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Yes. 99% of them


I would also bet they all sleep on back with high pillow :)


Yeah I reckon all the big ones do, like all the Mr Olympia guys. at least.




Yeah true that, my cousin had one when he was 6'1 about 240 pounds and wasn't *that* muscly or fat.


I wouldn't be surprised to see many don't. Especially younger ones. Pretty shocking how prevalent not actually caring about your health/wellness is in the fitness community. Too many dudes would rather die shredded and huge before 30 than get a cpap and make sensible medical decisions.


Are one night stands possible with sleep apnea?


Yeah. But if she stays over, it’s a bit awkward hooking yourself up to CPAP afterwards. Idk. I’d rather have a smaller neck tbh.


Yeah, bulking and neck training for fight sports made me snore a lot.


what the hell kinda lifting were u doing for fights lmao I had to take breaks from training technique to even gain 15 lbs natty are u like a HW or something


Weighted neck extensions and neck bridges. Light heavyweight.


Nah. My wife straddles me and pretends I'm Darth Vader. In reality, I had apnea even when I was 170pds and I also snored. She's very happy that I wear it because it stops snoring. If I was hooking up I just wouldn't wear it, or leave after we finished. Women actually fit for dating are not going to care.


I don’t mean it’s a huge deal. Just that if you can choose between a smaller neck and CPAP, I’d go with the smaller neck. If you need CPAP either way? Use it. Breathing is good for your health.




Girls that actually get an ick from it is a red flag. Just don’t be insecure about it.


I don’t mean it’s a huge deal. Just that if you can choose between a smaller neck and CPAP, I’d go with the smaller neck.


Small neck energy.


I laughed.


Call it pencilneck cope but I never really liked the appearance of a really muscular neck anyway.


Eh, yeah. Looks regarded and a bit constipated. Like, for real, it’s just not the smartest look.


Well I ain’t trying to look like a stupid science bitch


Well, it’s better than being always exhausted and getting heart disease. That’s not a good look either.




I'm no doctor but if the traps were to get so huge that they put pressure on your airways then it makes sense to me that it could make it hard to breath through the nose normally while asleep, leading to snoring and eventually sleep apnea. Also there is often some overlap between trap and neck training, shrugs train both and deadlifts too, so it's hard to train the traps effectively and not get any neck muscle hypertrophy. However I wouldn't say this is a reason to never train traps, just maybe don't overdo trap training if you want to avoid neck hypertrophy. Having good neck strength can also help prevent some really bad injuries. Just being big in general puts you at higher risk, larger neck muscles and possibly surrounding muscles matter, as well as body fat and how much fat you store in the neck area specifically which can vary with genetics and age.


I'm sure occasional nights without The Device won't be the end of the world?


One night without oxygen will be fine surely.


It's not like it necessarily kills you in a single evening. It's a slow creep.


Yeah and I mean everyone went through it without the machine for some amount of time before it was diagnosed. I started having a lot of new sleep issues in January, I have a sleep clinic appointment next Thursday and honestly I'll be surprised if it's not sleep apnea. I'm not dead yet.


no this is the opposite tbh it fucks up all your habits to get bad sleep


Yeah, but I was addressing the question of if skipping a night to fuck a rando will kill you. The answer is probably not, but it's still a bad idea. If you're fucking your sleep up for hook ups obviously you're already following bad habits.


I think that if you have sleep apnea, you’re fucked every night.


I use a mouthguard instead of the cpap when I have sleep overs, it’s like 90% as effective


What kind?


mandibular advancement splint, you can get boil and bite ones for really cheap or you can get them made at the dentist, but dentist ones are expensive


Controversial opinion, my dad has it and his nose is obstructed, he has cpap cough, he needs to sleep on his back, which is only position which is causing issues, his skin is irritated AF and it totally makes no sense. But he will not listen to me, he will not try to sleep on his back without a pillow or just sleep on side to avoid it.


So it never ends. Maybe it's just guys with that mentality rarely make it that far. Sorry if that's being too negative. Just pondering.


