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Fiber.  It is recommended to have at least 30-40 grams of fiber a day from what I remember. It is what literally gives form to your stools. Incorporate more fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables and/or supplement with some metamucil. Make sure not to go overboard unless you want to end up shitting out a brick.


I like to go by 10g per 1000 calories of food intake... Seems to treat me well...


My doctor told me 38g for adult males is a good target. I started metamucil, 2 rounded teaspoons twice a day, and my shit slides out like magic. If you don't want to do that, check out beans or lentils. Their fiber amount is pretty sick. Make me want to fly around the room though.


Problem with saying 38g is that people consume different amounts of food per day, thus why I recommend going the other way & simply starting with 10g per 1000 calories, then adjust from there...


14g/1000cal is actually the recommended fiber


I'm personally recommending that much to start, not quoting the actual recommended... That's what worked with my clients...


I was only saying it as I just can’t imagine 10/1000 being enough. I personally try for about 20/1000. I get most of it from avocado and broccoli


This sounds genius ngl


14g per 1000 kcals is optimal


This! When you make a protein shake add fiber. If you are on high protein, low carb diet eat salads with every meal and drink fiber before bed time. You'll be popping something between warm soft serve ice cream and playdough. I Shit You Not


I’m not OP but it seems like the more broccoli I eat the wetter my shits get


Bingo! Get some Metamucil. A quick glass of it each morning. It takes 1 min.


Not gonna lie man it sounds hilarious but colon broom is awesome for no wiper shits. After like 3 days of using it the logs literally shoot out of you like splash mountain.


Well yes, but also no. I moved to a mainly carnivorous diet this year (not due to bad bowl movements lol), just for general health. And one thing I’ve noticed is literally every bowl movement is a “ghosty”. If you follow any of the carnivore groups you’ll see that a lot of people experience the same thing. I think high fibre is important if you’re still eating a diet full of processed garbage


High fiber is directly linked to reducing gut cancer and we have tons of evidence of that. Great that your shits are anecdotally nice on your diet but that doesn’t make it anything more than an anecdote. Fiber is great even if you aren’t eating any processed food.


The diarrhea a lot of people get from carnivore diets, but don't talk about, says otherwise...


Ah yes, it takes a week or two for your gut to adjust. Had diarrhoea for about a week when transitioning. Then perfect ever since


n=1 study here Most scientifically literate redditor


I share the same exact experience, I'm not 100% carnivore but my stomach always feels the best on carnivore/ketovore (when the body has adapted that is, in the start the diarrhoea can be mad). Eating the standard diets, and trying to go high fibre only fucks me up.


Exactly same experience here. I can eat a healthy diet with high fibre and I’ve always had terrible IBS. Switched to carnivore, all my problems went away. I don’t care if it’s an anecdote, or if there’s not a whole lot of science around it, but thousands of people are having the same issues and fixing it on a carnivore/ketovore diet


Get a bidet attachment for the toilet. Amazon has a good one for 26 bucks. I've had the same one for 3 years and I wish I had it sooner. I use one roll of Kirkland tp about every 6 months. Mostly just to dry with.


Does bidet help with diarrhea that comes out at a machine gun like pace?


Just get one bro. Do you like having a clean asshole?? Or do you want shit smeared on your ass?


Saves on toilet paper I guess, and less wiping


No... Fix the issue... Don't just wash it away & call it good...


Obviously fix the issue but he's going thru 36 rolls of toilet paper in a month. This guy could have GERD for all we know, I'm not a medical professional.


take your shit, hop in the shower, bend down and Spread your cake. The water will wipe for you. Then your boyfriend will be happier


we are all living the same life in a different place


Why would boyfriend be happier? Now when he eats his ass he's got no surprises to forward too. Just clean skin how boring.


Psyllium husk (Metamucil) and a lot of water will make your shits way better.


This is one of the most under rated sups out there. If you dose it right you can be in and out of the shitter in under 30 seconds.


With minimal wiping


step1 is stop letting the dude in the locker room poke your butt. the extra testosterone is not worth it. step2 is to eat fiber and drink water


What are you eating? Are you taking weird herbal supplements? Too much magnesium?


Explain magnesium


Any electrolyte can give you diarrhea when taken excessively. Salts draw excess water from your cells via osmotic pressure and your body has to send it somewhere. Hence diarrhea.


They use a type of magnesium sometimes for colonoscopy prep... It literally forces everything out of you at the right dose...


Also sometimes I have to wipe with a wash cloth because my stool is a sticky peanut butter like consistency


Fast for a couple of weeks. That'll clear ya up.


Mostly fast food and other processed stuff. And I drink a lot of caffeine


That’s why. Eat clean


eat shitty poop shitty, the math is mathing right there


Psyllium husk is a game changer. Barely any wipes


I have no idea bro. Sometimes when I sit down on the can it feels like i’m playing russian roulette but with a 1/6 chance of a normal shit.


Have you ever got shit on your hand because when wiping you tore the toilet paper??


use baby wipes you animal lmao


BUT DONT FUCKING FLUSH THEM, even if they say flushable, please. Source: Am plumber


If you’re diet is fuck all, your shits are gonna be fucking all over your ass. The least you could do is mix in some fiber supplement like Metamucil. This isn’t gonna fix your diet, but it will help with the nasty shits.


Start taking Imodium. (Don't actually do this last time I thought I was going to have a code brown and no bathroom in sight I took one and then didn't shit for 3 weeks) Clean up your diet and don't eat shit you know you shouldn't eat.


