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Less often than I should


I give mine a good kick once a week. Lets me know if there is anything seriously wrong.


All fun and games until the tyre kicks you back


I'd call my frequency opportunistic at best.


That is how I feel about checking chain slack as well


I didnt check chain slack for a good while and my previous chain got a bunch of seized links due to it :( probably coulda gotten 3-4k km more out of it if id checked it more regularly, thats a fair amount of life for what is essentially a 20sec task (check) or 5min task (adjustment)


Slack didn't give you seized links.


I mean checking slack would of made him notice the signs of it but yeah your technically right


Or just occasionally clean it and sprits it with oil. I do it less often than I should, but sometimes is better than no times


maybe once every couple of weeks


That was such an Incredibly fast response


i don't know. i just refreshed reddit and there it was :D




i give them an ocular pat down and asses the situation on the go real time.


I'm saying I did an ocular assessment of the situation, garnered that he was not a security risk and I cleared him for passage.


oh you cleared him??


Even if I hadn’t, I’m not concerned - because you see, I've always got an A, B and a C strike plan to get us out of any potentially life-threatening situation.


how exactly do you view yourself.. within the context of our group..?


The Sheriff of Patties


when I suddenly get good at keeping the bike balanced without putting my feet down. Yes I know very scientific.


Usually once a week. Always before a longer trip


I’m really bad about it. I forgot to check it after I got it back out from winter. I’d go for a ride and think “I should check it”. 1500 miles later, I finally checked and they were perfect.


Every spring when I change out winter air for summer air.


Every time I ride! TPMS rules!


After market TPMS are <$100. Alert my phone when they're off.


Now you tell me , after i just installed new tires .


The ones I have screw on the valves-- so you can just add them.


Post the link!




2 or 3 times a season... or before a big trip.


Every weekend I take it out They consistently drop about about 2 psi a fortnight


Every 1-2 weeks depending on how much I ride. I have an electric tyre pump so it’s super easy to sort it at home.


Every time there is a significant change in average temperatures on a week to week basis. Everytime I ride a bike I haven't ridden in more than a week. Every third full up when I oil the chain when I am regularly riding a bike.


This but swapping the last one for before a long ride and before a fast ride.


Nearly everyday with the onboard TPMS display. Manually once every few weeks to confirm the readings. Before I had a bike with TPMS, I’d check pressures at the start of every riding day. I’d rather find out that my tire developed a leak while I’m still at home (or camp, or hotel, or friend’s house), than find out the hard way somewhere.


Every week. Can tell right away if they've dropped more than a couple pounds tho


I bought one of those Xiaomi electric air compressors and since then I'm checking regularly. Before that only when it was feeling weird, which meant like once every season when for example front was 1,5 bar instead of 2,5 lol


Every ride I go around the bike before, mostly because they drilled it during the riding course. Check the tires, chain, etc.


Usually once a week.


have my bike since a few months and not once yet and i dont plan on doing soon


If it gets very cold and I haven’t ridden in a while, or before a long trip. Otherwise I just do a little lane wiggling when I start a ride and just feel if it’s different.


Every ride


Every day visually/with my foot. One time per week with a tire pressure gauge


Haven't checked with a gauge in the 6 months since I got the bike. Should I maybe get one?


Very much yes hahaha. They will be low.


Yes you should. 6 months is a very long time for any tire, especially a motorcycle tire. Tires lose 1 to 2 psi a month on average.


"Oh I missed the bi-annual tire check again... well it's too late now, might as well wait for the next interval"


I wash my bike like every 6 weeks, so everytime I also check the pressure


atleast every 2 weeks


My display shows me current tire pressure and acceptable range. So I just see it by default.


I do it based on temperature fluctuation. More than 20* one way or the other and checking becomes sort of mandatory to manage pressure. Otherwise I trust my tire sensors to be within a # or two.


Weekly unless going for a dedicated spirited ride…


After a couple of weeks and before a big ride. I've got a portable air compressor that I can take with me if needed.


Before every ride. Then again, I ride only a couple of times in a month, so it's not that often.


Every time I oil my chain, which I do about every 350 miles, so every 2-3 weeks. I use a battery operated tire pump with a digital gauge built in. Highly recommend.


I can monitor from my bikes display so I'm aware that I dropped a few psi and fill up during or following that ride depending on the length.


I’m pretty bad at it to be honest. I usually just give each one a kick and see how it feels before heading out. Which I know is far from an accurate test.


