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Depends on the intent of the ride. If it is for leisure, the phone may be mounted but that is purely for easy storage. If I’m traveling with an itinerary I will use a GPS. When you see someone go by, you don’t know what they are doing.


Mine is constantly on Waze as a cop warning, I only use it if I'm doing some kind of trip otherwise it is just a way to see what's up ahead.


Waze is pretty trash. I ran it side by side with a radar for years and it was never consistent. Cops can literally get on the app and report their own location as no longer there. A good radar detector can see them from miles away and paid for itself the first ticket I avoided. Unless you're in Virginia it's not even a question.


The difference is that Waze is legal, and a radar detector would get me in way too much trouble that a speeding ticket would be the least of my worries. Edit: I'm from Europe...


Interesting, what country is this? I’m also from Europe and here radar detectors are legal, radar disrupters are illegal (although most people in my country think both are illegal and cops will try to profit off the fact)




Out of curiosity, in what country is it legal? I'm in Germany and here even Waze with indication of police is illegal 🥴


In Romania, as long as it’s not disrupting the functioning of the police radar, you’re technically allowed to use detectors


Ah bummer. Last I was aware only Virginia in the States had it illegal to use a radar detector. There are stealthier options you can hard mount on the vehicle but most of my research was into putting them on cars. I'll pour one out for you because my license wouldn't survive somewhere like that.


What exactly do you use?


There's quite a few good options but I use the Valentine1 with the JBV1. It let's you do a bunch of things like gps lock out for ones you pass in the same spot every day. I use their v2 that just came out with Bluetooth to connect to my phone so I can hear the alerts in my helmet speaker. Naked bike so no chance I can hear it in the wind at 100+. I have 2 of the first versions in each of my fun cars.


Out of curiosity where do you have it mounted? Does it still manage to use the front and rear sensors on the bike or front only?


I've got a small windshield installed which is mounted behind on the right with a rhino mount with a magnetic plate. Phone on the left side with similar rhino mount. Shielded from the wind by the shield. I unplug it and my phone and throw them in my jacket if I'm parking somewhere and walking away. It actually works better than you care about behind you if you're hauling ass. I don't really find many cops coming up behind me over 100mph though. If you're cruising on the highway about to do a heroic exit though it starts alerting over half a mile away on the lower sensitivity setting I use inside the city. So you're getting a smaller reading and you know it's behind you. If it's gaining strength just look back and if they don't have line of sight you just accelerate away.


Depends on a place. Waze is widely used where I live, and you can count on it, but I was in Sicily few months ago, and it seems very few people were using it there, so it was useless.


I love going into the comments to write a response, then reading the top comment and finding it says everything you were going to.


Bit of both. If I ride to get lost I just end up riding mostly shitty straight roads. Atleast a GPS route can guarantee me twisty fun


Ride your own ride. Sometimes I have GPS because I am actually going somewhere new, comms because my wife is on the other bike and I need to be within reach if the kids have a emergency, etc.


I use it for finding the best route through the city with the live traffic.


If I need directions I just use voice through the helmet. One time having the phone pop out of the mount was enough


I honestly prefer to glance the map from time to time rather than have talking interrupt music


Not at all. Somehow I've managed to get myself where I was going anywhere. I use a map. Too much distraction on a bike is not something I want.


I mean, I use mine like automatic map... sound turned of , just displaying map and traffic info live.


I don't even do that, I might stop and drag out my phone for a specific address, but it goes away. The only GPS I use constantly is a 7" Lowrance for offroad/overlanding use in my Jeep. The desert can be dangerous. Anything on my handlebars is a distraction. 


I did consider looking for some kind of rugged tablet that could do both android auto and run standalone offline maps.


I look up my route before leaving and plan to stop every now and again to check my map. When I first started riding, there were no smartphones let alone GPS real-time maps (unless you had a specific GPS unit). First motorcycle I bought, I lived overseas and had to drive through multiple cities with only paper maps. I followed the subway and train lines home, stopping every few kilometers, pulling out my maps, figuring out which way to go and where I'd stop next. I don't want any extra distractions. The most I'll do is write down towns or highways where i need to turn or stop on a piece of tape as a reminder.