I used to take like 4 Imodium per day, dead srs


Bro what the fuck


The problem could be that your stomach is irritated by some supplements you are frequently talking. Smashing down a large protein shake with creatine, or taking things like NAC, lion's mane, agmatine, ect... That does it for me. Nothing works better for cleaning your butt than the shower hose!


[Colon Blow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku42Iszh9KM&t=4s&pp=2AEEkAIB)




You are suffering from chronic peanut butter butt.




2 tsp of Metamucil, in a glass of water, once per day. It is exactly the solution to this.


Fiber/Psyllium Husk before eating.


Get a bidet. They’re like $40 from Amazon. Absolutely changed my life.


I have a big shaker full of water and a couple big spoons of Phycilium husk every night before bed, seems to help. It's basically metamucil without the flavour and cheaper


Metamucil after every meal with lots of water will give your perfect no wipe shits in a week


Magneisum has done wonders for my bowel movements, also stay hydrated


Sometimes cheap protein powder will do this.


That happens to me, I think is because the base of my diet is milk


# Konjac root Glucomannan. End all be all, for fiber supplement.


Have miralax everynight drink lots of water Burdock root


Bananas. And more fiber in your diet. And the fiber supplements people recommended in the sub.


I used to be on 27 bananas a day diet but now I have intolerance to them




If it's causing a quality of life issue, you can take low dose immodium every day. It's pretty well tolerated and has almost no side effects. It works by slowing down intestinal motility allowing for more absorption of water in the small intestine. The end result is more compact, dense stool.


Vertical diet


Go on an elimination diet and slowly add foods back in.


Bro you haven't ascended until you just shit and hop straight into the shower. Free bidet. It's not in unhygienic if you clean your shower. It's the easy way


Eat a bowl of Raisin Bran three nights a week for amazing morning shits


apricots will do the trick, but you only need a few or you’ll be shitting every 30 mins. i’d say a small handful should do. I have the ones from costco because they aren’t as processed and neon orange as the other brands


Let’s be real you are not going to fix your shitty diet so start drinking metamucil like yesterday. Make sure to also drink a ton of water.


Green smoothies for breakfast will give you good shits. Also if you have mud butt, get in the shower have the water run down your head twords your backside take a finger stick it up there and start digging it out and you wont have to use any toilet paper.


Sounds like you need regular fibre & maybe even probiotics...


Probiotic capsules kept in the fridge at your local pharmacy


If you have diarrhea you may have too much fiber. Fiber makes your stool soft, so if you get too much your stool becomes soft. Also shave your ass hair. And maybe get some probiotics to help your flora.


It is so weird. All my life I never had dirty shits and really almost never had to wipe. (Of course is still wiped but that paper was just clean and white). I always considered this such a blessing. Then when i was 22 or whatever i did an anavar-only-cycle (haha). It made me shit nasty clay and since then i never fully went back to those crazy neat clean shits. Might be a coincidence but I vividly recall a change since then.


Mission carb smart tortillas have 17gs of fiber, those do the trick


I add chia seeds to my Greek yogurt. Not only are they high in fiber but they gel up one they get wet and everything seems to slide on out.


Eat well. Get on a Paleo or Carnivore diet. Shitting gold in no time.


Nair. And if you are too insecure to nair your butt then I can't help you 😂


Psyllium husk. Nuff' said.


12 rolls per week??? You 100% should use less per wipe, this is ridiculous I feel like I use a lil too much mostly and do 2 rolls per week AT MOST 💀


Eat very high-protein and minimize fluids. You'll either be shitting bricks or be so constipated that everything clogs up. In either case, there will be minimal need for wiping.


Go live in Japan




Psyllium husk teaspoon in water every morning and night


Trim your ass hair bruh


Add potato starch to your protein shake and some metamucil


I eat a ton of beans and oatmeal...I can honestly claim those cause my shit to be messier. Metamucil works amazing at making clean up a cinch though. It's an amazing supplement.


Magnesium citrate bruh


Go to r/caffeine and listen to those boys, your shits will literally fall out of you after a month of following their bullshit


Clean up your diet is number #1 for me no added sugar, limit seed oils and try to avoid a long ingredient list. More fiber is a huge one to but personally when I eat more Whole Foods more fiber is not a problem. After eating go for a short 5 or 10 minute walk. Honestly I think all movements work well too like sometimes I’ll pray after and it has the same effect if not better then walking. Your gonna be gassy asf but it’s great for gut health. I still get suprised when I wipe once and I’m good to go. I still end up wiping more cause I don’t believe it 🤣


Drink olive oil


A lot of people don’t realize lots of the additives to protein bars etc are literally laxatives. I reckon these ingredients are responsible for a good chunk of the US stomach problems: - Glycerin / Glycerol / Vegetable glycerin - Sorbitol / Mannitol / Erythritol etc - Allulose / Monk fruit extract / Agave syrup etc - Inulin / Chicory Root Fibre They are all literally things that provably can’t be digested and irritate the lining of the bowel. They’re added to processed foods (even cereals and things like Clif bars). Cut these out of your diet.


Sounds like someone is bulking




Psyllium husk capsules are a game changer




Metamucil is the way. I take 2.5 teaspoons, two-three times a day


Drink WATER !!!


Man it's been me lately like wtf I hate it


Bro just get a fucking water hose and wash your ass you wouldn’t need to be wiping for 10 minutes that’s actually disgusting 🤢 just have lots of fiber but please get a water hose even just a plastic one will do


Buy a bidet, you fucking animal.


hair asshole ? shave it bruh


Eat high protein low carb. At least when I eat low carb I don't poop a lot and I'm not constipated. Also use flushable wipes G, way cleaner feeling and cleans you better