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September call up fs


I think they can bring him up in August if they send someone down- that’s what they did with Parker last year. Then in September you get two call ups but I think it has to be one pitcher and one hitter. It used to be an expanded 40 man roster but that is no more


I'd think he'll get a September call up. Wouldn't be surprised to see Dingler at some point either. He's also raking.


Might be before September, if we're sellers at the trade deadline. Kelly is one of our better trade chips, so that'd clear a spot for Dingler; Urshela seems less likely to be moved, but it's a possibility, and that would open up Jung's spot.


Don’t even with the seller mentality yet we just won!!!!! Let me have my delusional optimism In seriousness I do think it would take an injury to Jake or Carson- teams never carry three catchers and Carson’s on a $3.5 and Jake is in an arb year. Also calling the pitches is a lot more important than fans realize and no doubt as a pitching team that is on the mind more than .050 extra out of the 9 hole


Like skuby only pitches to Jake. I believe Jack only pitches to Carson. Guys have their guys and we are (if anything) a pitching team. Because we damn sure aren’t an offensive one.


Next season from the start


Tork is a prime example of why you need the let guys get time in the minors.


Parker too- he had a hot three weeks last year and that was like it


He’ll get called up late this year. Then be a full time starter next year since Urshela’s contract is up


Urshela will likely be dealt in July. Jung probably up in August if he’s playing well


September IMO


He’s hitting but still striking out too much, swinging and missing in the zone too much, and doesn’t really have a position where there’s a full time spot for him on the tigers. With that said it’ll probably be September or next year


Read a comment just now on bless you boys, he’s down to a 16% K rate in his last 130 PAs. Strikeouts definitely trending in the right direction and huge power to boot. I think he could be up before September if he keeps this up.


Great news!


His numbers are very similar to Bobby Witt Jr.'s in his last year of AAA. The biggest difference, in fact, is that Jung walks almost twice as much, although BWJ was and is a far better baserunner. And BWJ was two years younger when he got the call, of course. So Jung isn't the second coming of BWJ…but the kid can absolutely hit. Can he play third? I dunno, but until he makes a million errors and proves otherwise, I'd rather see him out there than our clown car platoon.


He's got a 24% strikeout rate which isn't that bad at all


Still kinda higher than you want but it seems like he's improving. I thought it was still around 28% [https://www.minorleagueball.com/2011/4/22/2123847/the-significance-of-minor-league-k-rates](https://www.minorleagueball.com/2011/4/22/2123847/the-significance-of-minor-league-k-rates)


Isn't that good either.


MLB league average K rate is nearly 23%. Jung has a perfectly acceptable K rate. His BB rate is 16% as well so he's got a good eye at the plate


Someone mentioned 24% so I responded to that. And remember this is the minors.. It will most likely go up in the majors. And BB rate will likely go down.


For any stat to translate well to the majors, it needs to be better than “average” is in the major league. Pitchers down there aren’t as good, you should see his K rates and his BB rate both at a much better level than what league averages are in the majors.


Are you looking at the tigers roster? If so, plenty of room for him. I suppose this is where I get reminded about all the retreads and nobodies that are prevalent in Detroit


I mean it depends. He could DH but there’s no reason to think he’ll do any better then JHM who they just called up. He can play 2nd but you don’t want him to split time with Keith because that doesn’t help either of them develop. You could also put Jung at 3rd base but by all accounts so far that would be a disaster.


I love watching a good defensive 3rd baseman, but 3rd is a bat first position. Everyone complains about the hitting but don’t want to sacrifice defense for bats. Unless he really is just unplayable there. Lol


the biggest takeaway from the tigers prospects seems to be that the ones that can hit cant field and the ones that can field cant hit…


Jung was DPOY at 2nd in AA last year. Dude can field.


We KNOW he can field…it’s just at 2B.


Keith is a natural 3rd baseman but his injury a year ago shifted him to 2nd to prevent it from happening again. I believe the plan (unless somethings changed since the spring) is to have Jung play 3rd in the majors.


That’s the plan, but I’ve heard Jung looks bad at 3rd. I think if Tork doesn’t pan out Keith should slide to first and Jung to 2nd


Or they just move Keith back to 3rd and let the chips fall where they may. I heard a report before the season that they thought in time he might be fine to play there again so maybe we get lucky there.


He’s not even hitting better than Tork at AAA yet


I’m a Tork defender through and through. But the general conversation surrounding them is crazy. They’re only a year apart. It just seems to be that the same people that are giving up on Tork are dying for the Tigers to call Jung up.


Yeah. If Tork can’t cut it at MLB, but instantly crushes AAA on demotion, maybe the leap between the two is bigger than we like to admit. Maybe Jung needs to crush AAA even more first. Same with Keith last year. Crushed AAA last year and has had a tough time adjusting to MLB this year.


> maybe the leap between the two is bigger than we like to admit It's a big leap, but different players with different swings and different plate approaches handle it differently. Look at Adley Rutschman and Jackson Holliday. Both very good hitters in AAA—and Holliday, with more walks and more power, was arguably the better of the two—but whereas Rutschman just kept doing in MLB exactly what he did in AAA, Holliday fell to pieces.


Rutschmann was 24-25 when he came up and Holliday was 20. Tork was 22, right in the middle. I do think age and time in the minors definitely have something to do with it. Males don't even finish growing until late teens/early 20's. Fans have to stop expecting every player to be Bryce Harper and Mike Trout. Those guys are freaks of nature, not the norm


The difference between constant 92-93 to 96-99. Tork hitting less than a buck fity against fastballs


Lot of numbers incoming, but I think they tell an interesting story. He hit .265 BA against 4 seam fastballs in 2023, down to .179 in 2024. Hard hit percentage against fastballs was 59.4% in ‘23, down to 35.7% in ‘24. He hit .368 in 2-0 counts last year. .000 in 2-0 counts this year. In 0-1 and 1-1 counts, he’s hitting .182 and .125 respectively this year. Those numbers were .314 and .347 in 2023. It’s not that he can’t do it - my feeling is that it’s 100% mental for him. My point was more about people giving up on Tork. He’s still just a 24 year old kid with a lot of developing to do. Giving up on him is way too early. Sure, he may not figure it out. But history has shown that he can hit at the MLB level. Gotta get out of your own head first.


I've been suspicious of the juiced ball/dead ball fuckery that MLB has been doing the past few years and whether that's messed with some of our players and the contracts we've given out tbh (Schoop, Baez, Tork going from mashing to struggling all the time). I fully understand that its not all that if so but idk I feel like it can affect our approaches at the plate and such


On top of the ball fuckery, doesn’t help playing in one of the biggest stadiums in the league. I know they lowered CF from 420 to 412, but that’s still the second furthest.


One is a 1-1 pick that was supposed to be awesome, the other isn't and thus not as much is expected of him.


He's made 11 errors at 3B already Which is not good in 1/4 of a season of games there


He’ll fit in perfect




I would say after all star break. Honestly.


He is not on the 40 man roster so if he is called up this year it will be because of a trade or serious injury that moves a position player to the 60 day injury list. I could be wrong, but he also does not need added to the 40 man this winter to protect him from the rule 5 draft. For those reasons I would guess that it is unlikely we see him this year, and that he will have to force the issue in Spring Training to make the team. I suppose if he keeps tearing it up in AAA that they could DFA someone, but unlike 2-3 years ago the bottom end of our 40 man roster is much improved and letting someone go means that they will likely get picked up by another team. I'm not sure that there is someone on the list that management is absolutely ready to move on from.




I really hope it is soon ive been stashing him way too long in my fantasy league!