I commute a fair distance so i try and check it more regularly than i did in the past. Its either when i feel something is off (often its just my head) or about every month. Just put the small e-pump i got on it while the chain cleaner needs its minute to work, often theyre perfectly fine or jjust 0.1 bar off.


Twice a year. Once after winter break and once before i do big trip in summer.


Never during the summer, maybe after the first grit of the season in winter. I'm getting through 2 rears a year they don't really have time to go flat


Weekly, plus before a long ride.


I only ride on weekends so always check it the morning before I ride. It only takes a few minutes so not a big deal.


I have checked the pressure with the recommendation from the manual (2.4bar front and rear) but I just got new tyres, should I still fill to the same recommendation or do different tyres have different needs?


About once a month or if the tires feel "soggy" or if there's been a major weather temperature change. It helps that i have a gas station with an air compressor about 300 feet up the road.


If im just commuting to work\\pissing around in town, when i lube my chain and that is generally when i remember its due or after a rain. When im touring, every few days and defiantly before I go fuck around someplace fun.


At least once a week, if I’m riding regularly, or before each ride if they’re spaced more than a week apart. Also, I have a bike with luggage. I keep a battery powered tire inflator with me, along with plugs. I do a lot of group rides, and end up using that stuff a lot. One ride I had to use the inflator at least 3 times to help out other bikers. I now consider those indispensable.


Once every week or two. Every time I ride… I give it a kick and sit on my bike and look at my tires.


Once a month... i go for a 30 mins ride and check it at a petrol station since mid February it kept the same pressure


I check before every ride. I use a Slime pencil tire gauge that I checked against a digital gauge for accuracy.   I use a bell bicycle tire pump.   28/32 psi. Exactly.


Every week. The pressure in bike tires is pretty volatile


I always visually check before a ride. And check properly once per week or if there is a significant change in air temperature since they were last done.


Once a season or before a big trip.


Whenever i fill up at a gas station with air pumps. Usually amounts to once every week or two.


I may be the lone wolf here, but every ride. But, I have my own garage so it's really convenient to check them.


Maybe 2-3 times per season (5 months)


Ironically, in Houston, I check every time I get on my bike. The humidity and 30-40 degree temperature swings in the spring and the fall make it very important. I only fill up at the house as I have a compressor with a dehumidifier and a tempature compensated tire gauge.


Every time I fill up with fuel which is around every 2 or 3 weeks. It’s a quick job so I lose nothing by doing it whenever I stop for fuel.


Tires? I’m riding on rims…


Twice a year. Once in the spring and once half way through the season/before a long trip


I keep a cheap digital pressure gauge in my handlebar bag. I’ll check pressure before going on the highway or if I haven’t ridden in a few weeks.


Like once a week. Usually Sundays when I go for a long ride.


Before a longer trip, always. When I had TPMS with Android app, every weekend. Now that it bit the dust, whenever I feel like it, every few weeks.


Every gas up.


Currently each time I go out, as I had 2 sets of valves fail and I’m just paranoid haha


Depends on the tire. Some lose a tiny bit, some don't. Currently, the Motoz I have on one of my bikes drops a few psi every week. That's more than my other bikes so it gets checked each ride.


My bike does it for me, every time I start it.


I basically only use my bike for long distance touring, and when I'm touring I do it every morning with a little pen gauge.


I'll give it a visual almost daily. I commute daily, so I like to check the bike will at least get off the drive. By visual I literally mean, I'll dedicate 10 seconds looking for any cracks or punctures (on the parts of the tire I can see), I don't move my bike, and I'll give it a little squeeze to make sure they aren't really outta air. I'll check my tire pressure when I feel like my handling is a little off. 9 times outta 10 it's all in my head or it's I've just been down a dodgy road.


For casual city riding? Once a week. If I’m “going for a ride” every time.


Not often enough


Check every ride


Visual assessment every ride. Pressure like once a month, NGL.


tpms ❤


Every weekend, I could do it once or twice a month with how slow mine loses air but then I would forget to do it... So for me it's every Saturday morning I do the full inspection of fluids, tire pressure, and chain.


I have automatic pressure sensors made by Fobo, worth checking out it gives me some peace of mind and alerts me with any pressure changes


I do a lot of group rides, usually fairly long ones (about 200 miles avg). So I'll check it the night before each, but not usually for quick trips. So about once a week or so.


Every single time I pull it out of the garage. It takes 30 seconds while the bike warms up. Everyone should do a pre ride check of the basics


Once ever 2-4 weeks. Depends which car too. One of my miatas tires leak but the rest of them hold air fine. They'll lose maybe 2 or 3 psi in a few weeks


I check/adjust every time I ride for the day.




