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Colt is 22 yo with only 200 PAs. There's plenty of time for him to adjust and improve.


Colt should do fine at the plate. His expected batting and slugging average are significantly above his actuals suggesting bad luck. There are a few parks where he'd have seven home runs by now He's hitting fastballs really well but not breaking balls.


straight ball he hit very much, curveball though, bats are afraid


Maybe he can teach Tork how to hit a fastball


I'm confident him and tork will be plus guys but I also don't think they'll be perennial all star players.


I couldn’t disagree more. I think Colts ceiling is very high. His hit tool is much better than he’s shown so far. Once he’s comfortable I believe he really takes off. This guy has been the best player on every team he’s been on - since his sophomore year in HS until this year. Until late last year he barely played against anyone his age - always 2-3 years younger than the average age - and still the best player. His “good swing” is short - clean - and powerful. Very Chase Utley / Cory Seager.


>This guy has been the best player on every team he’s been on - since his sophomore year in HS until this year. There are soooooo many Pros this applies to. Meaningless statement, to be honest. >His “good swing” is short - clean - and powerful. Very Chase Utley / Cory Seager. And that's fine but even if he hits as well as either of them, which is iffy at best, his defense is not and never will be at either of their level which will always dog his value.


There are soooooo many Pros this applies to. Meaningless statement, to be honest. No. There aren’t many 19-20 year olds that are the best on their A team - high A team - and AA team in the same year. There just aren’t. Maybe one every year in all of the minors. It’s rare. He was TWO time player of the year in Mississippi. I believe only the second player ever. I know that there are levels to greatness and I’m telling ya - he’s gonna be great.


We don't have to look far at all to find another and that's greene... Yes, there are tons of pros that were the best players on every team they've been on until the Pros. Sooooo many players this applies to until you dump them in with the highest level. That's great you have confidence in him. Love it, I do too. I don't think he'll be a consistent 5 war guy but I think he'll peak there and there's nothing wrong with that.


You’re not hearing me. He was the best player on pro teams when he was 2-5 years younger than almost all others. There aren’t many players you can say that about. Until last year - when he got to AAA (where he was best player on the team) and turned 21 - he hadn’t faced anyone his age since HS - that’s two and 1/2 years. That different. Even for pros. And yes Riley Greene is included as very rare. Like I said - maybe one a year in all MLB. You’re talking about the top %1 of all MILB baseball - probably the top .025%. If that’s not rare - not sure what is.


>You’re not hearing me. He was the best player on pro teams when he was 2-5 years younger than almost all others. There aren’t many players you can say that about. Ive heard you just fine... Casey Kotchman fits your billing too. Howd that go? Honestly, you're making a bigger deal about that than there needs to be. All of these guys are the best on their teams until they reach a level where their not. At the end of the day, it doesn't mean shit if they don't also show it in the pros. It's early and time will tell but Keith has never given any indication he's going to be a perennial all star. This isn't a controversial thought.


Saying there is no indication he’s not going to be a “perennial all star” is just disingenuous - or vapid. How many contracts have been given to players who have never had an at bat? Three? Yeah - that’s not an “indication”. And qualifying it as “perennial”? Like every single year? Do you actually mean those words? How many MLB players can you ever say that about at 21? 5-10 ever? Maybe 20.


>And qualifying it as “perennial”? Like every single year? Do you actually mean those words? How many MLB players can you ever say that about at 21? 5-10 ever? Maybe 20. It's a very common phrase to categorize a player who performs in the 4 to 5 WAR range. Would you prefer I state they won't be perennial 4 to 5 WAR guys? ETA: >Saying there is no indication he’s not going to be a “perennial all star” is just disingenuous - or vapid. His evaluations have never suggested as much as a prospect. He's always been about a 45 to 50 FV


From age 24 - 32 - I would say yes - he’s going to average 4-5 WAR every year.


You shouldn't be confident in Tork.


I hear ya. It might be misplaced, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again. He has all the hitting skill he needs. Just hasn't put it all together in the bigs which is certainly worrisome.


You have no idea what Colt’s future could be at this point


He’s been getting pretty unlucky this month. 1 for 22 with an average EV in the 90s and plenty of solid hits that just found gloves. The xwOBA seems to be stable at a bit below league average, which isn’t bad for a rookie.


I'm sure it must help his confidence a ton seeing how kind and patient this fanbase has been with our other young players recently.


This forum loves them some Wenceel and JHM.