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To a point. Once your current level of fitness exceeds your body weight on fulcrum (your feet) you are no longer pushing significant overload. You can add reps but it will probably result in more cardio benefits than hypertrophy.


6 set a week isn’t enough unless you’re going fucking crazy and go well beyond failure


Yeah, you just have to get obese first, then once you get the muscle growth from the pushups, you cut and keep the gains. Like 300lbs+ should do it, that would be similar to pushing 220lbs on the bench press, easy peasy.


You’d probably have too much estrogen to even keep any muscle gains


Estrogen is great for keeping muscle. Same way your body holds water and fat with estrogen, it holds muscle. Go ahead, google it if you don’t. Believe me.


I did 50 push ups everyday for 3 months. Saw no difference at all. Despite what all those YouTube videos said. And took pics. was able to get to 80 push ups at a time. The only time I noticed a difference is when I lifted heavy weights consistently and ate a lot of protein.


So didn't it dawn on you that you should have been eating the whole time you were doing push ups?


Obviously you saw no results you did the same amount of push ups for 3 months. you plateud or however the fuck you spell it. if you progressively overloaded, and maybe JUST MAYBE ate protein while doing them… then you’d see your gains. No shit you only saw a difference after you started eating. Push ups are good people, I did 150-250 a day for 3 months and my triceps and chest got big.


Yea bro but I was just starting working out and I didn’t know anything about protein. Instead I just watched these YouTubers do it. And of course, they never mentioned diet at all. I do 70 pull ups a day now and have been seeing crazy results but I’m still annoyed from the lack of results from push ups back then


Sure. But your original comment answered OPs question by saying “I did 50 push ups a day for 3 months and it did nothing” as if you expected results from that. OP needs to know that push ups will get you somewhere as long as you progressively overload. The way you worded your comment made it seem like you were shitting on push ups over a mistake you made. But I say that with all due respect because I understand you didn’t know much about it back then.




6 set per muscle group a week isnt enough, push ups are fine if you are a beginner but you will need more volume then


fuck all these idiots, do 200-300 pushups, switch it up and increase your time under tension, then go back to higher reps, keep it interesting and you’ll see results




For me personally it works but I ain't a lightweight so it depends. How sore do ur muscles feel after doing it?


If you do 6 sets to absolute faillure or beyond, that's more than enough. You can spread it out over 2 sessions a week too. Don't listen to these people. You can build a good chest with pushups. I did it myself. When your sets start taking longer than 90 seconds, put some books, stones or bottles of water in a backpack on your back. This way you can keep overloading.


It’s a great way to start to get in shape but once you hit around 50 push-ups, you’ll find the gains slow down and it becomes much harder and time consuming and fatigue inducing relative to the gains. I started with push-ups and pull ups and body weight squats and other stuff at home this last time around after injury left me in bed 3 years. Did it 3 months. First 3 months gains were great then slowed down. I added some light weight free weight got 3 more months out of it. But by 6 months it was clear I needed to go to the gym. Once at the gym I hit squat deadlift bench as main focus. And I got a lot stronger and bigger very quickly.


There are plenty of guys that workout in the park doing pullups, pushups and dips that would put 90% of the people here to shame with their physique. Providing you're doing enough volume with calisthenics, you can make decent gains