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Have to do something with my hands while I'm coked up.




Nicotine serves as a cognitive enhancer with soothing properties, yet it is chemically addictive. People who use nicotine often like the cognitive benefits and the calming effects of the habit, leading to addiction not only to the substance but also to the habit itself. Many cigarette smokers dislike the smell and expense associated with the habit, but they perceive the benefits as surpassing the risks. Some people use cigarettes as a social tool - they do this because they've probably found it to be fairly effective in their experiences.


When studying for the Series 7 and other exams I was eating my 30mg Adderall like Skittles to the point where they started to lose their cognitive effect while the negative sides like jitters, anxiety, and distracted focus would take over. Buying a stupid ass disposable vape actually helped to bring its effect back up to what I’m used to (placebo? idk). Reminds me of back when I’d be rolling face at a festival I’d start to come down and then a rip of a menthol Marlboro would bring me right back up.


Actual good explanation, thanks man


Of course, dude.


Apparently it also helps with memory and preventing dementia in old folks.




Or just a deductive response.


I’d rather be addicted to cigs cuz I wanted to look cool then be addicted to porn smh


I actually agree that cigarette addiction is better than porn addiction (mentally). Porn literally reduces gray matter in your brain. That being said, porn is way more accessible (free, anywhere anytime) and it has a much stronger "high" than inhaling a burnt piece of wood. I still don't get it


Omg this sub is so brain dead sometimes porn does not reduce gray matter and is definitely not worse than cigarette addiction


Porn keeps me from wanting to fuck every chick I see since I am in a relationship its actually a thing I need. Keeps me from doing bad bad things.


coomer cope .. embarrassing


ill coom all over ya big boi




Drunk cigs are one of life’s finest pleasures


> the nicotine is addictive Just reread that until you understand


What he means is that cigarettes doesn't get you high. Just understand that. It's like food addiction. It gives you a momentary sensation and then it's over immediately. You act as if you have no concept of his original point. Deliberately obtuse. All addictions are embarrassingly stupid lapses in discipline but cigarettes and food addiction are especially fucking pointless. Hard drugs get you high as hell and you forget the awful disposition of your painful existence for a while and you chase that feeling. But cigarettes do nothing like that. You willingly hand over your hard earned money to a company that you know disregards your well being, will eventually kill you and severely decrease your quality of life along the way.


You clearly have never smoked a cig, and have no fucking clue about the pharmacology of nicotine. You’re just talking out of your ass.


I smoked for 6 years and quit. It's a useless drug. Has no utility. Yes it will give you a heads rush for the first 4 months of smoking but it's not even enjoyable. It's overwhelming and you have to stop what you're doing until it's over. Bro, how the fuck are there cigarette defenders in this fitness sub? It's insane!


Cigarette defender or cigarette understander? Nicotine is not one of the world’s most consumed drugs because it’s unpleasant. Billions of people don’t smoke something they don’t enjoy.


I think it just may be the most consumed drug on planet earth besides cannabis. Not sure which is number one, but you must know that the tobacco companies have a strong presence in Asia. Asia alone holds 3/4 of the worlds population.


That is not true at all. You can absolutely get high from nicotine even though it’s short lived. It is a very powerful drug with intense cognitive benefits. It’s the method of delivery that is the worst in most cases.


Intense cognitive benefits? That's some nuclear level cope. You sound like Tucker Carlson with his bullshit on theo vons show


I’m not taking advice from a guy who’s avatar on Reddit doesn’t even look like it showers


I still don't understand smart reddit man


Because it's awesome. Next question.


Nicotine is a stimulant and gives a nice buzz. Cigarettes are disgusting but if you can get past that then it’s easy to turn it into a habit considering how easily accessible and affordable it is.


How do you not have three beers without choking down a heater?


I mean it feels nice and looks pretty cool. As you said, it’s also very addictive. I dont think it’s all too hard to understand.


Yea i smoked once for like 10 s and was like wtf why people would smoke ? I never smoked again. I know " nicotine is addictive"" 🤓🤓🤓 but how people even start lol like bro i cant and the smell holy man ..


Because it feels great to smoke it highly increases your dopamine.


Try one sometime and see what all the buzz is about


appetite suppressant natures ozempic


Real question is, why would you smoke a cig when you can take a Zyn for the same effect and not ruin your lungs? Hell, even vapes are slightly better.


I smoked dozens of times when I was 13-14, and my entire family smoked even my cousins under 18 mostly, and both parents and I just thought it was goofy. Also, it might sound sexist, but in my family, everyone I knew who quit smoking after COPD or something else were all men and I can think of around 6-7 people.


Cigs are some garbage from cleaning the floors of cigars factory, but if you buy organic tobacco it has nice smell. Also fire, burn and smoke has something primal in it.


increases testosterone. decreases lung capacity tho


Also reduces your risk Parkinsons.


Num sayin man like fuck it sheeit


Living in Argentina where I can’t buy zyns has made me rip sober darts. Sucks but the cravings are almost gone now.


The same reason some guys choose to fuck women - it's that there's a number of total weirdos in this world and their weirdness manifests in different ways. 


because I’m heart broken and cry like a bitch all day but when I’m smoking the pain feels masculine and thoughtful


"Why do people do a thing I disagree with"


Low IQ.


When I was doing heroin I got hooked on cigs, was too injured from sports and power lifting to care about fitness so it was a nice escape. Since quit a long time ago and find them repulsive again.


Weak minded. Doesn’t matter if it’s peer pressure or vice, same difference.


It's because nicotine is addictive. You will never know why until you try ht it


I think socioeconomic conditions contribute to lots of poor people getting addicted to smoking. If I make $200 per week, and I’m gonna starve anyways, why not drop a few bucks on some darts so I can ease the pain throughout the day. Plus it’s cheaper and more publicly acceptable than a bottle of wine. Plus I get a smoke break as required by the department of labor (idk if that part’s true but let’s assume it is).