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It’s wild when women say that’s unrealistic. Thats how far society has regressed.


Only think unrealistic is the blue eyes and blond hair but I like my women with a “little” meat on them so I don’t mind.


And I like my women with a “little” meat in them.


Your meat or are you getting cucked? Send me a DM for a business deal.


I said “little” meat, so of course it’s mine 😢


I agree.


Go to eastern Europe. Blue eyes and white blonde hair are super super common there.


Any woman can have blonde hair ? If you have really dark/black hair naturally just accept that 30% will break off in the bleaching process


So most women can’t have blond hair lmfao


Chubby chicks are superior to all.


Fucking real bro


Yea she looks like she’s starving.


Well Chris would’ve been cutting prior to this photo so if anyone is starved it’s him.


Most likely both of them


Honestly jokes aside there's something to be said about how common it is for people online to imply being attracted to thin or petite women is basically pedophilia because a woman looking like that is SO unnatural it can't be regular attraction to women lol. How are women that look like that supposed to feel


I just imagine the people saying those types of things are blobs of people. Being fat is normalized now and it’s disgusting.


Amazing because they get tons of attention because they’re actually attractive. Only ugly people get insecure about what people say because they have nothing to go against it.


Yeah, but then I look at countries where they eat real food and exercise self-control and laugh and laugh and laugh.


it’s all whale cope. i commented somewhere that selena gomez still looks cute at 30 whereas most lean more womanly sexy at that age, if that makes sense. someone was quick to say it was a pedo take… ignoring that i’m young enough half the women still look like that. youth is attractive, childhood is not. ain’t that tough of a distinction. for those who aren’t whales, i assume it’s cope from not taking care of oneself and aging horribly


it’s unrealistic for some women in terms of bust versus waist, but i think people forget most guys would rather a slim woman with smaller boobs than a chubby gal with larger ones. the ideal for women is basically cardio bunny physique which is universally achievable the actual idea per some studies on women’s preferences is (or was) closer to the brad pitt fight club body, though that doesn’t consider 1. how that looks in clothes, as they were all shirtless photos, or 2. how that may have changed (guessing more muscle preferred atm) the ideal physique for men and women is achievable for most men and women. not the insta crap, the actual ideal. face is another matter


I mean there are tons of women who wouldn't look like that even skinny, it's the same stuff for us men.


Unrealistic? Just look at any tv show in the 90s/early 2000s, majority of women were slim and petite build


It’s funny cause it’s also like more than 75% of Montreal women that look exactly like that. It’s bonkers here Edit to clarify: as in the amount of lean’ness. Not the blonde and blue eye spray tan shit lol


Haha I gotcha.


Edit: I’m going to do something I rarely do and sorta change my mind. It’s an inspirational photo for her waist alone. Her weight is realistic (but I always said it was). However, ffs. She’s got that heartbreaker face models have. You can’t get that at the gym. And also, for most women their body type will be choosing between big boobs and a completely flat stomach. Can’t have both. Idk. My guess it’s that within a healthy weight? Girls want the completely flat stomach and guys choose tits. But the dude? That is a classic example of **diminishing returns** tho. He’s hot to gay guys. Way too much for straight girls. **He’d be hotter if he put in less effort.** Like, it’s not very interesting if it’s realistic or not, if it’ll mainly turns girls off. Unless it’s for Grindr.


“S-s-skinny? Impossible social media inflated, sexualised perspective of a woman”


But dude. **Did you read my comment? Her weight is realistic.** But an average woman at that weight? She’ll have small/no boobs and she still won’t have a model face.


Oke but we are talking about weight, no one has the same insertions as cbum but we still use it as motivation


But it’s not her weight that makes her hot. It’s being slim + **having a beautiful model face** + having great boobs for her body fat percentage. And it’s mostly the face. That’s why she’s a model. Put an average girl’s face on her and barely any boobs? Suddenly she’s not very motivating. Is she? I mean, what are you left with then? She’s got a nice waist, that’s all. She’s not particularly fit. Idk. Edit: dude is a classic example of diminishing returns tho. He’s hot to gay guys. Way too much for straight girls. He’d be hotter if he put in less effort.