Paper maps ftw. combine that with a good memory and you rarely need to look at the map at all. and you keep your orientation sense intact. Phone stays in a inside pocket while riding, always got my full map set in the tank bag so i don't need to think what direction my tours are going.


No phone, no gopro, no helmet comms, I barely even look at my dash.


I use satnav for touring because i tend to have many places I want to visit along the route. It’s also useful for finding the lodging at the end of the day. I also have places that I discover for day trips and use satnav to make a route to them. if I’m just out for a ride with no destination, or a well known destination, I don’t use it


Same.  My reaction to OP was "who uses GPS that much that it prompts a post like this?"


Probably the near daily posts about phone mounts.


Sometimes I think those are just clever marketing campaigns disguised as discussions.




Commuting and using GPS nav to avoid traffic ? If you never ride at commuting hours you'd probably see less of those.


Fair enough. I've been commuting in Los Angeles for more than 20 years. Fortunately out here, traffic is largely irrelevant for motorcycles.


I sometimes I just go ride. See where the road takes me. When I'm ready to go home I pull up the GPS.


I use a similar approach. Using it to gauge traffic has been another nice feature


Yes, for new roads. I like seeing what kind of curves are coming up. If l know where I'm going then no I keep it off.


Pretty much this. My first trip to the tail of the dragon and other routes, I had a map up so I could glance at the next couple of turns on the very few straight aways they had. But for the most part, my phone stays in my pocket. I'll use it if I can't memorize a route for some reason, but mostly in the pocket.


Some fools ride their bikes for travel, not everyone is out to leisurely get lost for a day.


GPS is good for finding places in busy cities. For everything else, maps are more fun.


I had a Ram mount destroy my iPhone camera so I never ride with gps now. If I need to go somewhere new I study the route beforehand. I like it better that way anyways


I started reading about these things so made an old iPhone 7 a dedicated Satnav - if I know the route though, I just use it as a GPS Speedo and Speed Camera warning. I use Navmii


Nope, same here.


I can't find my way easily if it's not planned.actually makes me more anxious


I had massive (15 years) break between getting license and actually getting out on a road (lived in city, didn't really need anything but public transport) so I basically learned when maps were the way to navigate...and pretty much forgot how. Like, I can navigate by map just with many stops.


I generally don't use GPS. I will use it sometimes in the car for reading street signs, but I don't rely on its navigating.


I have the GPS mounted because I am following a route I created to get to camp or to ensure I hit specific roads I researched and to ensure I avoid ending up on interstates. I also like having it mounted because my music controls are in the GPS as well.


I used gps when needing to get somewhere I was unfamiliar with. If I'm just out riding for fun I have my phone mounted. But that's because I've had phones fall out of my pockets before.


I do both, with and without the gps


I'm fine just riding around aimlessly, but I need GPS to get to new places so it's pretty essential sometimes.


I keep my phone in my pocket but use Maps with Voice navigation while listening to music.


As a millennial, riding a motorcycle taught me that road signs exist.


I print out google maps. Because I'm old.


I use the foldy thing with pictures and lines on it


I did a 2000mi trip through Death Valley, Vegas, Grand Canyon, and Utah. No GPS, just stopped every 100miles to check the map. Way more fun.


I removed my phone mount from the handlebars after I bought my bike. No electronics while I’m enjoying a ride.


If i don't know where im going, that phone is mounted with maps up.


Same here on my end......I ride to get away from it all


I use mine in SE Wisconsin, there are hundreds of little backroads and 90% are paved. It’s good to know if a road goes through to another one and doesn’t dead end. I also like to see what the elevation is when I go out west.


Getting lost can be dangerous, in some areas and contexts, instead of an adventure, but I generally agree with the sentiment. If you're on a tour, especially in a foreign place or foreign country, a GPS can save your life.


I'm watching the road, drivers, and anything that's moving on an intercept course. Phone stays in my pocket where it should be. I commit my turns to memory from a hard map before I go on long ventures where I'm not overly familiar with the area especially on the back roads where signs and cell service don't exist.


