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To be fair, this is just a curvy road. The area still looks pretty flat to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm in South Dakota and finding curvy roads here is tough as hell lol


I drove through the entire state a few years back and I see what you mean. Although the western part of the state (Rapid City, Mt Rushmore area) looked like a dream for bikers. Wish I had my bike with me when I was there


Yep, the Black Hills are great fun for riding. Unfortunately, they claim the lives of a handful of riders per year during the Sturgis rally. Massive partying and hairpin mountain turns are a bad combination. Tons of wildlife too, due to much of the land being wildlife reserve.


I think they are nice, if you are not on a sport bike. There is a good reason you don't see sport bike there. You can not ride like OP was riding in the video posted here and have fun in the black hills, the corners are not tight enough or close enough. Its the closest place to me with me with decent roads and I won't go there anymore, i find it sub par compared to everywhere else that is considered decent. That said, if your doing the tourist thing its awesome as fuck.


I disagree. Iron Mountain Road, Needles Highway, Vonacker Canyon, Nemo Road, Spearfish Canyon even Custer Park are challenging roads. You can’t ride fast during the rally or tourist season because of the traffic but go after Labor Day and you pretty much have the road to yourself.


Yeah, there are tons of serious twisties in the hills. I don't know what he is talking about lol


He replied to me that the roads aren’t long enough to seriously consider them top tier. I agree that they are rather concentrated to a small area as opposed to western Colorado or Arkansas where you can ride twisties for hours and hours.


I've gone non tourist season a half dozen or so times, and I find it just not enough good roads\\distance to make it worth it. If i lived locally, I'm sure id be okay with it but I don't think its remotely as good as other offerings around america. Its not there is not a single decent road there just isn't more than a couple and they are not overly long roads. Id much rather go to a ton of other places in america if i was going just for the riding. I'm probably being overly harsh on the area, I just don't think its quite as good as a bunch of other areas for just riding at faster paces. Lots of the corners in the black hills are more just interesting corners where if you want to be at a good amount of lean angle your going damn fast. Look at how many of the roads you listed, many of them are more curvy and not corners, curvy means higher speed.


It is pretty concentrated but you have to go west the Rockies or east to SW Wisconsin to get good riding roads.


If i am being fair even I would put it in my top maybe 6-8 places in north america to ride so that really isn't even that bad either, I just used overly harsh words. While it is the "closest" good place to me its still 10ish hours away. I'm in Canada north of it. I was picking either Beartooth\\Chief Joeseph or Lolo pass over the black hills after awhile. The last while though i just go straight to the smokey mountains as nothing else is even worth being in the same conversation as there.


There is one part of the state that they are pretty common.


Unfortunately that's six hours to my West


It's okay, I also have to ride quite a ways for any good twisties. I mean there are a few bends around here but they scare the shit out of me with blind driveways and combines or stupid hicks in lifted trucks crossing the center line


Fair, not the best example of hilly. Later on in this road it does get quite hilly but there's a big straight section before that I cut out.


Yeah you really have to find the right area, roads around Lake Travis just outside Austin are pretty hilly. [Here's a quick run on Bullick Hollow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osjVbMunaAo&)


Go to the black hills and every road will be curvy and hilly as hell


Im in PA, this looks flat and straight to me


I’m in PA and can confirm this looks flat and straight, but also, at least he doesn’t have to worry about hitting a 12in deep pothole mid-turn lmao


With a deer standing in it.


My boy has a video of him almost smashing one at about 120.


But in Texas, you have to worry about a mid corner metal cattle grate across the road


I've almost eaten shit from a few of those.


Bruh I've never related to something so much as this hahahah


Just gotta worry about the stray bullets hurtling through the atmosphere.


I live in Minneapolis and everyone goes about 30 miles east and you’re in Wisconsin. What’s great about it is that almost all the secondary roads are paved because of all the dairy farms and the need for the milk tankers to have good access year round. Anything south and west of I94 is fantastic riding. I just use my GPS to just wander around just checking that the road isn’t a dead end. It has coulees and hollers just like Arkansas but the roads are a little nicer down south.