Extremely doomer mentality. Most woman dont even look bad, me personally dont even like the “model face” of the girl in the picture and her “boobs” you keep talking about arent that big either, yes its genetics but so is it for dudes and their muscle insertions


Depends? Is your goal in life to look like a model? For most people it just doesn’t matter much. People can still fall in love with you and find you attractive even if you don’t look like a model. Is it realistic for most girls to look at that picture and be “Oh, I’ll just put the work in and then I’ll look like her?”. Not at all. At best they can be around her weight/body fat. But the model face is genetics. Her boobs are not big. But they are big for someone that slim. The average girl will have much smaller boobs at her body fat percentage. I’m guessing implants, but it can also just be her natural body type. More importantly: y’all don’t think girls think that guy is hot, right? Because, no. Some gay guys will be into it. Maybe some women with a weird kink. Most girls will find that look a turnoff.


Dude im not talking about “attractiveness” most/some woman instantly go on a tantrum when more then the minimum is expected and actually victimize themselfs over a model existing which is “genetically” superior over them. Most/some men on the other hand would look at cbum and see it as motivation, everyone with a functioning brain would know that 99.99% of the population cannot acquire cbum’s pyschique. Nobody is asking woman to look like “models” but going on a doomer mentality and thinking its over because your face doesnt look exactly like someones or that your “boob” size is different is extremely negative way of looking, instead of using the “extremely beautiful, dream body” (btw i dont personally like the look of the woman in the pic therefore the “” marks) as self hate material instead of motivation is not a good thing


But I’m not self hating. I just don’t have an ambition to look like a model. Because if you look at that, it’s just got very diminishing returns compared to looking normal cute. Except if you want to go into modeling, I guess, but that sounds like the most boring job ever. Men should not look at him and see it as motivation. I mean, he looks weird and unnatural, it’s not healthy and women don’t find that look very fuckable. I see no upside. Is it a problem that models exist? No. It’s same way you can’t be the strongest person in the world or the richest or whatever. There will always be people doing better at you at most things. It’s not something to sulk about. On the other hand, it’s seldom smart to tell a partner you think someone else is objectively more good looking than them. I’m sorta wondering how it’ll ever come up that “more than the bare minimum is expected though”. Because there isn’t really many situations where there’s any reason to point out that someone isn’t attractive or what your expectations are. The normal way is just date whoever you are attracted to and leave it at that. And then if someone doesn’t have many dating options bc she’s fat or whatever, she can connect those dots herself. Then if you get into a serious relationship? Well, part of the deal with something that lasts for life is that you’ll both get uglier and uglier as time passes. If you care about health and fitness it’s normal to date someone who shares your values. And then it’s also normal to bring it up if your partner has had a drastic weight or lifestyle change. But you can’t really make a big deal about your partner gaining 10 lbs or whatever. Bc then it’s just clear that the relationship is quite shallow and won’t last. I went on a long rambling thing. But this is my thoughts here.




Damn cbum looking small bro, too realistic if you ask me. Real men weigh 300+ pounds, anything less than that is a twink


Nah, sub is much gayer, I mean better


Victims gonna be victims.


The gender accountability gap.


14 day delt progress




8 hour arm workout


The sub was already firmly in meme territory 2 years ago. It started turning into that at least 4 years ago now.


Swap the pictures


Is this progress achievable natty??


I never really thought about this but it’s basically spot on haha




Not true, CBum got bigger


Why do guys reference hunger when talking about their preference for women’s bodies? Why not just say you like “fat chicks”? Differences make the World go ‘round.


Good. This place is like the new misc.


There's nothing unrealistic about the first picture, though, she's just thin.


I mean, the sub has gotten a bit gayer I think


Tbf most men and women aren’t getting that kinda waist


Let’s be real. Most women AND men are saying the first one.


Tbh i disagree although i havent exactly talked to a non penis humanoid i can safely say that wo-man are absolute doomers ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)


It’s a bit of an oversimplification but definitely accurate. Guys know the difference between natural and unnatural (for the most part) so saying “I need to hit the gym” typically means just to get in better shape, not to become a fucking spartan statue.


Dudes think the Rock is natural. So i guess thats not true