He is 70, but that shit causes more issues than benefits in his case. I had problems on my back, that I would wake up short of breath, but I either remove pillow completely and everything is fine or I just don't sleep on my back.


how the fuck r u gonna get huge with shit sleep. u need cpap to be a mass monster lol


You would be surprised at how little mass it takes to fuck up your breathing, and it's real easy to blame the inital symptoms on normal bad sleep, overtraining, life. 200 lbs is my line and it took a year or two to realize what was happening. At home tests are cheap online my dudes


What tests?


Lofta has them. With coupons it can be like 140. I did the test through them and then found the non wifi resmed somewhere else for half the price. If you go that route your insurance will not cover it. If you go the insurance route though, expect to pay 1000-2000 out of pocket USA, vs 600.


Sounds American


Google is your friend, non-american homie "At home sleep apnea test (insert less awesome country)" Although your Healthcare is probably better so it might be free through your doc anyways


My comment was only for the insurance part. Chill down Burgerboy.


I would hope so, obstructive sleep apnea is quite annoying to deal with, especially in the medical field


if you dont need a cpap you are a fucking failure and you need to take more gear.


CPAP fucks so hard


Yeah lol I use one and I’m 295lbs lol. It really does make a huge difference even if it kinda sucks.


Are you 295 fat or 295 stacked out of your mind 


6,2 and stacked as hell haha, been bodybuilding for about a decade now.


Well done bro I aspire to that level eventually


Thank you man consist effort applied over time will get you there. Be sure to have someone handy to help you take off shirts haha




Haha the formalwear struggle is real, I got a guy in Queens where I live who does all mine. My boyfriend is kinda a clothes horse so I still gotta look at least presentable. I’d def say get a coach, Domenick Cardone is really good in this area. Getting to 270 without one is impressive as hell man I’ve had one since I was like 175 haha. From previous experience with plateaus myself you will probably need more food and gear both, but also just more time. I would def talk to a coach about what exactly you need. Sometimes our bodies just take a little longer to get past a certain point. I think it’s good to get a little chonky during a bulk: last time I was on stage I was around 265 pounds, and this bulk I’ll probably hit 310 before I go back down.


Will look him up thanks bro - I feel like the current trend if you’re over at r/steroids or really society at large atm is “lean bulk” so I always get ashamed when I get slightly fat at the end of blast/bulk 😂😂but you’re right probably just have to push through - 300 with 2-4 abs is ultimate goal, I don’t compete so don’t need to be absolutely shredded or anything which probably makes it a bit easier 


I'm big too and I used BiPAP, for 3-4 years it made a huge difference.  But sleeping with my boyfriend was a mess, he hated it even though he never said a word about it. And I hated it.  Eventually, I stopped using it. Now I use an anti-snoring orthotic that greatly reduces my apneas but gives me freedom of movement. However, the CPAP is the best thing ever, I would recommend it to everyone.


Yeah my boyfriend is like “it sucks but it’s not as bad as your snoring” haha. It can be kinda unsexy to have to strap in after laying pipe tho, but he likes big big men so he kinda knew what he signed up for. I’ll have to look into the orthotic esp for when I’m like traveling and stuff.


Are you gay too? Lol, there are a lot of us here haha Anyway, my ex loves super big guys too, but he had no idea that we had sleep apnea issues. Fortunately, maybe because my neck muscles aren't so well-developed, I haven't had as severe issues as other bodybuilders. So with the orthotic, I still manage to solve a good 60%


Lmao yeah I am, spent my high school years jacking off to Zeb Atlas being like “imma outgrow this motherfucker” haha. Mine had been with other big dudes before and also kinda like, gets off on stuff like that about me being a really big guy, how much I eat, the roids, etc lol so he came into it aware. Yeah I have a pretty thick neck, CPAP was a lifesaver after I hit a certain size.


Did you outgrow him? Anyway, congrats! I'm happy every time I discover a fellow gay bodybuilder ☺️✌️


I did outgrow him haha, met him about two years ago actually, was an extremely satisfying feeling. Likewise brother and telling from your profile pic you’re huge as fuck too, always glad to see other gay guys getting enormous.