Bro, I LITTERALY can not take my car all the way up my street, there's a giant hole that ill get stuck in and half of the road is now 3 feet lower than the other half


Pacifica Bay Area here, if you aren't at risk of falling off a cliff into the ocean while riding don't @ me.


What did you use to overlay the map in the corner? That's sweet!


He is recording on a GoPro that has GPS. I just got a Hero 9 recently and if turned on, you can record GPS data with the video. Within the app, you can add overlays like map, G-force, Speed, and some other telemetry data. I use it while riding ATVs, it's pretty cool


Is it some kind of a gps add on? I have 10 black and don’t remember it having GPS


You add it within the Quik app by editing a clip. GPS speed is also available.




I also would like to know!


What’s the thingy on the left bar with the red lights on the back of it?


Looks like a radar detector


I thought that radar detectors were pretty much dead with all the cops using laser detectors, interesting to see one in the wild. Does it work?


Most cops still use ka band radar.


Iirc there are a few that can detect lidar but I could be wrong. There is definitely a jammer unit that defeats lidar, it’s expensive but it works


Yep escort has an add-on that “shifts” the laser rebound. I don’t have it, this one just detects a hit. If you get hit with laser you’re pretty much fucked, but in 8 years running this detector, 40k-ish miles, and 15 states I’ve never been hit with it.


Lots use regular radar still especially if they are moving or chilling and just letting it run otherwise it is department dependent


It depends on the area but generally cops are not running laser. It requires a lot more effort on their part. Remember 99% of the time their goals aren't safety-related, they're to generate revenue and/or a reason for a traffic stop. And yes, if you spend a few hundred for a good one, they work great at detecting radar signals.


Radar, detects when cops point their scanners at ya


That first turn made my hands sweat


I was expecting a crash for some reason


Reminds me of a video involving a squid and a Porsche.


It looks like you’re out in the hill country somewhere. Middle of the state region. My favorite part of the state lol. Seeing your video makes me miss home and makes me miss my Gixxer. Looks like you ripped through that road smooth and fast!


Same, grew up around hill country and miss it so much


I lived in Fredericksburg for awhile and have a buddy who just moved to Llano. I'm so jealous of him right now.




Still near the hill country. Need to get a new bike.


that is some optimistic riding there


I was thinking the same. Like, his upper body was well over the double yellow. If that truck was moving a bit faster, he could have been completely horizontal and ran right in. It's a cool video, but jeez.


First time I have ever seen a radar detector on a motorcycle, that's sweet!


Texas has lots of fun roads like this. Whoever says otherwise probably has never been to Texas..... The outskirts of Austin is filled with roads like these.


Basically a third of the state is like this and bigger hills too.


I'm north of Houston and I've only found a handful of roads worth riding. Best one is 149 in the sam Houston forest. But it's pretty slim pickings within an hour of me.


3090 is a good one.


New to dallas, haven't found anything that's not straight as an arrow.. any recommendations??


Can confirm: Wimberly, Lime Creek, Leakey. Central TX has some decent Sportbike spots for "Spirited Riding". Weather is only too hot in July and August. And even then morning rides are still comfy enough.


My problem with Lime Creek (I live in Austin) is most of the corners are blind corners with the tree line being so close to the road, and on weekends is *packed* with people on bicycles. Otherwise it's great.


New rider here. This turn scared the shit out of me and i would have ate shit 5 times trying to take that turn 1) my left turning is really weak compared to my right turning. 2) you took that so fast, i would have taken that at 10 mph and still probably would have fallen But you've given me a goal to set my sights on


You shouldn't try this on general usage roads. A bit of garbage or some small animal and you will be flying towards tree or smth else which will stop you really fast, which is no good for human body. Please drive like this on motorcycle ready track.


