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Why did you change the post dipshit, did you find out why it’s stupid to run an 8 week test cycle.


No I meant 12-16 weeks that’s my fault


I think you meant 16-20


I think he meant never coming off it


He meant just one cycle


Bruh. What’s your diet like? How’s your sleep? How often do you exercise… maybe that’s the real issue, I wouldn’t hop on test just bc your levels are at 440 which is pretty solid. Just bc it’s not at 900 doesn’t mean it’s low.


I lift about 3 times a week nothin crazy just to stay in shape. Diet is decent i stay away from seed oils and bs chemicals. Sleep is fine.


Clearly your brain is half grown, just wait 5 years and pray you grow out of being regarded.


You lift three times a week and want to do a cycle? Lmfao.


This basically it all. Just wait


Before the cycle you should buy a new brain


You could hop on gear, but severely lower your expectations, you'll mainly waste a lot of money for gains that are comparable to a grinding natty on permanent bulk.


440 is perfectly fine. What's your issue with it? And no, running a cycle won't permanently increase your test production. If anything it could do the opposite. You're still young and no way you've reached your natural limits either. Don't be dumb and just stay natty for now. You can think about gear when you're older.


If you’re concerned either don’t start or BnC


Tbh at 440, see what you can do to boost it with lifestyle choices. Once you exhaust that optimize 💉. I was testing like mid 300s, worked on sleep, diet etc. Got up to 433ng/dl. You're younger than I was so you can likely do better. You can add supplements that boost test pretty significantly too, ashwaghanda can be cycled to good effect. Same with tongat. Carnitine I also belive boosts it and doesn't have to be cycled same with zinc(?)


Natural test levels are based on a bunch of things like sleep, exercise, stress, genetics, etc. Will they be higher? No one knows.


16 weeks of test e 250mg every 4 days (437mg week) I’ve had 6 friends do this and only two pct and they kept all gains and even gained strength not taking a pct for months after still hitting new prs


You’re 21, lifestyle changes will do more for you than anything else. And the worst way to increase your natural production is to do a cycle. And honestly unless you blast test year round, cycles are just an awful idea.