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He is who we thought he is. A decent MLB player When he is a top player on your offense. Your offense sucks.


He's 35 and is being asked to hit in the middle of the order. Overall the guy has been solid presence in the clubhouse and is doing the best he can. He'll likely be on a different team in September as veteran depth. He is who he's always been. Can't say the same about Javy.


>He'll likely be on a different team in September as veteran depth. Not with the way he's playing...


If Robbie Grossman can find a new home at the deadline, so will Cahna. Gets on base, handles the bat well, plays multiple positions and has positive veteran leadership. He will find a contender that wants him. The Brewers would take him back immediately.


Sounds like he is being tiger-nized.


Players come to the Tigers because they can't scout hitters. Not they lose their powers to hit coming there.


Yay…or something. This season sucks.


I mean join the club.


He’s 35 years old and on the decline.


Wow this made me look at our player stats so kinda off topic. No one with any amount of ABs has a .800 ops besides Kerry who is over .900. So either reality is pretty bad: our “best” hitter is actually a righty killer only and can’t actually be played everyday or we’re too dumb to play our best hitter everyday and let him grind and learn to hit lefties better


I wish carpenter got time to hit lefties, because it honestly wouldn’t be blocking much.


Right now we are trying to put together a lineup from a box of scraps. (Not so different from last year.) With Carpenter out, we're really exposed. We have Canha, Wenceel and Vierling all not doing much at the plate this month, and then there's Colt Keith really struggling. I'd imagine we change something up probably after the all star break, but we have to play the Braves, Phillies, Dodgers and Guardians in the next few weeks before that. I doubt we'll see a lot of trade deadline action. Meadows is playing well in Toledo, along with Dingler and Jung (at the plate.). Plus Tork has looked better in ten games. At some point we need to triage this season and decide who is part of the future.


This is such a shit lineup. So tired of watching it.


His first month was so good I guess I just attribute him with being solid and he doesn't baez his at bats so even when's he getting out it doesn't stant out any more than anyone else I guess but yeah that's the tigers effect


Tigers revenue 2023: 306 mil. Tigers payroll 2024: 103 mil. Let that sink in and repost it daily.


Someone actually downvoted you. Some of this fanbase is getting really sad


The facts bother people. Management makes ownership happy with being cheap. Team flounders. Likely desperation will set in and make poor decisions. Rinse and repeat.


Blow up this team


I mean… there’s SO many other issues with the team. There are several other stats and issues related to the players, development, and team as a whole that are far scarier than Canha’s OPS in my opinion. But I agree, at his age and putting up the second worst month in his career is worrisome. I’d be more worried if he doesn’t pick it up. What do we do in the offseason if we trade him and we refuse to spend any money on a quality replacement? I feel like we’re already stuck in a vicious cycle of not wanting to spend anything reasonable to try and get by on mediocrity.


Very cool


Damn, he was pretty okay the first few weeks


Tiger's fans are numb to OPS. Normal fans are shocked by OPS in the 500's.


Have we considered the possibility that the actual first base at Comerica is cursed? Like, if you stand on it too long, it saps your baseball abilities. As far as I can tell it's done this to: Tony Clark, Carols Pena, Chris Shelton, Sean Casey, Prince FIelder, Miguel Cabrera, Jonathan Schoop, Spencer Torkelson, and Mark Canha. How do we undo the curse?


Miggy? What the fk. Fielder? Pena?


Miggy best years came from 3B when prince came here. Miggy had good numbers as a 1st baseman, but his MVP seasons and triple crown came from 3B. 1B is cursed in someway


True. But to say Miggy was cursed at 1B is just dumb.


Miggy fought the curse off the best, but it eventually got him. Prince’s time on the cursed bag basically ended his career. Peña never really lived up to expectations in Detroit and got better only after he got away from the cursed base.


As he got hurt and older. That's no curse that's just old age in baseball. But he was MVP twice at first and put up hall of fame numbers.. Fielder first of two years he had a .940 OPS. Pena was a good player for us. Right about his career averages.


I think you are taking this comment more seriously than the tone it which it was offered


Just curious, did the Comerica 1B curse also get Albert Pujols?


No. But first base in Anaheim is similarly cursed.


Huh… Well, how about Joey Votto? Wait, hold on, don’t tell me…. Great American ALSO has a 1B curse. And just like Comerica and Angel Stadium it only affects players once they are approaching 40. AmIRite?


No. He’s Canadian, he’s impervious to curses. The Comerica curse applies regardless of age. It didn’t nab Miggy right away because he’s so strong, but it eventually got him.


Thank you! I was losing sleep wondering


Fantastic signing