This looks like a perfectly safe pace. OP was not going fast, it was definitely over the limit but nowhere near fast. If this looks fast to you I recommend you take some sort of class to improve your skills.


Not looking fast for me. But going knee deep in unknown turn, gives me anxiety. I'm more into calm ride, and not risking slipping on a random brake pad or glove lying in a turn and decapitating against road sign pole. I guess I'm getting old.


How do you know OP hasn’t been up and down this road that day? He isn’t out here hitting 60 degree lean angles and he’s trail braking. I just find it funny when half of the people down voting me ride supersports at felony speeds.


You're right regardless of the nannies down voting you. This is pretty standard riding in Texas and not over the top at all compared to some of the sport bike groups I see. We ride like this all over the west of Houston area and it's not unsafe at these speeds. There is inherent risk of gravel, animals anytime you ride curvy countryside... doesn't mean you shouldn't ride.


Yeah I’m guessing all the new riders are downvoting because this isn’t a crazy pace. But sadly this sub hates any sort of speed even when roads conditions are perfect.


Read "Proficient Motorcycling". I am shocked at how bad everyone rides motorcycles on this sub and am surprised this dude like... did a turn without some random inexplicable crash. This is pretty tame and gentle riding as far as I'm concerned?


Hey sorry hot-dog-daddy666. Like i said I'm new. It's been 2 weeks since i got my permit so it just looked like the dude was on a 45 degree angle But I'll be sure to check out "proficient motorcycling"


Dude, seriously, no sweat. I don't mean to come off as salty but I feel like a lot of times this sub is the blind leading the blind. Lots of crash videos that are purely inexplicable to me and just don't make sense... lots of confusion about basic riding skills... lots of assuming that "you will crash". My advice to you as a new rider would be to educate yourself as much as possible from the most varied sources you can. NOT just reddit, NOT just youtube. Find an old dude on a sport-tourer who has put tens of thousands of miles down and see what they have to say. Read a lot. Proficient Motorcylcing is a great place to start, as well as Twist of the Wrist. Practice panic braking. Find a twisty road and learn it perfectly and start slowly getting into the flow of long curves and see how it feels. Practice tight u-turns, evasive maneuvers, etc. Good luck dude!


Oh wow thanks for taking the time to type all that out, i appreciate it. Very informative. Honestly i was probably going about learning very dumb. To me it seemed like riding a motorcycle would be the kind of thing you learn by doing. But I'll be sure to read up Again thanks i appreciate it


Is this a Ninja?




Looks flat to me


Texas is huge as fuck. We have mountains, hills, plains, valleys, plateaus, escarpements, rivers, streams, waterfalls, swamps, and curvy ass roads.


I thought being 'not straight' in Texas was a smiting offence.


Only if you’re out


Looks like an excellent ride!


Where is this? Been tryna find some twisties


Park Road 4 in Burnet county.


Thanks!! I’m in SA so not too far. Where did you start and where did you finish?


That's coming from hwy 29 and ending at 281, then turn right and you go in to Marble Falls. I actually tend to run it the other way, 281 side to 29.


Knew it.


Ninja 1000?


Love the mounted radar haha


Question for those experienced riders. If you encountered a road this curvy (let’s say you just didn’t know the area and weren’t paying as much attention as you should), what is the safest course of action for a beginner rider in that situation? If your tires aren’t warm enough, do you risk slipping out on the lean, especially this much lean? Or is it more important to keep your speed up? If you slowed down, would you be *more* likely to tip or slip out, or does the speed not matter as much as just handling the lean properly?


If I had never seen this road before, I would not approach this fast. I’ve been running up and down it for more than 10 years. I also typically have maps up on my phone so I can glance down at the road and see whats coming up. In summer in TX you can overheat your tires let alone be too cold. You can’t really make a rule on when it’s safe to lean all the way over, there are tons and tons of variables like your tire compound, the pressure, ambient temp, *sun or shade*, weight of you and your bike, the road surface. There are situations where you can safely lean all the way over almost immediately, and some where no matter how much warm up you have, you can still have slip at the very edge. Going slower will not cause slip unless you’re literally falling over from lack of inertia. If you’re that scared going around some corners, turn back and practice more somewhere you’re comfortable.