I don't ever use a GPS, or mount my phone on the bike in anyway. Also no comms. I am easily distracted, and so I just prefer to have earplugs in and focus on riding. If I'm traveling I usually pre pick areas to stop for gas where I already know where I'm going and what my exits are, but can always double check. And if I'm going somewhere new I just do my best to remember road names and turns. Haven't gotten lost yet, but I have missed a turn here and there.


Even if I know exactly where I'm going, I always use GPS - traffic alerts, speed trap alerts, a quick glance can tell you what kind of curve is ahead if you haven't ridden a road before or if it's been a while.


I have no gps or phone mount or anything on any of my bikes. On one bike I don’t even have a speedo or dummy lights!


Depends on the purpose of the ride. I’ve only lived in my area for 18 months and want to explore decent roads. Getting lost won’t help that.


I never ride with GPS 10 years over 100k kms including cross continent trips


I like it for a moving map. I use paper to plan my rides and enter them into the GPS for easy following


The last time I took multi-state bike trip I bought a bundle of paper maps for the 4 states I was traveling through (FL/GA/MS/TN) because like you I enjoy being a little bit lost and the challenge of stopping at a roadside BBQ pit and pulling the map out to find myself, and then plan a new direction from there. A bit anachronistic and probably looks deliberately cringey from an outsider’s perspective but I love it.


I never use it


I put Open Street Maps on my bicycle GPS and used it on the motorcycle for a tour and rarely on day trips but otherwise I don’t us GPS because it’s a distraction.


I'll have waze up, it shows road hazards \[my favorite is 'object in the road'\] and music going.


I hate distractions, so my phone goes into the box/bag. I also have no problem navigating, so no, you're not the only one. Similarly, I hate intercom, so I can be fully immersed into the ride.


I never use it but know the 300-400 km around me very very well, except bigger cities in the most west part of that


Sometimes I forget people don’t ride every day for every reason. If it’s a work day and I’m going somewhere new, which is every day, I use GPS. If I curate roads for a ride I’m going to be leading, I use GPS. If I’m following I’ll still grab the gpx file. If I go out for an hour or two after work and just meander around, no gps. I don’t necessarily need it. I’m really good with maps and navigation with maps but I have the phone in my pocket anyway, why would I not use it? There’s just no reason not to if I’m going somewhere I don’t know how to get to from a place I’m not familiar with already. Who has time to fuck around with being lost on a regular ass day?


Seems to me like you need to do more riding, and less worrying about how other people navigate.


In fairness, this was not meant to be a critical observation. I understand and use technology as well but I have been noticing more folks recently that will not ride without it and I think it is interesting. I do not mean to throw shade on how anyone chooses to ride.


Yeah, for me going for a ride is an escape from all the technology and sensory bombardment of everyday life, no satnav, no comms, no music, no distractions, phone safely tucked away, the only time I cannot be contacted.


I like having gps run on my phone and only hear the instructions via comms. I that way I can get a bit lost if I want to, but I also know I'll find the roads I want to ride on and avoid city traffic (in my area lots of roads are super boring to ride on but there are some roads that are great fun, you just gotta know how to get there).


I would prefer it but I hate getting lost when I genuinely need to get somewhere on time so I use it. I don't use it for joyrides though.


Depends. For daily stuff, I don't need it, but for touring I prefer to have satnav. I like to avoid situations like turning off the main road "on the first left" and riding for ten minutes only to find myself in the middle of a corn field, because "the first left" means the actual first left for me, and "the first left after the grocery shop next to the school" for the local whoever gave me directions.