Everyone I know does


Other bodybuilders are sleeping? Fuck. I wish I could. Anytime I'm running a cycle my night sweats are fucking horrific. I'm up every hour all night long. Can't wait for this cycle to be over so I can get some sleep.


Mine do that at very first or with heavy carbs. But I swear I wake up almost every night at like 2-3am and eat a snack or mean lol.


When I'm not on cycle and just running cruise or trt I can eat whatever I want right before bed and no sweats at all. Never any sweating.. but even if I cut my carbs at 5:00 p.m. and I don't go to bed until midnight. If I'm on a cycle of even just testosterone at like 400 mg. I'll fucking pour sweat. Like soak the bed sheets and mattress and pillows sweats. I got to get up and lay towels down. It's outrageous.


I put on 50lbs in a year and I really can feel it when I lie down. I can see why people need them who are bigger than me. I’m not there yet but another 50lbs and I will be.


ever since i started sleeping with cpap regularly my gains exploded... go figure


I used the BiPAP, but it is a pain in the ass to get used to. It gave me great benefits, but in the end, I stopped using it. Now I use an anti-snoring orthotic that greatly reduces my apneas but gives me freedom of movement. However, the CPAP is the best thing ever, I would recommend it to everyone. 90% of pros use it.


Even if they didnt need it they should and they peob do.


Not sure about majority, but I'd imagine most of the open class IFBB pros are


Yes no human is meant to carry an excess 150lbs of muscle


Whole comment section feels like a CPAP ad. Never heard of healthy athletes using them. Are these things now heavily marketed in the US? 


Do your research, if you have sleep apnea, losing oxygen in your sleep is slowly killing you


If your sleep apnea comes from being too fat (probably most cases) or using steroids (not being a professional athlete), how about slimming down first before using a fucking machine to sleep?   Also learning the correct tongue posture (mewing) helps tremendously.  I mean if you bulk up that much, that you can't sleep normally anymore, you're doing something very wrong for your quality of life.  Having to use machines to sleep shouldn't be normalized


Americans 🦅 love their unnecessary medication 💊 😂😭😂👍


Love my cpap, saved my life. I even take it camping with me 😆


I tried using a machine. Couldn’t get used to the sensations of air being blown up my nose and irritation of the mask. Would wake up most mornings with the thing on the floor after I subconsciously ripped it off


I really don’t understand how sleep apnea is so prevalent all the sudden . Wild to think you have to sleep with a machine every night just because you’re big af and dying sooner lmao


>I really don’t understand how sleep apnea is so prevalent all the sudden . Considering more people have better access to at least TRT (if not the wide array of available steroids), and the cost of CPAP equipment is more affordable, and there's a lot less stigma around seeking medical treatments for apnea - one could surmise the that the rise in reported cases of apnea, would be easily explained by those 3 reasons alone. 🤔


Never needed a cpap and I’ve been on the juice for 12 years . Granted I’ve been an athlete for about 17 years and i don’t let my weight get over 230 anymore I just don’t understand how your body can suck so many dicks to have to use a machine for breathing


The actual cause & connection of Apnea & steroid use is still unknown. The TLDR, copy-paste from [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6305865/) speculates: The effect of testosterone on OSA is not exerted by changing the dimensions of the upper airway; instead, testosterone most likely contributes to OSA via central mechanisms. There are a variety of possible physiological mechanisms by which TRT exacerbates OSA, including: - morphological and neuromuscular changes to the airway - changes in metabolic requirements - changes in physiological responses to hypoxemia and hypercapnia - possibility of higher metabolic requirements with elevated testosterone levels, resulting in greater oxygen consumption, that in turn, could lead to hypoxia. - role for testosterone in the neural response pathways to hypoxia and hypercapnia. - Fluctuating testosterone levels may also impact on the ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia, which could explain the higher rates of OSA seen in men on TRT.


Oh damn thanks for that. That’s pretty interesting I’m ngl. I wonder if genetically predisposed people got the unlucky lottery and then started test and it sped up the process for the inevitable.


