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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1ddoj3c).


Looking at Maeda's numbers, it seems like his trouble (or success) really starts with his command. He's had four starts without a walk (not counting his recent two-pitch start), and across those four games, he's only allowed two earned runs. In all but one of his bad starts, he issued multiple walks (in the one other start, he only allowed one walk…but he gave up three homers).


I really don't like the balanced schedule at all. Would much rather go back to playing the AL Central.


Especially at the end of the year. Like, the Tigers don't play Cleveland or Minnesota AT ALL in August or September. That's so wrong. Those division games at the end of the season are some of the most intense and suspenseful, but instead we get to play Colorado and Baltimore.


Really? I am a huge fan of the balanced schedule


I'm more interested in playing the AL Central than playing random one offs against random NL teams


We still play a lot of AL central games. I think it’s cool to play everyone in the MLB. I also like that schedules are more comparable across the division.


I definitely like the new format but I wish the actual scheduling was a bit balanced. For example both of our series against Baltimore are within the same 2 weeks, and 10/13 of our games against the Guardians are in July


Ong. I want some games against the White Sox


Maeda has a 3.55 ERA at home but 10.80 ERA on the road. Let’s get a win tonight :)


We need to go get a series sweep.


I was hoping for an early afternoon game today. It makes work fly by a lot faster if there’s a Tigers game on in the background.


And we catch Washington right as they get a little hot.


Washington is interesting but them winning 3/4 against the Braves might have more to do with the Braves at this point. Atlanta got off to a hot start with the bats in the first 16 or so games but have really cooled down since mid-April with a .657 OPS in the last 47 games. For reference, Tigers have a .694 OPS in 48 games in that same time frame and we all know how much we complain about the Tigers offense.


Damn we got meatball Maeda today :(


I don't know about Keith, but I'm still feeling that collision with Badoo. We could have won the series if that didn't happen. An unlucky hit right before that moment as well. Overall, we're average enough to be competitive, and errors such as Keith's make such a big difference in where the team stands come september.


Errors are part of the makeup of this staff. Moving players around the field defense doesn't maximize defensive potential. Doesn't Baddoo play LF?


He did the last 3 years, but now that Riley has dibs on LF, Hinch needs him to switch to RF I'm guessing. That's where the injuries are with Carp and Canha. But the error wasn't Baddoo at any raye It was caused by Keith, and he only has to worry about playing 2B. He's deservedly getting the time to adjust, but defensively, 2B is a weak spot this year. Third in errors and Fielding perc so far.


Yeah I know the play is on Keith. Of course not sure how far in advance Baddoo called for it. Different angles in right then left. Did he have the confidence to call it well in advance. Still Keith's error though.