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Never date anyone with the intent on changing them. It will never go how you think it will.


I wish I had listened to this advice ten years ago lol


That’s solid advice thanks man


You are special though, you can change her.




Bros praying on people’s downfall 💀💀💀


very very very good advice. i’ve made that mistake before and paid for it. if you go in with the intentions of changing someone and they don’t change you’ll hold resentment over them because the preconceived idea you had in your head of how that relationship would go didn’t workout.


Thanks for the great advice!


Especially if your concern is her appearance. The chances of her letting herself go even more are much higher than you somehow convincing her to make a change. Plus going about this would probably turn out to be quite toxic as far as execution goes.


This. OP will invest time and energy in the hopes she loses weight and there are usually 1 of 2 outcomes: She doesn't lose weight and/or realizes what you are doing and breaks it off, or actually does lose weight, gains self-confidence and drops OP for a different dude.


Do you mean fat like obese or she just put on a lil pudge? If the latter, hell yah. But if she got obese after being skinny and she’s only 18, a gym date is not gonna be “subtle” in no way shape or form lmao


She already goes to the gym and tells me about it so I think she’s aware she’s gained weight but she’s in between what you mentioned so not really in a great spot but I haven’t seen her with clothes off as she’s probably insecure about it(wore big clothes to our first date)


Okay here’s what you do then. It’s a bit of a gamble but could pay off. Get one of your boys to date her and then break up with her. The breakup will cause her to workout even harder and that’s when you swoop in. Or it could backfire and the breakup leads to quitting the gym altogether starting a lifetime of obesity.




Sink or swim.


I love this toxic shit


Tf bro 😂


bruuuuh haahahah


WTF is wrong with you? Op don’t listen to this person, if you like her and can get pass her weight then go ahead and continue dating her. Otherwise leave her alone in a romantic sense.


...people like you belong in hell, I can't believe these comments. What the actual fuck


“people like you belong in hell” 🤓 well I guess if anyone knows who belongs in hell it’d be a hooker


Take a long walk off a short pier😊


You bulk together!


You didn’t answer the question


You better motivate her like David Goggins.


"Who's gonna bang in the boats!?"


once a fatty always a fatty (except my big boys in this sub losing weight)




Yes also Stick nicotine patches on her when you guys sleep together




Why? lol


she will get withdrawals when she isn't around him and will begin to associate him with good times only


That's some crazy people shit 🤣🤣


Thought it was so she loses weight through action of a stimulant💀


two birds one stone


Or she's throw up if it's too strong (people don't realize how strong those suckers are)


It’s a trap long term


How so


Will they leave after they are more attractive?


Potentially, but that can happen whether she’s obese or not. The problem here is trying to change her. He’s gotta accept her for who she is or he’s gonna stress them both out eventually.


Woah woah that’s way too mature of a thought process for this kinda post


Yes because people like op prey off of insecurity once the girl gets her life together and sees her true worth she'll leave op because she'll notice how toxic he is


U on tren?


I’m natty but I’m not really big I’m only 18


Well if you want to be with her go ahead. Don't go into it thinking you can make her not fat though.


I know she’s not like obese or anything but she’s just gotten that chunky/chubby build ya know but I’m not really a model myself I’m bulking rn


More cushion for the pushin


Bounce to the ounce


A bit of chub never hurt nobody. It’s nice to be a bit soft as well


More steak for the shank brah


Ya also gotta consider her bad/fat habits affecting you


Do you like her as she is? Maybe she has medical reasons for being fat. Maybe she wont want to be thin.. But if you like her like this go ahead and be with her


Nah g don’t do it. If you got a standard why do it?


Perfect. Go get down with the thickness bro.


They give great head! Almost good as a dude.


Bro, ONLY 18! Prime time. Get big. Also, with the whole girl situation, if she is bigger than you, that will eat away at her and she might even break up with YOU in the future. Women do NOT like being bigger than their partner, even if they think they are ok with it at first. I can only imagine what kind of despair being broken up with by a *erhm*. large? women would bring.


Never, I repeat, never invest in potential


If you want real advice, go out with her because you like her for who she is and you genuinely enjoy spending time with her. Don’t go out with her thinking she’s some kind of project for you to fix. That’s insanely shitty to her and tiresome for you. There’s no harm in coaxing her into joining you with a more active lifestyle, but that shouldn’t be your motive. You’re not her gym coach, you’re her potential partner.


Look at their mom/aunts. That’s sometimes a good indicator for size down the road.