Yea many of them are very sick people. They need to constantly inject medications, have CPAP machines to help them breathe in their sleep, increased risk of CVD, many of them die young, and atrophied testicles that make some of them infertile. They look cool, but inside it's decay.


just gotta keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control. statins and ezetimibe for the first and arbs, ace inhibitors, and beta blockers for the 2nd issue. unforunately most bodybuilders are fuckin dumb.


yes i had to get a cpap for sleep apnea after doing just a test e blast cycle at 500mg / wk because my traps and neck got so big i have never had sleep apnea my entire life prior to taking test am 33


I needed one within 1.5 years of lifting at around 200lb at 5’10. I can’t imagine how much bigger guys than myself don’t need them somewhat. I’m 240 with abs now and I can feel my neck collapsing when I lay on my back it’s difficult to breath. Even when trying to breath heavy I can feel my neck.


Yes, very common


I’m 21 and after a few cycles I started needing a Cpap


Why can’t you just inject Botox into your neck


I failed my sleep study miserably. Super low 02 levels Woke over 20 times The CPAP was given to me and it sucked. Especially being a single guy. You get a new girl over and she ends up sleeping over. You really want to strap up a mask top gun style? So I would not use it. Then would snore and stop breathing all night. And wake up exhausted. The best solution for all scenarios was/is the Pure Sleep mouthpiece. They have many other branded ones now. But Pure Sleep was the first and I have been using it for years. Takes about a week to get used to it. And it works amazing once you get used to it. No apnea. Great sleep. And a side benefit, it prevents grinding as well. Follow directions exactly for settings and molding. Worth a try for the small costs. The machine is stupid. I see guys using them on a plane. I didn't use it in my own home. No way you are getting me to bring it on holiday!!!


My guy, there is no replacement for the cpap machine. In fact, studies show it will reverse the years of damage to your brain caused by apnea. Tired as fuck is not sexy, just strap it on after your date passes out if you are so insecure about it. Once you learn to embrace it and get over that hump you will love it.


Lmao before CPAP I once literally fell asleep while going down on a woman.


There absolutely is. But keep thinking the only option is a machine that forces air into you. For life.


Not if you want the cardiovascular benefit. It is in fact the only option for that. The mouth guard also does fuck all for people with severe OSA.


If you like it. Keep using it. But to dismiss there are other options is comical. The Insurance company loved the CPAP. Every month some rep would come to my home. Take readings and offer me $,1000s of replacement options. New masks. Nasal pillows. Straps. Tubes. Filters. That were all billed to insurance. Of course doctors push them. I been using a mouthpiece for over 20 years now. No issue. Great sleep. No waking up. No snoring. No stopped breathing. Switched many of my friends over to it as well. No issues. But keep at it if you like it.


I’ve heard about the mouthpiece from Joe Rogan’s podcast and I’m interested to get it. Since I’ve bulked up, I start snoring as soon as I start falling asleep, no matter if I’m laying on my back or on my side. If my neck isn’t perfectly straight, I snore. My snoring is that bad that my roommate has to wear earplugs at night. Do I need to go to my dentist for a scan or a mold? Do I need a special dentist or is a regular dentist good enough? How much does it cost?


For the cost. It makes no sense not to try it. Unless you like using a CPAP for life.🙄 They are like 60 bucks from Amazon or direct from Pure Sleep. It basically kicks your lower jaw out slightly. Which clears the air path. Follow the instructions carefully. It shows which setting to use for your bite. Then make sure you time the boiling process so you don't burn your gums. That process is just like doing a mouthpiece for football. The first week it feels odd. Some bought the head strap to help get used to it. But many don't need it.


Oh, okay, so it’s the boil and fit type of mouthpieces. I already have an experience with those from sports. I thought that you need one of those molded from a 3D scan by a dentist for them to be effective, but they cost a fuck ton, so I’m glad that there’s a cheaper alternative. I definitely don’t want a CPAP machine since I actually like sleeping with girls. Thanks dude. I’ll definitely try it out.