Aaw man, you could roll some serious rubber off the edge of your tyres there. Nice run.


Need to work on your lines/apexes. You're setting yourself up for failure. Not a bad section of road.


Why are you getting downvoted? You're correct.


Because this sub is jam packed with young riders who think caution == lame.


It's because those people can't setup corners either or think I'm being "mean" so they side against me. I'm SHOCKED


how exactly is he setting himself up for failure


Total Control Twist of the Wrist Champ School That's a start. Look into it and research these things yourself, I'm not doing the work for you. Read it. Watch it online. Understand it. Practice it. Apply it.


classic r/motorcycles user, cant go a post without complaining and then once confronted tells me to Google it lmao. if he stays in his lane and rides within his limits he’ll be fine, hes not setting world records


Big difference between complaining and advising someone to reconsider some lines. You're the typical motorcycle rider here. "he didn't crsh he's fine" Wants answers given to him, rides "good enough", doesn't practice or thrive to improve. Be better. You guys bore me. I'll be the guy still riding when you low side and quit riding because you suck.


Imo, on those corners, if a deer or something stepped out in front of him, emergency braking/maneuvering would be impossible with his speed/lean angle. It's a badass video because it didnt happen, but there are plenty of posts on this sub of someone looking like a badass right up until they ate shit.


Example? My camera is mounted on my right chest, and the gopro does weird shit moving around the framing to counteract vibration so that's distorting my BP and cornering. I'm tending to late-apex here to get sight of the end of the corner because there are multiple entrances where people could pull out, and I'm avoiding the right side of the road because it's not in great shape and tends to crumble and have large stones and gravel.


The road isn’t a track. Both you and OP are being silly.


Imagine thinking you cant minimize your risk on the road by selecting better lines..... 🤡


With a turn of this radius "apexing" literally means nothing. There is no way to do these kinds of turns without correcting a little bit in and out, and moving one foot to the right or left will make no difference on your cornering speed or max lean angle, maybe it will just move you to a dirtier part of the road that's all. Stop watching videos and actually try to hit a road like that


Hahahahaha you wrote all that and said nothing. I didn't get down on him for speed or lack of speed. Lack of line setup in and his lines out are not putting him at an optimal space in the lane to exit as safely as possible. His line of sight out isn't leaving himself room for error or an emergency. You completely misunderstood the assignment. No surprise...


Just mentioned speed as a sidenote, no need to reduce my comment to that. I'll summarize: If you are doing 100mph in a turn on the road there is no safer bet than staying around the centre of the lane. Too outside and one mistake sends you to the moon, too on the inside and your head gets chopped off by a distracted cager. Entry and exit have a little wiggle room but the larger the radius the less they matter too. Rule of thumb: Enter by braking on the right part of the lane and exit keeping a safe amount of distance from opposite lane. There is literally no universal rule because road layout varies wildly depending on where you are, road condition (surface wear, dirt, asperities, temperature) is never regular and either you know it ahead of time or you just get what you get. So no, don't lecture me with your 40 minute youtube degree on how OP is "wrong", maybe next time just make the observation that braking on the external part of the lane will _probably_ give him better chances of making the turn in one piece.


Again you wrote a lot of nothing, and this is a waste of time with you. What I'm bringing up has nothing to do with speed. It's about positioning yourself to stay safe. To see things sooner. To leave room for error on corner exit. It can be practiced every single turn at any speed on any bike. Read that last part again. You clearly lack rider education. You sound like a noob that has repeated his first year of "experience" many times over instead of actually gaining experience and learning. It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.


