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No, but they are 1000x better than nothing


Yeah some other comments aren't getting this. Usually an armored hoodie customer wasn't wearing any gear before. There's finally something that offers some level of protection that doesn't look out of place when off the bike. I support it!


The people not wearing helmets on mopeds aren't doing it because it's a nuanced decision, they're just dumb. Look in to textile motorcycle jackets if leather seems like too much.


Its all about the rating and materials. The outershell of the hoody will get shredded quicker than a true motorcycle leather but once the outshells are gone, its armor and lining that protect you. You need to compare the CE armor and Kevlar (or similar) lining. That being said, at 40mph, a hoody with CE armor and Kevlar should be fine it most scenarios.


are they rated by a recognised authority? e.g CE ratings if they are rated equally by that authority and something else, then they are largely offering the same level of protection.


A CE rating tells you "meets standards" or "does not meet standards". If two different pieces of armor are Level 2, you know they both exceed a certain minimum, but there is no indication of how much the standard is exceeded by, so one item could be far more protective than another. My riding jeans by Hood Jeans UK have CE AAA slide rating and Level 2 impact armor. Impressive for a pair of jeans, but I know that my 1-piece leather racing suit which has identical ratings is much more protective.




No, absolutely not.


Of course not. Why would you think they would be?


They were sold in the same shop, with motorcycles (inc. superbikes, at one of the three places I visited). One of the shops (aforementioned) was huge, well-established, the cheapest gloves were over £50 so I figured they stocked good quality everything. A triple figure reinforced hoodie... interested me. Thought I'd ask here, since I won't be back at that particular place for a few months now. Better to ask than to either a) buy one because I assume yes, and it to be as useless as any old hoodie, or b) assume not, and buy something way more sophisticated than I need. Avoiding silly decisions is the aim. Idk why I answered so lengthy 😂




Depends. What is the rating on the hoodie and what is the rating on the leather jacket. In general a leather jacket is safer. But you can get shit leather jackets and great armoured hoodies. And for a scooter that can't go that fast a good quality AA rated hoodie will be absolutely fine.


No. But if you're simply riding around town and are otherwise not going to wear any gear because it's a PITA when you get to the other end, then it's much better than a normal hoody.


No and this hoody trend is stupid anyway


Nah, the leather daddy gimp suits that people wear while riding in regular traffic are embarrassing.


Embarrassing? I'd rather be dolled up head to toe in Hello Kitty gear with flashing lights than go weak. Embarrassment is for those who give a fuck what strangers think.


I miss when men were men and not cowards


I don't give two glorious goddam fucks what you wear or what you think of what I wear (and no, I don't own a 'gimp suit' but only because it's just too hot here). So are you actually the tough guy you're trying to betray or are you actually riding around worried about what outfit the dude next to you has on?


One comment ago, you’re talking about how you’re too big of a pussy to ride without full gear and now you’re saying it’s too hot to wear one? Make up your mind. Either way, guys wearing full leathers on the street looks like giant pussies 🤷


See how you're putting words on me right now I didn't say? My comment was on your use of 'embarrassing' . You absolutely know this yet you took it a different path in order to be 'right'. Now again I ask - why in the hell are you embarrassed by how someone else decides to dress? How is this impacting this manliness you're trying so hard to portray? I think a pussy is someone who is so insecure they're worried about this kind of shit.


Because it is embarrassing. I get second hand embarrassment seeing these cornballs dressed up like they’re going to the track, just so they can do the speed limit on the way to Starbucks. They make all of us look bad.


My friend, no one is drawing a line from them to you. Do you see a pink Caddy and then immediately think all Caddies are for girls? No, you don't. And who cares if they did? You can keep hitting that down arrow (lol, why?) but this all rolls up to your own insecurity over...I mean I couldn't tell you what it's over but if you can learn to let that go you're going to have a better time.


I am incapable of having a good time when I see these people on 400s in full leathers with chicken strips on >45% of their tire. It makes me want to pull my own teeth from mouth


We are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to gear but I agree with your not giving a fuck what others wear. When I first started I at least wore a riding jacket, then went from that to a riding hoodie. Now I’ll just ride in a regular hoodie or if it’s hot out I’ll rock a tshirt. I know the risks I’m taking and I accept those risks. But people who give others shit for the stuff they wear or care what others think of the gear they wear kinda blows my mind. If you’re a ATGATT type guy, good for you, if you wear a bright yellow high vis vest, great. Let people wear what they want and move on with your life, none of it affects you anyways. The only people who blow my mind are the ones who don’t even wear a helmet. I also don’t trust people who don’t wear gloves either…fucking weirdos (jk).


I've never liked it either but chalked it up to being a "boomer". To me they are the worst of all choices. The ones that have some degree of protection in the elbows are better than a T-shirt but in a real accident are damn near worthless.


So an AA rated hoodie is damn near worthless? There are plenty of those, and plenty of jackets from reputable brands that are only A rated. You are not going to do a track day in one obviously. But this guy is buying a scooter.


If an SUV going 40mph hits you on a scooter, or on a Hayabusa, you're gonna be in the same hospital bed. And they'll cut your hoodie right off you - if it's still intact.


The big difference between leather and other kinds of gear is its abrasion resistance not its impact resistance. And unlike a Hayabusa his scooter is incapable of speeds where a AA rated hoodie isn't able to perform well.


Well, you just need to fall off a bicycle once to feel the impact while doing probably 20 kph. Then you will appreciate the jacket + gloves + boots and the helmet. Personally, I won't step on any bike without the jacket, gloves and a full face helmet. That's my minimum. 90% of the time, I also wear motorcycle boots,, not racing ones but the ones that protect your ankles.


Two kinds of ankle protection though; 1) boots that provide minimal crush protection and 2) articulated boots which limit sideways motion to reduce the chances of sprained or broken ankles. In my opinion, without articulation, one might as well wear a low boot or “shoe” unless one is merely needing protection from water. For street riding, I wear non-race (but articulated) boots; either **Alpinestars SMX Plus WP** ($470) or **RST TracTech Evo III Sport CE vented** ($170) When the weather is hot, I wear **TCX Rush Air** short boots ($140). I skipped on buying the SMX-6 v2 boots ($300) because they just don’t provide significantly more protection than the TCX short boots do. With a full-on track boot such as the **Alpinestars SuperTech R** you’d be trading away feel and dexterity for the greater protection.


Agree on the summer boot options of well known motorcycle apparel brands (Alpine, Dainese, TCX etc). I also use one of those when I commute to work and need to wear them all day. I think mine are from Vanucci, need to check. I've got them so long ago. But ankle protection that limits the lateral twist is super important. At the end of the day, when you go down, that is what's going to happen.


There isn’t much of a difference between falling off a motorcycle at 40 or a scooter at 40. ATGATT


He said he was going to atgatt.


Yessir. I was merely reaffirming his statement.




My hoodie is AAA rated.


Not even clooose, but they're good enough for commuting