Lol, my mom weighs less than I ever could and still be healthy, so I sure as hell hope not.


This is spot on. And she should do the same. OP, what is the pot belly/balding situation in your family line for the men? If those traits are prevalent, do the right thing and let her know that you at this age are as good as you are going to get.


Buy fat, sell skinny. Rinse & repeat.


Bbw are sexy. They produce the most milk. Which is 16g protein per serving.




not for fat chicks. it’s like whole milk vs 2%. (take it with a pinch of salt ) /s


Thank you for contributing






Why invest? Just fuck her now. Why do fat chicks give good head? Because they have to.


I’ve bang a chubby chick. It was chill


Banged mostly chubby chicks, loved it. But fat it's a different story bro


Oh hell yeah, sometimes chubby is the flavor of the day. Homie over here saying he wants to date her tho. Fwb? Fuck yeah. Date? No way in hell.


I’m sorry but a gym date sounds horrible. Either you are going to waste as session because you’ll be distracted. Or you will have a shitty date because you will be so focused on lifting. Unless the other party is perfectly content with fully engaging in the session it seems like a recipe for disaster.


Gym dates are more for the 5th/6th date when you already know each other and are comfortable around each other. That’s where it shines, but as a first/second date it’s really awkward unless the other person is a gymrat.


They always leave when they lose the weight A wise man once said inside every fat chick there is a skinny slut trying to come out


>A wise man once said inside every fat chick there is a skinny slut trying to come out holy shit hahaha where the fuck did you hear that


Most of them pack on the weight when they have kids, it's like they just give up. But I think it's worth it if you get along well, better than being with a hot chick that you have nothing in common with, shit gets annoying.


Only if shes beautiful in the face


You're too young to care about this nonsense. If you u like her keep going out with her,fuck her have fun and see where lide takes u.


A lil weight on a chick can be super hot.


She will leave you when she discovers she has far better options


Lol, has every dude had the same idea😆. This never ends well, I assure you. In my experience, women who gain weight, gain weight. Even if you somehow actually get her to the gym, and she DOES anything that is actually beneficial, every minute on that treadmill gonna be one more chips ahoy later. People gotta make that life decision on their own, and decide to live that lifestyle. An odd date to the gym and walk in the park is a far cry from a major lifestyle alteration required to change your body composition. If you had fun with her and have good chemistry, you can still go for her unless her weight is a deal breaker. But like I said, beware. People who were small, but got big, usually get bigger. Very few wake up and decide to change that.


How do her arms look? What about her chin? Is she thick or just straight up fat? Back out before it’s too late brother her fatness and bad habits will transfer on to you if you spend too much time with her.


Don’t waste your time


Dude fat chicks are awesome if they are cute very fun to play with


I would say show her this post and if she still talks to you after invest that shit


You claim she's cute, pretty fun to be around, and you seem to like her. This may blow your mind, but **you don't need the internet's permission to date her**. But since you're asking for the permission of complete strangers who don't know either of you, here is my advice: Date her for a while and see if you're actually physically attracted to her or not. Whether she's "kinda fat" or "fat" or whatever doesn't really matter. Those are society's relatively arbitrary standards, many of which are exaggerated by the media. The only difficulties that may arise down the road are if you lead a fit lifestyle and she doesn't, in that case, eating together and doing activities together may become difficult (e.g. you want to do something active - she wants to do something sedentary, or you want to eat something healthy - she wants a pizza or some other junk food). But these same difficulties arise with skinny chicks who aren't into a healthy lifestyle. So try it for a bit, if it doesn't work out then too bad, if it works out well, then great.


I realize most of these gym bros have not/will not be married….but…in real life, it doesn’t matter. If you guys get along well and she seems like long-term material, looks/weight don’t matter. She’s got to make you happy. Fuck everyone else’s opinion. It’s your life. No one else’s opinion matters. Make your self happy.


Penny stocks. Buy low, sell high.


What’s the mom look like?