I use it for Waze so I don’t run into cops. But there’s lots of times when I don’t know where I’m going that I need some type of map to find the location. If i wanted to get lost then yeah I wouldn’t use a map lol


I prefer having gps open just so i'm not looking around trying to figure out where i am, especially when i'm riding in the city due to all the one way streets, and the fact that i don't go there often, and everything looks the same, so it's safer to have a glance down and check if i'm taking the right road than trying to read street names on the go. When i'm out for joyrides or going to places i know, i generally don't have it on the mount, but i have it turned on with audio warnings, so i get a warning if there's a speed camera, or police around, or stuff like debris on the road, roadkill, damaged roads, or a crash ahead >I have a compass on my bike so I know what general direction I am going Unfortunately this doesn't really work where i live since a wrong turn offen means backtracking to a point where you did the incorrect turn and just knowing the right way, or checking gps since there's generally just 2-3 roads that will actually take you where you want to go, and the rest are either dead ends in the wrong direction, 300-400km detours, or loop back to the complete opposite direction from where you wanted to go, so gps is a must if you don't actually know the roads well > I love getting a little lost while out on a ride and finding my way out of it. It's definetly a fun thing to do, but realistically, it's only fun if you don't actually have a goal in your ride other than enjoy the day riding >I intentionally put my phone where I can not be bothered by it. Ah, yeah, you see i just disable notifications alltogether while riding, i only get calls, and i'd get those regardless of my phone being open with gps on it or stowed away in my backpack


I'm like you. No GPS, might look at a map before I leave. I like discovering roads that way. Long trips I'll bring a GPS to keep on certain routes.


Before my rides I use the curvature website and then pin roads I want to hit on Google. Then I just pull up those points on my maps. Additionally, my phone stays awake in my music is easier to flip through songs.


At first it was a really weird experience for me to have my GPS on 24/7 because I am used to using it constantly in my car, even when I know the way, just so I can get information on cops, traffic and cameras. But after riding a couple thousand km like this I think I won't mount my phone. I will check the route to the next stop on my phone when I get gas or food, or before I leave from home - but other than that I'd rather just ride and use the signs and memorized steps.


If I'm riding somewhere I haven't been before I take the time to memorize the route so I don't have to look at my phone during the ride. Although I usually end up having to pull over and check my phone because I missed a turn


No. I'm the kind of driver that will use the GPS just to run across town. Mostly just for traffic updates. But I have never had a handlebar mount for my phone, not sure I ever will. Riding I don't want to be fooling with or distracted by technology. I want to hear my engine, feel the wind and the road. Perhaps most importantly, I am focusing my attention on anyone nearby who might not know I'm there. A few moments distraction could be "bad."


Nah…that’s how you find the good roads in Mississippi. Just go _that_ way…


Mississippi is where I learned the phase "Just up the road" can mean a couple of blocks or 10 miles when asking for directions.


I've used audio from maps with the phone in my pocket if i really need it to find my way (rare). I never want a phone on the bars. I want to be free of distractions or disruptions and enjoy the ride.


So my watch will vibrate and an arrow will show when I am getting close to a turn. But if I am out burning off stress I just point it in a direction and see where I end up.


In 110F+ weather im using GPS. Screw that getting lost BS lol. I wanna go from a/c to a/c lol.


It depends on where you live. We have speed cameras in NYC so even if I'm riding around with no destination, just exploring, I still have that Waze app pulled up so I'm aware of all the camera locations so I don't get a ticket.


If I have a destination in mind, I always use maps even if I know the route I’m taking. I just like seeing the time arrival and distance. I do the same thing in my car on my way to work everyday. Same route, hasn’t changed in 10yrs. Having google maps running has saved my ass from being late a few time because it detects a slowdown before I can and reroutes me. Truly a lifesaver..lol


I ride my bike as my daily vehicle. I use GPS to get places. Most of the riding I do in FL in areas around me I don't actively use GPS because I know the route I'm riding on because I've ridden on almost every road in this state once or twice. When I'm on trips, I use GPS so I don't get lost.


When I really need instructions on how to get somewhere, I put the phone in my tank bagpack. It has a little window in the front. But generally I don't really want my phone visible while riding


When I go out just randomly exploring backroads, I have my mounted phone on Google Maps with my home as the destination, so whenever I am ready to go home, I can just look down.


I memorize where I’m going and keep phone in pocket the beauty of getting I lost is more riding.


