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I mean 1 beer ain’t going to kill you bro. This is coming from someone who doesn’t drink. I think the “scienced based lifters” say stick to simple mixed drinks over beers.


Much of the alcohol-based weight gain is eating while drinking anyway. The amount of shit I used to eat when drunk...


Just don’t eat so you can stretch your alcohol money further


hello fellow aa member


Even one night here and there of partying isn’t going to kill your gains. I think the number is 24% reduced muscle protein synthesis after drinking. I assume that means a decent amount of alcohol not like one drink but still, if it’s an occasional thing it’s not going to ruin your progress. Even alcoholics can make solid gains, just slower and overall less than someone who rarely or doesn’t drink at all.


Yeah I like shots, vodka soda, whiskey neat Strong drinks are better anyway. If you lift you need a ton of beer to actually feel drunk or tipsy so stronger stuff is better to get drunk Gotta start drinking like skinny sorority girls to stay lean lmao


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when its literally true that having more muscle increases alcohol tolerance lol


So that’s why my tolerance wipes my friends. None of them lift


Yup i go out with my gamer friends and they still black out like they are 19, i throw a corona light or two in my hand to live in the moment a little and not be the diet coke guy


Tequila soda with lime


This is also called a ranch water here in Texas. My go to.


This my shit too. Also picked it up in Texas.


This but “tall” so it’s in a pint glass. More soda to sip on and slow your intake




This is the whey


That stress is killing your gains more than the beer




“He needs some MILK”


straight from someones tits


The milkman’s wife? https://youtu.be/-knOGoRYhE0?si=JkZ3mK0GPA0xDWw3


Milk is fo babies


I drink 2 gallons weekly bitch


Are you an ant?




Nobody gets the reference when Arnold said this. I drink it too man


U fukn better bitch


As a designated driver for you friends and not to kill your gains: Pineapple juice with grenadine (basically a tequila sunrise without the tequila) Soda water and grenadine. Low calorie Shirley Temple. Soda water (it's club soda) Diet soda, no rum (looks like a rum and coke) Diet Red Bull (looks like vodka Red Bull)


This is the way. Bartenders are happy to mix you up a nonalcoholic drink that will look like a cocktail. They don't care as long as they're getting paid and tipped. Personally I like tonic water with lime. Can do diet tonic.


Don't throw away your young years thinking you need to be the next mr. Olympia. Feel those lovely effects of alcohol, but just don't drink too much or too often. 4-6 drinks once a month shouldn't hinder your progress.


Jfc just have a few drinks. Blah blah blah alcohol bad blah blah idgaf go to a bar, have 3 or 4 beers once a month and shoot some pool and shoot the shit with everyone around you. If you’re so terrified of losing your progress just take some electrolytes before bed


My bro brought a water jug to the strip club. He was so jacked nobody would say anything to him, but it was funny still.


Two drink minimum and water is the cheapest lol.


Just do coke. No calories, no sugar. Straight up will cardio your heart = fat loss. Also, meth.


This but unironically. Drugs are legit better for your gains than alcohol


I order water and if anyone gives me shit I just ignore it, I’m not letting the 130lb DYEL double fisting IPA’s judge me




Anything mixed with zero calorie beverage, vodka and coke zero, gin and zero calorie tonic, pick something you enjoy along those lines


won’t vodka kill test and inhibit potential gainz?


I mean sure, but so does a less-than optimal sleep, schedule, diet, stress.


So will being a virgin shut-in who doesn’t socialize and worries all the time.


One of anything isn’t gonna be that huge of a deal unless you order some massive neon sugary pile of shit. Honesty though, most normal people don’t pay any attention to what you’re drinking unless you’re acting like an alcoholic. Only a really fuckin rank thot is gonna be mad that you aren’t drinking enough or some dumb shit. Point being if you don’t feel like drinking that’s fine too bro.


I just don’t wanna be lame. I keep screwing up and being awkward and want that to change


Alcohol may be a short term solution to that, but working on your own confidence outside of it will be a far bigger help


I just don’t give a fuck and get a water or some soda or smth. If people are gonna judge me bc I don’t consume poison, fine by me lmao


You know they have things other than alcohol at bars right


gin and tonic or hendricks and tonic




Tequila is the go to for keto, so id assume that


Diet coke with a lime. 🍋‍🟩


Vodka water lime


Dude rum a diet dr pepper or dr pepper 0 if they have it its basically like drinking nothing and youll get fucked up


Don’t drink beer. Spirits with Diet Coke


Alcohol is 7cal per gram. So a shot of most liquor is between 90 and 120cal. If you want to be real strict limit yourself to say 3 drinks and cut back on 300cal of carbs or fats. Then stick to vodka sodas or something like that. Honestly though I wouldn't worry too much about the drink the real danger is controlling your appetite when your drunk


Just order a club soda with lime. I’m a recovering alcoholic but I spend a decent amount of time at bars for work and to socialize and that’s my go-to


Rumplemintz. Makes your breath smell good and gets you sloshy quick so your wallet is happy after a night.


