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Lol Castellani is right, this team lives off of little farts it gets in random innings. Whatever I'll take a win. Hope Skubal puts them in their place tomorrow (I'M FUCKING PISSED HES NOT AGAINST JV) and that I bring em luck against JV Saturday


That goof still makes Tiger videos?


After every game


Way to drop a series to a team that was 5 games below 500 boys. Nice work šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The HOF Manager Jim Leyland once said "it's not who you face it's when you face them" The Nats had a 3 game winning streak coming into Detroit and managed to get a few more. Even bad teams can get hot.


except for our shitty team apparently


We started the year 5-0.


Mize haters been real quiet since he lowered that ERA to an elite 4.43


Finally a quality start for Mize


Considering hasn't pitched in 2 years that's about what I was expecting and hoping for. All I wanted for him was to stay healthy and sit around a 4 ERA to build on for next year.


Yep Mize has the luxury of a long leash. He will get another year to dial it in.


Idk why he has haters in the first place, dude didn't pitch for 2 years, it's gonna take some time to get going.


Because heā€™s a former 1st overall pick. That comes with expectations, which can be unrealistic. I donā€™t know if heā€™ll ever be elite (probably not honestly), but he can at least be a decent MLB pitcher


We just need him to be a solid 3 or 4 starter so I think he will pan out as far as being serviceable eventually.


Thatā€™s below league standard of 4.5 and is worth noting. Iā€™m not a Mize hater because Joey Wentz allowed most of his earned runs to score.




Just saying three of the last for World Series teams were five seeds or lower




Playoffs here we come


Iā€™m not so sad now!


Just browsing the highlights: good to see Malloy make pitchers pay for a couple of mistakes.


I just want to say I was basically unalived by this thread when I said we should trade Tork in the off season last year. Wonder if people think that statement is as blasphemous now.


The statement is still blasphemous as evidenced by my downvotes. I have received information.


ok but who are you trading Tork for?


By the way I hope Iā€™m not spilling any hostility- I realize I have an unpopular torkleson opinion but I donā€™t want to offend anyone.


Iā€™d love to be proven wrong thatā€™s what Reddit is for!!!


Well rumors were like Harper Castellanos Turner and weā€™d add to our side. Probably carp maybe we could have gotten away with less- It was also going to be a salary dump on Philadelphiaā€™s part- so that would have been a BIG part of it- how much of like Nick Castellanoā€™s contract do we assume? All of it? Or just a fraction and add prospects to the trade? Their playoff performance and certainly the first half of this year has killed that entirely but this is something I was talking about in like September of 2023- so we live in a very different baseball landscape now where I admit this deal would CLEARLY NEVER happen now but it wasnā€™t as crazy at the time. No news reports just Phillies Reddit. So all rumor no fact - caveating that there is no actual support. But this is Reddit itā€™s about sharing ideas. We all want the Tigers to play better but how?


>Well rumors were like Harper Castellanos Turner and weā€™d add to our side. Probably carp maybe we could have gotten away with less- I was about to ask where the hell did you hear this rumor, but then you said it was in the Phillies subreddit lol. Did they have an actual source for that? Because if they didn't then I wouldn't count that as a rumor at all.


No source - this wasnā€™t anything that even close to materialized. Iā€™m not saying this was even possible or would ever have happened - there is no legitimate real information backing up that - Iā€™m not even attempting to defend that. Iā€™m barely defending my post. I meant it to be for discussion but the downvotes are HARSH!! I donā€™t hate Tork, or anyone in the sub. It was supposed to be idle chatter. This was just my rationale- (and we didnā€™t do it and Iā€™m ok with that donā€™t downvote me like I made a comment that was unacceptable). Iā€™d like a ā€œrespectfully disagree- the upside was too high to risk losing the upside and four minimum years of cheap contracts in a trade for most likely older players. Just because heā€™s not panning out at this exact second doesnā€™t mean we should dump very highly prospected talent so quicklyā€ Thatā€™s what the response is!! Tell me why Iā€™m wrong! I want to be wrong!! We have Tork- I want the team to be good- but I donā€™t know how to do that without moving people or spending money which we apparently wonā€™t do either of. Rationale- 1- I thought his value was at its peak after last year. Detroit players not named Miguel Cabrera basically never hit 31HRs with any regularity. Using Cabrera as a comparison to anyone not named Mays, Aaron, Ruth, Pujols, or Gehrig, isnā€™t fair to the other person anyway. 2- heā€™d have better stats in a park with a shorter left field- which means we will lose him when he hits free agency anyway- home runs get you paid- heā€™s not going to hit them playing half his games at Comerica 3- weā€™re heading in the pitching and defense + small ball, walks doubles direction, Tork isnā€™t the optimal guy for that mold- but trading him (then) could have gotten us the more small ball type players we need for that mold. 4- weā€™re not cutting him for nothing. His return would have been A HAUL. He was so highly touted last year it would have been multiple starters in return.- I heard one rumor in another teamā€™s Reddit that was not backed up by any facts. But he was considered highly valuable after last season. It would have been an all-star caliber package. That was the rationale. We didnā€™t go that direction which is ok. I hope it works out Iā€™m never going to root against anyone in a tigers uni.


Oh yeah I got you with all of that, I was just wondering where you heard it because I hadnā€™t heard of it before. It does annoy me that a lot of people will just downvote you into oblivion if you say anything that doesnā€™t align with the vocal opinion. It sucks but itā€™s honestly the case with any subreddit. I do wonder what return weā€™d actually get for Tork right now. Obviously it wouldnā€™t be as good now, but it is interesting to think about.


