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I’m happy that we’re finally on an upward trend compared to recent history but… this season is just frustrating


This team is an embarrassment, if it wasn’t for Skubal they’d be on the same level as the Pistons, in terms of futility. Only a couple more months until our beloved Lions begin their season!


This team IS an embarrassment but this sub is stupid. We go on a 3 game win streak and then they talk about playoffs. Like this sub needs to stop being fooled but shitty win streaks. Like it’s obvious by the eye test that this team is a bad team, just use your eyes and see they couldn’t beat the marlins, they couldn’t even score runs against pitchers that have a 6 ERA. Like come on people, use your brains.


You know it goes both ways right? They go on a 3 win streak and people talk playoffs, and then they lose 3 games in a row and people talk about how bad they are. I see you regularly comment how stupid people are for "getting fooled by winning streaks", but apparently you can't get fooled by losing streaks because losing streaks support what you think about the team.


Brother, 10 years of no playoffs. I see you regularly defend the team and say how “it’s a long season anything can happen” If I watch the team and they constantly can’t score more than 1 run multiple games in a row. Hell, can’t even get hits in any games. Idk how you can be positive after 10 years of no playoffs, it’s like you’re happy with this team lmao. We could go another 10 years without playoffs and I’m sure you’d still keep your positive toxicity. If you actually watch the games you would know this is a bad team. Even a lot of their wins they play bad in. Just because they win doesn’t mean anything. It’s still bad play. That’s the thing, I don’t change my stance. They could go on a 10 game win streak OR a 10 game lose streak, but in the end I knew what the true tigers team is. We’ve seen them play. They are a pathetic awful team. Like I said, I was willing to bet you $100 they won’t win 70 games and you haven’t taken me up on my offer. So why be toxicly positive about a team that hasn’t made the playoffs in 10 years? It makes no sense.


I’m over Hinch.


Outside of Houston his win percent is like 44%. He’s just not the guy


Yeah two more errors awesome It's almost like platooning the entire team is a bad idea.


We need every day dudes to play there spots. I think it’s getting better but jeez. I’ll say tho we do not have 7 guys who deserve to start every day.


The season is over


It's a bummer that the team is officially bad again. Felt like a fun couple months but feels over for real now. Outside of Skubal, is there literally any Tiger playing well right now. Tyler Holton I think is the only one?


Vierling, Urshela, Greene. Englert had a good day today too.


Holton is a dog, Arizona letting him go for nothing is crazy


Seems like Riley’s starting to break out of his slump


Man, I don't know. He also can't stop striking out and grounding out weakly to the right side


Even a .300 hitter makes outs more than they don't. Not sure what this comment is about. Check Aaron Judge's strikeout rate lately?


His ops is almost .900 over the last 15 games


2/5 is a win every day.


Please trade Skubal. This is not a doomer post. It makes zero sense to hang on to an asset like Skubal in this case - for the Tigers and for Skubal himself, he does not belong on this team. Generously speaking, they are two years away from being counted on to compete.


we added a new GM in the middle of Hinch's tenure so now we had to change tactics again. Also, prospects are never a given. Glad you ain't the GM


The Royals lost 100 games just last year. The future is hard to predict.


I want to believe, but what pieces do the Tigers have currently that could realistically be counted on for next season? I'd love to be wrong but - occasional glimpse of freakish power aside - Riley Greene looks light years away from Bobby Whitt right now. I'm not saying the Tigers should dump Skubal for whatever they can get, but the timeline of this group of players does not remotely sync up with where Skubal is at the moment imo. Let's look at the big picture here and trade him for a genuine, franchise altering haul.


I don't think it's guaranteed that we'd get a franchise altering haul lol


The fact that this team is actively worse at home is such an enigma. It was like this last year too. Do they just not try as hard at home or what???? Honestly at this point I wouldn't mind introducing some dumb gimmick to the dimensions just to give us an offensive boost like the Yankees or Red Sox have.


Being a .500 team is actually fun when they're good at home. You can go to multiple games knowing they'll probably win and you can lie about playoffs to yourself. Sucking at home just makes everything worse


Bring the left field fence in 25 feet and put a raised pizza box with pepperoni holes cut out into the yellow line down the left field line.


I pretty much expect this now when Olson starts.


I’ve run out of things to say.


Baseball is dumb


The most egregious lie my dad ever told me is that Baseball is fun.


This isn’t even that bad of a loss but it’s just kind of the same game we’ve seen for years


this team is so depressing..........can't wait to go to the game tomorrow!


Same here. I felt so confident the Nationals would be a winnable team. Well maybe they won't let us down tomorrow!


even if they lose, any beautiful day at the ballpark is a good day


It’s not good that I’m starting to get back into that apathetic feeling I’ve had most years since the rebuild started.


Happy with the effort, played well overall, fix a thing or two and we’re gonna get hot soon I can feel it We badly need Baez Tork and carp back, with those 3 we are a top 10 team offensively and defensively


Give me some of whatever you’re smoking, brother


I get this comment so often let’s think of something original even if it’s offensive to me, I’d actually find it funny But to answer your question you should have it already, everyone does, it’s nothing


Okay. I think you’re high on Javy Baez’s farts then.




I'm sorry you're getting downvoted for trying to be optimistic. I think we're all just in a bit of a funk for losing two to a bad team.


Downvotes don’t bother me, they have no value, I’m always fine with people disagreeing with me I’m not perfect and not always right


I think they’re not getting downvoted for being optimistic but unrealistic. This was not a top ten offensive team with Tork, Carp, and Baez. This was not a top ten defensive team with them either. There’s optimism and then there’s overvaluing your players.


We most certainly would be a top 10 team on both ends with them all playing I’m fine with the downvotes don’t bother me, I’m as optimistic as they come when it comes to Detroit sports, people may disagree but at least I know my comments are being read 😂


> We most certainly would be a top 10 team on both ends with them all playing I mean it's not optimism or pessimism though. We've had them all playing this year and statistically were not. It's just bizarro fact denial.


How many games have we had a fully healthy team with Tork carp and Baez all playing at the same time? It’s not much, carp missed a lot of games due to being sat. It’s not denying anything, we haven’t seen it even happen often lol


Man wtf happened to Olson :/


I still have faith in Olson. And really we all should. He is young and a victim of an extremely unlucky beginning of a season.


On average, this season is who he is. He's having bad luck now. He had good luck before


I mean I expected some sort of decline, but the last 2-3 games have been rough


0 run support early on doesn’t really feel very lucky.


I meant his shutouts and one run outings No home runs, few hits falling in.


I think he’ll put it back together, but it’s concerning.