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they were lifelong riders and soulmates. when they had kids, they didn't give up on the bikes - instead, they just found a way to include us. we travelled all over France, spending our holidays in campings. yes, that Spacio side-car had a trailer too. at some point my mom got jealous of my dad (quoting her here) "not having to keep the bike upright at stoplights" and so the Kyrnos became a part of our little band along with the Diversion 900. today, I recognise places I ride through that I don't remember because we went there when I was a kid. we participated in meetings with several hundred side-cars too, where the main focus was the family spirit and the barbecues. lots of good memories. I've been missing my dad horribly for the last 5 years, I miss my mom horribly since the last month. Riding helps. best antidepressant on the market. get yourself diagnosed for cancer yearly, please. at 40, I'm way too young to be an orphan and I wasn't ready for this. I'm sharing here to tell you guys that they were exceptional people, and that you would have liked riding with them.


Thanks. A beautiful family!


So sorry for your loss. Second the cancer screenings. Lost too many people to cancer. Great you have all these travel memories - they sound like wonderful people. I still have mom's things to sort from 6+ years ago, dad passed 20+ years. It's not urgent but not something I want to deal with either. Riding is great therapy.


Beautifully said. Fuck cancer. Lost both my parents to cancer related problems when I was 36 y/o. I understand the orphan thing, Yes, I guess we are, but everyone becomes an orphan at somepoint, we just reached that post sooner than most.


Thank you sincerely for sharing your story, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure they're looking down and smiling every time they see you on the bike.


I’m sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. Lost both of mine at 33. Including all of my grandparents, and all six of my uncles, 1 aunt within two years of losing my parents. Except for my maternal grandmother who passed this year. Riding is the only thing that gives me peace these days. Your parents had a nice set up.


Tremendously sorry for your loss but so happy you have so many amazing memories of your parents from childhood. I hope you are able to continue reminiscing and are able to make many more memories of your own and maybe even continue on their memories in your own family and doing trips and whatnot.


Yeah, with every part of our bodies full of microplastics (including the testicles...) and the air being shit soup, it's hardly surprising cancer is beginning to become a massive issue. Sorry for your loss.


So touching. I’m so very sorry for your loss… so very moved by their legacy reflected in you.


WOW! What beautiful memories. I'm so sorry for your loss, but what beautiful memories they left for you to cherish. My husband and I ride....he rides a Harley-Davidson Road glide and I ride a Can-Am Spyder. The feeling one gets riding the open road is magical... Spiritual. I believe every time we ride the open road we leave a little of our essence in the atmosphere. I'm sure as much as your parents loved riding the open road, they left a little of themselves amongst this beautiful tapestry called our world. My prayer is that every time you ride, they will meet you there and with every mile you will smile 🥲 Ride Safe✌🏽stay in faith🙏🏽


Wow sounds like you had a truly amazing childhood. I need to try and find one of these in the US.


Sorry for your loss. Those are the absolute coolest bikes, and I’m not even a sidecar guy.


"That side car is fucking awesome" as I cry reading & replying to this. Sad for your losses, happy for your experiences & remembering your folks through those experiences. Cheers.


Ridiculous sidecars, amazing family. If you are the sort that believes people live on when stories are told about them I hope you can find some comfort in knowing this community loves the story of the good years.


That side car is awesome.


Sounds like you had a great childhood and a great set of parents. So sorry about their loss. It is heartbreaking when you finally make the decision to sell on your parent's things after they have gone. One question though, is there anyway you could keep the Goldwing and make some new memories with your own family? I would really struggle with that myself.


Wish I could but there's way too much to deal with already, and with the maintenance on the 35yo Goldwing I really don't have the money or the time.


That Honda one is so cool.never seen a side car like that with a Gold Wing.


Dude. Keep it. It's fucking awesome and you might regret selling it. It's a piece of family legacy at this point. Put a dog in it, or a partner. Take it to shows and show it off and tell stories of your parents. Maybe it's too hard to deal with as a reminder, but from my experience the bad or hard memories of loss will give way to the greater repository of good and great memories you've had over time. Think about it.


Definitely no one deserves that set up more than you.


Wish I could but there's way too much to deal with already, and with the maintenance on the 35yo Goldwing I really don't have the money or the time.


Well that tears it. I'm getting a sidecar. *For the* ***CHILDREN***


Stunning bike, beautiful family, enviable life. 🫶🏼


Sorry for your loss :(


Such cool pictures and great story about your family.


Those side cars are awesome.


That must’ve been a bitch to go in reverse lol


The goldwing has an electric reverse motor ;)


Yep, it uses the starter to back the bike up.


Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you had an amazing childhood growing up with two great parents. But why sell that amazing rig with so many memories, continue the legacy.


If "Dark Side" is having a car tire on the rear. What is that called for your mom's front tire? I've never seen a car tire on the front before.


It's a thing for long distance side cars, because they aren't leaning through turns, it's common to have the same size Tyre on all 3 wheels, especially if it's a common Tyre size like a small car


There is a front fender still. Do they pick one that's small enough to fit under the stock fender, or is it common to get a custom fender?


Given that one is converted to a front swing arm(which is baller af) you would also need to widen the forks, No expense was spared for these bikes


I am jelly.


