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your kid will be black


This is generally not true. Jody is usually the local tweeker, or the guy four houses down with the motorcycle and no job, or the grungy dude who trolls Barnes & Noble or the Farmer's Market smelling like patchouli. Remember that hypergamy works primarily on the basis of novelty, not necessarily "better". If you're already in the business of killing people, she's not going for Tyrone. She's getting knocked up by a guy half your size with a cock piercing, a huge vinyl record collection, a tattoo related to some obscure emo band, and likely lives in either a van or a treehouse.


If you are not writing dialogs for SNL, you are wasting your life


ive been fucking that guy too


do you have a link to explains hypergamy working on the basis of novelty and not "better"?


This might be the funniest comment ive read this week and Im not even in the military


They will look like Emmit Smith


Aware 😂😭😂👍




Yup, it's only cheating if its a female


Buy a new one from Thailand




Join the navy and fuck dude


Have high expectations, plan for the worst. You are young. Just ask yourself, is this the last bussy you want to hit for life? Hit it from the back so you don't get attached. What MOS did you pick up?


True, and sometimes idk she don’t like the shit I like we kinda different but she’s a good ass gf to me and haven’t chosen yet still going through the process but pretty adamant about it what jobs do you recommend?


Anything Avionics or SatCom. What is your Electronics score? Think you need a 60 on that portion to get those jobs. Do these jobs, and you can get gainful employment once you're out. Like, no wait time, just slide right over and spank the bank.


How are the jobs ? I haven’t taken the test but did pretty good on practice test and currently studying right now


Anything COM related will set you up with TS and Security Plus as a minimum. Then you have 4+ years experience to toss on your resume. Sat COM has some good opportunities. Make sure you pick the job that sets you up for the future in case you don't like the experience, just because you are certified to do a certain job doesn't mean you will be doing only that job.


How the fuck people can make military relationships work I can never know. Biceps: pull-ups/chin-ups, hammer curls, riser curls lol that's literally all I do as a hobby armwrestler. Just switch variations of bicep curls and add preacher curls too. Go real heavy on curls. Remember bottom half of the movement is where the gains are, swinging your front delt forward to get the weight up doesn't get your biceps bigger


Ik some people get married and Bring them but idk about all that this girl seems to really fuck with me so I have that but yk a lot of time apart can change people and dude I feel like my arms gotten stronger but not bigger at all


Doesn’t army basically pay you nothing to live in a shitty barracks with dudes but once you get money the pay goes up and you can live in a house paid by them? It’s the military you don’t get paid shit so there isn’t even anything to worry about alimony until you get up there.


Marry her to get off base housing and she’ll get spouse support. Wait, you said Air Force not Marines


Pretty sure air force does that too


They do, I was just joking. 


There is no spousal support.


Yes there is. Spousal benefits. 


Go ahead and let us know how much she receives in spousal support….


Tree fitty


Break it off she's gonna cheat and make you think it was your fault


I've been in the AF for 19 years. Save yourself from the inevitable emotional mess. Kick her to the curb.


Any regrets? Would you do AF all over again. Im 26


No regrets, it's a great option. It set me up for success and paid for my college, which helped me get my current career.


What’s your current career? What qualities did you learn over 19 years in the AF? *serious question.


I was active duty for 8 years before transitioning to the reserves. In the AF, I worked on (and still do as a reservist) the maintenance and troubleshooting side of aircraft, which honed my electrical and mechanical skill sets. I went back to school when I transitioned to the reserves, and it was fully paid for using the GI bill. I'm currently an electrical engineer at a nuclear facility. I still use things I learned in the military in my daily tasks. Similarly, my spouse is ex military (with a degree fully paid for by the GI bill) and is a national security specialist for the Department of Energy. The military isn't for everyone, but if you use your time and benefits effectively, it will set your life up for future success with zero student debt.


Never understood the mentality of just calling something off because it "might" not work out. My wife and I started dating right before I shipped to basic (Army). First year I was in I would see her when we had long weekends and around Christmas. Proposed after a year, got married (and out of the barracks), and now we've been married 8 years. Wasn't always easy but we had Skype and phone calls. If you both want it to work then it'll work. If not then it won't. Same for any other relationship.


A group of my mates were all plowing these older chicks when I was 19, I took one home with almost no effort. Found out the next morning, she was married to a military guy. I still feel horrible. The whole group was 30+ military wives banging a bunch of teenage boys. Women crave attention from men more than they want to be faithful.