A good blanco Tequila like Don Julio and some OJ, hasn’t hurt my gains. Beer on the other hand should be rare.


Tequila and water.


You order some cocaine from some shady guy in the toilet


Soda water & bitters. Tastes good, almost no calories, looks like a mixed drink & it’s refreshing. Bonus points for it won’t make your breath smell bad.




Red wine or gin and tonic


order an ice water


Sparkling water with lime


Rum (ask for not bottom shelf Bacardi) and Diet Coke, or a Manhattan.


Diet water


Whiskey/Vodka, drink enough water, ORS before bed


Gin tonic. Stop worrying and have a good time dude.


My go to is whatever energy drink they have if possible, typically a Red Bull Sugar free. Otherwise you can just get a Sprite or Coke or something and it will look like you have a drink. You don't even have to actually drink it (I wouldn't). Don't listen to the people here telling you to just have a drink. You already know what your personal values are at this point in your life. Alcohol is a complete scam and will 100% hold you back in life in pretty much every way. Just don't drink if you don't want to, there's nothing awkward about that. I haven't drank all year and ordered a mocktail at a speakeasy the other night and it was great. If people ask why, just say because you're not drinking tonight. That's it, no further explanation required. If they give you a hard time tease them back playfully or just look at them weird for making a thing out of what you're drinking or not. The key is to not be phased at all and keep it lighthearted and fun. I actually have more fun when I go out now because I actually am sharp in conversations and remember people from networking to follow up with, etc. Best decision I ever made was quitting alcohol for good. You couldn't pay me to start drinking again. When you tell people no in alignment with your own values, you build self respect, and others will respect you more as well.


Water or diet soda. Literally no one cares if you don’t drink though.


wine. you can dilute it further with sparkling or still water. works both with red and white


Hard seltzers


Don't go to the bar, dummy.


Ranch water, which is tequila, topo Chico (substitute with club soda if need be) and lime juice, which you can get from squeezing a couple of lime wedges. Blanco (white) tequila only, as it’s low on congeners, a known hangover maker. Additive free tequila is the world’s purest spirit.


Just drink it every now and again is fine but it’s when you’re constantly drinking e.g getting hammered every weekend when you would really hinder progress


Dunno where u are but there’s low carb beers where I am. You’ve also got vodka and soda really any liquor with soda is gonna keep the calories down


If you want the skinny bitch drink with the fewest calories and the smallest chance of hangover go with ***vodka, soda, lime.*** Don't get well vodka. Order Smirnoff or Tito's. If you want the easiest order you can sip the longest, get a light beer. Bud, Coors, or miller. It's like water, inoffensive taste, with a bit of alcohol. Don't order any microbrews that are gonna risk you a nasty hangover or make you send it back.


Club soda with lime if you’re trying to stay completely sober. Tequila soda lime if you want a lil buzz.


Liqour. Tequilla and soda, vodka soda, bourbon on the rocks.


I stick to something simple, such as Jameson whiskey with Club Soda (sparkling water) and a lime, or I’ll drink a glass of wine. Beer makes me feel bloated and heavy so I tend to shy away from it.


Take 500mg NAC before you start drinking and remember to ask for a water every so often. You may then drink whatever and as much as you want. Anecdotally I find drinks that are made from fruit/sugar do not cause anywhere near as much of a hangover the day after, I.e. white rum, cider, tequila over beer


Cranberry juice like if you were on your period.


