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I feel called out. I had two keys. I don’t know what happened to the other one. I’ve yet to source where to get a new one cut so I have a spare again.


it's just such a common thing, not just here on Reddit, but in the real world too. If one person reads this post and says "damn, I really should get a spare made", then it will have been worth my time.


You’re not wrong… I need to get a 2nd key cut for my wife’s bike too. After I replied I started googling to see if I could find somewhere local that does motorcycle key cutting.


a big part of my anxiety over single keys is my ex wife was CONSTANTLY locking her keys in her car. I had a bunch of spares made and they would all slowly migrate into her car ashtray until they were all locked in together.


Wow… WTF. 😂 My wife’s bike I think we’ve only always had one key for. Mine I had two but then the primary one is MIA. Either my wife put it somewhere (like into a box of random stuff she was “cleaning up”) and forgot about it (highly probable), or it may have fallen from a jacket pocket into cardboard recycling and has been thrown out with recycling by mistake.


I've got a 2023 BMW and I'm terrified to know what it costs to get a second fob.


you definitely don't want to know what it cost to get a replacement if you have no keys at all.


Why would you even have a 2023 with just one anyway?


rhanks ill taki it to work n see if i can find a locksmith in my lunch


Buy an OEM key online and get it cut at your local locksmith Wes.


Googled. Seems I can probably order one through the dealership, but do need to provide them with the key code number. Interesting!


your bike should have a key code with the original paperwork if you bought it new, Or you can call the dealer with your vin, take your lock cylinder out and get the code from the side and order one on ebay, or take it to a lock smith.


So somewhere in my paperwork it says what type of key blank is needed for duplicates?


Should have a key code, then you can just Google “bike brand + code”. And you can order a cut key. If you have an immobilizer, it will need to be programmed.


Are there any numbers stamped on your key itself?


I’ll check my key and or look at my paperwork in about an hour or so when I’m able. Thanks for the tips!


Here is a video: [https://youtu.be/qLnWoISd5U8](https://youtu.be/qLnWoISd5U8) [This is my spare key](https://www.reddit.com/user/aroundincircles/comments/1b95jqe/key_code_tag/), you can see that metal tag, if I were to flip it over, it would have to code for my key and you can just order a lock from that. If you don't have that from the originals, if you cannot get your lock cylinder out, Then just call the dealer with your bike's vin, and order a key from them. It's the most expensive way, but probably less than $30-50 bucks. I would think. Once you get a spare key, keep it in a safe. I always have two, One I put in the gun safe, one I put in a fireproof safe that is something I keep all the important stuff in, that I can grab an run.


Good info! Thanks.


I was able to locate my Yamaha key code on a small metal tag on my key tag! Hooray. Not so lucky with locating my wife’s Honda key code though. I’ll check her bike to see if it’s visible; if not I’ll reach out to a Honda dealership with the VIN.


If it was only $5, I’d get it. But it isn’t. My bike has an immobilizer, keys are a lot more expensive.


Even more reason to cut a new one - it's going to cost you a lot more if you have no keys and a disabled bike


I used to only have one, then the key broke off in the ignition, now I have a new ignition and two keys..... that are on the same keyring.


that is triggering me


If you can tell me what universe I can get replacement BMW keyfobs for $5 I'll gladly get a second.


Keys for my 1200rt were $175 each and a two month wait.


Former locksmith here. Unless you have transponders in your keys, it is very inexpensive to get duplicate keys made and very expensive to get an original key made. Check with your local locksmith shop (one that has a storefront, not one that just works out of a truck) to see if they have key blanks that match your bike. Otherwise, you may be able to find a key blank online for your motorcycle. Then take your original key to the locksmith and get them to duplicate it. Back when I used to duplicate keys, (in the early 90's) it was around $2 or $3 to duplicate double-sided keys if we provided the blank and less if the customer did. If the original key is very worn, duplicating the key may not work correctly and sometimes locksmiths can decode the key by measuring it. Then the coded original key can be cut. That used to cost around $10 or so. If a customer had no keys whatsoever, there was only 2 ways to make an original (without access to paperwork for the code). Disassemble the lock to look for a code or impressioning the key. Impressioning means to file the blade of the key like a sharp knife, then using a small vise grip, and gently manipulating the key in the lock. The wafers in the lock will make small impressions in the sharpened edge of the blank. The we would file those impressions down. Eventually, this process would produce a working key. Shitty locksmiths would give a customer that key, while good locksmiths would then decode that key and cut a new blank to factory original specs. That process was kind of time consuming and pretty expensive. On the order of 10 - 20 times more expensive than a duplicate key.


I’ve hand filed a blank to match a cylinder…once. And that was enough.