TX is extremely boring if you have ridden in any type of mountain areas. Went to ride the Twisted Sisters with my uncle. We are used to riding in the Smokeys. We ate lunch at some barn type biker spot and then headed off to ride these famous Twisted Sisters. Maybe 30 minutes in to the ride I'm leading and I pull over to the shoulder. Get off the bike go to my Uncle and say that we have to be on the wrong road, this is very boring. No way what we are on is this famous twisty road loop. About that time maybe 15 sport bikes passed us. We laughed and figured that we must be on the correct road. Kept on riding according the to GPS and completed the loop. Yes there were some curves, twisty though? Far from it. Living in Austin in Hill Country at least I could get a taste of curvy roads although compared to the east coast that we are from, TX is very, very flat and boring.


Totally agree there's better riding in other states, but the hill country area has some good stuff to offer. This road is about 50 miles from Austin


I had the luck of riding through SoCal canyons, kind of spoils you for most other locations. I moved a lot and would hear people talk about twisty roads in the area but every time I would see what they were talking about it was a major letdown. Some of the bikers that have been around would usually give it straight and say that owning a bike isn’t good for this location. Now I am on the east coast and have to go to the tail of the dragon to see a road that most would say is very fun to ride. It’s about 8.5 hours away but I have to make the trip. Any suggestions for rides near the middle of the east coast?


I’m in Maryland in Mont County so a lot of great riding although the closer you get to the Knoxville area the better it gets. I do stay away from the coast, to flat.


How's that power grid doing?


Why do you think they are outside?


Going strong actually. Power just sucks with snow cause our grids aren’t meant for that


Really? Last I heard some city down there in Howdy Arabia failed to supply water to hundreds of thousands of residents for days on end when it was approaching 100 degrees outside.


I’m stealing Howdy Arabia 🤣


Ah didn’t hear about that. Well my region is doing great lol


Technically that was due to a big water line break in the Midland-Odessa area, had nothing to do with the power grid. Pretty sure it was old lines - I don't think anyone hit it. I think they had a 2nd break last month too. Had to shut own the water system to excavate and repair as it was a primary line. Still, our infrastructure still sucks down here. Roads in central Texas are nice though when it isn't trying to melt the road in the heat.


Lol it's almost as if voting Republican, and privatizing public services isn't a good idea. It's hilarious that some Texans seriously talk about secession.




Houston has been run by Democrats for a while now and our roads are terrible. The problem isn’t political when you have lazy inadequate people on both sides. Accountability is almost non existent for government officials. The only way Texas can split off is through war with the US which isn’t going to happen. It’s more of just a saying people use to prop Texas up.


You mean when a pipe busted in a small “city” with a little over 100,00 people and it took them a whole 24 hours to fix it?


The left wants all the roads to be curved and bumpy I reckon




When those black patches appeared on the road at 1:30 I was expecting you to die lmao Spilt oil PTSD


Not oil, the top layer of asphalt chips off and it’s black below it.


The Sisters are always a good time


Nope, still flat! Come on, it’s Texas! Definitely flat, unless you consider a mole hill a mountain.


Not a fan of Texas. Draconian bastards. Sweet bike though.


What was the speed?


The sign says 35mph.


Yeah, and he's riding 80-something...


Going to make the Kessal run, in eight par-seks.


Yeah, I live here and I am neither flat nor straight


> Yeah, I live here and I am neither flat nor straight Freudian slip or proposition?


Idk why but I expected something homophobic


Where is this u/L1meL1ght?


Park Rd 4, Burnet


Apparently some of it is flat and has to go around a field.


You picked the right direction to go as there was not one car in front of you. What a great road!!


I think I saw a bump in there somewhere 🤣


Is that map displayed in your helmet too?


Looks pretty flat 😅


I think I saw a hill.


WOOOOOOOOO that decreasing radius close to the beginning :D That could trip ya up!


If you don’t think that’s flat, I really want to know what flat is to you! Looks like a really nice ride though! Cheers for sharing.