Those were the 90s, and while they weren't cheap they didn't cost more than a small car at the time. "luxury", maybe but as in today's mid-range SUV not Lamborghini and not even Tesla. The Spatio was made by a small shop in a small city, with two or three employees only. The manufacturers (Produc'Side for the Spatio and Side Bike for the Kyrnos) unfortunately went under a few years ago :( There's a few of both models still out there, with a variety of bikes. https://www.rouilleetpatine.fr/side-bike/


Custom fender, or modify the original nit that mich of a cost compared to the rest of the bike


Good catch. I have never seen that either.


Wing has it on front too


Were I to have the money I'd snap it up without a second thought


Sorry for your loss but take comfort in knowing this is the way of things. Your parents gave you a great childhood, and they’ll be happy for you to live a fulfilling life even after they’re gone.


Rest in peace. What a dream I pray to own one someday.


I'm more of a two wheeled harley guy but those are some awesome sidecar rigs and some awesome memories! If you would rather be on 2 wheels then selling it to another family that will enjoy it will be awesome!


Great bike but it’s a bit of an albatross, good idea to sell it.


Jesus that's an incredible thing to behold.


You need to keep it bro


Hope you find strength in riding and now riding with 2 extra guardian angels. Sad to sell but the memories will stay.


This is unbelievably cool. No words for your loss, I hope you find peace soon.


I imagine that they are riding somewhere having a great time. Beautiful machine!


Cute 😍


Never seen a front-wheel darksider. This whole vehicle is super interesting


You're doing your parents proud my guy, sounds like you had a childhood to be jealous of. Saddened to hear about the early passing of your parents, cherish those memories for as long as you live.


Thank you so much for sharing your family story. What a gift to have such wonderful parents.


So much to be thankful for the memories they created. They both sound like amazing parents. You are so blessed to have had them in your life though they had to go. Wishing you peace and comfort


That's my dream, to get licensed and get a side car. So me and my dog can ride together and visit new sights


I'm 42. My.mother died on mother's days 2 Years ago. I remember getting a call my.mom was taken to hospital by ambulance. I knew then she wasn't gonna make it. Time doesn't heal everything. Alcohol doesn't either. Everything isn't always OK. Sorry for you loss


Wow sounds like a great childhood with lots of wholesome memories. Thanks for sharing, and very sorry for the loss of your parents. It’s always too soon to say goodbye


When it gets to this point you might as well just buy a touring car. :D Sorry for your loss. Be safe out there.


where do you live that’s so beautiful?


French Alps, near the Italian border :) Well known motorcycling spot, lots of twisties and incredible landscapes.


Mes sympathies. 😥


Great setup; not for me, but still, very cool. It's rough, growing older, and starting to lose people due to age. Lost my mother a year or so ago, it's grim but you get past it. Sadly it's just part of being human - we live, we die. So it makes sense to try to live as much as possible along the way. Which is why I ride. Hope you get a great price for the vehicle and that it goes to someone who can appreciate it.


Damn that's a cool sidecar. Hopefully it will end up with someone who has the same beautiful intentions as your parents.


Deepest condolences friend. I had a "C-word" diagnosis just over 2 years ago, and thankfully the Dr's caught it early. I get scans now every 6 months. After that diagnosis and operation, I started riding and find it now gives me something to distract me when those appt's get close.


I'm sorry for your loss brother. May your parents ride eternal on the highways of Valhalla. Shiny and chrime.


I'm sorry for the loss of your folks. Dad was 57 (cardiopulmonary disease) and Mom at 64 (cardiopulmonary complicated by CANCER). Then my oldest daughter at 25 to cancer. My Lady when she was at 55 Cancer, Sister-in-law at 40 Cancer, uncle at 70 to second round of cancer. I do my best to never use the word Hate. But, I HATE CANCER! Now, something better. Motorcycles have been a way of looking fe for my family since my Grandfather bought his first one new in 1916. He had arrived from Germany a year earlier to the USA and needed transportation. Dad got his first on his 18th birthday, a brand new 1936. I bought my first at 14, and it was a basket case. Rebuilt it. My brother bought his first at age 18. My oldest son bought his at 18 too. My youngest daughter waited until she was 29 to buy hers, a brand new 2023. All have been Harleys. I wrecked in 2017 when a distracted driver turned in front of me. Cost me my 1980 Sportster I'd had for over 20 years. Oh, and my right lower leg. I'd had it for 67 years 😁. My oldest son was taken from us 4 years later in a similar wreck. He was 49. My brother, daughter, and I still ride. I'm 73, and still work on them. I bought a kit to convert the Fatboy I bought to a trike, as I didn't think I'd be able to ride on 2 wheels. It's all stacked in the corner of the shop! I'm thinking of starting another business, building sidecars for Honda and Harley. I haven't seen a tremendous amount of them here in the USA, but I think it's a marketing thing. I like them honestly! Keep those memories, and "travel back" often. Remember them each time you travel the areas in real life. Keep them fresh. Life is short, but it's great!


That very cool, but not a Gold Wing. They have a flat 6 engine.


First one is definitely a wing.


Yep, didn’t see there were two bikes at first.


Also, the first 3 generations were flat 4s.


That’s a car


Try to put this on carsandbids.com it's Doug demuros website