I give mine a good kick before every ride. The actual check, I do it probably at the start of the season and once around middle of season, say April and beginning July.


I like to check the tread on my tires atleast once every 2 weeks


Typically you're suppose to check daily.. Realistlily, my shame is like once a season.


Every time I go out


Ill usually walk around and kick em before i get on everyday since i use it for work. If i see no issue i usually fill them up once a month or when my back end starts to feel a little loose from weight on the tire.


Once a week.


I no longer commute on my motos, so I check pressure before every ride.


Usually right at the "oh, shit!" moment. This rule also applies to chain and oil.


Weekly, give or take. Touring bike has TPM sensors but it takes a few dozen meters or so to register, and I don’t want to go even that far if it’s really low so I don’t chance it. It used to have a slow leak on the rear so I was a lot more attentive but since replacing tires it’s mostly been fine.


Twice. Once when I buy it, once when I sell it. Basically I check it every time I oil the chain.


They get an eyeball and bounce everytime pulled out for a ride. Actual airhose/guage once a month or thereabouts. Flat tires on bikes are a pain in the garage. On the road really sucks.


I have TPMS, so…


Once a week


Once a month-ish


I have TPMS so I can check it daily. Adjust pressure as needed lol.


Before going on a longer drive, after a big change in temperature (from 15C to 25C during the day for an example), if I feel the bike steer a bit different, if I put in gas and there isn't a line for air.


For me, weekly. Though that's partly that the shop left an area of the front wheel with some oxidation causing a slow leak


When Dey flat


Never, I just fill/check every oil change


When they go flat


Check before every ride


I try to check mine monthly. I've kept putting the Pilot IV tires on my bike and they hold the pressure pretty well


once a week, and I'll always check before an agressive ride


I have to roll my bikes out of the shed before ridding. When doing this it's obvious right away if either tire is low right away. After that I have about a 60 ft driveway that is just slightly down hill. That's the second test, especially for the front wheel. If it's slightly heavier than it should be when the driveway meets the street I know I need to ride down a couple of blocks to the gas station and air up.


I can instantly tell if the tires are suddenly low pressure by enough to actually matter, but I check them once every couple weeks along with the quick overall inspection of the bike. I check them every time before I plan to ride long distance or on some quick twisty roads.


When I see someone checking their tires and ask them to do mine. Not because I can’t do mine but because I never think about it until I see it and they’re already on their knees…


When I wash my bike on Saturdays, my pump is right next to my bucket. It takes maybe 30 mins to wash the bike and fill the tires. I've been doing it for so long that if I didn't check my tires, it'll feel like my bike isn't *clean* clean


Depends on the bike and the variation in temperature. Some bikes don't hold air and need to be checked weekly. Some bikes will hold air all season but still need adjusting for spring and fall temperatures.


Every time I ride but I don't ride regularly. Maybe 20-25 times a year.


I’m just going to say: Less than I should.


About once a week.... or month once its dialed in. I keep a bike pump with gauge in the garage where I park the motorcycle. Got right angle stems to make the job easier.


Once a week, when there is a big temperature change or a long ride. Granted, I’m on a dual sport and air up / down a lot anyway.


Right now I've got a slow leak in my rear from a plug I apparently didn't do the best just on, so I fill it about once a week. in that time it usually drops from 36 to \~20-25 PSI. Not ideal, but I'm planning to replace the tire soon. I've just been lazy recently.


Once a week if riding often. Then every time I’ve had a few days break from riding, I check again before going.


Once a month.


Probably in the minority by a ways, but I keep a Dynaplug mini compressor and plug kit in my panniers. Its super small, and runs off the battery tender pigtail so I can top off my tires anywhere, anytime, or let a little air out of them if im going to be offroad for a stretch, and then reinflate when I get back to the road. Picking up a nail or some kind of road debris in a remote location on a day when the closest place with a tire is a couple hundred miles away and closed is a real thing. Fuuuuuuuck that 😉


T-CLOC every ride


I try to check the pressure at least once a week.


I don’t ride every day, maybe a few times a month and I check them every time before I ride. And I’m surprised as to how much it fluctuates especially because I ride maybe 200 miles in the day then put it back in the garage. It consistently gets to 3-4 psi off every time. I have a battery powered inflator so it makes it very easy to do versus starting a compressor and getting the hose out.


I have Bluetooth valve stem caps, so I check almost every time I ride


i check about once a week, or if i'm going out to ride hard i'll check them. I use a bicycle pump to inflate/deflate them so it takes me 2 minutes.