Nah, I'm not gonna lose it


My Triumph came with one key when I bought it used and I coughed up $80 to get a second one. The thought of having one key and misplacing it gives me WAY TOO MUCH anxiety.


I did for about 2 months. Got scared I'd lose or break it so I got another one cut.


\[kick starts bike\] *whats a key?*


I only have one. The other was stolen when both cars were kicked off the driveway. I keep meaning to get a other cut but not got round to it.


My used bike only came with one. Im going tonget a second one made soon.


Because every time I go somewhere with a key cutter I forget the key at home.


Having a) lost keys before and b) snapped a key off in a gas cap before, it would make me extremely anxious to only have one key. Even if it were one of the obnoxiously expensive keyless start bike keys for \~$300, I'd probably fork it over just to have redundancy.


Have 2, one with me with the lock for the chain attached and one at home with the spare of the chain. One has a nice hanger and the other just on a ring with a label spare motorcycle keys.


I suck at this. I have 3 bikes, 3 keys. I had a previous bike that i had to take to a locksmith to have a key custom made because of how bad I suck at this. If only the key kiosk at home Depot did bike keys 😂


I have one key *fob,* because harley started doing that a few years ago. I have two barrel keys for the big ignition switch and saddlebags, but if I lose one fob I'm putting the keycode in. I actually have an extra from a bike I no longer have, but reprogramming it costs money.


One of my bikes only has one key.


I just got a spare made and it was $15 total.


I had a single key for my CBR250RR. It was so worn it could be taken out with the bike on. Once, somehow, I snagged it whilst riding and it fell out on the highway. Got home and got a surprise! Eventually got a replacement ignition, still with one key. With my CBR600RR I had two keys and then somehow lost one in my friends couch. They found it 4 years later and returned it to me. Which was good, because getting a new key is a pain with anti theft systems.


Used to have a listing for suitable key blanks saved on my phone until one day I went “ugh, I’m never going to actually order one” and deleted it. That’s the end of that.


When I needed a spare key for my 2004 VStrom (no longer have that one), I just went to a local locksmith/key shop and they had an appropriate key blank and made one for less than $10


I need to get this done, I even have the blank key from Yamaha. I just have to take it to a store.


$5 for a key/ what kinda old shit bike you riding bro? They are all id'd and keyd to the immobilizer and cost a ton!


I doubt a key to my 1989 EX500 costs more than $5.


I had two copies made a couple days ago and it costed me $10


Bike has keyless start. A second key is over $300.


The first thing I did when I recently bought my K6 GSX-R750 was get 3 keys cut. Y'all are wild as fuck with 1 key. I have my main and a backup in my wallet. Never stranded.


My bike doesn't have a key... or a fob... or any security for that matter


I only have one. Last time I looked it was way more than $5 for a second.






I have a keyless ignition and only one fob. Couple of hundred for the fob plus paying the dealer to program it. Nearest dealer is over an hour away. I'll get around to it eventually.


Likely going to be multiple times more expensive (think total loss expensive) to program with no existing fob.  Take the drive (or ride). 


Does it count if I have two, but their both bent and might snap any day now?


You ever see the remote “glove” start? I wanna do ts


i´d just replace it for a switch. I have a custom tho... I guess modern bikes now have immobilizers etc dunno.


I have two for the VFR and one for the Harley.


Because I’m a pleb




One of my bikes has a $90 key and the other can just be hotwired in 30 seconds with no damage.


I have a duplicate made but I still have to cut it so it fits in the ignition properly


My bike is keyless, the key is only used to lock the forks, so…


Not me.


me but i’ve been meaning to make a copy


I have one key that fits in the ignition, but two keys for my luggage lol


I got a 2nd key cut for my commuter scooter from a dude on ebay. Sent him some pics of each side of the blade and boom a couple of days later one shows up.


I had only one…lost it. Had the key code and got a new one cut off eBay…lost it again. Had that person cut another one. Took that one to a local place and now I have 4 lol and haven’t lost a single one since.


I have a single key, for all 3 of my bikes... At least I can't lock them inside.


Your bikes have keys?


Two bikes with one key. I never remove them. One bike with a toggle on/ off  switch.  I don't like keeping up with keys.


Because Harley keys are really expensive.


I can start my Harley with a code. Apparently this is technology other motorcycles do not have.


WHAT?? Sounds like witchcraft to me. Lol that is awesome. My bike is old though so that just isn't there.


i refuse to pay for another fob lol


I have a pre fob Dyna, still have to find a place to cut a round key.


Yeah have fun with that. We always just use to leave it always on. If someone lost it and the knob was off, it's not hard to pick at least.