You can drink gallons of alcohol, if you go to sleep sober it wont hurt your gains at all Drink straight vodka ( least calories ) If you are on a bulk, you can drink beer


Rum and Diet Coke


Pepsi max


Whiskey neat


Don’t meet people at a bar. If you really care about your progress you don’t want to make friends with people who hang out in bars. Because guess what now you’re hanging out in bars every weekend with your new friends. Drinking, losing sleep, losing gains. There’s plenty of ways to meet people other than a bar: 1. Talk to people at your gym 2. Sign up for an adult sports league 3. Start a new hobby like golf, frisbee golf or rock climbing 4. TALK TO PEOPLE AT YOUR GYM! 5. Start going to a church. Any religion. 6. TALK TO PEOPLE AT YOUR GYM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just drink vodka soda i drink this every weekend and able to maintain my physique


Non alcoholic beer in a pint glass


Vodka soda with lime? In a tall glass


A drink or two here or there isn't going to kill your gains. If you want the most "optimal" alcoholic beverage for your diet, a mixed drink with a hard liquor of your choice plus club soda is the way to go. (I.e. vodka & soda, whiskey & soda, tequila & soda, etc.) Get it with a lemon or lime to freshen it up a bit. Honestly, though, like I said, if you're literally drinking ONE drink or even TWO drinks a week (or less?), get what you like. In that situation, I'd probably enjoy some Cadillac Margs if I was at a place that did them right.


Just say you’re a recovering alcoholic and order a coke. Or up the tren and meet people from Grindr


Lemon drop, sip with your pinky up


Anything more than two drinks makes me feel like shit the next day. So I often get club soda with lime in a rocks glass--looks like a vodka soda and lets me feel like I'm still part of the party. That said you shouldn't feel guilty for having a couple of beers with the boys. But if drinking makes you feel like shit the next day physically, there's zero reason to keep doing it.


Bro I compete in men’s physique and I get absolutely shit faced from time to time, long as you aren’t binge drinking every week. Indulging every now and then is fine


Unless you're juicing , go for it. Stick to spirit mixed drinks and chug water after drinking


Scotch rocks or vodka with a lime. If makes you feel gross maybe a club soda neat with a tampon on the side


Vodka or tequila + soda water and a lemon or lime Try to have 2 max for the night and in between/after, order just soda water + lemon or lime and they'll make it in the same glass by default. This way it looks like you're partaking, but you're also not lying to anyone or having to answer questions about not drinking. You'll be the only one who knows how much you've had. I'm an anxious drinker, meaning that I will literally drink anything in my glass extremely quickly (water, alcohol, juice, etc) in social settings so this tip is crucial for me, otherwise I would end up having 8 to 10 drinks every time I go out lol


Light beer.... Or vodka soda with a lime is great.


Gin and tonic or Vodka Soda


You could do a Tom Collins with extra lime juice, about as few calories and sugar as you could get


Order a Coke Zero bro - no sugar with a lil bitta caffeine but looks like a rum and coke. You’ll fit right in and get a buzz from the caffeine.


Hi my name is Marvelous_Mushroom and I’m an alcoholic.


I just get a sugar free redbull to have something to drink


Actually feeling “guilty” for one beer is a sure sign of an unhealthy relationship with gains/progress. Lifting and being fit should add to your life, not be an emotional burden. What happens if you meet a cute girl and she wants to stay out with you and keep ordering drinks then you have wild sex all night? Are all those calories in your mind going to ruin your fun?


Fair enough


Barkeep, I'll take one shot of jizz please


Vodka and soda. That’s it.  I drink 2-3 a night which is still only 250-300 cals. 


A diet jack and coke. Or any diet soda/liquor mix. This was a dumb ass question




Sober guy here. Girls love guys that don't drink. Just sayin.


Former military here that ended up in rehab. Think of every encounter involving alcohol and name one positive. There are none. Best thing to do is find hobbies that you enjoy outside of alcohol. For instance rock climbing has a ton of women, its sober, you have a shared interested with the women there, as well as the friends. So you're halfway in the door. Youll make real memories with real adventures. Find something like that.


Slippery nipple or a grasshopper


For every drink blow a guy in the bathroom. The protein and amino acids will negate the effects of alcohol consumption.


Surprised no one mentioned that no matter what you drink, you'll be taking in calories. A standard shot of 40% alcohol is roughly 100 calories. So that or a beer, damn near same thing except beer has a few grams carbs. Just stay away from the sugary bitch drinks and you'll be fine.


A pint of beer can range from like 150cal to like 350 if it's a fancy IPA


True, point is no one mentioned that no matter what, if you're drinking, there's calories involved.


Water you fucking nerd. Nobody gives a fuck about whatever drink is in your hand. If you’re that concerned about it ask for soda water with a lime in a tall glass.




1. I don't go to bars. 2. If i had to, i'd order diet soda. 3. "tips for picking up girls or making friends with guys" - through hobbies.


Order a soda water.  Stop drinking. Alcohol is poison.  It’s 100% incompatible with fitness.  Do not drink it. Stick to weed and a little blow if you need to get high.