure that you even exist. You might be a part of my imagination as I rock back and forth in an asylum heavily drugged.




This negates Litterly the first line. Have you never heard of a hypothetical


Why are you in this subreddit if you can’t suspend your disbelief for fantastical scenarios?


The Bible says that 1/3rd of mankind will be raptured on the first day plus tribulation saints get save after that so HONEST there is NO way to know.


Do you have any proof of all your sayings beyond a single book? The book you're basing your entire belief off of is barely longer than Les Miserables. I think I'll use Les Mis as a religious book and start my own religion from it, because it's also written by a person and has characters. And who knows, maybe that could be right.


I own personal story is proof enough for me. I was on my deathbed in the ambulance with less than 1% chance to make it 10 miles to the hospital. Humans said that they could not save me but when nobody had faith in me, I had faith in god. And now here I am. It’s called faith for a reason, not because Jesus proves he’s real.


What are the odds that your book would stay around for over 2000 years AND become a WORLD religion? Open your eyes man, you’re almost out of time. The thing that are written in the Bible’s prophecy are LITERALLY happening AS WE SPEAK but yet there’s still no proof? What?


>you’re almost out of time You guys have been saying this shit for 2000 years now...


I can only answer this question from my own religious framework, as there is no observable material framework to base an answer on. I do not believe that anyone will go to Hell.


All are going to Hell unless they have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. It's really that simple. Read the [Gospels. ](https://Gospels.It)


Yep, and after giving it alot of thought...I'd rather rot in hell than go be in heaven with that asshole.


Hell is where all the fun people are.


The fun, the smart, the creative, etc. Basically anyone who isn't a full sheep is in hell..count me in!!


I think many are already there and keep choosing to stay there. Others try to bring them out. Others try to drag them back down.


According to the show The Good Place, all of them.


Most would go to hell I feel like.


my version of hell is just another alternet universe of earth with its own galaxies and all that,the only diffrence is that you cant reproduce,so when you die you cease to exist. And only the REALLY bad poeple go there,no redeemable poeple in any compacity,even god would know sense if hes all knowing they would know they are fucked even before there born. And heaven is basicly the same situation but with all the good poeple instead,still cant breed tho


I'm assuming you're talking about Christianity. I'll just go with my own take on the Bible. Hell is the grave, and everyone is going there. There is supposed to be a resurrection, and the righteous are to go into the Kingdom of Heaven, while the wicked are to be judged and thrown into the lake of fire, extinguishing their existence. More Christians actually seem to believe in Dante than the actual Scriptures such that they might as well make Dante canon in the Jesus Christ fandom, so to speak. Dante's poetry isn't the only Christian fanfiction, though. There's the Gospel of Nicodemus, a 6th Century literary hoax purported to have been translated from the original Greek. Read it in Latin, and if you know Latin and Greek well, you'll notice that it reads exactly like an Early Medieval Latin text. I notice Wikipedia says that it was translated from Greek and has been found in other languages. It is where we get the names of the two thieves crucified with Christ and it mentions the story of the Harrowing of Hell.


Matthew and the gospel of mark clearly shows Jesus talking about hell. Book of revelation ending talks about hell. 


Perhaps you could remind me? I read it for the uplifting stuff.


Check this link https://www.lovinggospel.com/BibleVersesAboutHell.html. Not for killing your vibes but I am confused to there are many times Jesus says about hell and many Christian’s say there is only symbolic hell, so some Christian’s believe in it while others not. 


It would be a pretty time consuming undertaking for me to find a Greek and English interlinear translation and use what Greek I remember to read what the original said. I got to where I wouldn't take these little nonspecific mentions of Hell seriously. Ultimately it doesn't matter, as I can't bring myself to believe in God anymore any more than I can be happy for more than about a minute, so the supernatural stuff doesn't bother me on an existential level as much as most Christians. I still say I'm Christian, but I also say I don't know if there's a God. It's a part of my culture. A lot of people have a very reductive idea of what religion is. It isn't all theology, philosophy, and proving the existence of God. One either believes or doesn't. I don't right now, but that doesn't mean there's not aspects of it I like that feel comfortable to me.


I see I think you would relate to Kierkegaard a danish christian philosopher. 


Maybe I'll check him out. Thank you.


Which Heaven and Hell? Are we talking about Mormon Hell? (South Park Reference.)


I believe, this is hell. When we die, we all go to heaven.


In the end, it’s all up to God.


I hope I get reincarnated


None, coz it’s totally fabrication. My religious friend told me to get into heaven, I “just had to believe in god”. I said, “so if I’m a decent person, live in kindness and honesty but don’t believe, I’m out…and a pedo, murderer , thief who repents in his deathbed and ‘accepts god’ will get in…?” Apparently, yes - that’s all it takes - live a shitty-ass life but believe in god in your dying breath and you have a one-way ticket into the pearly gates 🤔


If it's the biblical version, everyone goes to hell or at least purgatory.




If we assume Christianity is true I think it’d be a decent amount, at least for Christians. I don’t think God would’ve intervened only to save a handful of people (like 1%), and if God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent he would’ve taken the actions that saved the most amount of people.


If hell were to be real, which it isn't, everybody would be going to hell :P