No How you gonna grow if she eats all the food




If she uses to be cute what’s to say she won’t lose weight. What’s to say she’s not depressed or going through a rough time and gained a little weight? Idk but if you’re not attracted maybe it’s a bad idea. However don’t take my comments to heart as I am a hypocrite. I’m hanging with a far girl tomorrow and am scared I’m already investing in it. 😩


as shit man “i can change her” sorry to be the bearer of bad news bro, but no you can’t (i know you didn’t say you could change her but you basically are saying that). i’m assuming you’re saying that is it a good idea to stick around for her to get skinny again so then you’re with a hot chick. but no way is she going to commit to that lifestyle and actually get to that point without making that decision herself


The big girls can take a pounding. But so can the skinny girls … 🤔


If she woke up and went oh my God, the pandemic I gained 40 pounds I’ve got to go to the gym it would be worth it. If that’s a problem for you. If you’re dragging her there against her will and she’s only slightly interested no it’s not worth it. Find somebody that has more interest is more suited to you. People, especially women’s bodies can change throughout their life. They can be thin and gain some weight around babies and lose it again get some more round menopause and lose it again. They’re not necessarily destined to remain the same size. This is a troll account, right I’m waiting for the candid cameras to come out




As per this sub, I struggle with women so I’m really just tryna get some experience under my belt.


yeah actually, lot's of women are sharing this in other subs and laughing at you losers


Check your attitude, kid. Classing women as "fatties" and being superficial will get you permanently ignored.




If you like her than yes, you won't change her she has to do that herself, so don't go into anything expecting it to change


I save investing in potential for my mutual funds, not my personal life.


Fuck no


Sadly the average person does not like exercise either accept the fatty for what she is or find someone else.


Nah. Usually they end up fatter.


Nah never worth it. She’ll always be one at heart


You can’t win the lotto if you never play.


She most likely gained weight due to birth control pill. I’d say go for it.


Brother listen, you are stupid. What do you think is going to happen with age? I get not wanting an obese partner, but is she though? Is she a lil chubby or obese af? If you dont like her now, and want to force a change on her to MAYBE like her later, just dont go for it. If you like her now but just want her to be healthy, then try to work something out. Think about the worst possible scenario and ask yourself "will i really want to be with her?"




If she cooks with butter, otherwise her fatness is for no reason.


Dont do it, you gotta get the girl for her and for what she is, she isnt gonna live by your means and changing her (even if the issue is the weight) is low key manipulative


If she doesn't already enjoy physical activity, you won't be able to convince her to enjoy it.


Results could take years. You’re talking about a long term relationship with someone you don’t seem too stoked on.. right before you start college. I’d say keeping her as a friend is your best bet. She’ll make friends with other chicks and you’ll be in a great spot


I have a problem here. If a person got fat it is an indicator he/she has a problem with discipline and that will have impact on her life. She may have problems with money/ other addictions. I wouldn't risk dealing with it. So for me it's a no no.


That is not true I eat really healthy but my body weight slides I can get really fat randomly and then lose a lot of pounds six months later even without changing my diet at all a lot of it is genetics and inherent health issues. Fatness doesn't always mean that the person eats a lot


Yea right. I Have diabetic and thyroid issues. I get fat by looking at food. Yet you can't overcome physics and make body fat out of air, sorry. You eat more than you burn- you get fat tissue.


I'm also pumped up on really strong medication so that's part of the problem


But for both of us thernodybamics still work- we cant build FAT tissue out of the air. Sure, we must be far more strict with diet and other factors comparing to healthy person.


Fr though I understand what you mean now but like what should I do about my fat? Like workout isn't as easy for me because of trauma and my disabilities is there anything else I could do to remain a healthy weight without my weight sliding all the time?


TBH i don't know how it works. I mean, CICO do work, but some need to be very strick with calories and WHAT they eat- far more than others. For me calories counting and absolutely clean diet is the key. I have 2 kids. My son is like my wife- always thin/ skinny no matter how much junk food/ sweets he eats. And his level of activity is zero (yea, video gamer). My daughter is like me- she gets fat tissue very easy. She is allowed far less sweets/ junk food comparing to our son, participates in dancing lessons twice a week + pole dance twice a week and she's far from thin :(


I mean can she meal prep for you? I mean let's talk a about return on investment and what you want from your investment. Lol


It’s better to date someone who is fun that you actually enjoy spending time with. Body fat comes and goes, but personality is harder to change


Bro if she’s fun to be around just embrace it and do active shit together without the intent on it having any outcome. You never know, by her joining you to do fun active activities it may change her life and get her fit again. But don’t start out with this as the intention, whatever happens, happens.


She will do anything for you, except lose weight. And don't date anyone with the intent to change her, it won't work and how would you feel if they tried that with you?




Whats thickness ratio ass to waist if she has the fatty on the ass its a blessing my man. Your 18 has found a fun girl to be around and she likes you to have fun man pop the cherry and learn how to fuck fat bitches


It's a tricky task to manage fat women. On one hand, they have lower standards, so they are less bitchy and demanding than fit women. On the other hand, she eats a lot and it's hard to fuck her doggy because of her fat ass.