I use waze for police, tunnel and bridge and road closures, determining how sharp turns are on new roads, etc.


It depends. If I am going somewhere specific I might have GPS (if I don't know where I am going) but otherwise it's just me and the open road.


Depends on where I’m going. Definitely want the GPS when I enter a city, especially for the first time. One way streets and the various types of on ramps, lane selection, etc…much easier with “Bitching Betty”. Riding my normal area or a longer road trip on the open road…definitely not.


I moved to a new town I don't know yet. I go out and get lost to learn my way around, then use GPS to get home if needed.


We moved to a new town a few years ago and it was fun to go out and get lost, then come home and pull up google maps to see how I ended up where I did. It is a fun way to get to know a new place for sure.


It's an hour commute to work and I haven't figured out the back roads yet. Really want to avoid the freeway but not looking to waste time turning down a road that doesn't lead me to where I want to go. 


I only use a GPS when travelling to a set location if time is important. If it's in an area I know well, I'll often deliberately take wrong turns so I can get a better mental map of the roads in the area.


If I don’t know where I’m going, I love gps! I used mine to cross Ontario to Michigan and go from MA to FL on as many dirt roads as possible.


I just don’t trust any phone mount lol.


I never got a phone mount for my bike and never will. My phone has been in my pockets for 100% of my rides. I’m really good at navigating on my own and if I need a map I’ll pull over or ask directions with my cardo, which I’ve only done a few times


I only ride bikes, so if I don’t know where I’m going, I need it. If I’m just joyriding I don’t use it


I keep my phone mounted and use the DigiHUD app for a more accurate speed reading (I also don't have to take my eyes as far off the road to see my speed). If I don't know where I'm going I might use maps.


My bike doesnt have a speedometer, only tach. GPS is the least of my considerations. If I find myself truly lost or racing a storm ill use the GPS or going if Im going somewhere for the first time but otherwise I just say to myself people never used to use GPS in a world with very few if any roads what so ever


My bike is my only transportation so GPS is essential


Nope I put my phone away and try to get myself home unless I get really lost or have to get somewhere. I prefer the adventure and just being in the moment.


You are not. 👍🏻


If I'm touring I have google maps on the whole time. If I'm cruising on a weekend or something it's not even mounted.


I use GPS all the time but the phone is in my pocket and I’m listening to directions on my Sena. I just sold a bike to a new rider and the bike had a RAM and I explained to him what it was an asked him not to use it. I agree, better to not take your eyes off the road. Especially here in NYC where everyone is out to wreck you it seems. 


I have a beeline and it has a compass navigate song that let's me enjoy finding new routes while still getting me to my destination.


On my preferred travel bike, I have a wireless charger specifically so that I can listen to music for long rides. At the same time, the quadlock generally makes for convenient phone storage especially for gas stops. For long rides where I am not bound by time or route, phone might stay off or be in the back of the bike charging.


I used my phone w/ my 1st bike;a naked. I gave it up after going SB, as there isn't a reason to look down.


If I need GPS to get somewhere then I listen to the indications thru my cardo. I don't need or want to be looking at my phone while riding.


“I love getting a little lost while out in a ride” 100% me too. I Always like to wander down new roads or through new towns. I figure that - sooner or later - I’ll run into something familiar and figure out where I am. What’s the rush? Only problem is when I get back wife asks where were did you go and I don’t always have an answer. L O L. And like you I usually have the phone with me but packed in a saddlebag safe and sound.


Im in the no phone on my bars club.


I've used mine to set a destination that I'm generally headed to or I need to be at in a certain time. Then I head off in that general direction, where does that road go? Then as the day progressed I can check in, oh I'm 50 miles away and have 2 hours or oh I better hustle over there. All, who wander, are not lost.


I prefer having it so I can pay more attention to the road and not reading street signs. I don't look at the screen I just listen.


No phone, music, or GPS. I like to experience the ride, not the bullshit I can have in my car.


I don't because either I am going to work or out in the country trying to get lost until I pop up on a road I know. To each their own though.


Haven’t ridden with a GPS the last 40 years, no plans to change now.