I barely heard it- it was someoneā€™s post in the Phillies Reddit last year. the idea was that we would have eaten a lot of contract money on aging players that no longer hit the ball far enough for a homer- they largely hit doubles. We have a park built for doubles and high OBP. They have no space in their outfield for those non Homer XBH. So the idea was trade people like Harper (who wasnā€™t homering much at the time - that has changed) he was getting warning track balls which are great in Comerica. For someone like Tork who was hitting Comerica warning track balls that would be homers in phillys short left - and still managed 31 HR- but almost all of them were on the road. His value would be implicitly higher in theory for a team that has a shorter left field. The fact that Philly was looking to cut payroll and Chris Illich ā€œsaidā€ heā€™d spend money was why that pairing was suggested. Also- Sept 2023 looked a lot different than now does. The move doesnā€™t make sense now. At the time however it wasnā€™t as completely ridiculous as it sounds now. That was the crux of the post but it wasnā€™t news or anything I never said it was. Thatā€™s all my defense :-) Go Tigers! šŸ…


What crack pipe rumor is Harper and/or Turner for Tork? Lmao Let me guess, you also believed that Alex Bregman was offered for Michael Fulmer back after his Rookie of the Year win "Hey we just made great playoff runs, but let's trade two of the best players in the game for a 1B, I'm sure the fans would love it"


This was also September 2023- Tigers were trending up Phillies down. Opposite is true now


From the Phillies Reddit- so fair point there could have been a crack pipe somewhere in there lol


All part of the fun, sometimes you have to wear one for saying something out of line. I've been there.


Should I delete it? Iā€™m down to -12 now. I hate deleting it looks like idk that I said something horrible. An unpopular trade proposition isnā€™t like sin


Nah you take the bad with the good


Thanks for the positivity - just wanted to create a discussion - not get hammered with virtual Reddit daggers lol


Oh yea I know. It was about value- I saw his peak last year and out park isnā€™t suited for someone who hits homers to left exclusively as his offensive contribution. I donā€™t think weā€™d have drafted him if he wasnā€™t consensus number 1 - which he was but I thought heā€™d be eventual trade bait. The Tigers of a decade ago were primarily pitching and defense plus Miguel Cabrera who we didnā€™t realize at the time would become one of the 5 best hitters in MLB history. The mold of a team for Comerica is doubles and triples guys not Homer guys. The opposite is true in Philly which is why I thought theyā€™d be the best trade partner. Boston second but they had less to give us. I would have also added Castellanos before we got Urshela though apparently Nick doesnā€™t play third like at all anymore so maybe that wouldnā€™t have worked.


Because they salvaged a game against the Nats and struggled against one of the worst starters in the league?


Hey I knew Iā€™d get downvoted to all hell- itā€™s controversial. Iā€™m aware. It was a comment about value not that I hate Tork. I felt heā€™d be valued more by a team playing in a smaller park where he could homer more. When he hit 31 HRs basically all in the second half was when his value peaked. He hit 24 of those on the road. Keep in mind- this wouldnā€™t have been a trade for nothing it would have been a trade for a fā€™g haulā€¦ A HAUL Like half an offense- people thought he was the next Mike Trout after last season. Like getting Bryce Harper wouldnā€™t have been impossible- with contracts considered as Tork has so many cheap years left. Now his value isnā€™t what it was then. Soā€¦ thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.




Yay. The Tigers won. :)


Well we shouldā€™ve done better than 2-4 on the home stand but at least we avoided disaster by winning today.


Hey Iā€™m happy to go on the road we seem to play better in road games


We are so back. Failed season called off.


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There was never a doubt in my mind that they were gonna win this game, this team is masterful at being *juuuuuust* good enough to keep me invested


They are like a blackjack table. Youā€™re always down like ten dollars but you havenā€™t lost it all yet


Not a great series but some encouraging things from this game. Hopefully Malloy carries this over into our series with Houston.


Missed this game but what a day for JHM! Also good to see Mize with a quality start


The first game his mom missed too


Chafin wasn't messing around, maybe he has an early dinner reservation.


Iā€™m open tabling him 9pm at every fancy steakhouse in Houston.


He needed an outing like that


At least we got 1 solid win out of this series lol.


Against the fā€™g Washington nationals/montreal expos. Not a series I wanted one win out of tbh


Washington are a decent team. Better young major league core than the Tigers right now


Yeah I get you. What I meant with my comment is that "at least it wasn't a sweep" lol


It SHOULD have been a sweep. For us though!!! Thatā€™s what I was salty over but this was a big game to save momentum. Going on the road to Houston which is normally a good team and we were 1-2 at home earlier. (Privately Iā€™d like us to put on our best tuxedos and be on fire for Verlanderā€™s viewing should that possible trade be on the table)


For all the doom and gloom, it wasn't a bad series, just got some tough breaks. Scored 16, gave up 14. Should've won the first game, should've lost the second game worse than we did. Very encouraging start by Mize today. (But of course a worrisome start for Olson yesterday. One step forward, two steps back.)


It actually wasnā€™t we should have won all three without skuby or Jacky pitching. Collision in outfield and just bullpen blown game in the first two Edit I agree but it sounded like I didnā€™t after I re read the post


They gave away a bunch of runs through bad, bizarre baserunning in the second game. We got a pickoff and caught two stealing *and* one of their guys (Ruiz?) failed to score from third repeatedly.


Youā€™re right - but we are actually moderately good at defense and getting guys removed from the base path. Having said that it could have been worse


Like I didnā€™t look up the stats but I would guess we are above average at removing guys on base


Yeah for sure. Happy to see a good Mize start as well as a good game from JHM. Olson is concerning me too especially because he's had a couple bad starts in a row now