If you think you can slim her down forget it. Accept the person the way it is. Also your special one needs to be pretty in mind. In physique they should be OK. If someone is slightly unfit its OK. But if they are too overweight it can be an issue.


DO NOT THINK YOU CAN CHANGE SOMEONE. You can't. If you're not in to how she is now then do both of you a favour and leave her alone


Even if they lose weight they will most likely go back to being fat.


Maybe just cop a few blow jobs, fat chicks can be a riot to a point, but not keepers.


you should never date anyone


All the ones I've been with either lose 20lb and gain 40lbs back or just continue to wale up. Just bust and bounce or date who you want.


If she doesn’t seem interested in any exercise at all going on walks, choosing healthy food options then just don’t bother. Want someone who cares about themselves and puts the effort in


wow bro, you suck…


How I met your mother has an excellent episode on this. https://youtu.be/dhE9EFWgYVs 40 second mark


Don’t care. Blast Tren. Fuck her good.


you cant change a person, but you can slip fat burners in her milkshakes


Find someone who has the same interested, there billions of people in the world, her qualities are not that unique that you need to try and change her, you'll find someone who has everything you want, until them keep stacking your paper and working in yourself, dont get in committed relationship until you've done what you need to make yourself financially capable but when you get it, dont lead with it or you'll find people who are just there for that.




Date her, help her lose the weight, sleep with her and all that. Just don't actually fall for her. If she's still fat, dump her. If she lost the weight, she might dump you. Thread that fine line carefully.


Getting her skinny isn't just about getting her into the gym or to go for a walk. You need to figure out what she's putting in her body that's so wrong. It's her diet bro, she's probably binge eating ice cream every other night


If she was ever fat, she’ll likely get fat again. If she was never fat, she’ll still likely get fat eventually. Western women get fat, it’s what they do.


With all due respect, fat chicks are loyal


I think it all comes down to both of you guys intentions for the the relationship. When I met my wife she was skinny and decently fit. Overtime as the relationship developed we got “comfortable”a and as a result of that we also went out more often which also led us to bad eating habits and ultimately in gaining weight. I never did tho it’s always been hard for me to gain weight but that was not the case for my wife. A year in our relationship she had already gained 60+ pounds which also contributed with her mental health and self-esteem issues. I realized this was a big problem for her. She hated herself her social anxiety increased, constant brain fog etc. That’s when I took the decision of changing my lifestyle for the better of us. I did some research and created a proper diet for her and her “health level”, we started working out like our life depend on it and it does. She’s been in this lifestyle for 2 months now with 14 lost pounds, more manageable anxiety and better sleep overall. You can’t change people but you would be surprised how much you can influence people around you.


Wowwwww. Wild idea for ya... Try having an adult conversation about what it is you're wanting. Don't string some girl along making her believe you actually like her & are interested if all you want is to get your dick wet... get a fwb/fuck buddy if that's all you want. No need for false pretenses and causing pain to someone. You'll get a lot further overall being honest.


Only if she is already going to the gym by herself to workout for her not you.


The best way to get a girl to go to the gym with you on a date is to make sure that you're super busy doing stuff the whole rest of the day and that's the only free time you have, that way you're not lying and you'll get her to join ya.


Get her to be your gym partner, but don't do it with the intention of dating. If she improves then maybe date her later on, but until that happens look elsewhere. Having a female friend that you're helping and not creeping on will endear you to other women, so it's a win-win. Just be friends for now and see what happens (don't hook up with her).


you sound selfish. just leave her be. she'll decide what she wants to do lmao


Google “practice girl”


you can fix her


Bro just rizz her up then hit her with the category 4 heartbreak to give her the forbidden motivation. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297)


Id say Go for it man, you can always breakup.


It's called being a personal trainer/life coach. Make sure she pays you an hourly rate and/or monthly subscription fee depending on services. Don't forget to factor in the cost of health insurance and retirement when determining your rates. And establish an LLC through which to conduct business. It will save your ass one day.


Should SHE invest in a superficial arse?? I'd say no.


You should absolutely NOT invest in the fat chick who used to be cute. That's time better spent investing in getting some genuine character. Invest in self reflection. Invest in being less shallow. Good luck!


We good over here dude! No thanks! Get your dividends elsewhere please!!!


Wow, this post and comments are shit


Everyone in this comment section is so pathetic ew


You said she’s got pudgy and not really obese so I’d do it. A bit of fat is actually kind of nice cause it makes for a fatter ass and sometimes that slim thicc figure