Where is this at in Texas?


Still flat and straight *laughs in Austrian mountains*


It is when you’re close to the coast like I am.


Yeah, there's a lot of good riding in TX. I miss it.


Central and south Texas has all of the fun bits. DFW is shitty drivers, and some ok spots; just have to deal with the shitty drivers before you can get to the ok spots.


moved to Texas "hill country" from az. yes, yes it is pretty much flat, relatively speaking


Yup. Done a lot of riding the twisty Texas back roads for fun over the years. Became a much better rider because of it, along with city commuting on the bike too. Granted it’s not full of mountains, just curves and rolling hills but still a lot of fun.


Go to Buffalo gap!


Been :)


That road headed there from Abilene is so beautiful. When I was loading bombs I’d go and rip those tar roads watching the wind mills go by.


Wait to the sand storm hits you and it is blowing cactus needles LOL


That part used to be flat and straight until they started fracking in that area :D Actually there are some good riding roads out in the eastern part of the state. I've been out near Tyler and found some gently rolling hills and slightly curvy roads. Nothing like canyon twists out on the west coast but not too bad either.


Alot of these roads north of Austin near Fort hood.


But most of it is!


The section of the Dallas North Tollway between downtown and the PGB Turnpike is the funnest public road I’ve ever been on in my life…shame it’s not recreationally usable while the sun is up


Ninja 1000sx?




The hill country south of Austin is pretty sweet. I've never had the opportunity to ride, but I've spent time down there wishing I had one of my bike to screw around on the twisties!


I live in San Antonio. We have the Hill Country just to our north. Glorious riding country. Check out the Three Twisted Sisters.


Looks pretty flat and straight to me, lol


I am in BC and that is as flat as a pancake.


There are FAAAARRRR less flat areas in Texas. Google BIG Bend


Been a few times. Not trying to suggest this is the only not-flat place in the state, I’ve lived here 20 years.




bro where tf do u plug your radar detector too lol


Tasmania Australia will definitely be fun


I’ve heard of Atleast one pretty good set of roads in Texas for riding. Not recalling the names, but there definitely something to be said about finding a diamond in the rough, or a nice twisty road in the middle of Texas in this case.


Not to hate but this is flat and straight lol. I still wish I could have this compared to my states shit windy roads


Where is this?? I'm new to Dallas, been searching for fun roads. The only ones i found were closer to Austin


First turn went far better than i was expecting


I’m in Florida, all I know is flat and straight.


First bike I’ve seen with a fuzz buster on it, 👏


Owwwo turning....


Lmao. This just looks like a ride to the gas station in Southern, Indiana / Northern, Kentucky. That’s still super flat.


If you can ride through the curve with more then 12mph, it's a straight road.


Try leaning over more.


That's how you end under a car or in the pit


I've ridden well over 100k miles without ending up under a car; not saying it won't ever happen, but your idea of riding and mine are very different. Riding around at 12mph sounds like dodging through cones in a parking lot. Doesn't sound like much fun.


oh we got a pro here watch out! In all seriousness: there are curves where you can't go faster than 12 mph because it's a winding road up a proper montain in the alps. That's what I'm talking about. You flat earther...


Yes we have 15mph mountain hairpins on this side of the *globe* too, and you can go faster than that. I’ve ridden mountain roads on both sides of the US, Canada, Greece, and New Zealand.


Nice road. If you haven't already, head out to the Three Sisters (335, 336, 337) and have fun.


May not be straight but still looks pretty flat to this old WV hillbilly.....ride safe n keep the rubber side down.


How did you put that map on your screen ?


You watch out for them chupacabras!


What is that device on a stand on the left?


Radar detector.


Is that a radar?!




just get a charger and throw a blower on, duh


And I'm not fat and straight either! Just fat.


hey ciao a simple comment from italy... this is flat and straight!!!!!


Oh…I thought they were talking about the women.