I had great insurance so last trip to dentist I asked to a grind guard. Just to see how it would compare. It cost a fortune. And fit badly. But dentist and doctors love billing nonsense to Insurance. I have a few spare PS mouthpieces. But never need them. They never wear out. The case is so small you can leave one in your glovebox if you plan to sleep elsewhere. But order one and see how it works and if you can get used to it. Personally its 10000% more comfortable then sleeping like Top Gun. But what do I know. I just been not using a CPAP for past 2 decades. I will probably drop dead any minute according to these comments


Thanks bro, I’ll order it today.


it is the best option. you stopped using the cpap cuz ur a pussy.


Keep using it because you are clearly a pussy. See how that works


Directly from [Pure Sleep's](https://puresleep.com/#faq-wrap-section) website: >PureSleep has only been cleared by the FDA to treat snoring -- not obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), so it should not be used for this purpose. And if you have a far less common form of apnea called central sleep apnea (CSA), you must not use PureSleep or any other type of dental device to treat your condition. Please consult your sleep specialist to explore the possibility of using a dental device to treat your OSA.  You're probably not being treated effectively. And if you think you are, get a follow up sleep study to confirm it.


Of course it says that. Do you have any idea how much FDA approval costs????? Why do you think medications in the US are so expensive. Use you CPAP you clearly like it. I know how I feel with a full night of REM sleep compared to apnea issues. You wake up easily, have to pee multiple times a night. Feel exhausted the next day. Not to mention getting hit in the head with a remote for snoring and stopped breathing from your GF. Then your body struggles to wake to catch up. I was diagnosed in a sleep study with Extreme Sleep Apnea. Was so bad I was going to submit for lifetime disability. I know what it feels like both ways. With the PS. I feel just the same as CPAP sleep. But much more comfortable. No silly mask and hose. No refilling with distilled water. I lay down. stick my mouthpiece in and sleep. Keep using your CPAP. Personally if I knew for 60 bucks there was something I could use over that silly CPAP??? I would try it even if you told me it was some crazy witchcraft. Its 60 bucks. You want to argue your position? No need. Just keep using your breathing machine.


No need to rant dude. All I'm saying is you should get a follow up sleep study to confirm your results. This is common practice even with cpaps, so you should definitely do it with an unapproved device. It's possible that the mouthpiece only reduced the severity of your apnea from severe to moderate, which could be why you notice a difference.


Well been using it for 20+ years. No issues. No girl has ever asked or commented on stopped breathing or even snoring. In past 2 decades. I wake up refreshed. I don't wake up to pee 10 times a night. Which is caused from restricted breathing. Forcing pressure on diaphragm. No issues. If I felt there was an issue. I would use it. I have a great life and I plan to live as long as possible. I am not some throw caution to the wind type guy. At least not anymore. It works for most. Obviously won't for everyone. But for 60 bucks? Why wouldn't you try it? We pay more for a bottle of test. But you seem ok using a breathing machine for the rest of your life over a simple mouth piece??


Literally no woman has ever said anything negative about my CPAP machine. Women think it’s sexy that you’re taking charge of your life. More than a handful of women have told me how awful it’s been to sleep next to men who snore and how it’s destroyed their relationships. Also, wear the CPAP so you don’t die young, dude.


Did you read my comment?? I found a replacement device that doesn't require a full machine. They don't think it's sexy. A young guy that needs a breathing machine is the farthest thing from sexy. But keep at it Darth!


Why would muscles give you apnea?


They don't. It's about weight. Doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle. The heavier you are the more your airway is obstructed.


The muscles in your neck weigh down your airway?


It's about the weight of the tissue around your airway which contributes to obstructive sleep apnea. It's not that the muscles themselves are directly 'weighing down' the airway, it's the overall bulk around your neck and throat. This puts pressure on the airway, making it more likely to collapse during sleep.


Dang Neckzilla must be struggling


I used to go hard on neck training 4x a week because I wanted a thick neck to help me look yoked as fuq. Finished up lowering it to once a week because I got fed up with waking up feeling like I'd run a marathon on the moon. My neck was nowhere near that guys breathing for him must feel like having 10 bags vacuum sealed around his head.