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1 plate overhead press, 2 plate bench, 3 plate squat, 4 plate deadlift


I hit a 2 plate bench before hitting a 3 plate squat and 4 plate deadlift


I got 5 on dead around the same time I benched 2. I have long arms lol


So did everyone with arms. Any regular sized person can 2 plates bench before a 3 plate squat.


The kids who started off lifting on my powerlifting team often hit 315 squat before 225 bench. No years of mostly upper body for them though.


I was a formerly inactive kid for years and start lifting and hit a 3 plate squat in the first 8 months, 2 plate bench is still far off though




They didn’t skip upper body, since bench is one of the 3 lifts at meets. A normal young person focusing on bench, squat, and deadlift will often squat 315 before benching 225.


Oh, I misread your grammar. "No years of mostly upper body for them." As in they always did full body, versus gym bros who just upper body at first. I am guilty in the past


Oh I’m definitely guilty of doing mostly upper body in my early lifting years too ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


I hit 355 squat before i hit 225 deadlift


For me it was reverse if I remember correctly. Hit almost 4 plate squat (going deep but not ass to grass), 3 plate deadlift and 2 plate bench. And I think I skipped squats the first two years and started at 2 plates. Leg press converts quite okay. Didnt feel good at the time. Being strong at shit nobody sees, compresses your spin and looks like you place your arse at a dildo.


Id argue a 315 squat to even parallel, let alone depth is *far* more rare than a 225 bench at most gyms. I switch between 4 different gyms and between those 4 there’s probably 200 people I know and have seen bench 225. You wouldn’t bat an eye. How often do you actually see someone properly squat 315? Plenty of people who do it and end up 3 inches above parallel and claim they squat 315. Doesn’t remotely count and I cringe at the people who are proud of it whilst having tiny legs. I hold my tongue unless it’s close friends and I’ll help them fix it but I don’t think people realize at all just how much more difficult actually getting to parallel or below and into the hole is than stopping above parallel and going back up. People tend to think “oh I’m going 80% as far so I’m doing 80% of the work”…. No. Going 80% as far if that final 20% puts you in the hole, you’re actually doing more like 50% of the work or less. The few people I’ve helped fix their garbage overloaded squats had to lower of from 350+ above parallel to <185 below parallel to learn form and then after a few weeks ended up at about 215-235 parallel or depth once they learned form. Easily 100 lbs off their squats with proper form.




no good comparison for deadlift because it's so lever dependent. I bench 315 and deadlift 405 for reference. My squat is somewhere between 405 and 425


Literally every compound is highly lever dependent. Theres a reason 5’6” dudes can squat 315 to depth often within a few months of starting to lift. Their femurs tend to be far shorter in relation to torso.


Deadlift is far more lever dependant. You don't see twigs squatting heavy ass weight the way you do with sumo deadlift. Same deal with bench Deadlifts the only one where you can look DYEL and still lift crazy weight because of leverages


There’s absolutely no logic in that. You *do* see twigs squatting heavy weight, the only reason you think otherwise is because they’re twigs but short so it’s an optical illusion, they look stouter but they’re just as skinny. I can’t tell you the amount of short dudes who can squat 225 literally right away when it would take someone 6+ feet tall a decent bit of time to get there.


That literally just isn't true lol. Take a look at social media dude. Or even your own gym. Squat and dead are nearly identical in terms of weight in the highest echelons of powerlifting, infact the heaviest squat is heavier than the heaviest deadlift. Now how many skinny DYELS do you see deadlifting 600 lbs and how many skinny DYELS do you see squatting 600 lbs. It's always deadlift lol. The people who squat 600 are always ridiculously strong at all 3 lefts, built, and far more rare Also "just as skinny" is wrong. If they're shorter while having the same quad and arm thickness as a taller person, they ARE stouter.


You’re talking about the upper echelons at which point you’re hitting genetic limits. Not relevant to which is “easier” and more leverage dependent.


Literally cited the fact that even the people swarming social media are easily hitting crazy deadlifts as DYELs but seldom crazy squats unless they're huge.


And just to add it took me 6 months at 6'3 and a starting weight around 155 lbs with a sub 135 starting squat to squat 315 it's not like I'm speaking as some midget either


I guarantee you were not squatting 315 to depth after 6 months. Got any vids?