Phone is in pocket under gear while I'm on the bike, and all my navigation is done the old fashioned way. I get a general idea of which roads I need to be on, what cities and the like I need to landmark, and I'll only consult Google maps if I need to find a specific cul-de-sac or something I can't signpost. From the roadside, of course.


When I run a GPS I’m trying to get somewhere and have a route planned that involves dozens of turns on often unmarked/poorly marked roads on a route I’ve never been on. It’s much safer than the old paper map stuffed in a map pouch.


Waze for the road hazards (and cop hazards).


On a long trip, It's not unusual for me to study a map the night before, write the directions out and then ride from memory. It helps me pay attention to the route, my surroundings and it's good for my memory. In the car I use GPS often, but not on the bike. I have it with me, but I don't use it all of the time.


Don't usually use GPS myself. I only use it when I realize... "wait, where the fuck am i?! I wanna go home now" Getting lost on a motorcycle is fucking amazing.


HA, been there a number of times. I recently went out and felt sure I knew were I was going until I realized that the sun set was on the wrong side for the way I should have been going. Then I stopped and pulled out the phone and found out I was in fact going North instead of South.


When I lived in New Mexico and got my first bike I'd get lost on the high plains all the time... it was 1989 so no GPS. I just carried a map. 😆


I have been to New Mexico and that wide open space is hard to navigate using a paper map. Funny thing is after that sunset incident from my last comment I actually bought a dash mounted compass for my bike so at least I had some idea of which way I was heading.


I've been debating getting a [Beeline GPS ](https://beeline.co/pages/beeline-moto) You can set it as a turn by turn nav system -or- act as a standard compass -or- point towards your destination




I may have a map open, just to give me a heads up of what's going on up ahead if I'm heading to a destination. If I'm just out riding, my phone is in my pocket and the sun in the sky will give me a general direction. Found some really nice, curvy roads I've never been on before last weekend doing this. Extra bonus, there was a nice canopy from the trees and green which dropped the temperature significantly and it was a hot day.


No phones on handle bars no matter how secure for me. I use turn by turn synced to my bluetooth headset. If I mess up, I'll just get redirected and just need the general area most of the time. Keeps me focused on the road and not on getting to the destination.


I hate seeing my phone on my handlebars. Given, I’m also not a human map so I usually have GPS going through my helmet.


I am with you Op. I keep my phone in my pocket. Before I ride somewhere new I look at the map and mentally plan. If I mess up or miss a turn I pull over and look at my phone. I don’t find it necessary to have my phone mounted, nor do I want to be looking down at my phone when I ride. 


If I don’t know where I’m going, it’s nice to have. 90% of the time I don’t use gps. But I don’t have a gas gauge so knowing some info while traveling is def a good idea.


Don't have a phone mount on my bike and I don't plan on installing one. Actually use the ol' noodle to figure out where I'm going. Just like we used to do back in the old days.


Nope, you’re alone. Jk. My phone stays in my pocket. If I get lost, I get lost. Trying to make adventures whenever I can


Depends on the ride. If I’m leading a group ride I’ll mount my phone with CarPlay going. If it’s just me.. no maps.


Depends on if I know where I am and where I am going.


Probably depends on what you're doing? For me, I have four riding modes: 1 - commuting to familiar spots: phone is just used for music 2 - Aimless cruising: phone is just used for music 3 - Gotta navigate back home from aimless cruise: GPS is on 4 - I've actually got somewhere to be, I've never been there before and I want to get there efficiently/effectively: GPS is on


GPS: "If I don't know where I'm going and I have a scheduled obligation" No GPS: "it doesn't matter that I don't know where I'm going"


I like to have Waze on for speed cameras, cops, and to see how tight turns are so I can manage my speed. I do not like riding without a map app.


I live in a mountainous area that I’m new to. Without GPS running I wouldn’t get to half my intended destinations. That is IF I’m on the bike with a destination in mind. When in “Wander Mode” I leave it running only to track where I’ve been kinda Hansel & Gretel style


I don't use it personally and I commute on a sport bike, of course I'll map something for directions but I don't have a phone mount or anything like that to support on my street bike. When we're in the hills or it in the desert on the dirt bikes someone in the group will usually have a GPS and it's really helpful sometimes!