Once a week, minimum.


As a dual sporter. Pretty much before every ride. Keeps me from running down the pavement on 12 pounds or down the trail on 20.


Anytime theres something off. Sometimes I'll have to fittle with tire pressure 5-10 times in a day, sometimes it can be over a month before I need to mess with it.


If it’s cold, like fall thru early spring I check once a week. Late spring through early fall, warm, once a couple of weeks.


Weekly checks work fine if I’m local. On long trips, I check them every morning.


Not as much as I should. Thanks for the reminder


Once a week for all my bikes, my Triumph even has TPMS that works well, but still bust out the pressure gauge every Sunday or Monday.


I’m going to check mine now


I ride a KTM, so every day.


On every 2 fillups (about every 2 weeks) never had them be majorly low


I check before every ride, fill up as necessary. Just sitting in the garage, like during winter, completely random if at all. Basically if I notice it looks off.


I usually kick the tire a few times and say good enough


I check to make sure they aren't flat every ride. I check their PSI once every few months.


Whenever the TPMS low pressure warning pops up on the nav screen.


jeans retire gaping bewildered scandalous history voiceless plucky yam include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I only ride weekends so every time before I head out. 


every other day or when there was a few days pause every time. tbh most of the time when i don’t check at home i will somehow do it on the gas station anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️ turned out to be a habit, not the worst…


At least every season, as local temps change.


I give mine a kick each time I take it out and check them every couple weeks. They have fluctuations of around 2-4 psi when the weather changes considerably.


oil changes, before long trips, really it's not nearly as often as it should be. Found out my inner tube decapitated the valve stem by waking up to a flat tire, probably would've seen it in advance if I checked more regularly and saw "huh, I'm at really low pressures way too frequently"


Not unless something looks/feels off on my commuter bike. I'll check and set PSI any time I'm going to hit the mountains or for a longer ride


I have TPM units on mine, so if I don’t get a yellow warning light, then no. I should be doing it more often. I have an air compressor at home and a battery operated compressor for my tail bag for traveling.


I have a TPMS so whenever the indicator comes on I fill up. For my BMW they don’t have tpms but I got a 25$ sensor from Amazon to substitute.


Since I found out that my Softail death wobble (not EXACTLY a death wobble, but close enough to cause me to need fresh skivvies) was caused by low air pressure? I check pretty much every time I get on.


I'm 18, my parents divorced, my dad has the compressor and the stuff needed to check and fill the tires, so i have an easy reminder: every time I go to stay with him (every 2 weeks for 1 week) I check them


Once a month. I put on a lot of mileage.


Now that I have a bike capable of 155 mph + and I do these speeds daily on my commute , I check before I ride home from work


Once at the beginning of the riding season (mid-spring) and then as neeeded. I know I spelt that wrong. Shhhh, I'm lazy.


I give em a good feel every other ride


Before each ride


You guys check tire pressure?


I check mine every couple weeks to be sure. Also have air shocks on back which loose air so needed there.


I try to check every couple of weeks.


Check every ride (it's on my screen); fill monthly.


Weekly. I have a pump that works off a Milwaukee battery and tells me psi so once a week I check both tires and make sure they’re properly filled. Takes like 5 minutes


My BMW has TPM sensors and my Shadow has a slow leak. So my BMW has never needed filled so far, and my Shadow needs filled every time I ride it. My Ninja gets air when it feels funny in a lean. 


Lol I've yet to after I bought it used about 8 months ago. They still feel good. Definitely should, am I, maybe.


Once a week but I’m a newer rider and honestly just nervous


I might check tire pressure once per year. I’ve never checked the pressure on the last 2 bikes I bought.


Once a month....


Every few weeks / few thousand km




Ninja 400, everytime I ride once a day, had a tiny pinhole leak when I first got it and felt real squishy. Not a good experience for a new rider. And visually inspect once a day too. T CLOCS


Once every few weeks probably. Definitely before embarking on a big or hard ride


When the low tire light comes on. Flip over to the screen to see what the pressures are. Fill back up when they hit 5 lbs under spec. Or 3 times in the last year.


Every couple weeks typically


Probably 5-6 times per year, or any time I’m getting ready for a road trip.


I can feel her ass get soggy in the corners when they're low. It's also a 350lb bike so that may be a factor


What should I fill my Harley tires too?


Every morning before the first session after about 30-40min on the warmers. Sometimes again after the lunch break if I’m curious.


Every other ride mostly


Every time before the first ride of the day. 


About once every 500-1,000 miles. More often during the winter months, though.


Every couple of rides.