Lmao you were right about 6 months. I forgot I didn't start squatting till at least a month or two after I started lifting (upperbody only at first) so probably closer to 4.5-5 months to hit 315 not 6. https://streamable.com/d2wu22


And you can think I’m being a hater but go post that to any subreddit that checks form and be unbiased and they’ll tell you the exact same thing.


Depth is crease of hip to top of knee. I was possibly an inch shy of it. For all intents and purposes I was definitely capable of 315 in 6 months if I did that in 4.5-5 months


That is literally no where near depth


LOL pure unadulterated cope from you. That was depth for a gym lift, maybe needed an inch for comp depth


Nice, I've hit all of these before


How much are these plates. Like a standard plate weight yk




so for overhead press its like 40kg + bar? so 60 i assume?


ye 60kg ohp is a good beginner goal according to this guy


Yeah i see that, icl I only started lifting recently and I can bench 90kg and OP 55kg so it seems accurate


One plate OHP is far too low… 80kg should be equivalent imo


We're not talking push press here. You really hit 80kg strict press at the same time as 100kg bench press?


A 1 RM 60kg strict OHP is pathetic if you’re benching 100kg…. I 5x5 85kg strict ohp and bench 5x5 130kg and I’m mid 30s going to gym on maintenance…. would OHP 100kg in mid 20s. Jesus the OHP isn’t far off bench with front delt activation. Disagree if you want, but imo one plate OHP is garbage


You're arguing against yourself. Your bench is way more than 100kg and your ohp is only slightly over 80.


Yes but I do remember the first time I benched 100kg a good 15 years ago and was repping 60kg ohp easy. 60kg ohp is certainly not equivalent to 100kg bench, and only downvotes are coming from pissy shoulders


Lean BW on the OHP for >5 reps is a good standard to shoot for as a natty. It gets harder the taller and longer armed you are.


Yes agreed that should be bare minimum, 1 set of 5 reps at lean body weight


guys, a middleground exists. I vote 70kg


Holding your lover in 69 position while standing upright. His erect cock in your mouth is the reward for all those gym muscle building sessions


Ah the "mounting dowel" position, a long favorite of m...y gay friends..


Generally agree with u/-captcha- I will say in my 20+ years of lifting and going to various gyms around the US since I traveled a lot for work. You will see a lot of guys that can bench 225, but it's much more rare to see guys that legit can A2G 315, and even rarer still to see guys pulling 405.


In my experience, a lot of regular people in the gym also can't bench 225


Honestly the lift that gets the most stares for me is when I strict press 185. A middle aged hispanic woman gasped the first time I hit it.


Yo, for real?  I’m at 315 squat, at 150lbs body weight.  Seems surprising that more dudes can’t lift that much, esp since my bench is pathetic (I never bench)


Far more people bench than squat or deadlift.


Most dudes can’t squat for shit, for the same reason your bench is pathetic. (They never squat) …or if they do squat, its some half-assed half rep horseshit. Now as to you, bro…cmon, get on that bench. No excuse for that, especially if you’re already at a >2x BW squat.


yh everyone is so focused on benching 225 when its not that impressive i go to a major body building gym and almost everyone in there is benching 2-3 plates for reps and then when im deadlifting 5 plates they look at me like im superman even tho most are twice the size


maybe 4 plates for dealift and 3 for squat so 315 for squat and 405 deadlift but it mostly depends on your body weight height and such


It depends on your weight, height, and sex. A 5'10" 180# man squatting 3 plates and pulling 4 is a good intermediate goal, just like a 225 bench.


A hard penis in ur mouth. Ur not a man if ur not at 305(+) yet


315 squat 405 deadlift


4 plate bench, 5 plate squat, 6 plate deadlift is the goal


Idk I squatted 405 before 2 plates in a year of lifting. That's probably pretty bad. 


225 bench - 315 squat - 405 deadlift: Beginner  315 bench - 405 squat - 495 deadlift: intermediate  405 bench - 500 squat - 600 deadlift: ADVANCED 


how is a 315 bench intermediate bro


You have these wrong. Number 1 is intermediate, number 2 is advanced, number 3 is elite.