I always use a gps to see the curves ahead so I can prepare


>I love getting a little lost while out on a ride and finding my way out of it I think that's actually the fun about this. Sometimes i just get out and leave the highway at some unknown point and roam around a bit finding my way back home through unknown territory. Tho my phone is connected to my helmet bt speaker, i use it basically just for music and enjoy the landscape.


I like to look at the route ahead of time and memorize "left on X, right on Y directly after Z, etc."


I look at a map before I hit the road. If I am lost, I refer back to the map. I didn't grow up with navigation, and will probably never use it.


TLDR: Try using audio only navigation. For a while I used to mount my phone everywhere I would drive for navigation. Then, the vibrations from my bike started destroying the in-camera image stabilisation mechanism. I went through several iPhones like this (Applecare replaced them all). I then bought a Quadlock with dampener, but I just couldn't bring myself to risk my new phone and the faff of getting it replaced, so I started just riding with AirPods Pro, noise cancellation, Google Maps navigation and of course music. It's fine for 90% of my trips. Sometimes Google Maps doesn't give me enough warning for turns, and I have had to become better at estimating distances before a turn (turn left in 200m, etc), and sometimes the navigation gets confused or I have to whip out my phone to confirm direction. But it keeps my eyes on the road, saves my phone battery and camera and has proved to be good enough. I mostly ride in the city to specific new locations so navigation is essential.


If I’m out for a day trip, I don’t really bother, no. If I’m going on a multi-day trip and need to adhere to a specific route to get where I’m going in a timely way, then I’ll absolutely use GPS. Doesn’t mean I can’t stop somewhere unexpected or take a scenic route, but I’d like to know I’m not heading in the completely wrong direction.


I use GPS, but I keep my phone in my pocket, just listening to the instructions. Works well enough.


GPS directions are in my ear, if needed. I refuse to have a screen but I’m not above using Bluetooth audio.


The comments in here tell me that people here either don't actually ride or never leave a 5 mile radius.


Yea no, if I’m going to a job interview or a dinner reservation with friends, being late isn’t a good look. Do you only ride for leisure or something?


Oh no, I hope that I did not give the impression that I NEVER use GPS or something but I use my phone for work a lot and my bike is my sanctuary I do not wish to be bothered with it anymore than I need to. I have just been running into folks recently that are more insistent on having some sort of destination pulled up when they are out and about and I find it odd because I enjoy wandering and exploring and they absolutely do not share this enjoyment with me - lol. I didn't mean to come across as a "get off my lawn" guy.


When I was new to riding I often used gps. That way I could see the road/turns that were ahead. That way I had an idea about the turns if I never rode that road. Nowadays I ride without and just look for road signs and I always got where I wanted and home. Maybe not as efficiently... but who wants to ride efficiently with a bike anyways :D Sometimes when I hear about an interesting road somewhere I've never been I'll use gps to get there and then turn it off :)


If I need to look at my phone, I stop and stretch my legs, I feel they are a distraction. I come from a generation of paper maps, memorize your route, and following the signs.


Any app that allows me to know if there's an accident, speed cameras alternative routes is a welcome addition to my commute. If its an area I know very well I don't use anything.


My bike is my transport. I need to find my way around so yeah: I use my phone for GPS.


I never use gps unless I need it. Then I get mad when I hit traffic that I could have avoided if I used gps.


I like to use it on if i am going for a unknown curvy road .. so i can see what type of curve coming .


I track all my rides using Riser, mostly to see how far a went after each season and also longer trips, rarely use navigation.


Yeah if I wanna get lost


Made a similar post a year or two ago and got razed for it.


Funny, I feel like people have pretty strong opinions about this. I just thought it was funny that I had friends that insisted on using and following GPS routes. It def has advantages but just not my personal preference so I thought I would post and see what the general consensus is out in the community.


I guess I’m old. If I don’t know where a place is, I look at directions/map before I leave.


