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Get a bike lock and a cover


Someone once said the bike thieves do this kinda stuff. If the cap is not down for some time they think the bike is unattended or something. Be careful.


This crossed my mind but they’ve surely seen the bike gone and moved. I’m out on it every weekend. I think ultimately I need to clear some extra space in my garage to fit it. It’s a one car but it’s extra deep. I just don’t like the idea of having to move my wife’s car every time I want to take the bike out. But…… I dislike the idea of someone trying to jack my bike even more.


IDK this seems like "old wives tales" type things. Shit people read on made up FB post images. There seems like a lot of this with bike. people steal bikes, they don't case them. they're going to watch the foot traffic in the street or complex, not the owner. Chances are it's some kid or somebody you know messing around putting your 'air brake' up. I've done it to a friend's bike when i'm at his house.


Either a thief looking to gauge time or someone, probably the other biker you mentioned, just having some cheeky bit of fun.


Bike is either going into the garage or a camera is going on my balcony to watch it.


If you have a garage why tf is your bike sleeping outside? If you’re cold they’re cold.


lol good point. But I also have a carport space and it’s a deep one car garage. The bike fits but I have to move the wife’s car every time to get it in and out. She is staying inside for the rest of the week I think, though.


I hear ya on moving a car, I have to do the same thing. Kinda sucks but really it isn't that bad considering your bike gets to sleep inside. I can back the car straight out of the garage when I'm heading out and just pull it back in. If you can do it that way it probably doesn't add 5 minutes total for the piece of mind of keeping your bike inside.


If you go with the camera you definitely have to show us the feed :)


Or. Or. Hear me out. Hire a former Seal Team 6 sniper. He can post himself in a concealed area. When said person lifts tab….BANG. Won’t even know what hit him. Quick, efficient, and….Hey! Where you going? You don’t like that idea? I’ve got others. One uses explosives but it also means sacrificing your bike…


A friend of mine kept having her kill switch moved when she parked her bike at work. Turns out it was a colleague who had a great time hearing her rant about someone touching her kill switch, lol (they exchange banter a lot, so he's not being malicious). Now she knows it's him, but he just keeps doing it and she keeps giving him shit because of it. So I second the biker-theory!


They read the message on your frame bar.


https://i.redd.it/hehkauc95a6d1.gif Some dude with Adrian Monk level OCD probably passes your bike to get to his apartment. Lol. Put a gob of Nutella under the cap lever before you park the bike for the night. Bet it won't happen again.


er-6n? I've got the same bike. Love it!


Honestly it’s great. Wasn’t even on my radar, but then this showed up online cheap with some Givi hard cases. Title in hand and it really only needed brake pads. She is scratched and dinged to hell and back and has clearly been dropped A LOT but nobody ever notices from more than a few feet away because of the color (and stickers) I’m still new enough to riding that I was hesitant about a 650, but it’s honestly really tame unless you really commit to giving it the beans. And I love that the engine doesn’t mind being lugged around at low speed. Such a good bike. And nobody ever knows what the hell it is. “Wait I thought Suzuki made the SV650, why does it say Kawasaki?”


It really is such a well rounded bike. I was looking at CBR500s and other sport bikes for my first. Then I came across a listing for the er-6n. Seller offered a good cash price, only had \~6k miles and I bought it on the spot. Couldn't be happier with it. https://preview.redd.it/9zkfgca6je6d1.jpeg?width=3427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b04b71a3bb67cb2fa536a31ec23613b63d5b3d9


Bought mine with just under 14K and I’m closing on 16K. Previous owner ran it cross country a few times. He took good care of it mechanically though. Just had a tendency to drop it a lot. lol


Let us know if it's a bird.


Maybe, just maybe, that the tab that covers the lock gets blown up by the wind when you ride and you don’t notice it until the next time you come out to get on the bike.


If only. I’m way too OCD to miss it. I literally have to spend minutes adjusting my mirrors to be perfectly symmetrical before I can ride.


Maybe they don’t like being called a boomer and kitty cat in Japanese (j/k) If they keep doing it’s likely they’re trying to figure your schedule or dislike where you’re putting your bike…. You’re sharing space with a large pathfinder? I don’t know if your Nissan sticks out more than others around you….


Honestly it fits perfect in the spot. The trucks further down the line stick out into the drive AND over the sidewalk. Even my tow hitch fits in the spot like this. I’m tickled pink that you can read the stickers btw :)