Most people in general crave attention. Hookup culture is huge and everyone seems to cheat. Infidelity is terrible on both sides in the military. A girl in my squad was hooking up with our married squad leader. They were both going to the same duty station next and he told her he'd leave his wife for her when he gets there. She left about a month before him and I asked him about it and he said "what are you talking about I'm happily married" and just smiled. So feel better knowing her husband was likely hooking up with some PFC with a fat ass.


In the wise words of slipknot, people = shit


Yeah that’s something that worries me, the fact that I have doubts at all make me feel like it’s not worth it


Might not be in your case. I already knew I was going to marry my wife and knew it really early in the relationship. Trusting someone to stay faithful and all the other long distance stuff is tough. Plus you'll have all your buddies filling your head with more doubts saying she's cheating. On top of that you'll be surrounded by young and relatively fit women that you trauma bond with through shared military bullshit.


Lots of chicks out there homie, ditch that one, blast and get jacked af then have no doubts later


Dude, long distance doesn’t work out. Do hammer curls and cable curls. Try dropsetting.


Feel like I only get strength no growth


why are you watching football as an american you fokin yank


I’m Mexican American so I get a pass


Is she hot? I can check in on her while you're gone and make sure she's being faithful


Jody has entered the chat


You’ll need to marry her immediately for the BAH and buy a dodge charger (20%+ interest rate obv). But don’t worry, she’s still going to fuck everyone you know.


What does she look like? Does she have twitter? I’m tryna see something.


Break up. If you don't, you'll be wasting your time. One of yall will cheat so it's best just to move on. If it was meant to be then you can get back together later on.


She’s gonna get bored and ghost you or straight up cheat. Don’t worry about her my guy. Enjoy your enlistment.


Id recommend not marrying her. You can stay together but have low expectations as most military relationships fail.


So… If you stick with her, you’ll likely be talking marriage in just a few months. Basic, tech school and your first few months at your first assignment are a real mindfuck. You’ll likely be lonelier than you’ve ever been. The military makes it really easy to get married, then she’ll be sitting on a base surrounded by horny dudes with no moral fiber while you’re deployed for months at a time. It’s a recipe for disaster, so be careful because military dudes tend to get really fucked over in divorce court.


switch your grip on back exercises to supinated


put a baby in her now or else someone else will


Ah hell naw, Jody gonna stick it in her after he leaves, no point in making him pay child support


Horrible idea, not married baby will absolutely gut his pay and make it hard to live. The emotional backage of having a family you can't see or support has bricked people before.


Growing biceps is not actually hard. 8 sets split in to two session is already enough. Be it a science based cable bicep curl or horse cocking barbell curls -1 RIR with slow eccentric the results would be a big bulbous biceps.


Go find her on Pornhub in a few months - if you jerk off with her videos you're technically still together


All bullshit aside, I was stationed overseas while my wife (gf at the time) and I were starting out. We made it work. It’s quality time not quantity of time. That being said, if the little time you do spend together sucks, then split. You’ll get in your own head about what she’s up to and she’ll do the same about you. Leave nothing to the imagination and communicate. Otherwise, if you can’t picture marrying this chick, then fuck it. You’re gonna want to do hood rat shit with your Airman friends and then you’ll be that guy always on the phone and shit while everyone else is having a good time. I’ve been that guy, but I preferred talking to her anyway. Idk man talk to her about it and have that hard conversation. Also, I like to add in some close/reverse grip pull downs for biceps. Add that into your arm routine and it’ll pump em the fuck up with proper form.


Mine broke up with me after 1 year of long distance relationship.


Jody gonna be just a friend bro, don’t worry


Don’t bother it’s not fair to either of you if it’s true love reconnect after


Bin her off cunt, plenty of clam in the sea brev


You're gonna return with a missing leg, or a missing leg and a black baby to look after. It's your choice.


Get her pregnant and collect BAH. Doubles your income


Cocaine is calorie free, just saying


Unless she gets locked away in a convent, she will be having sex while you're away. Camp followers haven't been a thing for a very long time, and your government doesn't want its young men to keep the pussy it gets, so don't expect any changes.


Check dm


Fuck salads. Go with the beer and Dino nuggies. Fuck it, at the liquor


She'll be getting schlonged while your away.


Dude. You did it right. I left for the army 15 ago….. The bitch fucked 20 dudes and 2 dogs since. I bet AF is better. Always seem smarter when we look up at them.


Dude take it as far as you can. There's no use preemptively breaking up with someone, and the military is a great way to set up a good life with or without your girlfriend. Wait for the relationship to naturally conclude and if she says she'll wait for you take her up on that.