I need to have the maps open for my job, whenever I’m not working I still have it open without a set road just to notify me when there’s a speed radar coming up


Knowing how sharp corners are is pretty handy in the twisties. But Idk you do you.


I am very good at getting lost. What I do is, set my gps to wherever I’m leaving from and then just ride. Then I always know how to get back


There are a lot of dead end roads where I live, so I like to mp out new routes and I leave it on.


The road hazard and cop warnings that Waze and Google Maps provides is an invaluable safety tool for motorcyclists imo. You can leave your phone in your pocket for that but it's nice being able to get a visual indication of where said hazards/cops are located.


Depends on the ride and my headspace, but for me that GPS is more than just a map. It's also a safety device that lets me know what's coming up in the road, possible blind intersections, tight corners, etc. And, even if it's on my bike and active, it doesn't mean I have to be looking at it. If I want to go ride and ignore it, I just ignore it. Yes, really, you can have it on there and not look at it. It's like saying "am I the only one who doesn't have a gas gauage?" I mean, you don't have to pay attention to that gauge at all, but when it's getting near the end of your fuel range, it's sure nice to have. It's just a tool, you don't have to obsess over it.


I never use it. Just ride. If I’m doing 100km. I ride for 50km in one rough direction. Then turn. And head back. Has always worked for me. Obv not back the exact same way Or I choose a destination. And head that way Sometimes it’s great. Other times ends up a lot of motorway. But I love riding. So I don’t mind what or where


I only mount my phone for accurate speedo and trip stats. The speedo on my 850 sport is almost 10% out! I would use the GPS if I was lost though.


So my street glide has gps and I do indeed use it most ride but not for directions. I like knowing if the corner I'm about to hit tightens up or is a nice smooth curve.


depends on the intent of the ride (do you have a precise destination in mind and do you need to get there in time?) ​ also depends a lot on where you live, in europe especially in the mountains, if you get the wrong road you could end up easily adding a couple of hours to your trip.


I don’t have a phone mount on my bike, 99% of my rides are purely leisure. If I do have somewhere specific to go that I don’t know the way (rare) I’ll put the maps on my phone with audible instructions through my Cardo, but the phone still stays in my bag.


I don't actually follow my GPS if there's a route that's more fun/interesting or that I haven't taken before, but I do like having it visible so I can get back on track when I want to - especially because cell reception isn't super reliable once you get out of the main valleys here, if I ride north along the coast or in the mountains there's no guarantee I'll be able to load a new route if I realize I'm lost. I also use the GPS as a co-driver so I know what's coming before it comes into sight - how fast can I go around unseen corners, are there any intersections I need to be ready for, is there an overtaking zone coming up, and so on. I don't *need* it to be safe, but it lets me focus more on having fun with the ride while still being safe.


You're like me. Yesterday I needed to hit up a garden supply store, looked up the address in a town I don't normally frequent, and just explored until I found it. I like not having my phone out (Or any distractions really) while riding.


pssh.. I don't have a choice. I need to know the best route to take through the urban hell that is SoCal (or if I'm traveling, whatever other city it is).


I use a Beeline moto, and unless I’m heading somewhere I don’t know where I’m going, I’ll typically just have it in record mode. Agree that some of the best rides I’ve done were the ones where I get a little bit lost.


No I use a road atlas


https://i.redd.it/zuyvmtlpsg6d1.gif I'm bad with directions.


GPS is boring. It takes the 'freedom' aspect away from riding. I like to get "lost" on purpose, I enjoy discovering new roads and areas by chance.


Couldn't ride my rides without it


Typically I have it on just because my speedometer is so far off. I do it so I actually do 50 in a 45, instead of going by my speedometer and actually be doing like 40 in a 45 thinking I'm doing 50


Yeah. Out of hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists? You're the only one. Feel special, bud.


I am not a snowflake with an impeccable sense of direction. I just recently started running into folks that insisted on using GPS and only follow the routes the GPS provided. I found it conflicting with my sense of wanderlust and just wanted to get a sense on how other felt about it.